Eastern Continent

Chapter 494, Pre-array Enlightenment

The wild wind is leisurely, with a trace of information from the north, which is the information that winter has come to an end and the information that spring is approaching. In addition to the wind, there was a silence between the forests. At this time, even the animals most needed to withstand the cold were still hidden in the deep cave and had not yet woken up.

It took a lot of effort to climb to the top of the mountain. This is a mountain next to stand tall. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down at a city head, it only feels like standing on a cliff overlooking the abyss, which is dizzying.

Several people stood on the peak, and the scene of the whole city suddenly came to my eyes: on top of a city, the red flag of the bone-piercing army was fluttering in the wind, and bone-piercing soldiers in black armor stood all over the city, and above the city and above the city, the fishmen who were forced to participate in the war were coming and going endlessly. The ground was carrying war materials, like a group of animals. The long whip in the hands of the bone spur soldiers behind them kept falling on them like raindrops. Between the rise and fall of the fisherman's clothes and blood splashed. Some old, weak, sick and hungry people can't stand the torture and fall down one after another. In a city, fishmen and disabled people left by bone stabbed soldiers like waste can be seen everywhere, like hell on earth.

The three copper-headed people were staring, and their eyes were full of anger. They hated that they would not kill the city immediately and drive away the bone-piercing people, but the reality told them that they only had 5,000 people to attack a city with at least two people guarded, which was tantamount to talking nonsense. If there was no army behind, they would also I can only retreat quietly with hatred.

"Go back!" Tongtouqiang pressed his anger, turned around and walked down the mountain, saying hatefully, "Tomorrow, I will go to fight and teach them a lesson. His grandmother is really not human."

"Wait" Li Zhi stopped the copper head and pointed to the city and said, "Look, if we can create some turmoil in the city, do you think these fish people will also take the opportunity to resist?"

When I saw my clan suffering so much, my heart was almost bleeding with pain. My eyes were red, and I affirmed: "Fishmen and bone spurs have always been sworn enemies. Unless they really can't resist, if there is a chance, they will never surrender."

Li Zhi said, "That's good. It seems that we have to make some trouble for the bone spur army to mess up by itself."

The copper head said strangely, "How to make trouble?" We can't enter the city again."

Li Zhi sneered and said, "Who said that we can't enter the city? Since we can climb this mountain, can't we climb down?"

Brond head said happily, "Exactly, I forgot that it's hard to get up, and it's much easier to go down."

Jian Chenggong said, "I'll find a few thick ropes and hang people down one by one."

Li Zhi said, "You can't all go in. Just let the two of you go in. Captain Zhang and I led the army to ambush at the gate. As long as you open the gate, we will kill them immediately."

Copper nodded and said, "That's good. Now go back and get ready!"


As soon as the black-faced general patted the horse a few steps forward, he suddenly heard a loud shout. He saw a large crowd suddenly rush out of people from the dense forest and surrounded the bone spur soldiers from the outside one after another. A general who rushed out from the east, dressed in white and white armor, holding a long knife, sat down with a tall horse and shouted loudly, "Black face General, you have been tricked by our military division. A horse was the first to kill the black-faced general, and all the bone spur soldiers who met him along the way fell to both sides, and no one could stop him.

This person is the first master of the four naval battalions, Ye Guoming

In the blink of an eye, Ye Guoming had killed the black-faced general, waved his long knife, and cut at the black-faced general with a gust of wind.

When the bone spur army saw such a strong army from both sides, it was already panicked. In addition, after some people died, they dared to fight again and scattered and fled for their lives.

The black-faced general did not expect that the four navies had laid an ambush in this place, waiting for his arrival. Although he was panicked, he had to give up the tip, raised his spear flatly, and blocked Ye Guoming's big knife.


When the knives and spears intersect, the black-faced general only felt that the spear in his hand seemed to hit an iron plate, which only made his palms faintly painful. He was shocked and knew that he was definitely not the opponent's enemy by strength. He changed his mind and had to use his most proud spear skill in his life: the snake spear.

The black-faced general's spear waved, like a spirit snake. The sharpest point of the spear was like a snake's letter, stretching constantly, and the spear's body fluctuating, swinging left and right, stretching back and forth, as if what he was holding in his hand was not a spear, but a poisonous snake that had just met the enemy's ready to attack.

Suddenly, only the shadow of the spear in front of everyone shook, and countless shadows appeared on the tip of the spear. They didn't know which one was real and the other was fake, and then accompanied by a sneer, as if the poisonous snake spitting letters had rushed to the target.

The spear is long and heavy, with atmosphere, and he has the spirit of a general. Generally speaking, the moves are not open and closing. Have you ever seen the spear as soft as a sword? But this set of spear method, used by the black-faced general, a three-year-old man, is very charming, as if it is not a rough man, but a delicate woman.

From the big sun just now, it became feminine and light in an instant. Meng Jian suddenly had a chill, and there was a layer of goose bumps all over his body.

Ye Guoming's eyes lit up. He met countless fights, and even the bronze head often fought with him, but he had never seen the spear so soft that he couldn't help but open his eyes. The long knife was raised and cut down at the spear of the black-faced general like a force.


The sound of mosquitoes and shrimp bites came from everyone's ears. The big knife finally cut the only Allah in countless spear shadows. The two collided, but did not make a deafening sound, but a small sound that was almost inaudible.

The knife and the spear are strangely stuck together.

The black-faced general's face turned red, and his whole face was almost bleeding. He was shocked. Not only was his unpredictable spear broken by Ye Guoming without any effort, but the other party also turned masculinity into feminine power and firmly adhered his weapon.

After another, the black-faced general only felt that Ye Guoming's internal force was endlessly coming towards his impact like waves. The wind blocked a wave, and the other wave immediately followed and rushed again, like the waves on the sea when the wind rose, one after wave after another, constantly rushed to the shore.

Although there is a time when the waves calm down, the black-faced general will not know whether he can withstand the moment when the wind is calm.

After a soft sound of "bo", Ye Guoming and the black face separated their weapons. In the strange eyes of everyone, they only saw the black-faced general's spear swinging out and opening the empty door in front of their chest. Ye Guoming's long knife was like a powerful arrow, which turned into a knife and pierced the chest of the black-faced general with lightning.

The black-faced general looked full of disbelief. His martial arts can also be regarded as one of the masters in the bone spur army. Unexpectedly, he won the victory with Ye Guoming in just one move.


The black-faced general fell down from his horse like a mountain, smashing the ground with dust.

The main general is dead, how can the soldiers still have morale to fight again? At the moment when the black-faced general fell, the bone spurd sergeant rushed into the mountains and forests on both sides as fast as if trapped a tiger trapped in a cage.

The fish sergeant shouted to kill and chased after the bone spurd sergeant. It was not until Ye Guoming strictly ordered to chase the enemy that he came back reluctantly. However, he also killed countless enemies in this time, which made the bone spurd sergeant scared.

Since then, the names of Ye Guoming and Meng Jian have become more and more strange in the Bone Spur Army, and almost everyone knows them.


The wind blew over the cliff, brushed the face, swept over the grass, and then blew into the distance. It brings the reluctance of winter, but brings the message of spring.

In the sky, the rising sun shines lazily, bringing a trace of heating to this cold winter.

Under the cliff, there is a slowly flowing river. On the not wide river surface, occasionally fish that are not afraid of the cold jump up, forming a beautiful arc on the surface of the water, and then fall into the water.

Long Fei stood on the cliff and looked at the rippled water below, reflecting the scenery on both sides. He has become a world. Since the war with the father and son of Xiuxing Mountain and the Bone Bone Bone Army, he has been less calm.

This was a peaceful moment before the war. Long Fei held out many guards who usually followed him and came to the upper reaches of the river, quietly feeling the details between heaven and earth, and absorbed a kind of innate essence filled with heaven and earth.

His eyes are closed, his hands are open as if they are hugging heaven and earth, facing the cold winter wind, slowly spitting, the breath is long, between breath and breath, if intermittent, a breath is almost as long as others.

At this time, the abundant spirit of heaven and earth around the body entered Longfei's body through the acupuncture points on the surface of Longfei's body. First, he circled in the acupuncture points, and then slowly moved towards Dantian.

As soon as this essence entered Dantian, it converged into a huge airflow, rotated in Tiandan, forming a vortex, and then sucked the newly influence.

The vortex became faster and bigger, and finally burst like a firecracker, forming thousands of fine streams, rushing towards the meridians of the body. Constantly expanding and strengthening the meridians, expanding and strengthening the meridian that had been expanded once because of eating black fruit. If the original role of black fruit is only to expand the meridians, then the main function of this kind of essence between heaven and earth is to strengthen the meridians and moisten all parts of the body, making the body more spiritual. Live and react more sensitive.

Under the stimulation of this airflow, the consciousness in the body suddenly became active, like an awakened little man, lively and active, like a curious child, treating Long Fei's skin as a playground, from head to chest and abdomen, to limbs, constantly swimming around. Go.

Then, Long Fei called out the divine consciousness from a hundred meetings above his head and rose up until it stopped at a distance of ten feet above his head. At this time, the divine consciousness was like a bird flying in the world for the first time. When he first saw the hundred scenes of the world, he couldn't help jumping and throwing away.

Long Fei rotated his consciousness with his own will and looked around. However, it was found that the upper reaches of the river turned out to be a huge lake with a radius of dozens of miles. Several rivers flowed from different directions to the sea.

In order to see the farther scene, Long Fei tried to raise his consciousness again, and the height gradually increased, one foot, two feet, three feet... Long Fei was happy. The higher the consciousness, the farther he could see. Does it mean that he could clearly understand the enemy's every move in the battlefield?

However, before Long Fei was happy, suddenly, his consciousness shook and he had to rush to the top and gradually blurred, as if to get rid of the connection with Long Fei's body.

Long Fei was shocked, but he never thought that the divine consciousness would be like this. He used to think that his skills were not deep and his cultivation had not been reached, so he still should not be transported too far to prevent his mind from being injured. Unexpectedly, it was not that he could not be hurt, but that the divine consciousness had to move away from him.

When the divine consciousness leaves the body, Long Fei is just a walking dead man, leaving only the life instincts of eating, drinking and sleeping.