Eastern Continent

Chapter 493, Counterattack

The sky was hazy, and I reached out and just saw five fingers. The frozen frost on the grass looked crystal clear and cute.

A slight wind blew through the grass, blowing down the small ice blocks that were not firmly condensed, so the wind carried a heavy cold air.

Meng Jian stood behind a big tree and stared at the road outside, which was the only way for the bone spur clan to transport grain. The grain and grass of the bone spur clan were transported by ship by sea, and then transported to the camp by horse-drawn carriage. Long Fei knew that the water army in the four sea was definitely not the enemy of the bone spur clan, so he wanted to rob the bone spur clan. Grain and fodder can only be managed by land, while the land road is only a short path. The Bone spur clan set up a heavy sentry post on this road, and the information can be transmitted to the camp in an instant. It is not much easier to grab the grain and fodder of the Bone spur clan in such a place than to grab grain and fodder from the army of the Bone spur clan.

Now this place is the place chosen by Long Fei after careful consideration. This place is not the only place on this road that can be ambush - a long narrow valley, but outside the end of the narrow valley. At that time, the grain transporting team had just passed through the narrow valley that will be ambushed, and its spirit has just relaxed. In fact, it is The best time to ambush.

With the gentle sound of footsteps, a manuscript spy in front of him came over and whispered, "General, the bone spur grain transportation team has arrived outside the narrow valley and is about to enter the narrow valley."

Meng Jian looked at the detective with approval, gently "um" and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Go down and rest!"

The spy was flattered. Unexpectedly, the sharp silence in the four navy was famous. Even to Long Fei, he didn't see him say a superfluous word. Unexpectedly, he said such polite and caring words to an ordinary scout, which only surprised and moved the detective. Even if he was pointed Now he is asked to rush into the Bone spur army to grab food, and he also goes without hesitation.

The squeak of wheels and the thud of horses' hoofs, gradually from far to near, from light to heavy, came to the ears of the four navy ambushed in the woods. Unexpectedly, the bone spur grain team was also extremely cunning. When everyone thought that they should rest at night, they did the opposite and passed through the narrow before dawn. Valley, if there is an enemy ambush in the narrow valley, you will definitely be caught off guard and miss a good opportunity.

I have been waiting for the ambush of the four seas in the woods all night. At this time, my eyes are shining and my expression is excited. Even a hungry wolf smells the fishy of sheep can't wait to jump on it immediately.

Gradually, first of all, a general riding a tall horse walked out of the narrow valley, followed by some soldiers armed with teeth. From the woods, only a hazy shadow could be seen. Then, there was a carriage carrying food. Each carriage was composed of two strong horse-drawn carriages, which contained almost two people tall. The grain and grass squeaked the wheels and covered the sound of the wheels rubbing the ground.

Meng Jian looked silently and did not immediately order the impact, until more than a dozen carriages carrying grain came out of the narrow valley one after another, and there were not many vehicles left in the narrow valley. The grain guard who originally came out of the valley saw nothing. He thought that this time, like the previous several times, he was just nervous. In fact, there were no ambush, and his expression relaxed, he stood casually next to the grain cart.


A shocking killing sound suddenly sounded, and a standard horse rushed out of the dense forest next to it like a wind and quickly rushed to the food protection army.

Although the soldiers were already drowsy and relaxed, the food guard standing at the front of the team still maintained a thousand-point spirit. As soon as they heard the sound and saw the rushing army, they immediately reacted and pulled out their long guns and shouted, "Kill!" After calling up his soldiers, he also stabbed his horse at Meng Jian.

The sharp face was calm, the tip of the gun was raised flat, and he also rushed to the other party. Two minutes to get close quickly.

The two guns brushed each other, and there was a slight noise. The grain guard in yellow armor only felt that what he hit was not a hard gun rod, but a slippery loach. The long gun in his hand couldn't help sliding out, and all the parts of his chest were exposed.

The grain guard was so scared that he hurriedly leaned back and almost lay on the horse's back. However, although he saw the opportunity early and avoided the key point of his chest, he was inevitably injured.

The pointed long gun, like a tricky long snake, sank down and made a hole in his right arm.


A miserable scream came from the mouth of the food guard. He only felt as if his arm was cracking. He couldn't hold the long gun in his hand and fell to the ground for a long time. He hurriedly patted the horse and ran away from Meng Jian and fled.

The soldiers on both sides were in a daze. Unexpectedly, under the battle between the two sides, Meng Jian stabbed the food guard and fled with one move. With such martial arts, the generals behind the bone spur clan who wanted to block them were secretly frightened and dared not act after thinking about it again and again.

Meng Jian looked at the back of the grain guard, and the corners of his mouth were slightly up. Unexpectedly, a general who led the party was so afraid of death, and even a nervous and tough person like him was shocked by the screams.

The general has escaped, and Meng Jian will still be polite, clapping horses and guns, and rushing towards the grain protection team of the Bone Stinger Army.

Seeing that his main general was injured and fled under one move, the soldiers of the bone spur clan had long lost their fighting spirit. They still dared to be the edge of the soldiers of the four seas. Before Meng Jian rushed to the front, they had dispersed as birds and beasts one after another.

Looking at the scattered bone spur soldiers, Meng Jian didn't expect that the food robbery was so easy that he almost didn't believe it.

Meng Jian did not catch up. He knew that the bone spur soldiers would come at any time. He ordered the soldiers of the four seas to hurriedly drive up the carriage loaded with grain and grass and quickly walk to the camp of the four seas, hoping to send them to the camp before the bone spur army arrived.

The soldiers from all over the world acted quickly, burning the grain and fodder of some unicycles that needed to be pushed by manpower, and only transported the grain and fodder loaded on the carriage, and soon disappeared into the narrow valley.

Meng Jian looked at the truck full of grain and fodder, and still hardly believe that this food robbery was so easy, just like in a dream, as if it had been specially designed with the bone spur army in advance.

Although it is easy, Meng Jian knows that this is just an illusion. After receiving the news from the fleeing soldiers, the reinforcements will arrive quickly, or this is not really designed by the bone spur army, in order to eliminate the fishman's army.

In order to prevent the soldiers of the bone spurs from catching up, Meng Jian ordered the soldiers to urge the horses.

The speed of a heavy carriage has never been as fast as a light riding. An hour later, the sun had just climbed into the sky, and the soldiers of the four seas had just turned back into a fork in the barracks. Behind them, the sound of horses' hoofs, and the dust was flying, and a bone-piercing army quickly killed like a whirlwind. When First, a general, holding a spear and a face full of Hu, like the reincarnation of Li Yu, and the fire star in the sky went down to earth, looking majestic and murderous.

Such an image can stop children from crying at night, and it makes people weak before the war.

Meng Jian's heart was awe-bodied, and he shouted that the soldiers who were driving accelerated their speed. He lined up with 2,000 soldiers on the path and quietly waited for the arrival of the bone spur army.

The black-faced general came quickly. In the blink of an eye, he was connected to the tip of the mask. His mouth was wide open, his eyes were round, and he shouted loudly. The horse rushed to the tip of the mask. The spear waved, undulating like a poisonous snake coming out of the spike. The spear was fast, the angle was tricky, and it was immediately in front of the blind point.

Meng Jian sneered, his body turned to the right, and his two long guns stabbed at the black-faced general. The moving dragon was as smart as a cloud. The dancing track was natural, and it reached the black-faced general's chest in an instant, and it was actually the first to come.

The two "sneer" sounded almost once. Both of them only felt that when the other's weapon passed by, they passed by their faces with a gust of wind, blowing almost starting to chill from their hearts.

After the two horses missed each other, they turned their heads again. This time, Meng Jian didn't wait for the other party to make a move. He raised his long gun flat and rushed out to the black-faced general silently.

A shot came out and turned passive into active. The tip of the gun shook like a star in the sky, but there was no trace to be found. It was natural and made people.

The black-faced general was stunned and secretly surprised. When the two fought, he had not done his best, so it was not surprising that Meng Jian was tied with him. Now when he saw the sword stabbed by Meng Jian, he saw Meng Jian's martial arts, which was not inferior to him.

At present, the black face dares not despise the country any more, and his body also fell to the back of the horse like a sharp point, almost lying on the horse's back, raising the spear flat, and hitting the tip like a carriage, actually trying to win with clumsiness.

The weapons crossed, and the two horses staggered by again, but there was no sound, only the sound of horses' hoofs stepping on the ground.

But both of them were numb in the palms of their hands. The black-faced general only felt a softness from the interming weapons, like a fish swimming in the water, looking at the meridians like a river, straight up all the way to the heart of his chest.

In a hurry, the black-faced general carried his internal strength several times to melt this internal strength, but his palm was numb and he could hardly hold the weapon.

At this time, the black-faced general knew the difficulty of Meng Jian, and became cautious in his heart, but he was also aroused by Meng Jian's strength. The opponent was difficult to find. It was not in his life to fight with such an opponent. The black-faced general was full of excitement when he thought about it and couldn't help roaring up to the sky.

Meng Jian was also secretly surprised. It turned out that although Meng Jian was usually difficult to open in gold, since he was instructed by Long Fei, his martial arts skills have advanced rapidly and made rapid progress, almost a thousand miles a day. Except for Ye Guoming and the copper head stable and Meng, the owner of Meng, the owner of Meng, he has not paid attention to it. Internally, he didn't expect that a black charcoal-like general from the bone spur clan had also tied with him, and the other party did not seem to have done his best. He began to become cautious, but at the same time, there was a trace of excitement in his heart.

Due to the narrow mountain path, the soldiers on both sides could only stand and watch the confrontation between the two generals. When they saw the highlights, they cheered loudly and cheered for their own generals.

The black-faced general turned Ma Erle around hard, turned his black face into a red face, shouted loudly, and rushed to Meng Jian again.