Eastern Continent

Chapter 471, I'm so angry

Jia He really didn't say anything. On the fifth day when Meng Ting was moved over, Jia He didn't know what to do. Meng Ting, who had been confused, gradually became aware of it. He even just opened his eyes slightly and looked at Zhi Chenggong and Tongtou and others.

Although it was only a meal, several people were overjoyed.

The master is different. Even the famous doctor in Jiuzhou City is helpless. Jia He has only saved Meng Ting in five days. He can only admire Jia He's eyes.

Since you don't have to worry about Meng Ting, Zhi Chenggong has to worry about his father. From the first day he moved to this courtyard, Zhi Chenggong seized the opportunity to ask Gou Zhitong, "Have you ever seen my father?"

Gou Zhitong shook his head and said, "I'm so ashamed that I've never seen it!" But..."

There was only a little hope for straight success, and I had made the worst plan in my heart. Therefore, even if I saw Gou Zhitong shake his head, I would not feel disappointed, but when I heard Gou Zhitong's last "but", my hope in my heart rose in vain and hurriedly said, "But what?"

Gou Zhitong pondered: "According to my observation, the straight elder should still be alive and banned in Xiufu. As long as the command of your straight army does not fall into the hands of Xiuxing Mountain for a day, the straight elder should be safe. The speculation of the banned Chafu is because of listening to Cha Yunnan that Xiuxingshan trapped the patriarch Wu Shangqiang and Miss Wu Shangxiang In the mansion, therefore, the straight elders should also be in Xiufu. With the current situation of Xiuxing Mountain, these people will not be placed separately, which will only distract his own strength without any benefit.

I thought about it secretly and thought it should be the same. I thought there was no hope before, but there was a burning fire of hope in my heart.

Gou Zhitong saw Zhicheng's expression and knew his thoughts and said sincerely, "Brother Zhi, please don't worry. Anyway, I will definitely help you save the straight elder."

Zhi Chenggong said gratefully, "Thank you, senior. I hope my father and patriarch are safe and sound."

Gou Zhi Channel: "They are lucky and heavenly, and they must be fine!"

He patted his shoulder and said passionately, "Don't worry, even if we fight for my life, we will save them."

Zhang Heng and Li Zhi also nodded in agreement.

I was so grateful that I successfully hugged several people and said, "Thank you very much for your success."

The copper head said, "We have lived and die together. Don't say anything grateful, but the whereabouts of the straight elders and patriarchs have to be explored with the help of the elders."

Gou Zhitong said, "Don't worry, everyone, I'm responsible for this matter."

Copperhead was also grateful: "Then thank you. If you have any news, please inform us as soon as possible. Now let's go to Fu's house to have a look. Looking at the success, the copper frowned.

He was shocked and said, "Is there something wrong?"

He shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling. I always feel scared."

Jian Cheng was shocked. He knew that the copper head's intuition had always been accurate, and he hurriedly took his hand and was about to go out.

"slow down!" Gou Zhitong hurriedly stopped and said, "You can't go so rashly. It's better to wait until dark, which can also avoid people's eyes and ears. If you can't wait for dark, at least you have to disguise a little." It's a secret pity in my heart, but a righteous person like Fu Beni can't escape the disaster.

At this time, it should have been found that it was Fu Ben's collection and others. Otherwise, they would be too incompetent to climb to a high position and hold power. Those who are also exquisite and resourceful people on all sides will never make such a mistake.

It's just that Gou Zhitong inferred that something would definitely happen to Fu Ben's family through various signs, but although the copper head could not be inferred, he felt that he was so keen, which was no different from his own inference.

Night, just handed in an update.

The moon that has just risen into the sky emits a soft light.

Zhi Chenggong and Tongtou stood in a dark corner of the street, staring at the benign home about ten feet away, screaming in their hearts.

Although it is in troubled times and the surrounding houses are still illuminated by hazy lights, the Fu benign family is dark and can't hear any sound, just like a ghost domain. During the period when the Fu family was hiding, the Fu family has never gone to bed so early.

After standing for a while, they looked at no suspicious people around. The two quietly moved their footsteps and approached the Fu family. After touching the wall, they stood down and listened for a while, but still didn't hear anything.

The copper head pointed to the wall and successfully made a leap. His hands have grasped the wall, and his body moved up slowly and silently like a gecko.

He successfully put his head out of the wall and looked at the yard under the moonlight, but it was still quiet and no one moved around.

After looking for a while, there was still no movement in the yard. He climbed to the top of the wall and turned into the courtyard. At this time, the copper head also followed. The two walked carefully and quietly towards the inner room.

Crossing the threshold and entering the small living room, the faint moonlight in the hall was slanted into the scene, which made both of them want to crack.

At the table in the living room, there were two people lying on their stomachs. Fu's head drooped strangely. His chin touched his chest, and his neck had been twisted, but his hands were on the table, holding his palms so that he would not fall to the ground.

Fu Cheng lay on the table. The blood from the wound behind not only stained his clothes, but also accumulated a large piece of blood on the table and the ground. His right wrist was swollen, bigger than two fists, and his left hand stretched forward as if to grab something precious.

Following the left hand direction of Fu Cheng, at the kitchen door, the Fu wife's body was strangely twisted into a ball, and her waist was unnaturally bent back, just like a superb acrobat bending back until her head touched her heel, her head on the ground leaned back, and there was a pile of dry blood next to the corners of her mouth.

He successfully bent down slowly and turned Fu Cheng over. The young man's face was full of pre-death pain, panic, resentment and reluctance.

His legs were soft, and the copper head and straight successfully knelt down in front of the three bodies.

I'm too careless! Unexpectedly, Xiuxing Mountain would find Fu Benign so soon.

It seems that Xiu Xingshan has become angry with this kind of treating the Fu Benin family without martial arts.

Looking at the three new graves in front of them in a row, the hearts of the copper head and Zhi Chenggong were extremely heavy.

Last night, the two moved Fu Ben's family out and dug three deep pits in one night before burying the three people together.

Even if they die, let them die together!

I hope that in heaven, they will live a better and happier life than now!

The two knelt down again and kowtowed three new graves, three ordinary but noble lost lives, and then stood up and resolutely left

There are still many things waiting for you to do, including revenge for the Fu benign family. Now is not the time to be sad!


All the generals stood on the thick wall of Sihai City and looked at the dense soldiers outside the city. The three floors and three floors surrounded the northwest gates of Sihai City. The high knife and gun reflect the rising sun, and the cold light is shining and cold.

Everyone in the city looked dark, and some even carried fear. At this time, even Long Fei, who was usually joking, looked serious.

Long Fei frowned slightly and was secretly unhappy. He was angry not because of the timidity of these generals, but because he had to pay Xingbing to invade, which interrupted his practice.

Although Ye Guoming did not allow himself to go to the cliff alone, how Long Fei, who had tried the sweetness, could bear it? Every time there was a gap, he would sneak away, but recently, he had not gone for a long time because Xiu must pay to lead the army.

Although his mental strength is still at the level at that time, Long Fei knows that if it is like this, fishing in three days and drying nets in two days will regress sooner or later.

If you sail against the water, you will retreat if you don't advance.

The same is true for the practice.

"Guan Xing! Zhao Ke!" With a loud shout, Long Fei interrupted his thinking, but a man came out of the army surnamed Xiu. Yellow armor, yellow robes, yellow horses, as if they were specially shouting arrays, with high momentum and agitation, and a loud voice: "You two traitors, betray the elders and generals, come out and die quickly."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the soldier surnamed Xiu burst into a burst of applause, pointed to the generals standing on the walls of the four seas and smiled unscrupulously.

"Must pay for repair!" Ye Guoming suddenly said, "Your father and son betrayed the fish people and the whole moon island people. It deserves to be punished!" Although the sound of the two sentences was not loud, they penetrated the shocking sound of laughter and went straight to the whole battlefield, and everyone heard it clearly.

I don't know anything else. When it is only this internal cultivation, even Huang Siliang, who has the highest ability in the camp, is secretly shocked.

Long Fei took the lead in laughing on the four sea wall, and everyone also laughed, and the laughter overshadowed the voice made by the soldier surnamed Xiu.

Xiu Bifu was angry, but there was nothing he could do. After all, it is a confirmed fact that his father and son rebelled, and there is no refutation.

Huang Jiaren and other voices rested a little and shouted, "Moon Island belongs to the whole fish people, and the position of patriarch should also be virtuous. How can it be just Wu Shangqiang? The elders have high martial arts skills and equal prestige in the clan. This is God's mercy on the suffering of our clan for a long time, and has brought down such virtuous people as the elders for our clan. This time The uprising is to lead the people out of the predicament. How can you betray? You don't know that you will follow the elders to make immortal war achievements, but foolishly with those who sow discord will be punished by God.

Long Fei and others were stunned. No one expected that this population was so great, and the black one could also be said to be white.

"Ha...ha..." Ye Guoming smiled unscrupulously: "It's ridiculous. I didn't expect General Xiu and his son to find such a good reason for their rebellion, but I didn't see that the people get peace and happiness because of the betrayal of Xiu Xingshan. Instead, they saw Elder Xiu for their own interests. The rejuvenation of Jiuzhou City provoked an intra-ethnic struggle, displaced the people, and the whole family was torn apart.

"Who are you?" Xiu Bifu became so angry that he couldn't help patting his horse out and pointed to Ye Guoming, who was talking on the wall, and said, "How dare you make up right and wrong, pick up discord, and come down to die!"

Ye Guoming said lightly, "In Ye Guoming, General Xiu remembered, but I am not interested in General Xiu now, so I will not accompany him!"

Long Fei laughed again. Even he didn't know how good Ye Guoming was. He actually had a lotus tongue. He laughed and scolded and did not lose to himself. It seems that Ye Guoming usually pretended to be serious.