Eastern Continent

Chapter 446, Counterattack

Looking at Long Fei and others sit down, Guan Xing said lightly, "How can Guan distinguish between right and wrong and tend to be inflamed? Can you always say it at this time?" At this time, Guan Xing seemed to speak coldly, but his tone was very different from before, and his attitude was obviously relaxed.

Long Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that he was trying his best to finally make Guan Xing willing to listen to his words.

Ye Guoming and others also breathed a long sigh of relief at the same time. Before they came, they didn't expect Long Fei to meet Guan Xing so directly. Instead, they thought that after sneaking in, there was another hostage persuasion.

However, Long Fei's behavior is always unexpected, but I have to say that only this kind of enlightened meeting can make Guan Xing really talk to them without warning or so vigilance.

Long Fei stood up from his seat again, walked a few steps in the hall, and then looked up at Guan Xingcheng and said earnestly, "I have a few questions. I don't know if General Guan is willing to answer?"

Guan Xing was stunned and looked at Long Fei with a sense of inquiry in his eyes. After a long time, he said faintly: "Excuse me."

"The first question!" Long Fei smiled and said, "What is General Guan's official position now?"

Guan Xing was stunned again. He didn't expect Long Fei to ask such a question. In fact, not only Guan Xing was puzzled, but Ye Guoming and others also didn't understand why Long Fei asked this question.

"The general of the Fourth Army of the Xiu Legion and the general of the Guan Legion." Guan Xing is light

Long Fei's face showed his face again, but this time it was a sarcastic smile and said lightly, "It seems that Guan Jun will be highly valued by the father and son of the Xiu family, and he has been entrusted with such a heavy responsibility!"

Guan Xing's face was slightly hot, and he immediately turned angrily, "What do you mean by this? Is it bullying me not to kill people?"

Long Fei also smiled coldly and said amazingly, "The father and son of the Xiu family plotted this time to connect with pirates and rebelled with the Mu family of the mainland family. At present, it seems that Jiuzhou City must have been controlled in their hands. The patriarch and several elders are also willing to fall into his hands. His life and death is uncertain. At this time, the first person on Moon Island is Who else is the father and son of the Xiu family? General Guan has been reused by him like this, and he will not have a bright future in the future.

"What?" Guan Xing's face changed color again, but this time he was shocked and disbelieved. He quickly stood up from his seat, and there was a spark in his eyes in vain. He looked at Long Fei and said, "Do you have any basis to prove that the father and son of the Xiu family have defected?"

Long Fei pointed to Meng Jian and Ding Chajie and said, "This is the captain of the Meng Legion. This is the captain of the Ding Legion. They have just come here from the battlefield of the fierce battle with pirates. There are not only people from the Mu family, but also people sent by Xiuxin. If General Guan doesn't believe it, he can also send people to nine. Look at Zhoucheng. I think it must be martial law now, and the whole city is full of soldiers of the Xiu Legion.

Guan Xing's face was even more unpredictable, and he stared at Long Fei's face, as if he wanted to see whether Long Fei was telling the truth or not.

"Maybe General Guan doesn't have to send someone to Jiuzhou City. Maybe after another cup of tea, the answer will be sent to you." Long Fei looked at the door of the hall and said with a smile.

Guan Xing turned around and looked at Long Fei and said, "How can I say this?"

Long Fei looked at Guan Xing and said, "If I expected it well, in these four seas cities, Xiu Bifu should not only be left to be presided over by General Guan. He will definitely leave one or two people with Xiu to counterbalance General Guan."

Guan Xing's face looked stunned again, and obviously he was hit by Long Fei again.

Since he joined Long Fei, Guan Xing didn't know that he had been stunned by Long Fei's words several times. Long Fei's words seemed to be amazing. Not only Guan Xing was shocked, but Ye Guoming and others were also stunned.

Guan Xing's eyes turned on Long Fei's face, but what disappointed him was that Long Fei had no impressive characteristics at first sight except that his eyes were clear and innocent, which made it easy for me to produce a good impression.

Long Fei saw Guan Xing's face and knew the result without waiting for him to answer, so he continued to say, "We have been here for so long. If this general Xiu doesn't know at this time, it will be a person who must pay for cultivation. I think he will definitely not rest assured that he will pay all the four sea cities. Is it entrusted to a person with a foreign surname to take charge of it?"


As if to answer Long Fei's question, the closed door of the hall opened to both sides with a bang, and a man in black came in, followed by Guan Xing's guard.

"I see who dares to stop me!" The black-shirted man strode in and completely ignored the soldiers behind him. As if he hadn't seen Long Fei and others, he walked directly to Guan Xing and said coldly, "General Guan, what does this mean? Why do you accept the people of the Meng Legion behind my back?"

Guan Xing was unhappy and said that he was also the highest person in charge of Sihai City, but unexpectedly, he was questioned like this. His face was cold, and his tone was also very bad: "What does this general mean? I don't have to repair the general to win. I don't have to worry about anyone I receive, let alone General Xiu. They are my guests, and I will pick them up. Wait, isn't Meng also a compatriot of my fish race? Does General Xiu have any scruples about them?

Xiu Bisheng originally thought that because he was a son of Xiu, Guan Xing would be a little scrupulous. Maybe he would tie Long Fei and others up and give them to himself to deal with, but Guan Xing ignored it and asked directly. He couldn't help but be speechless for a moment. He didn't know how to refute it. He was so angry that he had to say, "Anyway, the Meng Legion People and we are both enemies. If General Guan refuses to do it, let me do it.

Ding Chajie suddenly stood up from his seat, put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and opened his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

The soldiers behind Xiu Bisheng also pulled out their weapons and surrounded the four people.

Guan Xing waved his hand and said gloomly, "Do you want to make trouble in my house? Do you think I'm weak enough to bully someone?

Ye Guoming sat down Ding Chajiela and said lightly, "This matter will be handled by General Guan. We dare not have any objection."

Xiu Bisheng knew that this was Guan Xing's territory. He couldn't do it, so he had to endure it. He looked down at Guan Xing and said, "What is General Guan going to do?"

Guan Xing said lightly, "How to deal with it is Guan's business. If General Xiu wants to sit down and drink a glass of water and wine, please take a seat. If you want to make trouble, I won't accompany you."

Xu Bisheng's face was as cold as ice. He looked at Guan Xing and said, "Does General Guan have to work against the surname Xiu?"

Guan Xing's eyes burst into a ball of fine light, swept Xiu Bisheng's face, and then said, "Everyone is of the same origin. Why does General Xiu have to kill them? Is there any secret that Guan doesn't know?"

Xiu Bisheng was stunned. At this time, he also guessed that Long Fei must have told Guan Xing about the mutiny of Xiu Xingshan. However, Xiu Xingshan's arrangement has been successful. At this time, he was no longer afraid of being known, so he arrogantly said, "It's okay to let you know. Sihai City is now in the hands of my general, and now the whole Moon Island is repaired by me. If you don't obey, you are all enemies. It's about a surname. General Guan, you should think about it carefully.

Hearing Xiu Bisheng's words, Guan Xing knew that the situation was serious. It seemed that what Long Fei had said before was true, and Xiu Xingshan really rebelled.

"Did General Xiu threaten me?" Guan Xing's face turned gloomy and looked coldly at Xiu Bisheng Road.

"General Guan can't think like this!" Xiu Bisheng is arrogant and doesn't seem to see Guan Xing's cold eyes.

Guan Xing looked at Xiu Bisheng with a gloomy eye for a while before saying coldly, "Guan has a choice. If General Xiu doesn't leave, he will offend someone."

A cold light suddenly shot out from Xiu Bisheng's eyes and looked at Guan Xing and said, "You will regret it." He turned around and walked out of the hall, threw the door loudly and almost collapsed.

Ding Chajie jumped up again and said to Guan Xing, "Why didn't you catch him?"

Ye Guoming pulled him down again and said, "General Guan has his own explanation. You don't have to be excited."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Actually, there is no need for General Guan to explain. I also know the reason."

Guan Xing said with interest, "Oh! Brother Long, you might as well talk about it!"

In order to enhance Guan Xing's confidence in repairing Xingshan, Long Fei did not hesitate to exhaust his magic weapons. At this time, he smiled and said, "General Guan does not do it immediately. There is only one reason that if he fights with him now, it may lead to both sides, or even we are more seriously injured, because Xiu Bisheng dares to come here. Must it be with a large group of people? And the reason why he dares not do it is that this is General Guan's place, which is unfavorable to him, so he hates it. This time, both sides have a favorable factor and have a draw. In the future, it depends on who acts faster.

Guan Xing was convinced at this time and said to Long Fei, "I hope Brother Long can teach me something!"

Long Fei smiled and said, "General Guan, please don't worry. How dare I trap General Guan in danger? Before I came, I expected that there would be some situations. These people are just clowns, vulnerable."

Guan Xing gratefully said, "Although Guan is rude, he also knows righteousness. As a member of the fishman clan, Guan naturally dares not do anything harmful to the fishman clan. Fortunately, he was reminded by the Longfei brothers, otherwise Guan will really be doomed. I don't know what plan the Longfei brothers have to deal with the current situation. Guan someone should be the leader of the Longfei brothers in the future.

Long Fei said politely, "I dare not, dare not, General Guan is polite. In the future, we are all a family. We should cooperate wholeheartedly and support each other. However, at present, the most important thing is to explain the cause of the matter with those generals who are not Xiu and have little to do with Xiu as soon as possible and get them to our side.

Guan Xing nodded and said, "It is true that because the father and son of the Xiu family have taken away most of the people in Sihai City, the soldiers left in the city are now half of the Xiu family and half of the other surnames. If these surnames can be combined with the generals, they will have the soldiers with Xiu surnames."

Ye Guoming stood up and shouted, "Then let's act quickly. If General Guan has any instructions, please just say it."

At this time, Guan Xing noticed that he saw Ye Guoming and had his own extraordinary demeanor. Standing there, it was like a towering and steep mountain, which could naturally generate a kind of trust.

Look at Long Fei again. Even if he talks about business, the smile on his face is mostly joking, as if he is not serious for a moment, but his clear and innocent eyes make people can't help but want to get close.

Look at the other two, although they are not as good as these two, they are definitely heroes.

Guan Xing couldn't help but be secretly surprised when so many outstanding figures appeared in the fishman race, and he didn't hear about it.