Eastern Continent

Chapter 434, each has its own tricks

Mogan Mountain, a pirate camp.

You Shi's face was full of excitement. He walked back and forth in the tent and said happily to Gong Yilang, "The Gong brothers are really scheming, but they let the brothers make a small move and draw out the army hanging on the edge. Unexpectedly, so many soldiers were arranged in a small side hanging set. It seems that they really expected it. The vertical collection is our next goal! If we broke in at that time, we really couldn't get out. It's terrible to think about it. However, this time I see what they can do to keep the collection here after withdrawing from the army. I will send the order and ask the brothers to go out tonight to kill a chicken and dog, so that the brothers can make a fortune. With that, he was about to call in the soldiers.

Miyaichiro waved his hand and said, "Lead, wait a minute."

You Shi stopped and turned to look at Gong Yilang and said, "Brother Gong, what other scruples do you have? Their troops have been withdrawn. Can't they still hide troops there?"

Miyaichiro stroked his chin and muttered, "Let's not be happy too early. In my opinion, their army must have withdrawn from the edge, but I expect that they will definitely pay attention to the edge of the edge. After all, it is not normal to let go of such a mouthful of fat. I believe that there must be many of their detectives in the square ten miles near the edge of the edge. As long as our army goes near the edge of the edge, we will certainly not be unable to escape their eyes.

You Shi's high momentum fell down in vain and turned into a drooping lion. He looked at Miyaichiro and said, "Then let go of the hanging collection like this."

Gong Yilang smiled strangely and said, "Don't be disappointed. This place is so ** and rich, just like a seven inches of a snake. Destroying it can make the other three families lose their faces, especially the upright family. Maybe he will be blamed by Wu Shangqiang and lose the qualification to compete for the leader of the united army. Then my son There is only one less opponent, and you can also let the brothers make a little fortune and reward the brothers, so even if the leader You wants to let it go, I don't want to!"

You Shi's downed face became happy again. He looked at Miyaichiro and said, "What's the plan of the palace brothers? Tell me quickly."

Mu Wen smiled and said, "Brother Gong, if you have any plans, you might as well say it. We will do our best to cooperate."

Gong Yilang turned his head and looked at the others. Seeing that they all nodded to himself, it was obvious that they all agreed with Muwen and sneered, "Withdraw Moganshan and draw out the straight army."

You Shi said angrily in the shock of the drama, "Brother Gong, don't joke and give up Moganshan. Where will we go to settle down in the future?"

Gong Yilang looked around and saw that they didn't understand what he thought. He just looked at himself inexplicably. Like You Shi, he was both shocked and questionable. He hurriedly said, "You leader, don't worry first. Let me ask a few questions."

You Shi didn't understand what Miyaichiro meant, so he had to be patient and unhappy, "What's wrong with Brother Gong?"

Gong Yilang walked back and forth in the tent with his hands behind his back. As he walked, he asked, "How long have you lived here with his brothers?"

You Shi was stunned and didn't know why Miyaichiro asked this question, but he honestly replied, "It's been more than half a year."

Miyaichiro said lightly, "Oh, leader You has been a cat in this mountain for a long time. The conditions here don't seem to be very good, but it's really wronged leaders and brothers."

You Shi didn't understand what Gong Yilang meant. As he spoke, he cared about the situation of himself and his subordinates. He was a little moved and said, "Thank you for your concern, but we think it's okay."

Muwen also smiled and said, "With the concern of the Laogong brothers, those who achieve great things can tolerate it, especially the leader and your department must be the same."

Lv Qi also laughed and said, "Yes, it's not so bad here. It's better than staying on the boat all day."

Miyaichiro's tone suddenly turned around and looked at You Shi and said coldly, "If leader You wants to be made by others, it's okay not to move away."

You Shi was shocked and knew that Gong Yilang was scheming. There must be a reason for this. He hurriedly asked, "What does Brother Gong mean by this?"

When Gong Ichiro saw that his words had received the effect, he smiled proudly and said, "Didn't you expect that what you have done on Moon Island in the past six months can be said to be shocking. The sideways glances have made the whole island angry, but so far no one can find you. It's difficult for you. Don't think about it. After all, this is the territory of the fish and people, not in your own homes. As long as the whole island takes action, can this place be preserved? It is wise to give up as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to leave if you want to.

Everyone in the account woke up and said yes one after another.

Gong Qi laughed and said, "Brother Gong is still awake. I just waited for happiness, but I didn't expect this."

You Shi was still a little reluctant to give up this hard-won settlement and hesitated: "It's not easy to find this place. We lost many brothers in order to find it. They should not have found it so soon. How about letting the brothers stay for a while? After giving up here, the brothers still don't know where to go?

Miyaichiro looked at You Shi and said coldly, "I can't guess half a month. I will definitely be found here. Chief You dares to bet with me."

You Shi opened his mouth and stopped talking. He obviously knew that Gong Yilang would not say so without a ten percent certainty, and he had never seen his tricks. Every time he expected it would help him turn bad luck into good luck. Therefore, he also believed Miyaichiro's words and said baldly, "But after giving up here, brother Where are we going to settle down?

Ichiro Miya reminded: "How did the leader come from?"

You Shi woke up and said, "Brother Gong means to let the brothers go back to the boat?"

Miyaichiro nodded and said, "Yes, no matter what the final result is, this hanging collection is our last action. It can't help if the leader is still on Moon Island. There may be a danger of being discovered by others. It's better to return to the ship, set sail to sea, and concentrate on waiting for our news."

You Shi thought that Miyaichiro crossed the river to tear down the bridge and took advantage of himself, so he drove him out of Moon Island. His face changed. Just as he wanted to attack, Mu Wen had already stood up and praised Miyaichiro: "The Gong brothers are really well-aped. After the leader You left, Zhi and Wu could no longer find the attacker, and they will definitely not solve the case. Being questioned by the people, and even blamed by Wu Shangqiang and losing his prestige, he lost the qualification to compete for the general of the United Army, and Meng's surname is clear that he does not fight with Wu Shang. At that time, the general of the United Army will naturally fall into the hands of Prince Xiu. When Prince Xiu rises up, the leader of You can be a strange soldier, which may be Therefore, if we push the elders to the position of patriarch, won't our wishes come true by then?

You Shi was stunned, thought carefully about Mu San's words, and then clapped his hands and said, "It's true. I almost blame Brother Gong, so let the brothers to withdraw immediately."

Gong Yilang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry. Since the leader You has agreed to give up this stronghold, why don't we use it to lead the two legions of Zhi and Wu out of the nest and bring them here? At that time, the hanging gathering was our Chinese meal. What do you think?"

Everyone in the account was refreshed and looked at Gong Yilang and said, "Brother Gong, please take details."

Miyaichiro muttered with a cold smile, "Beng Yiji, I'll see who will protect you this time."


Long Fei and others sat bored and nervously in the barracks, waiting for the news of the spy.

After knowing that his army's actions had been known by the pirates, Long Fei decided to withdraw all the troops and use spies to monitor the movements around the town. As long as the pirates dared to appear, they would not escape the encirclement and pursuit of the straight army.

Although Long Fei's decision, which Zhi Chenggong also agreed with, is a little passive, it is also one of the best strategies at present. Only in this way can he draw the snake out of the hole.

Since the withdrawal of the barracks, Long Fei and others have sent many detectives and scouts to observe and monitor places that may be attacked by pirates. Even some remote mountainous areas that were not considered in their thinking have also sent detectives, and the border gathering has become the focus. The point is that the detectives gathered around the edge collection surrounded the edge collection. Of course, other legions are also under close surveillance.

And the whole army is ready to go at any time - this time, not only is it determined to eliminate this pirate, but also Long Fei, Ye Guoming, Tongtou and other outsiders can't stand it.

Ye Guoming stroked his chin and muttered, "Who are these pirates? How many of them can make such a big noise?

The copper head also frowned and stared at the map and said, "Who is their inner response? How can we know our army and tell them so quickly that there is a traitor in our army?"

Ye Guoming shook his head and said, "It's impossible. The straight-name legion was selected from the disciples with the straight surname and should be more reliable. Besides, these soldiers also went to the place to know where they were going there. How could they send out information?"

The bronze head said, "It's not an ordinary soldier, but some generals leading soldiers?"

Zhi Chenggong shook his head with a little uncertainly and said, "It should not be them. They were all selected from my direct soldiers. The degree of loyalty should be more reliable!"

"But if it weren't for them, who would it be?" The bronze head was distressed.

Everyone's eyes turned back to Long Fei to see what Long Fei said differently.

Long Fei raised his head from the map on the table, glanced at the faces of the people in the room, and said slowly, "In fact, since the beginning, due to the frequent attacks of the attackers and the ferocity of each killing, we have ignored something."

He said directly, "What is it?"

Long Fei looked at the map again, and his tone was still very slow, as if he was thinking while talking:

"First, time, although this group of attackers seem to choose some areas that are not enough to defend each attack, in fact, the time they choose is when the nearby defenders change their defense, or when they need to draw troops and leave a defensive gap, who is it? Tell them such an accurate time; second, the place they choose every time, although it is not a very rich area, it is not a barren and barren land. In these places, they can get some oil and water, and these places are places with loopholes in military deployment or undefended places. Who will sue Those who complained about them, and so far, these attacked sites are within the garrisonary range of the two legions surnamed Wu and Zhi. What does this show? Third, the purpose, they go out so frequently and do not hesitate to risk being destroyed. Why is it? Is it with a certain purpose, or are they confident that they can retreat peacefully every time? And every time they attack a place, they kill a chicken or dog to destroy the family. Is this the reason for hatred, or are they afraid of leaving alive? Or is it caused by nature? Everyone, from the above questions, I don't know what you have thought of?

After listening to Long Fei's analysis, everyone in the account fell into silence and was obviously thinking about Long Fei's problem.

Zhi Chenggong also stroked his chin like Ye Guoming and muttered, "What's their purpose?" If anyone can tell me this answer, I would rather give him my position as a general.

The bronze-headed man smiled and said, "If you give up your position to others, what do you do? Besides, this person is not necessarily a good general.

Zhi Chenggong said righteously, "If this person can guess the purpose of these pirates, he must not be an ordinary person. If he comes to be a general, he must be a smart general. I'll just follow him."

Brondo's head said respectfully, "I didn't expect the Chenggong brothers to have such a heart. I'm disrespectful."

Jian Chenggong's face turned slightly red and said a little embarrassed, "Brother Tong is joking. I just really admire people with real talent and learning."

Long Fei gave a thumbs up to Zhi Chenggong and praised: "I also admire the true nature of the second son, but what you mentioned about the general reminded me a little, but vaguely thought of something, and I haven't exactly what it is." Looking up and saying, "Is there anything going on in the Wu Legion?"

He said directly, "It's also like us that we send detectives everywhere, but it seems that we still get nothing."

Long Fei said, "Then we have to wait. Take a good rest while you are free now. Maybe you will be busy soon."