Eastern Continent

Chapter 419, Teahouse Storm Four

"The patriarch..."

Successfully shouted in surprise first.

The few people who came in were Wu Shangqiang, the patriarch of the Yuman clan, followed by Meng Ting, Zhiyong, Xiu Xingshan and others. Finally, they entered the direct contribution of sneaking out to ask for rescuers.

After these people came in, the teahouse, which was originally not big, was completely crowded and almost crowded. Although the people surnamed Xiu Jun were unwilling, they could also be close to Zhicheng and others at this time.

After Xiu Bifu saw the last entry, he realized that he couldn't help staring at Zhi Chenggong with hatred, and his face was even more gloomy.

The soldiers who followed Xiu Bifu saw that it was their own patriarch who came in, and hurriedly shouted respectfully: "Pear patriarch."

Although Xiu Bifu was vicious and rude, he also pretended to be respectful when he saw Wu Shangqiang coming in with a large number of high-level officials of the fish people: "p patriarch."

The investigation has long been respectfully called one by one: "The patriarch, the elder, the second elder, the third elder."

Wu Shang waved his powerful hand and said, "Don't be polite. Get up."

When Xiaoxiang saw Wu Shangqiang, she was happy to run to him and held his arm* and said, "Brother."

Wu Shangqiang touched Xiaoxiang's head and said lovingly, "What are you doing here? Who brought you here?

Xiaoxiangjiao said andly, "Brother Longfei and I went to Chenggong's place. They said they wanted to find a place to talk, so they came here."

Wu Shangqiang pinched Xiaoxiang's small nose and doted, "You are just sick. You have to be careful, but you should be fine if you follow Long Fei."

Xiaoxiang smiled and looked happy and charming.

Copper Head and Ye Guoming had just been happy when they saw another person coming in, but they immediately saw Meng Ting following Wu Shangqiang. This scare was not small. The two collapsed their shoulders and bowed their heads one after another, bent their heads under their chests, and withdrew behind others. They only hoped that Meng Ting would not pay attention in this chaotic environment. I care about myself.

The copper head bent his waist and legs, and his original tower-like figure was vainly short, shrinking behind Long Fei.

What are you afraid of? As soon as Meng Ting entered the door, his eyes shot this way. First, he looked at Ye Guoming's face for a while, and then looked at the copper head a few times. There was an unpredictable smile on the corners of his mouth, and then nodded to Long Fei.

Such a move made Ye and Tong two monks confused and uneasy. I don't know if Meng Ting doesn't want to pursue the matter in Song Chun, or wait to settle accounts with them after autumn.

In contrast, Long Fei was calm, as if he was not a prisoner who was taken hostage by Meng Ting, but a guest who had been invited by Meng Ting a lot of hard work. He was very big, but nodded to Meng Ting and others.

Wu Shangqiang smiled and looked at Xiu Bifu and said, "How about it? General Xiu, can you give this person to me?"

How dares Xiu Bifu to say no? Even if 100,000 people are unwilling in their hearts, they have no choice but to do it.

The treatment of the patriarch and the patriarch's sister is really different.

When Wu Shangqiang saw that Xiu Bifu agreed, he turned his head and looked at Long Fei and said, "It turns out that Long Fei is also here. These people are..."

Long Fei hasn't spoken yet. Meng Ting has said beside him, "They are all friends of Long Fei."

Wu Shangqiang smiled and said, "I didn't expect Long Fei to have friends to come. It's very rude."

"I dare not!" Long Fei clenched his fist and smiled, "They are just a few of my friends, and they are not distinguished guests. How dare they disturb the patriarch?"

Wu Shangqiang laughed and said, "Long Fei is my great benefactor. Long Fei's friends are our friends. Elder, please treat them well for me."

"I understand!" Meng Ting stroked his beard and smiled and said, "My subordinates will treat them well." He deliberately bit the stress on the word hospitality, and only heard that the copper head and Ye Guoming were creepy, and their hair was straight upright, and they almost broke out.

Wu Shangqiang may not only have good internal injuries, but also slightly improved his martial arts skills and are in a good mood. Coupled with his respect and love for Long Fei, most of this love is due to Xiaoxiang. Therefore, he smiled and said to Long Fei, "Can Long Fei explain what happened here? It leads to everyone's tension and cold eyes."

Long Fei smiled and said, "It should be explained to the patriarch." He told them about Xiu Deshan's coma. Except for the fact that he fainted Xiu Deshan, everything else was as they were and absolutely fair. Even Xiu must pay to find out the facts that Long Fei said, even if there was a little disadvantage to him.

Since the martial arts competition has been agreed, it is not just an ordinary thing to inquire about the opponent's information.

After listening to this, Wu Shangqiang turned his head and looked carefully at Xiude Mountain. Seeing that he was still sleeping in a chair, his breathing was smooth and slender, and his face was smiling. So many people quarreled in the teahouse. He couldn't wake up. Such a strange scene made Wu Shangqiang feel strange.

When Xiu Xingshan saw that he was his own family, he felt that his face was lightless. He walked to Xiu Deshan, slapped him on the shoulder and shouted, "Get up!"

Xiudeshan moved with his palm, but instead of standing up, he slipped from the chair to the floor, and then turned into lying on the ground and sleeping without waking up.

Xiuxingshan's heart was stunned. He just thought that Xiudeshan's coma was just because he had been clicked on the acupuncture point. He had used his skills in this palm for decades and wanted to open the channel of Xiudeshan with strength, but he didn't expect that it was ineffective.

Wu Shangqiang has a little understanding of Xiuxingshan's martial arts. Seeing that he could not wake Xiudeshan up under his palm, he was also deeply puzzled.

At a glance, Xiudeshan knew that he had been knocked unconscious, and it seemed to be in a coma. If you are in a coma, it will definitely be accompanied by many symptoms, such as shortness of breath, saliva, etc. There may be a smile on your face, as if you are having a beautiful dream.

Wu Shangqiang looked at the tense two sides in the teahouse and somewhat understood why Xiudeshan was in a coma. He must have provoked Long Fei's group.

He is also the same as Xiu Bifu. First of all, he suspects Long Fei, the magic doctor. If anyone here has the ability to make a person unconscious silently, and there is no trace of abnormality in his body, it is Long Fei. Although Long Fei has no martial arts, Wu Shangqiang has personally experienced Long Fei's body. That spiritual power, although Long Fei refused to say what it was, and he was just engaged in deliberation, he could also know how much it was. It must be a novel skill in spirit.

And a person's strongest is the spirit, and the most fragile is also the spirit. A strong-willed and strong-willed person who controls a mentally chaotic and weak-willed person will definitely succeed in one fell swoop.

However, this is only Wu Shangqiang's inference, and there is no fact to prove it.

Wu Shangqiang waved his hand, and several people surged up from behind him. He lifted Xiu Deshan from the ground and put him on the table to make him sleep soundly.

At this time, the entourage brought a chair and asked Wu Shangqiang to sit down. Meng Ting waited for the three elders to sit on both sides.

Wu Shangqiang looked at Xiu Bifu and said, "You have to know who made him dizzy. Only by waking him up can you know, and the only person here has the ability to wake him up is only one person." He turned to Long Fei and said, "Can Long Fei do me this favor?"

Long Fei rubbed his nose and said with a wry smile, "The patriarch has a destiny. How dare he not obey? It's just that the patriarch knows my habit of helping people treat diseases."

Wu Shangqiang smiled and turned to Meng and said, "The elders take them out first so that the magic doctor can use his means to save people."

Meng Ting stood up and waved to people other than Wu Shangqiang and Long Fei and said, "The teahouse is too small to save people. Please go out first and wait outside."

With these people, everyone dared to disagree. In a blink of an eye, the teahouse became quiet, leaving only Wu Shangqiang, Long Fei and the sleeping Xiude Mountain.

Looking at Xiu Deshan still sleeping with a smile, Wu Shangqiang smiled at Long Fei and said, "Can Long Fei start?"

Long Fei rubbed his nose and smiled, "Excuse me, I still have something to say."

"Oh!" Wu Shangqiang said unexpectedly, "Long Fei, please say something directly."

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Although I don't understand why this person is so unconscious, his coma is related to me."

"Ha..." Wu Shang was surprised. He didn't expect that Long Fei would accept it directly. Then he thought that Xiu Deshan was about to be rescued. At this time, Long Fei did not admit it. Xiu Deshan would also testify to him when he woke up, but he was a little confused about Long Fei's words: "What does Long Fei mean? I don't understand a little."

After Long Fei told the story of their eyes, he smiled bitterly and said, "I wanted to ask him what information he was following us to ask about us, but I didn't expect that he would faint like this."

Wu Shangqiang was secretly in his heart and said to Long Fei, "This is not to blame Long Fei. It's completely his own fault. Unexpectedly, Longfei's spiritual power is so strong. This spiritual cultivation has reached such a profound level that he can directlycui mian others. If he can recover his internal strength and practice diligently, his progress will be unlimited in the future!"

"The patriarch looks up to me!" Long Fei said shyly, "In my opinion, this person may be nervous and flustered, which makes him mentally unstable, so he may faint so suddenly."

Wu Shangqiang said, "Long Fei doesn't know anything. Although I live overseas and am not close to the mainland, people in your mainland are overseas barbarians, but their martial arts cultivation is the same as that of the mainland. With the deepening of cultivation, the spirit of the world's martial arts will also be enhanced. At a certain level, it can also be alone. Spiritual power alone can hurt opponents, so when the world's masters reach a certain level, they are no longer competing with force, but spiritual cultivation. However, their spiritual cultivation is enhanced with the promotion of martial arts. Unlike Long Fei, who has no internal strength, he has found another way to practice such a profound spiritual cultivation.

"And Xiudeshan's martial arts is already at the initial level, and his spirit is extremely firm. Even if he is panicked, he will not suddenly faint. Someone must have hypnotized him."

"That seems to be my fault!" What else is easy to say? Wu Shangqiang made it so clear that Xiu Deshan can never faint by himself. It means that Long Fei has to admit it, and if he doesn't admit it, he has to admit it.

However, Long Fei was also very single and immediately admitted it. Looking at Wu Shangqiang, he smiled bitterly and said, "Then start saving people!"