Eastern Continent

Chapter 459, Battle of the Valley

After Tongtou and Zhi successfully blindfolded Dr. Ding and sent him back to the original place, and then the cat in the cellar for a few days before their injuries fully recovered.

It's just that Meng Ting is still the same as before, lying quietly **, as if he is sleeping soundly.

Dr. Ding, known as the first doctor of the fishman clan, does not seem to be a bluff. Relying on a small pill every day, Meng Ting's injury will not worsen, which is equivalent to saving Meng Ting's precarious life.

For a few days, Tong, Zhi, Zhang and Li have been trapped in a basement with walls on all four sides. They can't see the sun. They have long been angry and can't wait to rush to the Shufu to kill Xiu Xingshan and his son.

Especially Zhang Heng and Li Zhi, since they arrived in Jiuzhou City, in addition to occasionally walking out of the door of the cellar and walking in the yard, they have never left the door of the Fu family's yard for fear of being discovered by others. They heard the noisy and lively sound outside in their ears, but they can only withdraw their feet that desperately want to go out, in their hearts It's really uncomfortable.

Thinking that in the past, when I was in the army, I was straightforward, slashing people fiercely and drinking fiercely. When I suffered this kind of cowardly, my eyes were red and red. When I saw no one, I didn't like it, I stared at each other, just like a pair of cockfights.

"It's not good to be a teacher!" The copper head lay on **, with his legs on the chair by the bed and muttered, "As soon as I returned to Jiuzhou City, I was injured and took so long to recuperate. Mu San's old boy's martial arts is really terrible."

He sits upright on the chair. He will always be serious. Even in the few days of injury, as long as he sits in the chair, he will straighten his waist. I don't know whether it is because of the habit formed in the army for a long time or the habit he has developed since childhood.

"Let's explore again tonight." Zhi Chenggong said firmly, "I don't believe that I can't find out my father's whereabouts."

He shook his head and said, "It's useless to break through like this blindly. We might as well use some other methods."

"What can I do?" Although Zhi Chenggong has learned most of the bad ideas of Copper Head, he also knows that he sometimes has a brilliant idea, so after hearing Copper Head's words, he looked at him with hope.

Zhang Heng and Li Zhi, who have been bored in the basement for many days, staring at the copper head with their eyes, hoping that his idea can be used, so they can also go out to loosen their muscles and bones, so that the cat is in the basement all day, and its bones are about to rust.

The copper head put away his legs, sat up, looked at several people, and stayed on his face for a moment before staring straight and saying, "Let's analyze the situation?"

He didn't know why he turned his body in the direction of the copper head and wondered, "What situation is the analysis?"

The copper head pulled his fingers and said one by one: "I. When Xiuxing Mountain launched a mutiny, did anyone else escape except Elder Meng and anyone escaped? Second, Elder Meng should have expected that Xiuxing Mountain would rebel. What preparations did he have? Third, Long Fei has always had a bad view of Xiuxing Mountain. It must also be expected that Xiu Xingshan will rebel. Maybe he has received the news at this time, and he is with Meng Jian, Ding Chajie and others at this time. At this time, what will they be doing and whether they are ready to declare war on Xiu Xingshan? In this case, in order to cooperate with them, should we do something so that Xiu Xingshan will not I can prepare for the war at ease.

Zhang Heng is a narcissant. His eyes lit up and he looked at Tongtou and said happily, "What are we going to do? Please tell me quickly. You can tell me to do it first."

Zhi Chenggong also felt that this was the best idea that the copper head had come up with since he was with him, so he nodded and said, "What specific methods do you have?"

In the hopeful eyes of several people, the copper head shook his head and said, "I haven't thought of any way for the time being, but I just don't want Xiuxingshan and his son to have such a happy life."

Zhang Heng "sneered" and looked at the copper head and said disdainfully, "I thought you must have a wonderful plan, but it also makes people feel itchy!"

The copper head smiled awkwardly and scratched his head and said, "Didn't I just say I would discuss it with you? There are many people with many ideas!"

Li Zhi has also been cheated and itchy all over for more than ten days, but he is still a little stable. Unlike Tongtou and Zhang Heng, he is already ready to move. He can't wait to take action immediately. Even his own people will fight first and come out of the bird's spirit.

He just said slowly, "What Captain Copper said is also reasonable. Since there is no flaw in the enemy's arrangement, we will expose them flaws. Maybe there will be a chance to save the straight elder at that time."

Zi Chenggong was refreshed and looked at Li Zhi and said, "What's General Li's plan?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "There is no plan, just some vague ideas."

Tongtou said happily, "What do you think? Say it quickly. This life is really too stuffy. You have to find something to play."

Li Zhibian organized his thoughts and said, "Actually, we have always forgotten something?"

"What?" Several people looked at Li Zhi and made a sound almost at the same time.

"That is, Xiu's surname is not the only one in Jiuzhou City. There are other surnames. Now that Xiu's surname is proud, he must suppress other surnames in many ways. If we can unite with them, wouldn't we also launch a counterattack against Xiu's surname?"

As soon as his eyes lit up, he first praised: "This is a good idea. As far as I know, Xiu's surname is usually superior and often bullies a few surnames. Now if they fight back, someone will definitely agree. What do you think of the copper brothers?"

He shook his head and said, "This plan may not work. Almost all the current Xiu Legion is stationed in Jiuzhou City. No matter who takes action, it will definitely attract their counterattack, and the consequence is the destruction of the whole army."

Zhang Heng stared at the copper head and said, "Then what can you do?"

Bronze-headed smiled and said, "I'm also in favor of taking the initiative, but don't give them a few times in secret. Let them mess up first, and then we take the opportunity to save people. What do you think?"

Although Zhang Heng called Tongtou the captain, he did not have respect for the captain. Instead, he had no taboos. He deliberately laughed twice and said to Tongtou, "I can't see that Captain Tong is much more sinister now."

He rolled his eyes and almost couldn't help kicking him with his feet.


Long Fei and Zhao Ke stood on a hill, looking at a mountain road passing through the canyon below, pointing and pointing. Meng Jian, who came to order, stood on the other side of Long Fei. They were still silent and didn't fart.

"Don't worry anymore. Elder Meng is very good at martial arts, and there must be a way to escape this disaster." Long Fei looked at the sad face on his pointed face, and when he thought about it, he already knew what he was thinking.

Except for worrying about his elder, no one can worry about this thunderbolt without saying a word.

Meng Jian nodded and replied dullly, "Hmm!"

Long Fei sighed. Although he was comforting Meng Jian, he had been worried about them in his heart. I don't know if they just fell into the pocket of Xiuxing Mountain after rushing back to Jiuzhou City. However, I can't get the whip here. Even if I want to save it, it will be too late for a while. Only by dragging the army of Xiu here can other legions have the opportunity to take the opportunity to retake Jiuzhou City, so that the war may end in the shortest time, and copper head and they may be rescued.

Shaking his head, Long Fei knew that he was too worried about the copper head, so he couldn't help thinking about him. Thinking about the never-right face of the copper head, his heart was upset.

Shaking his head again, he drove the big face with a strange smile out of his thoughts and returned to reality.

Zhao Ke saw Long Fei shaking his head several times and thought that Long Fei was not satisfied with something. He couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Long Fei shook his head again and smiled, "Nothing, just a little sore neck."

Pointing to the mountain road under the two peaks below, "Brother Zhao must know the name of this canyon!"

Zhao Ke cracked his mouth and laughed, "Of course I know. This place is called Dougu. I often came here when I was young."

Long Fei's face smiled and looked at the canyon below and said leisurely, "According to the information provided by Captain Ding, the enemy chose a relatively remote mountain road for confidentiality. This canyon is the route that the enemy must pass. What do you think when you see this excellent terrain?"

Zhao Ke looked at the curved mountain road below and tentatively said, "Sneak attack?"

Although Long Fei also asked Meng Jian, he never thought that Meng Jian would answer him. Meng Jian, who was originally silent, must not want to talk anymore. Therefore, he just waited for Zhao Ke to say what he thought, but Zhao Ke had just finished speaking, and Meng Jian's dull voice continued: "Ambush!"

Long Fei looked at Meng Jian strangely, but only saw his resolute look. It was obvious that he had put aside his worries about Meng Ting and turned to the current war.

nodded secretly and Long Fei smiled and said, "It's rare for the three of us to agree, so let's calculate the enemy here and give the enemy an unforgettable surprise. Captain Ding should have the latest situation of the enemy at this time. Let's retreat and wait for him a little, so as not to meet the enemy's spy.

The three turned around, retreated to the depths of the dense forest with more than a dozen soldiers, and then erased the traces on the top of the cliff, as if no one had ever been here.


On the flat road, the fat examiner rode on a tall horse and kept commanding the soldiers to move forward quickly.

"General!" One person rushed up from behind, pointed to the smaller point in front, and said, "Be careful here, there may be an ambush here."

Zhen Qing's face was full of disdain and waved the whip and said, "General Zheng don't have to worry. With the group of rabble in Sihai City, which is the opponent of our army. At this time, he has long been huddled in the city and trembled, and there dares to come out to fight with our army."

General Zheng, Zheng Sheng, the son of Zheng Chong, who was punched and killed by Ye Guoming, flattered: "The general said that they are the general's opponents, but there is no harm in being careful about everything. Why don't you send a few detectives to have a look? What does the general think?"

After investigating and meditating, he nodded and said, "Well, just send a few people."

Zheng Sheng waved his hand, and several agile subordinates dismount and climbed to the peaks on both sides.

After watching those men's men go into the dense forest, Zheng Sheng asked the investigation and said, "Let your subordinates take the lead when they attack the city."

The investigation nodded and said, "General Zheng, don't worry, there will always be a chance for you to take revenge."

Zheng Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "I will kill them all before I can dispel my hatred, otherwise my father will not close his eyes."

The examiner said lightly, "General Zheng, don't worry, I won't let them go."