Eastern Continent

Chapter 465, external difficulties and internal chaos

Returning to the hiding place, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi had already come back. They were waiting for them in the basement. Seeing that Copper Head and Zhi successfully returned safely, they were relieved, but when they saw that they were too empty, they couldn't help feeling a little strange.

As soon as the copper head sat down in the chair, he said to Zhi Chenggong, "Why do you think he let us go?"

"Who let you go?" Zhang Heng immediately continued, "Who did you meet?"

Directly successfully told them about the process, and then muttered, "I don't know. Just looking at his light martial arts, his other martial arts should not be very low. He certainly won't give up because he can't beat us. Maybe he has another plan!"

"Is there anything else?" Tongtou muttered, "What do we have that makes him want something else?"

"Maybe it's a person, maybe it's a thing!" Zhang Heng smiled and said, "However, it seems that this person has no harm to us anyway, otherwise he will not let you two come back."

"I don't want to!" The copper head shook his head. Since he couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it. There must be a way in front of the car: "Anyway, it seems that he is not our enemy. At that time, he will naturally understand his intention, but they said that they colluded with the bone spur clan. How should we deal with it?"

Ji Chenggong also said distressed, "I'm also shocked by this! The old thief actually colluded with the bone spur clan to betray the fishman clan for his selfishness. What a sinner for thousands of years!"

Zhang Heng said, "What's the use of talking about this now? At present, the most important thing is how to spread the matter of Xiu Laoqu's collusion with the bone spur clan, so that the fish people can understand his face."

Jian Chenggong said distressed, "I know this, but to whom is it passed on? We have now become street mice. We can't see the light. How can we pass it out?"

After hearing these news, Li Zhi has been silent, but at this time he interrupted, "I have two ways to make this matter known to the world."

One method is already a joy, not to mention the two, bronze head, straight success, Zhang Heng and the three are energetic, looking forward to Li Zhi.

"Cough, cough." Li Zhi coughed twice, cleared his throat, and then looked at Zhi Chenggong and said, "When we set out from the side gathering, didn't Mr. Longfei send Mr. Zhi to various legions to report letters? At this time, they should also know that the leading army should be about to Jiuzhou City."

Although Zhi Chenggong still doesn't understand why he talked about Zhi Chenggong at this juncture, he still nodded and said, "Yes, it should have arrived a long time ago. As for the leading army, we can't get out for the time being. At present, we still don't know whether it has arrived."

Li Zhi said, "My first plan is related to these troops. Mr. Mr. Zhi can send a person, or steal himself out of the city, intercept these troops, tell them what happened in Jiuzhou City, and tell them about Xiu Xingshan's colluding with the Bone Spurs. The army will tell the people of the world. What do you think?"

In fact, before Li Zhi finished speaking, the three people had already felt that this plan was wonderful and shouted one after another. However, when they appeared successfully, they must be hunted down by the practitioners, while the three bronze-headed people were not familiar with the military generals of the fish people and were not authentic fish people. They spoke with a little continental accent. Maybe they had just met, they had just met. Arrested, although Fu Benning's family is a fishman, how can he know the people in the army? I'm afraid that he was arrested as a spy before he saw the army.

And so far, several people have not known whether the armies of Zhichenggong have believed his words, how many troops have believed his words, and where these troops have been.

How to send information has become a big headache.

Li Zhi was not so distressed. Instead, he smiled and said his second method. The three of them heard it and shouted one after another. This time it was really good.

In the night, autumn night, the upper string moon, bent like a hook, pointed like a hook.

The breeze blows, bringing the taste of late autumn. Winter is not far away!

The four people still handed Meng Ting over to Fu Ben's care. The four people held various utensils borrowed from multiple stores, including four buckets of paint and four brooms, and set out in two directions.

Tonight, the day to spread rumors!

In the vertical sun, in Jiuyou City, almost half of the city's houses are painted with ten eye-catching characters with red paint on the wall rising towards the sun: "The father and son of Xiuxingshan colluded with the bone spur clan."

The half-dry paint on the wall dragged a long tail, as if fresh blood had just splashed on it, which looked so shocking.

The early fish people gathered in front of the wall where they wrote on all sides, talking about the people who supported the father and son of Xiuxing Mountain. At this time, their goodwill was quietly lost in other people's comments, gradually decreasing until they disappeared. Those who hold a middle attitude, who do not oppose or support, do not hesitate to cast their support to the rest of the fish people, and know that Xiu Xingshan's father and son have hated the rebellion of Xiu Xingshan and his son. At this time, they are even more eager to eat their meat and skin.

The bone spur clan and the fish people have a great hatred for generations. As long as they go to the island, for the fish people, it is tantamount to a great disaster of extermination, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people, or half of their homes may be destroyed. When it comes to the bone spur clan, all the fish people are talking about tiger color, their faces turn red, their eyes are spitting fire, and they can't wait to bite a piece of meat from each other.

Seeing the shocking bright red handwriting on the walls, everyone who sees these handwritings knows that from this day onwards, Jiuyou City will no longer be a safe and stable city. For the father and son of Xiuxingshan, it is no longer a city that can be called the second old nest, but a volcano that is constantly churning and can erupt at any time. Volcanic molten mortar can turn everything into ashes.

At this moment, Xiu Xingshan and his son are obviously sitting on the volcano, dreaming of spring and autumn.

Copper Head, Zhi Chenggong, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi disguised themselves as all kinds of people, etc. They are old, middle-aged and young. People who look rough and don't know will definitely think that the three people of Tongtou are also native fish people, as long as they don't speak.

Looking at their masterpiece, the four people were secretly proud. This was the result of their overnight efforts. Looking at the faces of the people in Jiuyou City, they knew that their hard work had not been in vain. At least Xiu Xingshan's father and son were indefensible this time.

Just look at the curved writing, which makes them feel very awkward and embarrassed, as if they were written with their left hand, as if it were written for the first time by a person who had never touched the pen.

In fact, these curved words were written by them. Because they were not familiar with the characters of the fish people, it took them half a day to cope with them. It was the first time they learned to write the words of the fish people.

After the sun rose a little, the army of Xiu can be seen everywhere in Jiuyou City, dispersing the people who were watching around the wall, and then they took out sharp weapons and scraped off the words on the wall. If they could not be scraped off, they covered them with a whole bucket of red paint.

Since then, there has been an additional scenery in Jiuzhou City. Every other hand, there is a red wall with strange paintings on the wall. However, this is limited to most of the cities, and the red wall is only half red, and the other half is left for future generations to reverie.

In fact, the onlookers refused to disperse, just avoiding a little farther and still pointing out where it was not noticeable.

The four copper-headed people stood scattered under an eaves and looked at the soldiers who were busy covering up. They were really happy.

"It's really a good idea. In just one night, the situation of Xiuxing Mountain has completely changed." A faint and soft voice suddenly whispered in Tong's ear, as if he was talking in his ear, so low that it could only be heard.


Night, autumn night.

Light wind, southeast wind.

The crooked new moon has fallen into darkness, and the world has gradually returned to silence.

In the barracks, there was still a noise in the camp.

At this time, in the central army account of the forward army surnamed Xiu, Xiu must still discuss and arrange tomorrow's siege with the generals under his command.

"I didn't expect those thieves in the four seas to be so timid that they didn't even dare to fight." The investigation was not present. Xiu Xuelin smiled without hesitation and said, "It must be useless to investigate how powerful the fat pig is. He is afraid of going back and be punished, so he said that the enemy is unique and unparalleled in the world."

Xiu must pretend to be profound and said lightly, "It's a tiger and a cat. Tomorrow we will know. No matter what, we will drive them out of the city to fight, otherwise we won't have a face to go back to see the general."

Xiuxulin's chest banged and shouted, "General, don't worry, this is on me. I will definitely cut a few heads and dedicate them to the general tomorrow."

Xiu must smile and said, "General is a hero. Who doesn't know the whole barracks? This task will be handed over to you tomorrow. Don't disappoint me!"

"Yes, thank you for your trust." Xiu Xuelin smiled proudly and shouted, "I will live up to the general's trust!"

At this time, the faces of the generals surnamed Xiu on both sides looked different, with jealousy, envy and expressionless faces, just looking straight at the superior Xiu must be distracted.

"Let's break up!" Xiu must ignore the eyes of the generals and said lightly, "It's late at night. Let's rest and kill the enemy tomorrow."

"Yes!" The general in the account responded and walked out of the big account of the Chinese army.

Xiu Xuelin smiled proudly, as if he had really captured the Sihai City and cut off the heads of the generals in Sihai City. He was receiving the award of Xiu Xingshan and his son. General Xiu congratulated him.

Until he returned to his barracks, he seemed to be wandering, and even fell asleep, he couldn't help laughing, so that the soldiers who had followed him for several years almost thought that his general suddenly had a fantasy.