Eastern Continent

Chapter 499, Wonderful Plan

The moon is full in the sky, the moon is half in the world, and the moon is full and half the moon;

At the end of last year, at the beginning of this year, at the end of the year.

Now is the time when the full moon is half, and it is also the beginning of recent years.

Winter is coming to an end, and spring is not far away.

The round and bright moon shines the whole city like day, almost slender. Only the side of the high-rise pavilion carrying the moon has many things hidden in the shadows.

Zhi Chenggong looked at the bright moonlight and said bitterly, "How can we get out when it's so bright?"

The copper head touched his stomach and said distressed, "Before I came in, I didn't expect that a song in the city was like this. You didn't tell me long ago."

Zhi Chenggong smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know that the bone-piercing man is so vicious. He not only kills the old people who can't act in the whole city, but also captures the young people in the army as servants. I think those young women and the old people should end up in the same way."

The copper head said fiercely, "What if he does, let's go out first. We walk along the shadow of the tall buildings. They shouldn't see us."

"I have an idea." One of the two soldiers who entered the city with Tongtou and Zhi Chenggong said that his name was Gao Yang. He followed Tongtou across the sea and came to Moon Island from Song Chun. After the stormy waves on the sea and the life and death of the pirates, and after the war of the fishman clan, more than a dozen soldiers from Song Chun had a huge incident. The change was no longer the young man at that time, but became a strong, iron-hearted, ruthless battlefield killer, ruthless and killed with one blow.

However, they are still in awe and love for Ye Guoming and the bronze head.

The copper head's eyes lit up and hurriedly said, "What do you think? Let's talk about it!"

Gao Yang smiled, and a scar on his face added when he fought with pirates. He looked horrible and said lightly: "The fish crowd mixed into the bone spur army fell, create chaos, and wait for the opportunity to move."


Long Fei fixed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He secretly laughed at his nervousness in his heart. It was really a cup of bow and snake shadow.

The people who came are not others, but Ding Chajie and his subordinates who are sticking to Longfei like cowhide cream all day long. It's really difficult for them to find this place so quickly.

Seeing Long Fei, Ding Chajie immediately smiled on his worried face. As soon as the smile showed a little mark on his face, he was scared back by the attacker who fell under the black scarf at Long Fei's feet. Can't wait for the horse to arrive, he jumped on the horse's back, fell into the air, fell to Long Fei's side, and turned his head. Looking around, he looked nervous and held his two guns tightly in his hands. The soldiers who followed him immediately dispersed and escorted Long Fei in the middle.

"Don't worry." Long Fei patted Ding Chajie on the shoulder and said, "This is just a faint enemy spy. Don't be so nervous."

Ding Chajie stepped forward, but put his hand to the attacker's nose and found that the man was breathing smoothly and sleeping soundly. If he hadn't seen the pain and horror on his face, he would have thought he was just a traveler who rested a little because of fatigue.

Look at this person's appearance, his face is rough, and his hands and thumbs are layered with hard cocoon. It is obvious that he is also a person who often runs around and begging for life in the knife. Such a person generally has tough nerves, quick reactions, and fierce means. What kind of terrible power does such a person make him faint with pain and fear?

Ding Chajie was secretly shocked. He knew that within dozens of miles, including the current four naval battalions, no one had such horrible skills.

Is it that Long Fei was so hidden that he stunned this person, but it doesn't seem that if Long Fei has such a powerful skills, Ye Guoming and others don't have to be so nervous about Long Fei's safety, but let themselves protect Long Fei step by step.

In addition to himself, there are powerful characters that he doesn't know secretly protecting Long Fei. It seems that this is the only possibility.

Thinking of such a horrible master in Longfei, Ding Chajie was both scared and happy. Although he would be more relaxed in the future, he didn't know for what purpose this person protected Longfei.

Ding Chajie took a look at Long Fei and saw that his face was still calm. He couldn't see how proud or afraid he was. He just looked at Ding Chajie quietly with soft and calm eyes.

Dare not look at it again. Ding Chajie waved his hand, and the two soldiers came forward, tied the man up, and cast him on the horse's back. He still surrounded Long Fei in the middle and walked towards the barracks.

As soon as I arrived at the barracks, I saw Ye Guoming, Zhao Ke, Guan Xing, Xiu Biliang and other generals from all over the world standing in line at the gate of the camp. Seeing Long Fei and his party, he hurriedly greeted him.

Before the others opened their mouth, Zhao Ke has stared at Ding Chajie and said, "Don't Captain Ding know that it is the time for the two armies to fight? The military division is the soul of our four navies and a necessary figure for the other party. Captain Ding also took the military division out. If something goes wrong, how can we continue this battle!"

Ding Chajie blushed slightly and lowered his head. He dared not look at the generals and said, "Yes, yes, the last general knows his mistake." Although Long Fei sneaked out by himself, Ding Chajie was embarrassed to admit that he had lost people.

Long Fei was embarrassed when he saw Ding Chajie's embarrassment and was blamed. He stood in front of the generals and smiled and said, "Don't be angry. This has nothing to do with General Ding. I went out by myself."

Zhao Ke was shocked, opened his mouth into a circle and said, "Ah!" Looking at Long Fei, he wanted to scold him for a few words, but his lips opened, but he finally didn't say it.

Ye Guoming just heard that Long Fei had sneaked out by himself. He had already stepped in front of Long Fei's horse and looked at Long Fei and said, "What's the third brother?"

Long Fei was moved by the concern of the generals and shook his hand and said, "Don't worry, I have my own measure, but I'm worried about you. Long Fei really deserves to die."

Ye Guoming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The body of the third brother, don't take this adventure in the future. If there is really anything unexpected, it is related to the future of the fishman brothers."

Long Fei was taught honestly and nodded, "Big brother's lesson is that I will go out less in the future. If you want to go out, you have to inform the eldest brother first." But he said secretly, "I'll let you know next time I come back."

Zhao Ke said happily, "As long as the military division returns safely, we have been blessed, and we dare to blame the military division there."

Seeing the attacker who was put on horseback and unconscious with a black scarf, he said strangely, "Who is this?"

Ding Chajie said, "The spy of the bone spur army."

Zhao Ke said happily, "Captain Ding has made a lot of credit for catching a bone spur army."

Ding Chajie was ashamed and said, "I didn't catch this man, but by the military division."

Zhao Ke's mouth opened again and became a circle: "Ah!" Looking at Long Fei again, as if looking at a monster, he opened his lips, but he didn't know where to ask.

He knew that Long Fei had no martial arts, but he could capture an enemy mobile phone spirit, a quick response, and a detective whose martial arts skills were not low.

One more incredible thing!

In addition to Zhao Ke, other generals also looked at Long Fei with strange and doubtful eyes, as if he suddenly grew three heads and six arms, which was extremely shocking.

Long Fei felt that he went out and inexplicably became a monster in the eyes of everyone. Everyone looked at him with an incredible expression. Pretending to smile deeply and said lightly, "Let's talk about this later." Suddenly looking at Zhao Ke and saying, "Didn't General Zhao go to dig the lake? Why did you come back?"

Zhao Ke suddenly smiled, as if he was a teenager. He looked at Long Fei with a smile and said, "Tell the military division a good news. We have completed the task ahead of schedule and dug two big lakes. Now only General Meng is still doing some final work there, and let him come back and report the good news to the military division first."

Long Fei was overjoyed and laughed with joy. He patted Zhao Ke on the shoulder cordially and said, "Okay, okay, I thought it would take at least a month. I didn't expect you to finish it in less than ten days. The progress is fast!"

Ye Guoming and others also congratulated one after another, saying that they all blessed the fishman and praised Zhao Ke and Meng Bolai.

Long Fei seemed to suddenly think of something and said to Zhao Ke, "The bone-piercing army should not know about our digging of the lake, right? I met a spy from them today.

Zhao Ke said, "Don't worry, they must not know that I have ordered the soldiers to expand the range of sentry to more than ten miles away. Within this range, mosquitoes can't fly into one, let alone the sting spies."

Long Fei said happily, "That's good. As long as the bone spurs don't know, we will surprise him greatly this time."

Everyone laughed with Long Fei happily.

Sitting down in the account, Long Fei looked at everyone's faces full of excitement and eagerness. He couldn't wait to go to war now and kill people with bone stabbing.

Even the tip of silence is the look of hope.

Long Fei smiled and suddenly said, "Three days later, we will defeat the bone-piercing people in one fell swoop."

"Good!" Zhao Ke first shouted and rubbed his hands and said, "Please ask the military commander to order." Everyone also looked at Long Fei with excited eyes and was eager to try.

Long Fei's face was full of smile, his face was pale, and his eyes were bright and he looked at the generals. Zhengrong said, "Listen, everyone. Next, I will assign tasks to you."

Meng Jian, Zhao Ke, Guan Xing, Ding Chajie, Xiu Biliang, Qian Chengli and other people who couldn't take their eyes off Long Fei felt that Long Fei's eyes were like two sharp swords, straight into their eyes. There was an involuntarily a burst of tension, a chill, and a chill rose from their hearts, swifting straight to the top of their heads. Rushing away, the whole person almost froze. They were all unexpected and secretly shocked. They almost thought that the person sitting on it was not the military master they were familiar with, but a god who suddenly appeared. The power like the huge waves in the sky was almost suffocating.

Ye Guoming was even more surprised. He was more familiar with Long Fei than everyone else. Besides, with his martial arts skills, he has been practiced as hard as steel. Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color. Even against the enemy who is superior to his martial arts skills, it will only arouse the fighting spirit of Taotian. Fight with the other party to the end, try to defeat the opponent, and never be afraid of being discouraged. But Long Fei's sudden power also made him feel shocked.

When he first met Long Fei, everyone treated Long Fei like a little brother and laughed and fought with him without taboo. But now, as long as they are looked at by Long Fei, it is like an extreme cold suddenly pouring down from the head, making people cold from the heart to the outside of the body, and there is still a kind of pressure in Long Fei's eyes, which makes people can't help but give in.

Zhao Ke has the deepest experience of this, so as long as he sees Long Fei's straight face and a serious appearance, he is almost as cold as a cicada, just looking at Long Fei with awe of the gods.

Although their brotherly relationship with Long Fei is still there, they dare not joke with Long Fei casually now, unless Long Fei takes the initiative.

Everyone doesn't know what happened to Long Fei, which can make a person reborn in such a short time, as if it were two people.

In fact, the divine consciousness that Long Fei is practicing now attacks people from the spiritual level. Their spiritual consciousness is just a chaos. There are opponents who cultivate divine consciousness like villains. If they hadn't been familiar with Long Fei, and Long Fei would not have used it on them. Otherwise, they might have been weak will long ago. He was trembling and wanted to bow to Long Fei.