Eastern Continent

Chapter 445, Counterattack

When Tongtou saw that he could no longer ask anything new, he smiled with satisfaction and said, "Brother Xiao, have a good rest. If I come back later and see a different situation from what you said, Brother Xiao should know what the result is."

Xiao Zhi nodded hurriedly and repeatedly, "I know, I know, except for some places in the village that I don't know, other villains have already said so."

The copper head's face darkened and stared at Xiao Zhiyin*: "Don't you know or refuse to say it?"

Xiao Zhi was shocked, shook his hands in a hurry, and said in panic, "Don't dare, dare, the villain really don't know that Neizhuang is the place where the master and those generals discuss. The villain is qualified to go in. If he goes in, he will be executed."

Copper nodded and said, "Thank you for your information. Now I'm going in. You can wait here. If the situation is not like what you said, be careful that I'll come back to settle accounts with you."

Xiao Zhi nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking rice and said with a charming smile, "I dare not, dare not, what the villain said is absolutely the truth."

The bronze head looked at Xiao Zhi and smiled coldly, and his eyes were cruel and ruthless. In Xiao Zhi's frightening eyes, the hand holding Xiao Zhi's neck closed hard. Xiao Zhi only had time to spit out a "um" from his throat, so he fell back and his neck tilted to one side.

Zhi Chenggong also climbed up from below at this time and saw the two sentries falling on the watchtower. He couldn't help saying, "Did you kill them all?"

The copper head sneered and said, "This kind of little shrimp scared him to faint. There is such a big action."

Reaching out to help a sentinel, pretending to be sitting on the railing, and said, "Hurry up and help that one, or after we go down, the people of the patrol or the diagonal observation deck will see no one, and they will know that someone has sneaked in."

He nodded successfully and woke up: "The copper brother said yes. Unexpectedly, the copper brother looked careless, but in fact he was as careful as silk."

The copper head cracked his mouth and smiled, "If you do too much, of course you will."

Zheng Chenggong said curiously, "Listen to the tone of the copper brothers, do you seem to do this kind of thing often?"

The copper head smiled awkwardly, and his face was as thick as the wall was also a little red. He bragging but met an honest man who was straight success. First of all, he thought he was really experienced, but he didn't expect that he was the first time to do these things.

Dare not say any more, he hurriedly turned around and climbed under the watchtower, moved away from the topic and said, "Let's go down and have a look, or it will be dawn."

He hurriedly followed behind and climbed down to the ground.


The soldiers around were stunned, but they immediately pulled out their weapons to surround Long Fei and others.

Ding Chajie also hurriedly pulled out the two guns behind him and put his hands on the hilt of his waist. Only Ye Guoming and Long Fei looked as usual. Ye Guoming's hands were still hanging on both sides of his body without any change, but his eyes were shining and staring at Guan Xing closely.

Both sides were tense, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

"Ha, ha." Long Fei came out of the crowd and laughed loudly, "I thought General Guan was a reasonable person, but it turned out that he was just a person who didn't distinguish between right and wrong and was attached to the situation!"

Guan Xing's face changed, and his eyes were shining, staring at Long Fei's face like a sharp sword, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

Long Fei smiled, took a step forward, hugged his fist and said, "I'm Long Fei." His eyes stared back at Guan Xing without fear, and his eyes were clear and innocent, just like the eyes of a newborn baby.

Guan Xing was stunned. He never thought that a person as big as Long Fei could still retain such childlike purity and innocence. He couldn't help but feel an inexplicable joy in his heart. He stared at Long Fei's eyes and didn't want to turn his eyes away.

However, after all, Guan Xing is also a bloody person who has experienced a few battlefields. There is still some determination. There was a struggle in his mind, and he struggled to move his eyes away and look elsewhere. He dared not look at Long Fei again. He said coldly, "Where am I don't know right or wrong, and I'm attached to the situation. If your explanation can't make me full I mean, don't think about going back today."

Although the tone is still cold, everyone can hear it. Compared with just now, it is not as cold as just now. Instead, it vaguely excuses Long Fei and others, that is, if your explanation can satisfy me, then you can go.

He wants Long Fei to leave, but Long Fei still doesn't want to leave. With his hands behind his back, Long Fei looked up at Guan Xing and said, "Is it just standing here and talking?" Is this the way General Guan treats guests?

Guan Xing was stunned. Although he didn't look at Long Fei's eyes, he couldn't help but fall in contact with him. He was confused again. He turned back and pointed his hand to his door and said, "Please!"

The outside of Guanfu is just against the inside. The outer wall is white and full of fresh moss, almost like a few uninhabited abandoned houses. The layout inside is also extremely simple. Although the courtyard occupies a lot of land, the four Longfei walked all the way, and there are no characteristic buildings such as rockery, pavilions and pavilions, and even the flowers and plants are almost See, except for a few rows of houses, there are only empty courtyards, which are extremely spacious.

Four people followed Guan Xing through the main entrance, walked through two rows of rooms, and passed through two arches. It was not until behind the courtyard that they saw a magnificent two-story civil building with three large words "deliberation hall" on the front.

Guan Xing entered through the door first, first walked into the council hall, and sat down in the middle seat, but did not let Long Fei and the others sit down. He just said lightly, "You can say it now!"

Long Fei walked a few steps in the hall, looked at the empty council chamber a few times, and then turned to look at Guan Xing and said, "Before I came, I heard that General Guan was hospitable and amiable. I didn't expect that it was better to see him than to hear it."

Guan Xing's face was even more gloomy and said, "You are not guests of Guan. If you have something to say, or I will order to arrest people."

Long Fei suddenly fell silent, stretched out his hands forward and said to Guan Xing, "Since the general doesn't even have a little patience, I don't have to waste words. The general'd better order to arrest people and make the general's reputation for his life."

Guan Xing's face was motionless, but his eyes were more gloomy. He looked at Long Fei and did not speak. The whole hall fell into an embarrassing and tense silence for a moment.

Long Fei didn't feel embarrassed. He always had a slight smile on his face and looked at Guan Xing without blinking, facing Guan Xing's gloomy light.

After a while, Guan Xing stood up from his seat, put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and came to Long Fei.

Ding Chajie, Meng Jian and others suddenly became nervous and put their hands on their weapons.

Long Fei's face was as usual, and his smile had not disappeared. His clear eyes had been on Guan Xing's face, as if he knew that Guan Xing would never do anything.

Guan Xing finally walked to Long Fei and reached out to touch it. His face was still that expression, so gloomy that it could drip out of water. His eyes also kept staring at Long Fei, and his eyes were changeable. After a while, he suddenly quickly pulled out the sword at his waist and put it on Long Fei's neck. He said gloomyly, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Long Fei waved his hand to stop Meng Jian, Ding Chajie, Ye Guoming and others who were coming up. He looked at Guan Xing with a smile on his face and said, "Why do you have to kill me? Besides, the general is a wise man. You should know what I'm here for? How can you kill a person like me who can not only provide a chance for the general to make a name for himself, but also prevent the general from being scolded!"

Guan Xing was obviously stunned. Looking at Long Fei's innocent eyes, he didn't know how Long Fei had such a pure and clear look. If a person with such a look is a treacherous person, Guan Xing is unwilling to believe it.

In fact, he also vaguely knew why Xiu Bifu almost vacated the soldiers of Sihai City. Although he was excluded from the leading group by Xiu Bifu, he also vaguely knew that Xiu Xingshan was plotting the position of the second elder or the elder.

Although Guan Xing doesn't agree with it very much, he has turned to the surname Xiu. If Xiu Xingshan can become the elder of the fishman clan, it will only be good for the surname Guan. Therefore, he did not say anything to stop him. Besides, even if he blocks it, he can't stop him. Maybe he will be punished by Xiu.

However, what Xiuxing Mountain is trying to do is not take the position of two elders or elders, but the patriarch of the fishman clan, that is, the status of the ruler, which Guan Xing did not know.

For the current fish people, the position of the head of the fish people is actually not much different from the rebellion of the fish people. Because of this, Long Fei decided to come to Sihai City after consideration.

Since Xiuxing Mountain has transferred heavy troops to Jiuzhou, it is obviously a must-have against Jiuzhou City. At present, the best counterattack is to take down the Sihai City. Of course, it is not a frontal attack to take the four seas City. Through internal countermeasures and differentiation is undoubtedly the most correct way.

And the current Sihai City is undoubtedly providing the best conditions for Long Fei's action. The Xiu Legion has transferred most of the troops to Jiuzhou City. Now, Xiu's surname is only one of the remaining troops in Sihai City, and Guan's surname has become the largest surname. Therefore, as long as it opposes Guan Xing, it is equivalent to capturing half of Sihai City. In hand.

Guan Xing stared into Long Fei's eyes and didn't say anything for a long time.

Long Fei was not in a hurry and always looked at Guan Xing with a smile.


I don't know what Guan Xing was thinking. He suddenly took the sword back, inserted it into the sheath with a force, and waved to the soldiers standing in the hall. The soldier surnamed Guan immediately retreated silently and did not hear a strange voice from beginning to end. It can also be seen that Guan Xingjun is well trained and Guan Xing usually governs the army. Strict.

Watching the door of the hall close, Guan Xing turned to his first seat and sat down, pointing to the left and right rows of seats below and said, "Please sit down."

"Thank you for sitting down!" Long Fei first sat down in his seat and looked at Guan Xing with a smile on his face.