Eastern Continent

Chapter 460, Battle of Dougu

After a while, the dispatched spies have returned one after another. Not to mention people on the top of the mountain, even the beast has never seen a desolate scene.

He was in a good mood and looked at Zheng Sheng and said, "General Zheng is just careful. I said that with their strength and courage, they must be huddled behind the high wall of the four seas and waiting for us to attack. You just don't believe it." The tone is high, as if everything is under control.

Zheng Sheng also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's the last general who is too careful."

"Go on!" With a wave of his hand, the stopped army began to move forward again and gradually entered the middle of the mountain road between the two peaks.

Although he didn't find anything, Zheng Sheng's nerves were also tight when walking in such a steep place. He kept looking up at the mountains on both sides, hoping to see some clues and worrying about seeing some clues.

However, from the beginning of the team entering the mountain road to the head of the team walking out of the mountain road, except for the noise of its own people and horses, the top of the mountain has always been quiet and there is no abnormality.

Look at the small section of the mountain road left, and the wide road outside the peak is already in sight. As long as it takes a while, the whole army can pass through. Zheng Sheng's cautious person is also relieved at this time. Fortunately, the enemy did not set up an ambush here, otherwise they would have destroyed the whole army.

Zheng Sheng just rushed out of his throat, and only heard a sudden burst of shouts on both sides of the hills. A large black crowd suddenly stood up from the two sides of the front hills. As they stood up, a rain of arrows, like a real rainstorm, went to the soldiers walking in front of the team and the investigation and covering. At the same time, there was a roar, and the huge stone like a millstone kept rolling down the mountain and crushing towards them.

Because the soldiers surnamed never expected that there would be an ambush here, and after someone had gone up to check it just now, they all swaggered around and did not realize that this was a dangerous place at all.

The soldiers at the front of the team were first shot by powerful arrows, and then smashed into pulp by boulders and horses. The rolling boulders had a lot of inertia. After hitting people, they had to roll forward until they hit the opposite mountain wall or collided with two stones.

This boulder is not a single or disorderly placement, but all roll towards the exit of the mountain road. In the blink of an eye, the boulders piled up a one-height stone pile at the exit of the mountain road, completely sealing the way out.

At this time, the powerful arrow shot down again also turned into a rocket, and the ignition object buried in the mountain road in advance suddenly burned, and the whole team of Chajun became roast pigs on the fire.

"Regress!" The investigation was shocked, and his face kept changing between pale and iron blue. He turned the horse's head and ran towards the way.

At this time, the soldiers were burned to cry and call their father and mother. They didn't have to wait for the order to be investigated. They have hurriedly turned around and rushed to the way. These soldiers only hated that their parents had two fewer legs, desperately squeezed away their comrades-in-arms who were getting along with each other day and night, and even did not hesitate to trampling them under their feet to escape from this Shura hell.

For a while, the soldier surnamed Cha was trampled to death and injured by his own people than by arrows and stones.

However, the powerful arrows on the peaks on both sides did not necessarily decrease. Instead, they also clamped large and small stones, roared down and smashed down heavily.

Zheng Sheng didn't look good at it. He immediately turned his horse's head and retreated like the investigation. Instead, he gathered some soldiers, abandoned the war horses, abandoned the tiring long guns and knives, pulled out the short weapons he wore with him, and climbed to the more inclined cliff on one side.

Although these soldiers are strong, the stone arrows on both sides will not specifically avoid them. Soldiers who climb halfway up the mountain are constantly hit by stones or shot by strong arrows at close range, falling down the cliff with a long scream and a heavy rain of blood.

Zheng Sheng jumped and climbed on the mountain wall like an ape, choosing some places suitable for landing and crossing arrow rain and stones. Between several ups and downs, he was close to the top of the mountain, and the bright knife in his mouth could reflect the face of the soldiers ambushed on the top of the mountain.

jumped out, and Zheng Sheng flashed a big knife in his hand and scratched a soldier who poked his head out to see where he had gone. He actually cut his head down and rolled down the mountain like a stone.

Another leap, Zheng Sheng had stood on the edge of the top of the mountain, with a big knife flashing in his hand, and another soldier was cut to the ground by him.

Zheng Sheng stretched out his knife again and cut it to the third soldier's neck. The bright blade and the piercing cold made the soldier shiver, and his neck instantly got a layer of goose bumps.

In the soldier's frightened eyes, he could only watch the knife cut his neck and there was nothing he could do.


When the soldier was about to close his eyes and wait for death, a long gun strangely like a poisonous snake suddenly stretched out from the side and pointed fiercely on the knife in front of the soldier's neck.

The knives and guns hit each other, making a deafening sound, which can be clearly heard by people on both sides of the mountain.

The comer took a step back and then stood firmly. It was Meng Jian, who was good at shooting among the four seas soldiers. At this time, he abandoned his mount and stood in an eight-shaped shape. The long gun in his hand tightly covered Zheng Sheng, and the air machine completely locked Zheng Sheng. Even if he had a little movement, the pointed long gun was just waiting for the most appropriate On the route.

Zheng Sheng was shocked by the palm of his hand. Because there was a cliff behind him, he only took a small step back and immediately stood firm and fought against the terrible strength. Suddenly, he felt that the blood in his chest was churning, and his face immediately turned as pale as paper.

If you lose to long weapons with short weapons, you can't use force. Although Zheng Sheng knows this, there is nothing he can do at this time.

Meng Jian also knows this, so he will never give him time to change weapons.

Zheng Sheng's face changed greatly. He was dedicated to revenge for his father, but he didn't want revenge yet. He was already in danger and in danger.

Meng Jian didn't wait for Zheng Sheng to come back. At his feet, he rushed out to Zheng Sheng silently. The long gun in his hand waved like a snake dancing, and the dragon explored its head, making countless gun shadows, which made people unable to distinguish whether it was * or that was a fake shadow.

The first shot was to block the soldiers' weapons and passive defense, but the second shot was to take the initiative, and the force was not the same.

The sound of the wind from the tip of the fast-moving gun rushed to Zheng Sheng like an arrow, and it reached his chest in the blink of an eye.

Zheng Sheng wanted to cry without tears at this time. Behind him was the cliff. Although it was difficult to climb up, he always fought steadily and step by step. If he fell like this, he would fall straight to the bottom. At that time, even if he would not fall to death, he was at least be seriously injured. At this moment, the injury was equivalent to death.

In desperation, Zheng Sheng clenched his teeth and cut the knife across his chest against the pointed gun.

The pointed long gun changed again. From virtual to real, tens of millions of gun shadows shrank into a growing gun tip in front of Zheng Sheng.


This time, the sound was louder and spread all over the battlefield.

Zheng Sheng's big knife first flew out of his hand, crossed his top, and fell to the bottom of the cliff. Then his unsteady body actually followed the big knife and fell straight down the cliff.

"Ah!" Poo!"

After a short scream, I heard a heavy object hitting the stone, and then there was no sound.

The tip was also shaken by the retreat of more than ten steps. After the long gun in his hand was shaken half a circle, the tip of the gun fell to the ground, dragging a deep trace on the ground, and his face turned pale.

The long gun should have been good at flexibility, but in order to defend this cliff, Meng Jian did not hesitate to use hard work to force Zheng Sheng down. Although I got what I wanted, I also felt a little weak.

Although he was exhausted, Meng Jian did not retreat. He waved his long gun and fell down the cliff with a bloody rain all over the sky. At the same time, he shouted, "Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The soldiers on both sides shouted loudly at the same time, and the sound of three consecutive shouts shook the whole valley, like a long rainbow, swallowing mountains and rivers. Five or six hundred people actually guarded the cliff steadily, and shot down the soldiers surnamed Cha who kept climbing up the cliff again. Although there were casualties, no one stepped back.

The investigation led the investigation and rushed out of the valley first, thinking that he had finally escaped, and he was relieved.

After a sudden sound of horseshoes, followed by the sound of killing. Two teams of people rushed out of the valley exit and killed the soldiers surnamed Cha, who had just rushed out of the valley and had time to breathe. It was Ye Guoming and Zhao Ke who were the first.

The investigation saw that it was Ye Guoming, where he dared to go forward to fight. Looking at the oblique, he hurriedly fled and fled in the direction of Zhao Ke.

When Zhao Ke saw the fat figure, he already knew who it was. He went forward, shouted, raised the axe, and chopped it down to the head of the investigation.

The investigation has been in the world for a long time. He knew that Zhao Ke's martial arts and himself were only between Zhong Bo. If he was entangled, it would be difficult to get out. When Ye Guoming caught up, he had nowhere to escape. He hurriedly gave Zhao Ke a rope to the side and let him pass.

Zhao Ke chased after him. Both of them were fat horses, but they couldn't catch up with them. However, when he thought of Long Fei's words, he just pretended to chase after him for a while, so he stopped chasing him and let the investigation and escape.

"It's more useful to let go of a general who is afraid of death than to kill him." This is what Long Fei once said to the generals of Sihai City.

The generals have escaped, and how dare the soldiers stay? After seeing the investigation and clearance escape, they also hurriedly dispersed in all directions. Ye Guoming and Zhao Ke led the army to rush in. They were killed. Only the corpses were killed all over the field, and the blood flowed into rivers. Some soldiers who had not escaped from the canyon were blocked in the valley. Although they rushed desperately, they were motionless like ants shaking trees. Not only were they futile, but after waves of shocks, the bodies left behind were folded into a hill.

"Surrender and don't kill!" Ye Guoming's voice spread far away in the melee, and the whole battlefield could be heard.

"Surrender and don't kill!" This time, Zhao Ke's voice also spread far away.

"Surrender and don't kill!" This time, it was the soldier's voice, which was loud and spread far away.

The first soldier put down his weapon first, then the second one, and then more and more soldiers left their weapons in their hands, gave up resistance, and waited for the arrangement of fate.

Long Fei stood on the cliff and quietly watched the almost one-sided war. Although his face was not moved, his heart was already churning. Although he learned a lot from Tie Lao from the magistrate in books, this is the first time he has participated in a real war. Although his face is full of an old god and shows that he is winning, he is actually big-hearted and small-hearted and uneasy.

At this time, when he saw that Yu Zheng was under his control, he was secretly relieved and his face was slightly relaxed.

Ding Chajie stood beside Long Fei and watched the war develop as Long Fei expected. He was both shocked and admired and said respectfully, "The military division is really expected. The development of the war is no different from what the military division expected."

Long Fei said indifferently, "Captain Ding, if you feel itchy, you might as well go down and have a good time."

Ding Chajie was seen through by Long Fei and smiled awkwardly, "It's not my responsibility to kill the enemy. My duty is to protect the military division."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Well, the defeat of the enemy has become a forgative conclusion. Now there is no one to cooperate with me. General Ding can rest assured, but it's none of your business."

Ding Chajie was overjoyed and just wanted to agree, but he thought it was important to protect Long Fei, so he had to say reluctantly, "Forget it, just give them the credit this time. I'll fight for it next time."

Long Fei turned his head and smiled at Ding Chajie and stopped talking.

In the battle of Dougu, under the command of Long Fei, the sergeant of Sihai City defeated 10,000 people of the Cha Legion with 4,000 troops, followed the investigation and found that less than 2,000 people fled. More than 600 people surrendered. Most of the dead soldiers were shot, stoned, or burned to death, and a small number of them were trampled by their own people. Stepping to death.

In this battle, Zheng Sheng, a proud assistant who investigated and temporarily held the vanguard position, was also eager to take revenge. As a result, he was knocked down the cliff by Meng Jian and seriously injured. The investigation cleared the smoke like a black door god, but escaped from the canyon intact.

Only 200 soldiers died in Sihai City.

This battle not only chilled the courage of the investigation and investigation, but also spread the reputation of the Four Seas Legion, attracting spies from all sides, but they only knew that Zhao Ke and Ye Guoming led troops to ambush the investigation army, and did not know that it was Long Fei's plot.