Eastern Continent

Chapter 477, Yang Wei on

In winter, because the north wind passes through the sea with a damp cold air, it makes all the places that pass by extremely humid, and the ground is as wet and muddy as if it has just rained heavily.

The sky is also gloomy, and there is no sunshine.

However, sitting by the fire and eating the delicious food that has just been roasted, his mood is extremely good. If it hadn't been for the invasion of the Bone spur clan, he would have been able to wait for people to frown and be depressed, afraid of being said to be gloating. He really wanted to sing a song. Of course, his duck-like voice is only Only in the uninhabited wilderness can roar without scruples.

For those who have been trapped in Jiuzhou City for so many days, especially in the days of injury, for the copper head who grew up in the mountains and usually climb mountains to drill holes, and has no spare time, it is no different from going to prison, and he is almost crazy.

Since then, the sky has let the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish swim, and the bronze head thinks pleasantly.

It just suddenly occurred to me that in fact, my bird can't fly high, and I can't even fly over such a high courtyard wall on Xiuxing Mountain Mansion. I can only look at the wall and sigh. And if you go into the sea, you will only have a single *. After digging twice, you have to stop and take a breath. Sooner or later, your fish will also drown.

It seems that he, a wild child who grew up in a mountain, needs to make up his mind to learn light skills and underwater skills, otherwise he can't really play on this moon island surrounded by water.

When Tongtou thought of this, he was depressed to find that no light skill around him was good at this time. It seemed that he could only ask again when he saw the boy Long Fei in the future. This boy was really powerful. He not only learned the supreme magic power from the Secret of the Sky, but also passed on the peerless light skill by Hicks, if not because I was injured and lost all my internal strength, and I don't know which level I have progressed to.

It's just that it's been so long since the boy broke up with him. He didn't come to Jiuzhou City, and he didn't notice that he grew up with him and was more kinship than his own brothers. There was a tacit understanding between them. It must be a lie to say that he didn't worry.

However, thinking of Long Fei's frown and laughing at his face, Tongtou couldn't help muttering over and over again.

"Captain!" Zhang Heng shouted behind the bronze head, "Do you think the bone-piercing man and the most powerful Montenegro on the mainland?" Although he was a few years older than Tongtou, after seeing the terrible martial arts and the righteousness of Tongtou, coupled with the birth and death of Tongtou and Ye Guoming, he was also willing to call Tongtou the captain, and the bronze head was also very pleasant to hear.

The copper head turned his head and stared at Zhang Heng and said, "I haven't seen anyone in two places. I know who is powerful there."

Zhang Heng smiled and said, "I heard that the most powerful people on the whole continent are the soldiers of Montenegro. The people in this country have strong folk customs, practice martial arts, and almost all their lives on horseback. Therefore, their soldiers are also extremely strong, one is ten. If it weren't for the weak country and the population is small, now on the mainland. The hegemonic country will not be the turn of any big food.

The copper-headed Daqi couldn't help asking humbly, "So powerful, have you ever had a deal with them?"

Zhang Heng said awkwardly, "Not yet!"

The copper head stared at him angrily and said lightly, "Talk about it!"

Zhang Heng said angrily, "Don't believe it. This is what Li Zhi told me. Before he joined the army, he was a ranger. He has been to many places in the world. To be honest, he has seen and heard more than us."

Copper head looked up at Li Zhi, but saw him sitting away from the bonfire, half closed his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He looked drowsy.

"Oh! Is it?" There is not much belief in the tone of Tongtou. With Li Zhi, who is only a few years older than him, even if he is really a ranger, he has never been to many places. Just like himself, he was attracted to Moon Island as soon as he went down the mountain. The world is so big that he has only seen the island for a month before.

"Wait!" Zhang Heng couldn't stand the blow. He stood up and walked straight towards Li. Under the staring of Li Zhi's eyes in vain, he pulled Li Zhi to the side of the copper head.

"Captain Copper wants you to tell him about the strength of the soldiers of Montenegro."

Li Zhi looked at Zhang Heng's red face and laughed, "Don't mention Captain Copper, you want to hear it!"

Zhang Heng smiled shyly and said, "Who let you break when you talked last time? Now go on quickly."

Bronze-headed smiled and said, "How strong the soldiers of Montenegro are, just talk about it. I really haven't heard of it!"

After looking at the copper head, Li Zhi turned away and looked at other places. There was a look of remembrance on his face. His voice was a little desolate and said lightly, "The Black Mountain is under the mountains and belongs to the plain. The grassland that can't be seen at a glance is infinitely green, so that everyone in it can't help but be proud of themselves. A thousand feelings. Because it is close to the mountains and located in the plain, there are more people hunting and grazing than farmers in Montenegro. On the wide grassland, flocks of cattle and sheep can be seen everywhere. The sky is blue, the wilderness is vast, and the wind blows and the grass is low. In order to cope with the ubiquitous danger on the grassland and protect their lives and property, they began to practice martial arts and learn horse riding since childhood. Some even say that they are a nation living on horseback, so their style is also very strong. Speaking of cavalry in the whole continent, Montenegro is the most important. Whether it is individual combat ability or concentrated formation charge, there is no opponent in the whole continent. If it hadn't been for the small place, too little population, and scattered people's hearts, Montenegro would have long been the hegemon of the mainland, and it would have been the turn to eat these countries, although Montenegro They are not strong, but no country has dared to invade them, because their people are strong and all the people are soldiers.

The copper head was fascinated and muttered, "When you return to the mainland, you must go and have a look with the boss. There is such a fun place in the world."

Zhang Heng is also thoughtful and his eyes are shining. He can't wait to have a look now and experience the boundless feeling.

The straight success sitting opposite several people has never seen such a large grassland, and it is also infinite yearning and envious in my heart.

After saying that, Li Zhi also fell silent and clearly remembered what was on his mind.

"Bang!" A slight and almost inaudible sound came, waking up the copper head from the sinking. He jumped up, waved his feet continuously, and quickly kicked the sand to the bonfire, and the bonfire immediately went out.

Jian Chenggong and others also woke up. Without waiting for instructions, everyone sent out their blades and looked alertly in the direction of the sound.

The copper head had no time to pull out the spear hanging next to the horse's back, pulled out a long knife from behind, waved to Zhang Heng, and touched it in the direction of the sound.

Zhang Heng took out a pair of short halberd and enveloped them with the copper head.

Everyone held their breath and watched nervously.

The copper head put its steps very lightly and silently. The long knife in his hand was hidden on the side of the moonlight on his back, in case the light flashed and shocked him, and he quietly touched it.

Turning around a small hillside that everyone used to block the wind, I saw a narrow canyon. The valley was full of strange rocks, and the stone forest higher than people stood irregularly in different shapes, so that the copper head and Zhang Heng could not see what was in the middle of the canyon.

"Mi" suddenly rushed out of a white thing from the forest among the strange rocks in the canyon and passed in front of their eyes. The copper head was sharp, and it had long been seen as a white wild cat.

The wild cat rushed to the top of a strange stone and stood on the stone to look at the two people. There was a strange light in its dark blue eyes. In the middle of the night, it suddenly saw it, which made people shiver.

"Dead beast." Zhang Heng picked up a stone from the ground, throwing it at the wild cat, and scolded, "I was shocked. Let me kill you!"

The stone hit the lower end of the strange stone where the wild cat stood, startled the wild cat with a "mi" and rushed down the stone.

Bo both breathed a sigh of relief, and Tongtou smiled at Zhang Heng and said, "His grandma, I heard that wild cats are not auspicious."

Zhang Heng said, "Whhhhhh is whether he is auspicious or not. Anyway, I want to kill it now and dare to scare me."

The two turned around and walked back.

"Sw" only heard a soft sound, and two powerful arrows suddenly shot out from behind the stone and shot straight at the two bronze Zhang.

Because the distance was too close, when the two woke up, the strong arrow had reached their bodies. The copper head put the long knife flat on their chest and only heard a "dang". The flying arrow shot at the knife. Although the strength was not so strong that it made the copper head's palm numb, the copper head knew that if he was shot, it must also be The injury is not shallow.

Zhang Heng's reaction was not so fast. He only had time to deflect his body and shot the arrow into his left arm. Because it was too close, it stopped until the bone. It was only painful that Zhang Heng cracked his teeth and mouth, burst into tears and shouted loudly.

After blocking the arrow, the copper head lowered, stepped forward and rushed to the back of the stone. In the narrow place of the stone, he saw more than a dozen people squatting in strange clothes. At a glance, they knew that they were definitely not the fish people of Yuedao. Two of them were hurriedly installing bows and arrows. Others saw the copper heads vertically. He rushed to the copper head with weapons in his hands.

The copper head lowered its head and let a long sword stabbed from above. With a long knife in his hand, he first stabbed an archer with a bow and arrow to the ground. In the melee between the two sides, the most annoying thing was the person who released cold arrows.

Then he rushed forward and bullied that the long sword had time to be taken back into the arms of the sneaker because of too much force. He only heard a sound of fracture, and the second sneaker fell to the ground.

I probably didn't expect these dozen sneak attacks. I tried my best to just kidnap two people back for torture. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect to provoke such a plague god. In the blink of an eye, I have lost two people. At this speed, these a dozen people are not enough to stuff each other's teeth!

Although he is afraid of the sneak attack, he must also fight for his life. The weapon in his hand shakes and desperately surrounds the copper head.

The copper head pulled the long knife from the fourth person's chest and faced the big knife cut behind him, and the two archers, under the deliberate "care" of the copper head, also went to see their gods early.

At this time, Zhang Heng rushed in painfully. Looking at the people who fell to the ground and the blood still flowing, Zhang Heng almost suspected that he had rushed into a Shura-like hell.

Before he finished in a daze, a shining spear had pierced his chest.