Eastern Continent

Chapter 476, the wind and clouds surge

The north wind is blowing, and the flag at the head of the city is blown. Unconsciously, winter has come.

The soldiers standing at the head of the city narrowed their eyes and looked down at the wall by the wind.

There are dense soldiers under the city, with knives and guns like a forest, and the cold light flashes and the sky is boiling.

Long Fei stood on the wall and looked down quietly, silent.

On both sides of him, there are rows of generals, namely: Ye Guoming, Meng Jian, Guan Xing, Zhao Ke, Ding Chajie, Wang Zhen, Xiu Biliang and others. Everyone looked at the front calmly.

Under the calm surface, everyone's heart is cheering. The victory for several consecutive days has excited everyone's morale, as if they were on a semi-empty swing. Of course, self-confidence is also in the air.

With the vulnerable legion surnamed Xiu, the code of this victory must still be on the side of the four seas!

Everyone looked at Long Fei with Xiyi's eyes and hoped to fight to make military contributions. In the past few days, due to the continuous challenge of the military surnamed Xiu, the generals of Sihai City have taken turns to fight. Except for a few low martial arts and bad luck, there are many other people who have made military achievements, which is not itchy.

"Guys!" Long Fei opened his mouth faintly, but did not turn his head to look at the generals. He still looked at the city, his eyes flashed, as if he were thinking about something, and slowly said, "Who can tell me why the Xiu army has been defeated repeatedly?"

Zhao Ke first rushed to say, "It must be that they don't give up. Relying on the number of people, they want to drag us to death with a wheel battle."

Long Fei still quietly looked at the majestic Xiu army outside the city and did not say anything.

Zhao Ke smiled awkwardly and turned to look outside the city.

For this little flying military division, although he usually laughs and plays with everyone, laughing and plays with everyone, but every time he goes to the battlefield, it always makes people feel a mountain, making everyone standing around him feel oppressed, so he unconsciously praises him as a god, obedient and powerful to him. Looking forward to the sun.

but I don't know that this is only because every time the dragon flies to the battlefield, the mind must run quickly. In order to ensure the flexibility of the mind, the spiritual power also unfolds with all its strength and looks down on the battlefield.

This seems to be a martial artist. When you have to gather internal strength against the enemy, it will make people feel a sense of oppression. What's more, this spiritual power is exerted from the spiritual level, which is better than the pressure of martial arts. Therefore, it is not surprising that people feel a sense of oppression.

Guan Xing pondered for a while before slowly saying, "Do they have any conspiracy?"

Long Fei finally turned his head, looked at the general on the left, and then at the right. Finally, his eyes stopped on Ye Guoming's face and whispered, "What do you think, big brother?"

Ye Guoming pondered, "Are they deliberately showing weakness?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "That's exactly!"

Ye Guoming wondered, "But what are the benefits to them?" Everyone knows that they are several times more than us. Even if they show weakness, we dare not be careless!"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "But some of us are careless!"

The generals on both sides of Longfei felt ashamed and couldn't help lowering their heads. The cheering mood just now also woke up like enlightenment. After secretly comparing the strength of the enemy and us again and again, they finally realized that the enemy's strength was several times greater than themselves.

Long Fei saw it and knew that he had finally awakened everyone from his boasting, and he was secretly happy. However, when he saw that their faces were unpredictable, and even finally they became depressed, he knew that they finally realized their shortcomings in this aspect, so it seemed Frustrated.

With such ups and downs, unpredictable emotions are obviously not suitable for a general. In order to let everyone have a clear understanding of their environment and not be depressed, Long Fei has worked hard.

"Guys!" Long Fei said slowly, "Since we know that they have a conspiracy, let's give Xiu a lesson that he will never forget in his life, as a respect before parting!"

"Farewell?" Zhao Ke couldn't help asking in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

Long Fei looked at the banners below and the dense weapons like forests. He looked into the distance and said lightly, "The bone spurs have invaded. Do you still want to sit here and watch?"

Zhao Ke shouted, "Of course not. I can't wait to catch up with them now. The bone spur clan is not three-headed and six-armed. I'm the first to kill him, but I hate the thief of the Xiu family here, but he is obsessed with it."

Long Fei said confidently, "This time we will make him want to pester!"

The two rows of generals were overjoyed and looked at Long Fei with eager eyes. Zhao Ke shouted, "Will Xiaofei's military division be released?"

Long Fei smiled and said quietly, "General Meng Jian."

"There!" Meng Jian was happy that Long Fei was the first to point to himself. He took a step forward, turned to Long Fei and said respectfully, "Please tell me!" He is one of the two people in the whole army who do not call Long Fei as Xiaofei's military division, and the other is Ye Guoming. He is usually called the third brother in private, and he is also called the military division in the army.

Long Fei said, "I'll give you 2,000 soldiers out of the city from the west gate. There is a path on the way to the mountain on both sides. You can ambush on the left and see the rocket before you can get out!"

"Yes!" Meng Jian took the arrow and strode down the city.

Long Fei took a look at the nervous Zhao Ke and slowly said, "General Zhao Ke!"

"There!" Zhao Ke cracked his mouth and smiled, and also took a step forward. He turned around and shouted to Long Fei, "Xiaofei, please order!"

Long Fei's eyes suddenly burst into a burst of spirit and stared at Zhao Ke and said, "This task is extremely difficult. Are you confident?"

Zhao Ke suddenly felt a pressure from Long Fei's body, which almost made him breathless. He hurriedly took a long breath and stabilized his mind. At the same time, he was secretly shocked: Isn't Xiaofei's military division without martial arts? Why is there such a great power? People who don't know think that his martial arts skills are peerless!

"General Zhao!" Long Fei frowned slightly.

"It will be guaranteed to be completed!" Zhao Ke hurriedly held his head high and looked at Long Fei firmly and said, "Otherwise, come to see the military division!"

Long Fei frowned deeper and looked at Zhao Ke with sharp eyes and said, "General Zhao knows that there is no joke in the army!"

Zhao Ke blushed with urgency and shouted, "The last general is willing to set up an army order!"

Long Fei suddenly smiled and said, "That's not necessary. I can trust General Zhao." He said with a straight face, "I will also give you 2,000 soldiers, and at the same time let General Wang Zhen be your deputy to lead the troops with you. You will also go out of the city from the west gate and ambushed on the right side of the path. If you see someone coming to Meng Jian from behind, you must stop it."

Zhao Ke and Wang Zhen saluted Long Fei, took the arrow, and shouted, "Yes!"

Looking at the back of the two walking down the city, Long Fei lowered his head and meditated for a moment. He raised his head and said to Guan Xing, "General Guan!"

Guan Xing looked at Long Fei and nodded several generals in a row, but he did not order himself. He had been eager to try for a long time. Hearing Long Fei's words, he hurriedly said, "The last general!" He turned around and stood opposite Long Fei.

Long Fei looked at Guan Xing with solemn eyes and said, "You gave you 3,000 soldiers, and also came out of the city from the west gate. You took a detour to sneak to the camp of Xiubi Mansion and be careful to ambush down. If you see an army in the camp, you will rush into the camp with these 3,000 soldiers. However, you don't kill the enemy, but set fire to pick their granaries. If you set fire, Captain Ding's people will give you advice on this information. If they don't send anyone out, don't act rashly and quietly return.

Guan Xing nodded and said, "Get the order!" He turned around and walked down the city and nodded his headquarters.

At this time, Long Fei looked at Ye Guoming and whispered, "Brother, the next task will trouble you."

Ye Guoming also turned to face Long Fei and said, "The military master ordered!"

Long Fei smiled and whispered in Ye Guoming's ear for a while. It was not until Ye Guoming's eyes were shining and the corners of his mouth smiled before he whispered, "Big brother will lead the troops out of the city to fight against them."

"Order!" Ye Guoming turned around and strode down the city, and also ordered 5,000 soldiers and horses to go out of the city.

Long Fei finally turned his eyes to Ding Chajie and whispered, "Captain Ding, you take 500 soldiers, prepare ships outside the East Gate, and move all military supplies to the ship. However, be sure to keep it secret and not let the people in the city know."

Ding Chajie was stunned. After he left, there was only Xiu Biliang around Long Fei, but Xiu Biliang was a new person who had recently defected to him. He didn't know his loyalty yet. He couldn't help but worry about Long Fei's safety.

However, the military order was like a mountain. Ding Chajie only hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "Obey the order!" Turn around and leave.

Looking at Ding Chajie's figure, Long Fei said to Xiu Biliang, "General Xiu, now there are only two of us to guard the city. The burden is not light!"

When Ding Chajie left, there were less than 10,000 defenders left in the whole four cities. It was far from enough for such a large four-sea city with only 10,000 soldiers to defend the city. If there is an enemy to attack, it is in danger.

But looking at Long Fei's look, he is not nervous at all, but he still seems relaxed and casual, and occasionally makes a joke or two.

Xiu Biliang respectfully saluted the dragon and said seriously, "Thank you for your trust. The young general will defend the city gate desperately and will never let them attack."

Long Fei smiled and whispered, "General Xiu's words are heavy. Everyone is fighting for the safety of the fish and human race. They should be united and harmonious, with one heart and one morality, and support each other."

Xiu Biliang said gratefully, "The young general knows that the young general is grateful for the trust of the military division and does not despise the young general because his surname is Xiu."

Long Fei said righteously, "The surname Xiu is also a member of the fish and man. How can I despise him! Besides, at present, there are only a small number of Xiu people who follow Xiu Bifu and his son. I believe that some of them understand the right and wrong and will not follow the rebellion, just like General Xiu Biliang.

Xiu Xinliang was told in his heart by Long Fei, and he was so grateful that he almost cried: "The military division is smart. It is true that there are still many people who do not agree with the actions of the elders in our cultivation." Because he has been listening to his subordinates since he was a child, he has a respect for the father and sons of the Xiu family. Whether they rebel or not, he is still called the elder Xiu, not like other generals.

Long Fei smiled and took a few steps. He stood outside near the wall and looked outside. He said lightly, "General Xiu, please get ready. The war is about to begin."