Eastern Continent

Chapter 463, the return of the army

As soon as Tongtou and Zhi Chenggong saw the firelight, they knew that Zhang Heng and Li Zhi had succeeded and dared to stay there again. At this time, they didn't care about their appearance and rushed all the way to the back yard of the Chafu, hoping to escape from the original road before the soldiers surrounded them. Fortunately, when they came in, just in case, several people were still at the bottom of the wall. Some tools for climbing the wall were left behind.

The two copper-headed people were fast, but the three people sitting in the hall were not slow. As soon as the voice came, the three had rushed out of the hall, especially the man in black. The fast work had reached a terrible level, and I didn't see how he moved. After a flash, he disappeared in place. Standing at the door of the hall, he happened to see the copper head and Zhicheng. The two of them climbed over the back of the wall.

At this time, Chadian also stood beside him, looking in the direction of the man in black, but saw nothing.

"Two people escaped from there." The man in black said first, and his figure flashed in the direction of the successful disappearance of the bronze head and straight. At the same time, he said, "Lead, look at other places. Let's take care of these two people to deal with." Before the words fell, the man had disappeared behind the courtyard wall.

The copper head and straight success held their heads and ran straight away. Although the copper head is not good at light skills, this flat running mainly pays attention to the burst and endurance, which has not much to do with the level of light skills. When the two of them reach the limit, their speed is like running horses, and often only feel a flower in front of them, and the two have swept far away.

Fortunately, it was midnight. In this troubled times, pedestrians on the street had almost disappeared, so no one was shocked to see the terrible speed of the two.

Although the copper head and straight success are fast, the man in black is not slow. He flew over the wall and quickly leaped forward on the uneven roof, like a flat ground. Every time he encounters a corner of the house, the two copper head need to turn left and right to jump out, but the man in black just gently clicked a few steps on the roof and takes a straight line to enter, in a breath. The distance between the copper-headed two could only run a few breaths. In this way, the man in black pulled the distance between the two sides closer and closer. It seemed that it was just a matter of a few breaths to catch up with the two.

Both sides are extremely fast. Since they came out of the house, it has only been half a quarter of an hour since they have run from Dongcheng to Nancheng, not far from Tongtou and other hidden places.

"No running!" Copperhead suddenly stopped: "I'd like to see what he can do to me!"

Success for a moment and rushed out two steps before stopping the momentum. He hurriedly turned back and said to the copper head, "Someone caught up with you. Why don't you go quickly? Why do you want to stop?"

The copper head looked at the direction behind him and did not turn around. He said to Zhi Chenggong, "Go quickly and leave me alone."

He successfully stepped to the copper head, stood side by side with him, and said lightly, "Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Brondo knew that no matter what, Zhisucchi would not leave him alone, so he had to smile helplessly and said, "I know you're a fool."

Zhang Shengsheng whispered, "Are you afraid of leading him to our hiding place?"

The copper head nodded, and the eyes staring at the way suddenly lit up, bursting out a star-like flash, like two lights in the night.

Zhicheng looked forward with his eyesight and saw the man in black chasing behind the two slowly walked out in the darkness in front of him.

The copper head and straight eyes narrowed, staring at the man in black like nails.

The people in black are also secretly surprised by the deep internal strength of copper head and direct success. They have always been self-proclaimed to have light skills, but they have tried their best to take a shortcut and took a lot of effort to catch up with them. It can be seen that although these two people are not strong in light skills, they are not much inferior to themselves in terms of endurance.

"Who is it?" Copper head drinks coldly

"I'm Gou Zhitong." The man in black was not panicked by the substantive gaze of the two, but still said so indifferently, "The two have deep internal strength and long endurance. Such martial arts are not unknown people. Can you be sued by the high name?"

Copper head said coldly, "It doesn't matter what the name is. If you have the ability, leave us. If you don't have this ability, we will leave."

The man in black was not angry and said lightly, "Don't worry, as I expected. One of you should be straight, right? Straight son!"

The two were shocked at the same time, their eyes shining, looked at the man in black murderously, and forced them to take two steps forward. It seemed that things would never be good today.

The man in black did not panic because he was approached by the two, but smiled and said, "You two don't have to panic. I mean no harm to you."

Both of them looked puzzled and looked at the man in black.

The man in black smiled and said, "I mentioned one thing, and you two may not do this to me? Do you remember a man in black you met when you visited Zhifu at night a few days ago?

How can I not remember! After that, Tongtou argued with Zhi Chenggong for a long time. He felt that although he was vicious and left no room for him, no matter who was in such an environment, he had to work hard. After that, he did not want to hate him. Instead, he felt that he had reminded himself, otherwise he would have fallen into the encirclement laid by Xiuxing Mountain.

At this time, when they heard the man in black say it, they half believed it. However, although they knew that the man in black and Xiu Xingshan would not be together, they would never be on their side when they saw him with Chadian. Speaking of it, they should be a centrist, but they don't know if they are also centrists. If so, Then Xiu Xingshan, a rebel group, did not need to be attacked by others, and there was a division inside first.

Seeing their expressions, the man in black retreated and said, "It seems that you two still have some precautions against me, and I'm not difficult for you. Let's say goodbye and deal with each other later."

The copper head said, "Can you tell me the senior Gao's surname?"

The man in black said, "Actually, my real name is Gou Zhitong. I didn't cheat you two just now. If there are no other instructions, I will say goodbye."

"Where is my father?" Zhi Chenggong suddenly asked, and then stared at Gou Zhitong's eyes, and the anxious and hope in his eyes were exposed.

"Your father?" Gou Zhitong immediately reacted and frowned, "I haven't seen the straight elder, but I guess he may be in the mansion. The two should visit the mansion at night instead of the mansion."

"Thank you for your advice!" It is rare for copper heads to hold fists and salute.

Gou Zhitong smiled and said, "I hope I can sit down, drink and chat when I meet you two again in the future, instead of chasing and killing them." After saluteing the two, his body flashed and jumped on the roof and went away in an instant.

Although I don't know how Gou Zhitong's other kung fu is, but when they saw such a terrible light skill, both of them took a cold breath. Not to mention chasing, they didn't even dare to raise this idea.

Copper head and straight success looked at each other. They thought there should be a fierce battle, life and death, but they didn't expect that they could get out so easily. Both of them had a feeling of dreaming.

I was stunned for a while until I heard a loud noise and knew that the searcher was coming. The two woke up and dared to stay there again and fled like a homeless dog.


The water rises and the boat rises, and the shape turns with the trend. If the prestige is high, it is naturally easy to do things.

Since Long Fei defeated the army led by Cha Shenqing, his prestige in Sihai City is increasing day by day. Although he still smiles as before, among all the generals of Sihai City, no one no one respects him, but Long Fei is always approachable, and the generals of Sihai City do not feel pressure.

Even Guan Xing and Zhao Ke, the leaders of the Four Seas Legion, were more respectful than close to Long Fei at this time.

On this day, Long Fei and Guan Xing and others were sitting in the hall to discuss. Guan Xing sat in the middle. Zhao Ke and Long Fei sat on both sides of Guan Xing, and the other generals sat separately. Although they were discussing war events, no one looked nervous and relaxed, as if they were a group of friends sitting around and chatting after dinner. Well, it's not war, but wild anecdotes.


A spy suddenly rushed in, knelt down in front of the hall, and reported in a hurry: "The Xiu Legion has invaded again."

When the generals heard the news, they did not show any surprise or panic. They just looked at Guan Xing, Zhao Ke, Long Fei and others sitting on the top with a heavy face. On the contrary, they still had a faint excitement and wanted to go to the battlefield immediately and kill the enemy to make contributions.

With more than 4,000 people last time, more than 10,000 people will be defeated and fled, and the glorious record of 6,000 people have been captured. Everyone is full of confidence in the future war. For Long Fei, he is even more respected as a heavenly man and a peerless general. He places great hope on him. With Long Fei on the side of Sihai City, the Sihai City Army is like With the sea god needle, how can they panic when they hear the enemy coming? On the contrary, everyone wants to build another great achievement under the leadership of Long Fei.

Guan Xing's face was gloomy. He glanced at everyone here and said heavily, "Guys, since the enemy has come to the door, we will continue. Please assign tasks as before. Please go back to your post. We have to prepare a good meal to treat them. I hope they will remember deeply!"

"Yes!" The generals responded with a serious and excited look, and stood up and left the lobby one after another.

It was not until there were only Long Fei, Ye Guoming, Meng Jian, Zhao Ke and Guan Xing left in the hall that they quieted down.

"Guys!" Long Fei said seriously, "The real test is not to defend Sihai City, not in this battle, but in the ensuing army."

Zhao Ke said, "Big army, isn't it a big army this time? The vanguard has been beaten away by us, and the army is still in the future. What kind of army is it this time? It won't be the left army and the right army, right?"

Long Fei held his chin with his hand, put his elbow on the table, and muttered, "I suspect that this time I'm still here to investigate this fool."

Zhao Ke said strangely, "Or is it clear? Wasn't he defeated by us? Dare to come again so soon."

Long Fei said, "Actually, he didn't want to come. Xiu must force him to come."

Zhao Ke is even more strange: "The investigation is our defeated general, and Xiu Bifu forced him to lead the army to attack. Aren't you afraid of failing again?"

"Know the shame and then be brave!" Long Fei smiled and said, "Maybe he thinks that the investigation has been defeated once. This time, he will be cautious and turn defeat into victory!"

"Ha...ha..." Zhao Ke stroked his stomach and laughed wildly and said disdainfully, "Like that kind of soft egg, give him a few more chances. If he sees us, he will run for his life with his tail between his legs like the first time."