Eastern Continent

Chapter 430, Help

Long Fei and they live in a separate courtyard provided by Meng Ting, not to mention more than a dozen or 20 people. Looking at the frame of this courtyard, even one or two thousand people are more than enough.

In front of the courtyard is a simple gate building, that is, there is only an entrance in the middle of the two houses. The above two words "Mongol". After entering the gate, there is a wide yard. The other three sides of the yard are just ordinary houses connected, while the middle side is a two-storey main building, high-rise buildings are made of brick and wood. The structure is dominated by thick wood, which is constructed as the basic structure of the main building. The poorly made of coarse bricks is built into an outer wall. The top is only covered with green tiles, and there are no exquisite sculptures, which makes the whole main building look rough and bold, completely different from the short and fine of this island architecture, but like the construction in the mainland. Build a rough atmosphere.

Long Fei and others live in the main building, with ten rooms above and ten rooms below. There are still many vacant rooms after living in more than 20 people.

Through the main building, there is a high mountain behind it. The trees on the mountain are lush and many tall ancient trees are everywhere. From a distance, the whole courtyard is like an inlaid mountain.

I don't know when a large piece of flat land was opened up on the mountain. Although it is slightly smaller than the school ground used for the fish people to compete, it is also available for hundreds of people to practice at the same time.

It seems that this place is the garrison of the Meng Legion when it returned to the capital.

Tongtou and Long Fei walked to the flat ground and saw Ye Guoming and more than a dozen soldiers such as Zhang Heng and Li Zhi practicing passionately in the small school yard on the top of the mountain. The shouting could be heard from afar.

Seeing that Long Fei and Tongtou came to the top of the mountain so early, Ye Guoming, Zhang and Li were a little surprised. Since they lived in this yard, Long Fei slept until they finished practicing every day and came down from the mountain for breakfast, and often had a good dream. It looks like a day of yawning.

The "big brother" said loudly from afar, "The third brother will come to you to discuss something."

"Oh" Ye Guoming was not surprised. If it hadn't been for something urgent, Long Fei would not have got up so early. Facing them, he calmly asked, "What's the matter? Is it urgent?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "It's okay. It's just that I've been bored in the room these days. Let's see the brothers practice and relax."

Before he finished speaking, Tongtou shouted: "Why is it okay? Didn't we come to discuss with the eldest brother how to go back to the mainland?"

"back to the mainland?" Not only Zhang Heng and Li Zhi shouted, but even the more than 20 soldiers surrounded him like a gust of wind and looked at Long Fei with Xiyi's eyes. His affectionate eyes made Long Fei get goose bumps all over his body, and he couldn't help wrapping his clothes more tightly with his hands.

Long Fei stared at the copper head, touched his nose, and said with a wry smile, "Brothers, don't listen to this big man. You may not be able to go back for the time being, but you don't have to worry. I believe there will be a chance soon."

Ye Guoming looked at Zhang Heng and Li Zhi and said, "Go and practice quickly. If we can go home, will we leave you?"

Long Fei said, "That's right, brothers, go to practice first. You must not pull down the martial arts now, otherwise you will be laughed at when you go back."

Copper Head was afraid that Ye Guoming and Long Fei would blame themselves, and said to Zhang Heng and Li Zhi, "Let's go, let me see how you can do after this period of training." The two walked away, and the other soldiers had to follow them to the middle of the small school yard.

The sound of shouting resounded.

Ye Guoming looked at the bronze head and the others walked to the middle of the campus, and then turned his head and asked Long Fei, "What's the third brother doing for me?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. I just feel that I always stay in the house these days and feel a little stuffy, so I just come out for a walk. After all, the rest time is too long."

Ye Guoming also smiled and said, "It's rare for the third brother to come out for a walk. Since the third brother lost his internal skills, he doesn't seem to be interested in anything. This situation is rare! But what's the big thing that I can't wait to talk about at breakfast instead of saying it now? Is it really about going home?

Long Fei smiled and said, "It's not related or anything."

Ye Guoming wondered, "How do you say this?"

Long Fei smiled mysteriously and said, "I understand in a minute." He turned his head and looked down the mountain and muttered, "It should be almost there."

Ye Guoming was curious and turned to look down the mountain, but he only saw a curved mountain road and the roof of the other courtyard when he came up, and there was nothing else.

Just as I was about to ask, I heard a voice from the foot of the mountain: "Is the magic doctor on the mountain?" It is the high voice of direct success.

Long Fei glanced at Ye Guoming. Before he opened his mouth, the copper head had run over from the middle of the school yard and stood beside Long Fei and shouted, "Where are you!" The voice was loud and spread far away, almost deafening Long Fei's ears.

I only heard a happy laugh. In the blink of an eye, Zhi Chenggong had turned out from the foot of the mountain and swept towards the small school yard.

Although he was with the Zhicheng brothers almost every day a few days ago, Long Fei and others did not know that Zhi Chenggong had such a good light skill. From the foot of the mountain to the primary school, it was not close, and there were dozens of feet. He only clicked a few times under his feet and jumped several times, and then stood firmly in front of Long Fei.

The copper head opened his mouth, and his eyes almost stared out. He looked up and down at Zhi Chenggong and said in a strange voice, "Good boy, I can't see that you are hidden!"

Jian Chenggong smiled shyly and said to Long Fei, "So the magic doctor is here, so it's easy for me to find."

Long Fei said, "You didn't come here specifically to find me, did you?" Pointing to Ye Guoming and Tongtou, "These two are the people you are looking for, right?"

Jing Gong scratched the back of his head and smiled shyly, "Actually, I'm looking for all three of them. I didn't expect them to be here, because..."

"Slow, slow" copper head blocked what Zhi Chenggong was going to say. He looked at Long Fei strangely and said, "I have a strange feeling that when you boy is uncertain, as if you have guessed in advance that this second son is coming to us."

Long Fei smiled, but did not explain. He just said to Zhi Chenggong, "The second son came to see us under the order of General Zhi, right?"

Zhi Chenggong said, "Exactly, but I have already made it clear to my father."

Ye Guoming also understood a little at this time. He looked at Zhi Chenggong and said, "Is there anything we can do for you?"

Zhi Chenggong said, "If you can see it, just call me by my name. Don't call me second son anymore. It sounds very awkward."

"The straight boy is cheerful and has a good appetite for my old copper." The bronze head patted Zhi Chenggong on the shoulder and said, "But you haven't said what to do with us?"

Zhi Chenggong blushed and said, "It's not because the coastal villages and towns were attacked."

Ye Guoming suddenly said strangely, "Isn't there no result of the pirate attack a few days ago?"

Zhi Chenggong sighed a rare sigh and was ashamed: "In addition, there was no result, but several more places were attacked. Two times they occurred in the defensive range of the Wu Legion, and the other two occurred in the defensive range of the Zhi surname Legion. This group of pirates are all people who are not as good as beasts. Every time they attack a place, they must be left them. All of them were killed. According to statistics, more than 2,000 people have been killed.

"Ah," the copper head exclaimed, "So many people have died, haven't you caught these people yet?"

Zhi Chenggong was ashamed and said, "Although the defense has also been strengthened, he was still successfully attacked by pirates. Now the patriarch of the clan is furious and ordered me to solve the case with the Wu Legion as soon as possible, so as to eliminate the pirates before the establishment of the joint legion. My brother and I analyzed many clues, but we still have no clue, so I want to ask three people for help."

In fact, on the day of Zhisuccess, when they saw Ye Guoming and Tongtou alone with a broken ship, more than 20 people dared to ambush the pirate ship that was almost twice as big as many as 100 people, and also won a complete victory. They completely annihilated the pirates of that ship, which can be said to be a great display of prestige. It can be seen that not only are they very familiar with naval warfare, but also their personal courage. Yes, so this pirate attack on Moon Island was successfully encircled and annihilated by many parties before I remembered to ask Ye Guoming and Tongtou to go to the staff.

As the saying goes, three stinky cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang. Maybe Ye Tong and the two can come up with a way to encircle and annihilate this group of pirates, but Long Fei just mentioned it by the way, and he didn't want to lose Long Fei's face.

In their imagination, Long Fei has no martial arts skills, but only medical skills, which does not help them.

Ye Guoming's eyes sparkled and asked, "Except for the people within the defensive scope of the two legions of Wu and Zhi, hasn't such a thing happened in the defensive range of the other legions?"

Zhi Chenggong said: "Maybe the defensive scope of the two legions of Wu and Zhi is close to the bone spurs in the north, so there are more opportunities to be attacked, while other legions of Xiu, Meng and Cha are stationed in the southeast. If the pirates want to attack these two places, they must make a big detour, which is a waste. It has grown a lot, so there are relatively few chances of being attacked by pirates on both sides.

"Oh!" Ye Guoming said, "Does the eldest son want us to go to your legion?"

"Yes!" Zhi Chenggong nodded and said, "Uncle and the eldest brother have been thinking for a few days, but they still can't think of a perfect plan to encircle and annihilate this group of pirates. The eldest brother said that Brother Ye and Brother Tong are not ordinary people. More than 20 people dare to ambush more than 100 pirates. This courage alone is not what ordinary people can do. There will definitely be ways to help me. Let's catch this group of beasts.

"I'm not an ordinary person, haha, I love to hear this. It's good to fight with me." Copper's head cracked and laughed, pointed to Ye Guoming and Long Fei, and then touched his head and said: However, if you want to use your brain, you'd better find them two." Refers to Ye Guoming and Long Fei.

Zhi Chenggong's eyes swept around Ye Guoming and Long Fei, but finally fixed on Ye Guoming. Obviously, he thought that Ye Guoming said it. With the words of direct success, Long Fei was automatically ignored by him.

However, to his surprise, it was Long Fei who took the lead to walk down the mountain first and said lightly, "Let's talk about it when you get to the army. Standing here, I can't think of a reason." After hearing that more than 2,000 people were killed by pirates, although he was not his compatriots, Long Fei also aroused anger. If he did not destroy these pirates, Long Fei knew that he could not even pass his conscience.

The copper head was as happy as a child who got a pleasing toy and shouted, "You can find a fight again." Unexpectedly, he flew over the dragon and walked down the mountain first.

Ye Guoming's understanding of Long Fei is not only to be indifferent after losing his martial arts. In fact, it is not much more than Zhang Heng and Li Zhi. He just thinks that Long Fei was angry for a moment after hearing about the pirates and went to fight against pirates. In fact, it is not only Ye Guoming who has this idea. He is the same.

Among these, only copper heads knew that when Long Fei decided to find this group of pirates, they were not far from death.

Zhang Heng, Li Zhi and others ran down the mountain behind Ye Guoming and others. Only Zhi Chenggong stood there stupidly and looked at the guys rushing down the mountain happily, which seemed to fight against pirates, as if there were tens of millions of treasures waiting for them.