Eastern Continent

Chapter 462, a shocking conspiracy

The battle of Dougu made the soldiers and generals of Sihai City have gained confidence. Imagine that more than 10,000 people were defeated and more than 6,000 were captured with only more than 4,000 people. Such a brilliant record has never been made, whether it is the internal struggle between the fish people or the war with the bone spurs. How can it not make people raise their eyebrows and exhale? Rise.

Because this was planned by Long Fei, the prestige of Long Fei in the generals of Sihai City has been greatly improved, as if he were a man of heaven, invincible and invincible.

In the past, because of the support of Guan Xing and Zhao Ke, Ye Guoming's abnormal martial arts, and Meng Jian and Ding Chajie, although they were not very famous, they also showed strong martial arts followers. In addition, Long Fei deliberately avoided serving in the army. The military positions were mainly Guan Xing and Zhao Ke, the two leaders with the largest surname in Sihai City, and the generals. Lingcai did not reject Long Fei, and also followed others as military divisions.

But now, they are willing to call Long Fei a military division, and they are also regarded as one of the natural leaders of Sihai City.

This is the fruit of strength!

It's just that after the war, a headache reality was placed in front of everyone: how to deal with the 6,000 surrenders?

With an army of nearly 20,000 people in Sihai urban area, they absolutely can't afford to support these 6,000 people. Besides, with 6,000 soldiers in Sihai City, it is like a huge gunpowder barrel placed at home and can't even sleep at ease.

The most straightforward way is to put all these six thousand people...

Long Fei shivered and didn't dare to think about it. He was stunned by his own thoughts.

However, in addition to the above two, he had to release all the prisoners. He remembered that the soldiers and soldiers from all over the world had sacrificed so many brothers before he got such a brilliant result, but gave up in vain. Long Fei remembered that everyone's faces must be wonderful when he opened his mouth to others.

After discussing other things, it came to the problem of prisoners.

Facing the eyes of the generals, Long Fei was confident and resisted touching his nose and scratching his head, but his chin had no beard, otherwise he could stroke his beard and smile and pretend to be unfathomable. He also needed a goose feather fan, otherwise he could also be a master.

Now I have to cut my hands behind my back, which is also a mature and steady old-fashioned look. I smiled and said, "What do you think should I do with so many prisoners?"

Everyone looked at Guan Xing and Zhao Ke. In the whole Sihai City, these two have the most say.

Guan Xing himself doesn't know what to do. He absolutely can't let it go. Kill it? What's more, I dare not even think that they are all the people of the fish people. They only pushed the two sides to the opposite barrier for the war. How dare they do such a vicious hand?

If you don't kill them, you have to imprison them, but only these 20,000 defenders have stretched the four seas. How can they afford to raise another 6,000 people?

"How do you think the military division should deal with it?" Guan Xing looked at Long Fei with help and kicked the ball back to Long Fei.

Zhao Ke was more straightforward. As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he said directly to Long Fei, "The military division will make way!"

Long Feishuang turned his eyes to Ye Guoming. Others had no idea. He knew that Ye Guoming must have his own ideas.

Sure enough, Ye Guoming said, "Why don't we put these prisoners back? If we leave them all over the world, it will not only help, but also dilute the rations of the brothers. At that time, the brothers will have no strength to fight. What do you think?"

"Should you put it back?" Zhao Ke was the first to quit and shouted, "No, my old Zhao was born to death. After sacrificing many brothers, he captured them. How can you let them go? Military division, are you also in favor of letting them back?"

Long Fei looked at the generals and put everyone's look in his eyes. They were puzzled and suspicious, and some of them bowed their heads and meditated. They looked at themselves more, hoping that they could give a satisfactory answer.

"What you should think of is that if you release so many prisoners back, the enemy's strength will be much stronger, and the hard work of the brothers will be in vain, so they don't agree to put them back." Long Fei's tone turned around and then said, "Actually, you haven't thought that it would be beneficial to let them go back!"

"What are the benefits?" The straightforward Zhao Ke first asked, "Is it more beneficial to let them go back?"

Long Fei asked, "Can we afford to raise them by leaving so many prisoners with us?" Why don't we kill them all?"

Zhao Ke shivered and quickly said, "I didn't say that!"

Everyone laughed and won a battle. Although they knew that there were still a series of hard battles to fight and had to fight for the game, they were always happy at this time, so they laughed without scruples.

Long Fei said, "You can neither raise nor kill, then you can only release it. Do you have any better ideas?"

Everyone smiled at Long Fei's witty tone.

Zhao Ke muttered, "I'm always unwilling to let them go."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Brother Zhao is the most relieved. He doesn't put them all back. Only other ordinary soldiers can be put back."

Zhao Ke cracked his mouth and smiled and said happily, "The military master is wise. This is the best. I'll arrange it." Turn around and walk out.

Long Fei, Guan Xing, Ye Guoming and others looked at each other, with a sincere smile from the bottom of their hearts.

After interrogation, more than a dozen senior generals were screened and imprisoned, but the remaining soldiers were released, but their weapons were confiscated. Each person only had a little rations. They had to rush to catch up before the rations were finished. Back to the barracks.

After dealing with the prisoners, it was time to prepare for the army's angry counterattack. The soldiers and civilians of the whole Sihai City were engaged in a tense preparation, and there was an atmosphere full of mountains and rain.

Long Fei recruited Ding Chajie to the front, asked a few words in a low voice, and then whispered to Ding Cha to order a few words.

After that, Ding Chajie immediately disappeared from the four seas.


Zhenqing avoided Zhao Ke and followed the mountain path desperately. He was afraid that he would be a little late and was driven up by them. It was not until he escaped ten miles away that he dared to stop. At this time, there were only more than 100 people left to follow him.

After waiting for another hour, he gradually collected the scattered soldiers surnamed Cha. After count the number of people, there were only less than 2,000 left. He was extremely depressed, but he had to take more than 1,000 remnants back to report to Xiu Bifu.

After walking like a homeless dog on the path for a day and a half, I turned out of the path and stepped into the road. Looking at this wide road, I couldn't help but regret why I wanted to catch the defenders of Sihai City by surprise, and chose the path. If I took the road, it would be steady. If you fight, you won't be defeated like now. Ten thousand soldiers are now with less than 2,000 people.

There is a burst of depression and discouragement in my heart!

Not far on the road, I saw the high flying Phnom Penh flag. A big word on the flag is blowing with the wind, which is extremely eye-catching. It can be seen from afar that Xiu Bifu led the army and rushed to the four sea city.

Although he knew that he would be punished, he was unavoidable, so he had to bravely welcome Xiu Bifu, and fled off the road side early and waited for Xiu Bifu to arrive.

Soon, Xiu Bifu, who was riding a tall horse, stopped in front of the investigation. Looking at the more than 1,000 ragged soldiers with pale faces and injuries, Xiu Bifu knew what had happened without having to investigate and report.

The face suddenly became gloomy.

"How did you fail?" Xiu Bifu's gloomy face could almost drip water, and the cold light flashed in his eyes, and he almost cut off the investigation and investigation.

"I was attacked!" He whispered shamefully that he often bullied other surnames with Xiu Bifu, so he also knew Xiu Bifu's ruthless personality, and his tone was a little trembling: "I was ambushed in Dougu."

"Sneak attack!" Xiu Bifu trembled slightly with anger, but said softly, "You should know that the terrain of Dougu is dangerous. Why do you still take this road and don't send detectives in advance? Can you tell me why?"

Examine the familiar character of Xiu Bi. If he is furious, it means that things still have a turnaround. If he talks to you softly, it means that he is already extremely angry. The consequences are very serious, and it is often the end of bleeding death.

"I wanted to catch them off guard, so I chose to take the path." The examiner defended himself with a trembling voice: "It's just that they didn't know how they received the wind and were ambushed by them."

In fact, Long Fei had long thought that the Xiu family would not be willing to lose the old nest of Sihai City and would definitely send troops to compete for it. He just didn't expect that the investigation would come so quickly. If it hadn't been for Zhao Ke and the army to patrol various towns outside, it would have been too late to arrange this ambush.

It can also be said that it is too bad luck to investigate. So far, God has taken care of Long Fei.

"Ambush!" Xiu Bifu asked coldly, "As a general, I don't know how to plot, blindly advance, and send me thousands of vanguard soldiers. What do you think I should do with you?"

Cha Shenqing said secretly in his heart, "No matter how many are sent, they are all soldiers who check my surname, and you don't have any of them." However, on the surface, he did not dare to say so. Instead, he knelt down and kowtowed and said, "The last general deserves to die. The last general is guilty. Please be graced."

A vicious look flashed in Xiu Bifu's eyes, Yin*: "You have sent me thousands of soldiers and let me be graced. If I leave you, won't be laughed at by me for not being able to pay for it. Come on, take it for me."

After checking out the "ah", my brain was blank. No matter how I thought about it, I didn't expect that Xiu must pay for my life. I remembered that I had always been anxious to leave Meng and Meng Bu Lijiao. How much I have done for him, I didn't leave any feelings for him. I was angry, jumped up and shouted loudly: "You Why did you kill me? I'm with Cha Jun, not your Xiu Jun.

Xiu Bifu sneered and said, "In order to make your death understand, I have to tell you that there is no longer a difference between Xiu Jun and Cha Jun. In this extraordinary period, all the legions must be merged, collectively known as the Shenwu Legion."

"Ah!" Shen Qing shouted again and felt that his mind could not turn around for a moment, but he finally figured out that he was fighting to death in front of him, but Xiu Bifu annexed his legion in the rear for fear of getting in the way and killing himself.

Zhen Qing was so angry that his whole body trembled and his face was blood red. He looked at Xiu Bifu and said, "You...you..." but he couldn't speak.

Xiu Bifu said coldly, "There is nothing to say. Since you think you deserve to die, don't blame me. Come on..."

"slow down!" Xiu Bifu's words were suddenly interrupted by a man in a cyan brocade robe behind him. This person was Gong Yilang, the think tank of Xiu Xingshan, who was sent to follow Xiu Bifu. It can be seen that Xiu Xingshan attached great importance to the four seas, and even Gong Yilang, who was his right-arm, was sent out.

"What's the matter with the palace brothers?" Xiu Bifu respected Miyaichiro very much and spoke softly.

Gong Yilang immediately whispered a few words in Xiu's ear, and then shouted, "The battle is unfavorable. Can the general look at my thin face and forgive the general's investigation this time?"

Xiu Bifu pondered for a while before saying coldly, "Since the military division is in love for you, I will spare you this time and give you a chance to make contributions with guilt."

He stood straight in front of Xiu Bifu. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and didn't look at Xiu Bifu. He lowered his head and whispered, "Thank you for not killing the general."

Xiu Bifu said lightly, "Don't thank me first. If you fail again, even if the elder comes in person this time, he can't save you. Where is the general?"

A young man, who was slightly thinner than the review and fatter than Xiu must pay, rode the horse to the side of Xiu must pay and saluted him: "At the end! General, please order.

Xiu Bifu said to Xiu Bide, "Give you 20,000 troops, let you be the vanguard general. After collecting the defeated soldiers together with General Zha, you must bring back the four seas for me."

Xiu must hold his head high and shout, "Yes!"

The investigation also said "yes", but the voice was much lower.

Xiu Xinfu looked at the rapid loss of Xiu Bide and the investigation with more than 1,000 defeated soldiers and more than 10,000 soldiers surnamed Xiu, a cruel smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.