Eastern Continent

Chapter 464, the Return of the Army

Long Fei said righteously, "Brother Zhao should not underestimate the enemy. It is common for soldiers to win or lose on the battlefield. No one dares to say that he is General Changsheng, because luck will not always be on his side."

Although Zhao Ke is much older than Long Fei, he really admires Long Fei's ingenious plan to defeat more than 10,000 Chajun with only four seas. Naturally, he did not dare to underestimate Long Fei's words. He stopped his smile and said honestly, "The lesson of Xiaofei's military division is that I'm really a little complacent. I'm not as good as the military master's young age. It can be so stable."

Ye Guoming was surprised and said, "Xiaofei? This name is novel."

Long Fei smiled awkwardly and said, "What's new? It sounds like a woman."

Zhao Ke laughed and said, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Long Fei touched his nose and said with a wry smile helplessly, "Brother Zhao, just call if you want!"

Guan Xing also smiled and said, "How is Xiaofei's military division going to deal with the investigation?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "Since Xiuxin paid the investigation as bait, of course we will eat it first."

"How to eat!" Zhao Ke first became interested, looked at Long Fei with flashing eyes, and said excitedly.

"The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it!" Long Fei said lightly, "What's the difficulty?"

"If Xiaofei's military division has any arrangements, please try to give orders. I will wait and obey!" Guan Xing also said with a straight face.

"Xiaofei Military Division, please order." Ye Guoming, Guan Xing, Zhao Ke and Meng Jian stood up solemnly and shouted at the same time, of course, only the voices of the first three people. Meng Jian still cherished his words like gold, and it was difficult to open his golden mouth.


Zunqing rode his tall horse and walked in the middle of the team. He is not as arrogant as when he first led the army. Instead, he is a little like a yellowed Guadi. He wilted down, looked down at the road in front of him, and did not talk to Xiubi around him.

This investigation learned a lesson. Although the road is a little farther away, there is no steep terrain for the enemy to use. At a glance, the flat land accounts for the majority, and the rest are some low hills, which may not become a place for the enemy to ambush and attack.

Xiu must ride on a black horse, wearing bronze heart silver armor and holding a long gun in his hand. He turned his head and said to investigate and said, "General, what do you think of our victory or defeat this time?"

Although his tone was respectful, there was a disdain in his eyes. Obviously, he thought that it was too useless to investigate, rather than the power of the soldiers from all over the world. In their eyes, Sihai City was just a group of mob.

Zhen Shen said, "The last general is stupid and can't see through it for a while. Please ask General Xiu for advice." He won't remind the other party. It's better for him to suffer losses and even lose his life in the four navy, which is to find out what he wants most. Xiu Bifu wants to kill himself. How can he still consider them?

Xiu must be proud. Although he did not dare to show too much on the surface, he already had a contempt in his tone and said reservedly, "In the eyes of the last general, they are just a group of mob and can't stand a strong attack by my Xiu Jianer." The tone particularly emphasized the strength of the soldiers surnamed Xiu, as if the soldiers surnamed Cha were vulnerable, which led to the defeat and escape.

The mouth was full of bitterness, and his heart was helpless. He tried to persuade Xiu: "General Xiu is brave and natural, and he does not put the enemy in his eyes, but this time the enemy seems to be much more cunning, no longer like the usual fighting style of the fishman clan." After examining and reviewing the classics, after hearing about the loss, I finally learned to be obedient. After continuous thinking along the way, I finally understood the reason for my failure.

Xiu must have a cold smile and said lightly, "General Cha doesn't have to worry too much. At that time, the general will take back the four seas city."

After half a day of travel, the two met the soldiers surnamed Cha who were released back by Long Fei. When they met, they were happy and said goodbye to all kinds of things, especially the soldiers surnamed Cha who were released back. In their tone, they were all grateful to the generals of Sihai City.

Xiu must hear that the man with the surname was actually released by the four seas, but did not look happy, but looked unhappy. If it hadn't been for the investigation or the vanguard, he might have opened his mouth to ask whether he had colluded with the four seas, otherwise how could Sihai City would be willing to release so many prisoners back.

The investigation was happy and did not pay attention to these. He was just busy collecting and reorganizing the defeated soldiers, giving them weapons, and taking them to Sihai City again.

However, this is exactly what Long Fei wanted. Returning these 6,000 prisoners can, on the one hand, reduce the burden on Sihai City, and on the other hand, it can make Xiu and Cha each other suspicious. Third, these soldiers have suffered great losses under their own hands. Even if they attack again, there is absolutely no momentum for the first time, and under the influence of these people, Maybe the momentum of the soldiers with their surnames will also be reduced. When they attack, these seemingly not fatal factors may play a decisive role. At least these soldiers will never dare to resist desperately when they encounter the four navies. Therefore, those who have been released back may It will become a burden for the army, not a help.

After the soldiers surnamed Cha were collected, a group was integrated to follow the investigation, and the soldiers surnamed Xiu became another group and had to be taken by Xiu.

The two armies have been wary of each other along the way.

Before the war, the vanguard army of the Shenwu Legion has been divided first.

After a burst of rapid march, the four seas city in the distance is already in sight.

The wall of Sihai City is about ten feet high and two feet thick. The wall can be used for four horses to walk in parallel. The tall gate is made of deep solid wood, which usually takes several people to push. Outside the city is a wide protected river. The water in the river is two feet deep and extremely clear, surrounding the tall and majestic Sihai City like a jade belt.

The whole Sihai City looks so majestic and strong, which is unbreakable. Maybe when the father and son built the Sihai City, they really wanted to use it as a base. Unexpectedly, they were taken down by Long Fei effortlessly, so that they lost their old nest, although there is a four-way capital city, Jiuzhou. But he also felt uneasy, so he tried his best to take back Sihai City.

Maybe when Xiuxingshan spent a lot of material and financial resources to build this magnificent and solid Sihai City, he would never think that he would attack by himself one day.

The Shenwu Army mentioned by Xiu Bifu slowly drove to the bottom of the four sea city, across the wide moat, and looked at the figures walking around the head of the four sea city from afar. Xiu must have itchy teeth and can't wait to rush into the city immediately and dare to betray his family. The rebels were killed.

"Chu Xuelin!" Xiu must shout to one of the generals behind him, "Go up and fight!"

"slow down!" The investigation hurriedly stopped and said, "General, you don't have to worry first. The soldiers will travel a long distance, and their physical strength must be weak. How about taking a day off and fighting with the enemy tomorrow?"

Xiu must laugh and said, "General, don't worry. You see that the soldiers are still in high spirit. Why have you ever been tired? Let me kill the enemy and attack immediately."

The investigation and judgment said sincerely: "General should be cautious and beware of the defeat in the first battle, which will have a significant impact on the morale of the legion."

Xiu must have a cold smile and said, "The general doesn't have to worry. The last general has his own opinion."

The investigation said, "I am the vanguard. It's up to me before the battle. I order you to go back and set up camp first."

Xiu must smile carelessly and said, "General Cha will take thousands of your soldiers to the camp. The Xiu Legion still needs to make contributions!"

Xiao Qing opened his eyes and shouted, "General Xiu, do you want to resist the order?"

Xiu must proudly look at the thousands of defeated soldiers behind him and said with a cold smile, "General Cha, don't think that the general is your vanguard, you can dictate. Except for your dilapidated soldiers, our soldiers surnamed Xiu don't recognize you as a general, so you can go there. Don't be shameless." The tone was extremely bad, and he shouted, "Xuelin, go up and shout and let General Cha see our prestige."

Zhen Qing's face turned blue with anger, and his body trembled with fat. He pointed to Xiu Bide and said, "You...you..." Although his hand was on the sword at his waist, he could see the bad eyes of other generals around him and never dared to pull it out.

"General Cha." Xiu Xuelin deliberately patted his horse and passed by the investigation and said contemptuously, "Please let the young general go to kill several strong enemies in Sihai City in the mouth of General Zha to make achievements."

Zhen Qing looked sideways at Xiu Xuelin, and his eyes were about to spit out fire.

Xiu Xuelin didn't look at him, but directly squeezed out from the side of the investigation and rushed to the Sihai City Pass. He was dressed in white and white armor, looking sluggish and powerful.

"Listen, the rebels huddled in Sihai City. Your grandfather is coming. Open the gate quickly and surrender, or grandpa will go into the city, and the chickens and dogs will not stay." I can't see that Xiu Xuelin is such a thin person. His voice is not small, and the sound of shouting is like thunder and sensation. Not to mention the head of the city, even Long Fei sitting in the council hall in the city can be heard.

Long Fei cracked the corners of his mouth, showing a smiling expression and muttered, "I didn't expect that people surnamed Xiu had a good voice, but unfortunately they didn't sing."

Ye Guoming, who was relatively close to the lower station, just heard it and was also made a smile by Long Fei's words.

"Let's go and have a look." Long Fei stood up and said to the general who is still in the council chamber, "Look at what the Xiu family sang."

Other generals also hurriedly followed.

Xiu Xuelin shouted several times, but the Sihai City was still quiet, and no one agreed, like a dead city. If you hadn't seen the flags fluttering at the head of the city, and you could also see the soldiers standing guard, Xiu Bide almost thought that the legend of the fall of Sihai City was joking with him.

Xiu Xuelin shouted for a while, and there was still no response at the head of Sihai City. Instead, two soldiers hung a generous "war-free" card from the head of the city.

This war-free card is a feature of the fishman clan. When you are defeated or don't want to fight with it, you will hang the war-free card.

Xiu must see the golden war exemption card reflecting the afterglow of the sunset, and laughed proudly. He laughed at the general around him: "Brothers, have you seen it? Unexpectedly, the heroic and invincible anti-army of the four seas is actually a group of cowards. Not only do they dare to fight, but they not even dare to show their faces." After saying that, he looked at it and checked it out, which meant that it was so obvious.

General Xiu also laughed and blushed with a straight smile. The defeated soldiers with the surname felt that there was no light on their faces and wanted to have a seam to get in.

In addition to his complacency, he did various movements in front of the gate and made all kinds of humiliating gestures to the soldiers in the four seas. It was not until the sunset that he camped.

He didn't want to live with Xiu must, so he set up another barracks on the east side of the military camp of the soldier surnamed Xiu. He looked down at the battalion surnamed Xiu and was also wary of what Xiu had to do secretly, but he didn't want to do this, but he saved him again.