Eastern Continent

Chapter 435, sound east and west

Two days later.


A burst of news woke up the stunned people sitting in the tent, stood up coincidentally and looked at the soldiers coming in from the door.

"Tell it!" He successfully sat in the handsome position and said majestically.

The detective finally brought back a piece of exciting news: pirates were found in a village near Mogan Mountain.

At that time, a small piracy may have wanted to attack the village, but it was the defensive range of the Wu Legion. When the attackers saw that it was difficult to attack, they had to retreat quietly. The pirate was really good. He came quietly and walked quietly, and did not disturb the local defenders at all. If it hadn't been seen by the detectives, they would have lost their trace again.

The detective has been following this group of pirates. For fear of being discovered by pirates, he dared not follow them too close. He just hung the tail of the pirates far away and finally saw them enter Mogan Mountain.

The detective originally wanted to follow the mountain to find out where the pirates were in the mountain, but unexpectedly, the pirates set up a sentry in the mountain, almost five steps and ten steps. The dense sentry sentry put the whole mountain area under surveillance. The detective was afraid of frightening the grass and did not dare to go deep. He just walked around the outskirts of the mountain. After writing down the location and direction, he immediately rushed back to report the news, and never stopped on the way.

As soon as he heard this, he laughed with joy and said, "* Raising, this time I'll see you run there."

Zhi Chenggong also smiled and nodded, "I'll go and order troops immediately. Be sure to catch them all."

"I'll inform them to gather." Zhi Chenggong jumped up with joy and rushed out.

"Slow" Ye Guoming stopped Zhi Chenggong and reminded him, "This matter must be carried out quietly. This matter will only be told to the most reliable people. You have to arrive at the place soon to tell others what we are going to do, otherwise the news will be leaked out again."

Zhi Chenggong woke up and nodded and agreed, "Yes, I almost forgot the last lesson."

"No!" Long Fei suddenly said, "This time, the dispatch of troops to Moganshan should not only be announced to the whole army, but also be widely publicized."

"Great publicity!" Everyone in the room looked at Long Fei doubtfully.

"Hmm! Publicize it!" Long Fei nodded and said, "Otherwise, how did these pirates know that we sent troops!"

"But what if they knew that we sent troops and let them escape?" Copper head doubted.

"Do you think the pirates are still waiting for us to encircle and suppress them?" Long Fei looked at Tongtou with a smile. In fact, his words were also reminding others.

Everyone looked at Long Fei.

"Long Fei means that the pirates are no longer in Mogan Mountain?" He looked at Long Feidao doubtfully.

"Maybe before, now, they should have been out of Mogan Mountain!" Long Fei said lightly, "It seems that there are also capable people among pirates. This hand is beautiful."

"Is it out of Mogan Mountain?" Zhi Chenggong doubted that he did not dare to ignore Long Fei's opinions.

"These pirates have attacked so many places, and they have never been found. They can retreat neatly every time. How can they be found this time!" Long Fei smiled and said, "And he was also followed to Moganshan!"

Zhi Gongcheng wondered, "Long Fei thought this was just a blindfold for pirates. They deliberately exposed their whereabouts just to lead us to Mogan Mountain? But they have left Mogan Mountain?"

"It should be like this!" Long Fei said, "If I didn't expect it, they should be waiting for their spy news somewhere between Mogan Mountain and the edge."

"The news of their spy? What news?" There is still some doubt until this time.

In fact, except for Ye Guoming, others were still ignorant until this time.

"Our news, the news of the Wu Legion!" A cold light flashed in Long Fei's eyes and sneered, "He wants news, so we will give them information."

At this time, everyone understood that this group of pirates must have left Mogan Mountain, otherwise they would not have been careless enough to let the detectives of Moon Island find out their whereabouts.

"Are they waiting for the news that we and the Wu Legion sent troops to Moganshan?" He successfully tested that although he was square, he was not a dull person who did not know how to change. At this time, he did not deserve to be the leader of a legion.

"It should be like this!" Long Fei said with a smile.

Ye Guoming said, "The third brother means that this group of pirates will rush to the side after receiving the news that we sent troops to Moganshan?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "Yes, that's right. Maybe as soon as we set out, they will immediately rush towards the side. At that time, we will receive the news that the side will be attacked, and we will be helpless because the journey is too far."

At this point, everyone suddenly realized, and the copper head was so angry that he scolded, "These dog thieves almost fell into being fooled by them."

Zhi successfully admired Long Fei's analysis and asked respectfully, "I have another question that I don't understand. I want to ask Long Fei."

Long Fei scratched his head and said, "Brother, you don't have to be so polite. If you have anything to say, please talk about it directly. Let's discuss and learn from each other's strengths."

Zhichenggong said respectfully, "I just want to ask: Moganshan is already within the defensive scope of the Wu Legion. If the Wu Legion feels confident that it can eliminate the pirates and does not ask us for help, then the attacker wants to hang out, won't it still succeed?"

Long Fei looked down at the map on the table and pointed to Moganshan and said, "Actually, straight brother should know this problem, but he didn't pay attention to it for a while. You see, Moganshan almost cut the Moon Island in half like a knife. The square circle of Moganshan is not small. You think that the Wu Legion alone can make the whole Is Mogan Mountain surrounded? I don't know how many people there are in the Wu Legion, but after reading the straight Legion, I should have guessed the number of people in the Wu Legion, that is, 50,000 to 60,000. In addition to being stationed in various key places, there are certainly not many people who can be mobilized at any time. With such a little people, you want to find two or three thousand people in the deep, high and wide Moganshan. It is estimated that it is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack. Maybe the pirates have not found it, but they have lost some people. In this case, the best way for the Wu Legion is to rescue other legions, and the straight legion is their best choice both geographically and emotionally.

"In this way, the Wu Legion should rescue us!" Although Zhi Chenggong believes in Long Fei's analysis and judgment, he is a little confused about this point. The elimination of this group of pirates is a great credit compared with the fish people. Especially under the anger of this group of pirates, if they are eliminated, it will have a greater impact. Maybe Wu Shangyong does not have to fight in the competition. If you take it, the fish people will automatically promote him as the leader of the coalition.

"I should!" Long Fei nodded and affirmed, "Maybe I'm on my way here now!"


As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, a messenger walked in from the outside and looked at the straight success sitting on the top and said, "Someone in the Wu Legion wants to see a general!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Long Fei again, full of admiration, and then the matter was also guessed by Long Fei.

"I'm going to see him!" Zhi Chenggong jumped up and walked out of the tent.

After a while, Zhi Chenggong came in from the outside again and said admiringly to Long Fei, "Long Fei is really expected. He is really Wu Xiangui, the second captain of the Wu Legion. He said that they found pirates in Mogan Mountain and asked us to send troops together to participate in the encirclement and suppressation."

Although such a thing was expected, when they heard the people of the Legion surnamed Wu say it in person, they were still excited. After tracking for so long, the pirates who were always impermanent finally showed their fox tail this time!


The copper head rode a strong yellow horse and walked with the dragon's flying horse. Compared with the first half of the horse, his huge tower-shaped figure almost crushed the horse down. Fortunately, this yellow horse is one of a thousand BMWs. Although it carries a copper head, which is almost twice the weight of others, it is still easy to walk easily. Ziru also walked in front of the team first.

Long Fei rides a pure white horse. Except for the four hooves, the whole body is milky white, but the four hooves are all black. Black and white are so perfectly integrated.

Long Fei and Tongtou didn't expect that there would be such a famous Ma Liangju on this moon island at noon. As soon as they saw it, both of them were very happy and almost couldn't put it down. They were named Xiaohuang Xiaobai respectively.

This Zhi brothers are really willing to be so generous in order to pull the cage Longfei and others.

On the other side of Longfei is the straight success of riding a black horse, but this dark horse is also really strange. The horse's head is red, red as red fire, and the horse's back is black from the neck to the tail. It is black, but under the horse's belly is white, but its four hooves are as yellow and golden. The horse is full of seven colors and successfully raised the horse. The name is also called seven colors.

This horse is a straight and successful horse. It usually cherishes its life and easily doesn't let others get close to it. However, the two BMWs successfully given to Tongtou and Longfei were also between Zhongbo.

Ye Guoming and Zhi Chenggong disappeared.

There were about 2,000 soldiers behind the three people, followed with neat steps. The whole army was not only clear, but also noisy, as if they were afraid that people would not know.

"Big boss," Copperhead whispered, "Do you think they will be fooled?"

Long Fei rode on the horse and staggered, and said lazily, "That's not necessarily. It's three minutes artificial and seven minutes. We just do our best, but we don't know God's will."

Copper nodded and said, "It's true. Who can have expected God's business."

It turned out that this time they divided their troops into two ways. Zhi Chenggong took Long Fei and Tongtou and 3,000 soldiers in the direction of Mogan Mountain, with great fanfare and horses along the way. I'm afraid others don't know.

However, Ye Guoming and Zhi Chenggong took about 4,000 people and the dozen Song Chun soldiers who followed Ye Guoming to Yue Island, avoiding the eyes of pirate detectives and quickly rushed from a hidden mountain road to the edge.

The copper head turned his head and looked at the straight success road on the other side and watched Long Fei riding around on the horse. He was sleepy. In order to arouse his interest, he cracked his mouth and smiled and said, "However, boss, you are so smart that things have always been as accurate as God. This time it should also be accurate, right?"

Long Fei didn't answer, but stared at the bronze head with a slanted eye and smiled, "When did you learn to flatter, but this flattery made me really comfortable."

The copper head touched his nose awkwardly and smiled, "Big boss, you are wise and martial. It's the same whether I don't say it or not." After saying that, he tightened the horse's rein, let the horse slow down, approached the straight horse's edge, and said to Zhicheng, "Brother, you soldiers are all very energetic!"

Zhi Chenggong said happily, "Thank you for your praise. They have picked out one from thousands of thousands of soldiers surnamed, and each of them can be against ten."

Copper said in amazingly, "Wow, it's so powerful."

He smiled, turned his head and waved his hand back, and shouted, "Brothers, hurry up. You must not let those dog thieves run away this time."

The soldiers suddenly agreed, accelerated their pace, and suddenly got up.