Eastern Continent

Chapter 470, chess is high

Xiu must move his legs desperately and run to the tent that Xiu must pay. Because he couldn't steal the horses, he had to rely on his own legs. Since he was a child, including when he was learning martial arts, he had never been so diligent. It was not until he saw the top of the tent of the Xiu Legion that he finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally ran out safely.

Check it out! Just wait!

The guard saw that it was a must-have from afar, so they hurriedly flew in.

But what Xiu must wait for is not the heroic welcome that Xiu must pay him, but the law enforcement guards in front of the two tents, who tied him up and escorted him to the Chinese army's tent.

Xiu Bide did not look afraid on his face, but had a sense of anger.

I was sure to hear the news of the investigation and collusion with the rebels in the four seas. It was because of the betrayal of the investigation that led to my failure! I just hate to find out that the thief still dares to pretend to sit in his seat and see himself coming back. He is not afraid at all. This man's city is really unfathomable. If he doesn't cut it off as soon as possible, the prince's major event will definitely fail because of this.

What Xiu must think of at this time is the "big thing" that Xiu must pay, not his own life!

Xiu Bifu's face was gloomy. He looked at Xiu Bide, who knelt in front of the tent and kowtowed to himself, but was not ashamed. After a long silence, he finally said coldly, "How dare you come back to see me!" If you give you tens of thousands of troops, you will lose these tens of thousands of troops before you make any achievements. What's the use of leaving you with such a stupid talent?

Xiu Bifu was angry and hurriedly kowtowed and said, "The last general deserves to die, but the failure of the last general is for a reason. It is not a crime of war."

"Not a crime of war!" Xiu Bifu smiled coldly and said, "You have lost tens of thousands of troops and said that it is not a crime of war. What other reason can save you from dying?"

"The general is telling an inside story, please retreat from the general's screen!" Xiu must look up and look at Xiu Bifu.

"No, the account is full of your own brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it directly!" Cultivation must pay lightly.

"It's all about colluding with the enemy to lead to the final defeat!" Xiu must suddenly stand up and point to the investigation.

"You..." Hearing this, the judge stood up and pointed to Xiu Bide angrily, "You... you didn't listen to the advice and caused a big defeat, but you sprayed people and shifted the blame on others."

Xiu Bifu also shouted, "You are the vanguard position and take the responsibility of unifying the army. If you don't listen to other people's advice, you will lead to a great defeat. How can you complain about others!"

Xiu must point to the investigation and shout, "It is always because this thief colluded with the enemy and betrayed the enemy before the battle that our army caused such a great defeat."

Because the general was in the four sea cell, he said what he heard to Xiu Bifu. After that, he added, "If the surname of Cha hadn't surrendered the enemy and colluded with them, how could Sihai City have released his thousands of defeated soldiers!"

After listening to this, Xiu Bifu quietly pondered for a long time, turned his head to look at the investigation and said calmly, "General Cha, can you explain all this?" Hearing his tone, he began to doubt it.

He was stunned and pulled out his fat body from the narrow chair. The scene was like a cicada pulling out his beautiful body from its shell, but the body trembled up and down with layers of fat like wings because of anger, and his fingers trembled at Xiu Bide, but his usually sensitive tongue only burst out at this time. A few unaccustomed words: "You...you...bloody."

Xiu must jump up from the ground, look at the investigation, and proudly said, "Then can you explain why your surnamed Jun can retreat intact in front of the gate?"

This is another out of nothing, but absolutely powerful evidence. After investigation, I would never have thought of my temporary weakness, which led to such consequences. I only jumped up angrily and my eyes were about to crack. Looking at Xiu, he said, "You...you..." But I never dared not say that I would not rescue Xiu must because I was afraid again. Meet Ye Guoming and others.

Xiu must pay Yin*: "General Cha has nothing to say? Then don't blame me for ignoring my brotherhood. Come on!"

Zhen Qing laughed angrily and pointed to Xiu Bifu and said, "I'm the general of the army surnamed Cha, and I'm not under your jurisdiction. What right do you have to arrest me?"

Xiu Bifu sneered and said, "Really? See if I dare to arrest you!"

"slow down!" Gong Yilang stood up and stopped Xiu Bifu and said to the investigation, "General, there is no need to be nervous. We will not embarrass the general. After the matter comes to light, as long as it turns out that the general is innocent, we will come to the door to compensate and let General Cha deal with it. How about temporarily grievances now?"

Instead, the investigation and investigation calmed down, pointed to Gong Yilang, and then pointed to Xiu Bifu. He said coldly, "You are so nice. I know that you have not wanted to check the command power of the legion for a day or two. It's ridiculous that your tricks have also been shown to be ugly, but the son of the Legion is Zha, not your surname Xiu. Yes, you have miscalculated."

He turned around and walked out of the tent and said coldly, "There are still tens of thousands of people outside the barracks. Let me see who dares to touch me!"

But as soon as he turned his body and walked a few steps, there was a sound of wind. A man who was still sitting on a chair and was still motionless in the tent was standing in front of the investigation.

is a dwarf who can only check his waist, and his huge figure is almost three times his weight!

Although he is not tall, he also has a well-proportioned figure. His white and smooth face has long whiskers, and there are quite a few immortals, but between a pair of slender eyes, there is a trace of resentment.

The pupil suddenly contracted, staring at the person in front of him as short as his waist, and the sweat on his back immediately wet his clothes.

"Dwarf King!" The investigation completely calmed down, but there was a chill rising from the bottom of his heart and said in a low voice.

This person is one of the three guests invited by Xiuxing Mountain - Huang Siliang, the dwarf king.

"Exact!" Huang Siliang just looked down at the ground. No one knew what the expression on his face was, but heard his faint voice.

Zhen Qing said in a low voice, "I have always respected my predecessors, and there is no offense. Why do you make it difficult for me!"

Huang Siliang suddenly raised his right and looked up and said, "Before the facts are clear, General Zha'd better stay first!"

How can you stay after investigation? That's equivalent to handing over your life and death to others. He was furious and shouted, "How dare you stop me."

With a leap, the huge body is like a moving mountain, pressing down on Huang Siliang from the top of the sky, while the fat fists are like two huge drum hammers, waving like the wind. Even if it is just rubbing, it must be a broken skin and fracture.

However, the short Huang Siliang is like a small stone under the huge mountain. If it is compacted, it will be crushed to pieces.

Huang Siliang's face was still as calm as before, and his expression did not appear from his face. Instead, he stepped towards the investigation and inspection. His short and small hands were raised to meet the investigation and inspection hands.

There was a ferocious smile on his face. He didn't believe that he was as short as Huang Siliang. With a light wave of his hand, he would be stronger than the blow of all his internal strength and natural divine power.


The two hands finally joined together, but they did not make the loud noise they deserved. The soft sound seemed to be just the sound of foam cracking, which was inaudible.

Zhenqing felt that his fist of Wanjun's strength seemed to hit a pile of cotton. He felt very uncomfortable, and his heart was full of blood, and the huge forward momentum also drove him to rush to Huang Siliang.

The investigation was shocked, and he hurriedly stopped the situation and put his hands on recycling.

With a force, what surprised him more this time was that he couldn't pull his hand with all his strength. His palm seemed to be firmly attached to Huang Siliang's palm.

The investigation was very surprised. Unexpectedly, although Huang Siliang was small, his internal work was so terrible. He hurriedly sat on the horse, and his hands became thick due to force. However, as soon as he tried hard, the two palms stuck together suddenly loosened, and at the same time, a surging internal force followed the palm of the investigation. Shi might as well, so that he hit his palm heavily on his chest.

This is equivalent to investigating and Huang Siliang's joint efforts. At the same time, he was severely hit in the chest, and it was difficult not to get hurt.

In the account, everyone only heard a crackling sound of fractures. After checking and retreating more than a dozen steps, they fell to the ground. The clothes on their chest bulged high, and the broken bones pierced the skin and pushed the clothes up. The blood in his mouth sprayed wildly, dyeing the clothes on his chest into a spotted and shocking red color.

As soon as he fell to the ground, he immediately fainted.

There was a sound of inhaling cold air in the account. No one could have imagined that there was such a terrible power hidden in Huang Siliang's short and thin body. In just one move, he had been seriously injured and was still disabled. Even if he got better, he would not necessarily let him go.

Although Xiu Bide couldn't wait to kill him, he also felt a chill when he saw him like this.

Xiu Bifu was also stunned for a while, but he immediately woke up. It seemed that he could not bear to see the tragic situation of the investigation. He said to the soldiers in the account, "Push down and let the generals in the battalion see it again to show their example."

The soldiers quickly carried down the investigation and clearance with a stretcher.

"It's not good!" As soon as the figure of the soldier disappeared, he sat on his seat. Even if he had just seen that he was seriously injured by Huang Siliang, he was still silent. At this time, he shouted: "We have been hit by other people's alienation!"

"What?" Xiu Bifu's surprise was even more awkward. He almost shouted and looked at Gong Yilang and said, "What evidence does Brother Gong have?"

Gong Yilang said, "We all forgot that General Cha was also defeated for the first time, so we lost thousands of soldiers. Moreover, when we came back from the investigation, we did not take the thousands of soldiers, but met them on the road."

Xiu Bifu also woke up and said, "If he defected to the enemy, he will be released with the defeated soldiers. It is impossible to let him come back first, and then the soldiers."

Gong Yilang nodded and said, "There may be a few people who are afraid of death, but they won't betray the general."

Xiu must think for a while before he slowed down and said, "Although it is not a betrayal to the enemy, he will not be saved when he sees death. It is also a big crime that the whole army will be destroyed without rescue. Because he is seriously injured, this crime will be avoided. It is enough to order the military doctor to cure him. According to the order, gather soldiers and horses tomorrow morning to attack the four sea city!"

Miyaichiro knew that Xiu Bifu was furious and became angry.