Eastern Continent

Chapter 431, Analysis and Judgment

Sitting in the barracks of the Zhijia Legion, Zhi Chenggong, Long Fei, Ye Guoming, Copper Head and several generals under Zhi Chenggong sat together and were looking at a map.

Many people say that animals have a habit. Each animal likes to make some signs for its territory to show that this area already has a master and other animals want to occupy it again.

In fact, human beings also have such a habit. For the place where they live, they also like to carefully explore and explore. Every inch and every foot, they carefully mark and record, divide areas, formulate boundaries, form their own countries, and then make an atlas - that is, maps.

In particular, some military maps record in detail all mountains and rivers, big cities and towns, and even a small minter, and a small stream is also clearly marked.

Long Fei, Ye Guoming, Tongtou, Zhi Chenggong, Zhi Chenggong, Zhang Heng, Li Zhi and others looked carefully around the map. Everyone tried their best to guess which place the pirates would attack next.

After hearing the introduction of the situation, everyone began to guess where the next target the pirates wanted to attack would be. Only by finding the target that the pirates wanted to attack could they be able to shoot arrows, otherwise they could only follow the pirates' buttocks to eat dust, and watch the living compatriots killed by pirates.

"How could pirates choose where to be the next target?" Tongtou looked at the map on the table and muttered, "Why did we receive the news every time after the pirates attacked!"

"Because every time the pirates attack, it is the place where we don't station troops." Zhi Chenggong said, "From Huiyue Town at the beginning to the last Chunyue Village, it is the place where our direct army and Wu army are stationed, and both sides have the responsibility for defense, but they are afraid that the other party will misunderstand and there is no garrison."

"In other words, these places are all defensive blanks!" Ye Guoming looked at the curved curve drawn directly on the map. The several places attacked by the pirates were really in the intersection of the troops of the two sides, but not in the order of others, but in the south, in the north, or in the east, or in the west. In short, it was unexpected every time, but the military strength of both sides took care of them. Where it can't be.

However, on this line, that is, in the place where the two troops are intersected, there are not only these places, but also many villages and towns for pirates to choose from, and it is a little difficult for them to choose the next target for pirates to take action.

"Brother, can you tell me about the situation of these four places attacked by pirates?" Long Fei, standing at the table and quietly looking at the map, suddenly said.

"Long Fei wants to know what's going on in these four places?" Zhi Chenggong was stunned and looked up at Long Fei, but Long Fei's eyes were still on the map and did not lift them up.

"For example, the geographical location, the richness of the people, the population of each place and the amount of force, etc." Long Fei said lightly. He didn't raise his head, but his eyes were still on the map.

"What does Long Fei need to know about these situations?" Zhi Chenggong asked strangely, "Can pirates be found from these situations?"

"Maybe!" Long Fei said lightly, "Pirates* have nothing more than two purposes, one is money, the other is things, and it is necessary to accumulate the most property at the fastest speed. With these three characteristics, you may be able to find the next target of pirates."

"One for money, one for things!" Zhi Chenggong's eyes lit up and muttered, "And we should accumulate the most property as soon as possible!"

The people in the room seemed to suddenly wake up and stared at the map again, especially the four places of Pirates*, Huiyue Town, Chunyue Village, Yuehuan City and Yueya Island.

Huiyue Town is close to the sea and is a place where some merchants of the fish people come and go to the north. To be honest, among the four places attacked by pirates, Huiyue Town is the richest, and it is no wonder that pirates will take Huiyue Town as the first target.

Chunyue Village is a small village near the sea. All the people here are good at fishing, but in terms of wealth, they are just enough food and clothing.

The moon is surrounded by the city. In fact, it is also a small town with a population of nearly 1,000 people. Because it is an internal trading place for people in the east of Yuedao, it is also a relatively rich place.

Crescent Island, a paradise for smuggling and a happy place for adventurers. All businessmen who do not want to be managed by the fish people, or some powerful fish people surname leaders, have places to store goods here. Therefore, in the four places attacked by pirates, in fact, the defense here is the strongest, but they are still blocked by pirates. Break through.

After listening to the successful introduction of these four places, everyone's eyes gradually lit up, which really awakened the dreamer. Three of the four sites attacked by pirates were actually related to wealth.

It's just that Chunyue Village is just an ordinary small fishing village, not a rich place. Why do pirates attack here? Is there something here that attracts pirates, or is it done by passing pirates?

Everyone stared at the small and almost invisible dot on the map and frowned bitterly.

Moon Island is not big, so the map is almost detailed to the village, especially the military map of Zhijun, which is more detailed. Therefore, although Chunyue Village is just a small village on the map, there is a small dot on the map.

"Maybe this is just what pirates did when they passed by without a certain purpose, or they did it deliberately to confuse our judgment." A general of the army looked at the map.

This man is burly and rare among the fish people. He has a bearded face and speaks rudely. He is the general who has been standing beside Zhi Chenggong when Ye Guoming and others first saw Zhi Chenggong.

According to the previous introduction of Zhicheng, the name of this tall and burly general is called Zhizhu. This man is as tall as his name. He is really like a thick pillar, almost equal to the top and bottom. This person is very disapproving of Zhicheng's invitation of Ye Guoming and others, and believes that the generals of the straight army can completely find this group of pirates and put them. Ye Guoming and others are not used for elimination, but Zhi Chenggong is a general with the direct surname of the army. Even if he has any dissatisfaction, he dare not say it directly, but some rumors are inevitable.

Naturally, Ye Guoming and others know the meaning of this person's words, that is, this person does not agree with what Long Fei just said. The pirate's robbery is disorderly and casual, not like what Long Fei just said that it must be a place with money or things.

"This Chunyue Village may also have something to attract pirates!" Ye Guoming pondered for a moment and then slowly said, "Brother Zhi might as well ask someone to check to see if there is anything missing in Chunyue Village!"

"I may know why the pirates * Chunyue Village!" Long Fei suddenly said.

"Swipe!" Several people in the room turned their eyes to Long Fei.

"What's the reason?" I was surprised and puzzled.

They were all deeply curious. They came into contact with this case earlier than Long Fei. Although they also wanted to sort out a clue from these individual cases and find pirates, they always failed to do so because of these specious situations. Long Fei has just arrived.

Although the situation of several disaster-stricken villages and towns has been introduced successfully just now, it is impossible to introduce them in such detail. Moreover, such a complex situation is a detailed introduction. Even if it is a detailed introduction, it is limited to remember at once, and it may not be remembered much.

And this Chunyue Village is the main reason for his doubts. Now Long Fei dares to say that he knows the cause of the pirate * Chunyue Village. For some reason, he said that the pirates did not rob Chunyue Village by the way, but had their purpose.

Zhizhu was deeply skeptical of Long Fei's words. He did not believe that Long Fei could only speculate on the intention of pirates as soon as he came into contact.

"Ship!" Long Fei said indifferently.

"Ship!" He asked doubtfully.

"Correct!" Ye Guoming patted his thigh and said, "Pirates * Chunyue Village, just because they need the boat of Chunyue Village!"

"What do they need the boat from Chunyue Village for?" Zhi Chenggong is also puzzled.

"To transport things!" Tongtou said carelessly, "What else can the ship do besides transporting things!"

"Do you want to transport things?" After successfully repeating this sentence, Huo Ran was shocked and looked up at Long Fei and said, "You said that the pirates robbed the ship in Chunyue Village and returned the boat they had robbed!"

"Exact!" Long Fei smiled and affirmed, "If you don't believe it, you can ask someone to check whether the ships of those people in Chunyue Village have been driven away by pirates!"

"If they transport everything back, that means the pirates have also fled!" Zhi Chenggong was a little disappointed. Unexpectedly, this was the result in the end. This group of pirates almost stirred up the whole Moon Island, but they still escaped. They didn't even see the shadow of pirates.

However, the departure of the pirates also made Zhicheng subconsciously relieved. If the pirates slaughter two more places, he, the general of the straight legion, would be embarrassed to see Wu Shangqiang. Now that they have left, although they were not forced away by themselves, it also made the people of Yuedao suffer a little.

"On the contrary!" Long Fei shook his head and said, "He hasn't left Moon Island yet!"

"Hasn't he left the Moon Island yet?" The direct success is another surprise.

"If they want to leave Yuedao, they can transport things back with their ship. Why take such a big risk to rob the boat in Chunyue Village?" Long Fei said lightly: "They are going to hijack the ship to carry the goods, that is to say, they don't want to leave Moon Island for the time being, but they don't want to hoard these goods on the ship, because this will affect the speed of the ship. Only by sending the goods to their secret places for storage can they keep their ship mobile and high speed, so that Don't worry about being caught up by us."

He looked straight at Long Fei, as if it was the first time he knew Long Fei.

Indeed, in a real sense, it is true that only today can truly know Long Fei. In the past, they were all covered by the aura of Long Fei's magic doctor, thinking that Long Fei was just a doctor. They would think that Long Fei could find clues from the silk-like chaos.

Although Zhizhu still doesn't like Long Fei and others, he is also deeply convinced of the speculated result of Long Fei.

Several people in this room suddenly realized that in addition to the copper head, they all looked at Long Fei with a strange eye, which made them anxious but had no clue. In the case, it was only a few words in front of Long Fei.

Since we know that the pirates have not yet left, we must determine the whereabouts of the pirates, so that we can arrange them in advance and attract the pirates into the urn. Everyone's eyes can't help but focus on Long Fei again, and they all want to see what kind of speculation Long Fei will make.