Eastern Continent

Chapter 500, a clever plan

"General Zhao." This time, Long Fei was the first to click Zhao Ke's name.

"The last general" Zhao Ke was happy for a while, looked proudly at each person left and right, stood up from his seat, strode out, and shouted, "Military, please order!"

"General Zhao and General Meng, together, saw my order, opened the lake to release water, and then went down both sides of the river and met bone spur soldiers with leaking nets, so as not to hurt other fish people."

Zhao Ke held his head and said resolutely, "If a bone-piercing soldier escapes, the military division can condemn both of us."

Long Fei nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, I'll give you another 2,000 soldiers."

Zhao Ke's face turned into a sunflower in the morning sun, and he almost didn't even know how to return to his seat.

"Tip!" As soon as Zhao Ke sat down, Long Fei's second name was Meng Jian.

"At the tip of the Mengjian, the word is still as good as gold. The whole person stands there like a long gun, which is magnificent and straight, sharp and sharp.

After this period of war, Meng Jian has undergone great changes. In the past, silence seemed thick, but now silence seems calm.

Long Fei saw Meng Jian's momentum, nodded with satisfaction, pulled out an arrow, and threw it to Meng Jian and said, "Give you three thousand soldiers, cross the other side of the river, choose a highland not far from the battlefield to ambush down downstream, and see the bone spur clan chaos together, and take advantage of the situation to kill."

"Yes" responded concisely and powerfully, and his bright eyes were full of compelling sharpness, like a sharp sword with a scabbard.

"General Ye" Long Fei arrived at Ye Guoming at the third point.

If Meng Jian is an invincible general in the four navies and is invincible on the battlefield, and taking the head among thousands of troops and horses is like an invincible warrior, then Ye Guoming is an invincible and invincible attack on the battlefield. The battlefield of thousands of thousands of troops and horses is like a god of war-level figure in Pingchuan, and he is the fixed in the four navies. Sea God Needle.

As for Long Fei, it is a legend in the hearts of the four naval officers. He is a high-ranking figure who regards war as a game. He can turn over his hands and become a rain. Once he comes out, he will shock the world and cry. The enemy will not retreat.

"Military, please command." Ye Guoming said lightly. Standing there, his whole body was like a high and steep mountain peak, and his waist was as straight as a barrel. On the contrary, it felt that it was not as sharp as the tip. Instead, it was like a sword hidden in the scabbard. Although it had not come out of its sheath, the pressure emanating through the scabbard has made people chills.

Long Fei looked at his sworn brother, looked calm, pulled out an arrow and threw it over. Ye Guoming's left hand flashed, and the arrow that was still flying in the air was somehow caught by him.

"You take the elite soldiers from the headquarters of the 8,000 seas, cross the river, and choose ambush them near the bone spur army. If the water floods, they will flee to a higher place, and you will wave your army out and drive them downstream, making them think that only the downstream is the only way to escape."

"Yes" Ye Guoming was still faint, and he was not very excited or embarrassed. He slowly returned to his seat.

Long Fei pondered for a while before looking up at Guan Xing and said, "General Guan, you led the 8,000 troops and troops of the army surnamed Meng and retreated 30 miles with the battalion."

Everyone in the account was surprised that they didn't understand Long Fei's meaning and almost thought they had misheard it. At this time of the war, morale was high, and the retreat was likely to cause the defeat of the army. Long Fei did not ask them to march, but retreated 30 miles, which was beyond their expectation.

Long Fei smiled, picked up a letter from the case, and sent it to the clever and bone-piercing soldier, saying, "You give this letter to the Shenwu General Zuo Chunyilang of the Bone-piercing Army, and say that three days later, our army will retreat 30 miles, give them the position in front of the river, and then fight to the death with them."

The soldier said with a grunt, went out and galloped away on the horse.

Ye Guoming first clapped his hands and praised, "The military division's plan is so wonderful that the bones will be left!"

The sharp eyes also showed a gratified light. Looking at Long Fei with admiration, he also understood the meaning of Long Fei.

Guan Xing, Zhao Ke, Xiu Biliang, Qian Chengli and others reacted a little slowly and looked at Long Fei, but they didn't know why.

Ye Guoming explained: "I heard that the leading general of the Bones Right Army is a general called the Divine Machine General. This man has been brave and powerful since he was a child and invincible. Since the battle with the fishman army, he has been victorious and is proud. As long as we are willing to give up the position in front of the river to fight with them, with his proud character, such as How can we stand the challenge of others? This matter must be in a beat. When they cross half of the river, we can dig open the interface of the two big lakes and cut off the bone spur army, so that they can't care about their heads and tails. At that time, they will not need our army to attack, and they will be defeated by panic.

Guan Xing and others were enlightened, and then they were overjoyed. They clapped their hands one after another: "The military master's wonderful plan, the bone thorn will be destroyed."

Long Fei smiled and was not proud. He said lightly, "Get ready to go. Let's celebrate after the war."

Although the tone was light, everyone in the account felt as if it was a deafening pre-war mobilization horn, and their blood boiled all over.



The thick whip roared past the head of the copper head and other people. The bone spur supervisor behind him was ferocious and shouted loudly. From time to time, they whipped and kicked the copper head.

Copper Head and Zhi Chenggong worked together to lift a stone, raised a stone with another person, and walked to the wall. Although the stone was not very big, the four of them pretended to be very hard. They almost bent to the ground, carefully scratched their footsteps, and dragged the chain of their feet on the ground with their hands, as if Sound.

The four copper-headed people tried their best and finally blended into the hard force team of the fisherman. Fortunately, the four people have been on Moon Island for a long time, and their appearance is almost the same as the authentic fisherman. However, few of the fishmen are as tall as copper-headed, so he has to bend over whether he walks or does things.

Those fisherman Kuli saw four newcomers coming. When they rested, they turned to inquire about the current situation outside. When they heard the bone-piercing atrocities, they were so angry that they beat their chests and shouted, scolded the bone-headed dog thief, and immediately became familiar with the four bronze-headed people.

The four copper-headed people also listened carefully to everything after the fall of a city and the situation of these coolies in the bone spur army, and tried their best to prepare for the incident.


The sun hangs above the sky, emitting hot light with the cold air at the end of winter. In the clear sky, pieces of white clouds fly with the faint northerly wind, combined into different shapes.

The weather is so good that it is only suitable for an outing, which makes people just want to sing a song.

However, what is about to be carried out here is not a spring outing, but a war that is about to determine the future fate of fishmen, a killing that is about to kill many people. What I heard was not a sweet and melodious song, but a burst of drums beating and horses hissing.

Long Fei stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the bone spur army moving like a long snake under the mountain. His heart was calm, as if the whole battlefield was just a shrinking war game, and winning or losing was just a long-arranged result.

Three days later, when the general heard that the fishman army was willing to fight with him, he was very happy and did not hesitate to agree to Long Fei's request. On the third day, when they saw that the fishman army had really retreated 30 miles and gave up an open space in front of the river, they waved their troops across the river and rushed to the opposite bank.

The arrogant bone spurs did not pay attention to the fishman troops at all, thinking that as soon as their main army arrived, the fishmen would escape, so everyone took the lead. There were those who waded through the shallow water outside the river, and those who sat in small boats rushed to the opposite bank. Although the bone spur army also maintained its vigilance, the general of the soldiers was relieved, as if the crossing of the water now was not for war but for the sake of wandering in the mountains and rivers, but actually regarded the fishman army as nothing

Standing high, you can see the bone-piercing army all over the mountains and rushing to the other side of the river. A piece of black pressure crosses both sides of the river, like a huge black snake swimming from one side to the other side of the river. The snake's body twisted and squirmed, and the huge snake head just reached the other bank at this time.

Seeing that the bone spur army had crossed according to its own plan, Long Fei smiled with satisfaction, waved his hand, and said to the summoner standing beside him, "Let go of the signal and inform General Zhao."

The summoner looked nervous and excited. With a wave of the flag in his hand, the soldiers not far away threw the lit torch into the dry wolf dung that had been prepared for a long time. Suddenly, a condensed black smoke rose up and went straight up to the air. Looking from afar, it seemed that someone was using a huge wolf in the clear sky. Draw a thick stroke.

Mengbo and Zhao Ke had been waiting for a long time. At this time, when they saw the wolf smoke, they hurriedly commanded the soldiers to cut open the place where the two huge artificial lakes were connected to the river. This place was already on the verge of falling, but in a few breath, the water of the two lakes rushed into the river. Suddenly, a huge flow of worship rolled With the waves soaring into the sky, and then holding the logs they had already put into the water, as if a dragon calling for wind and rain was turning and rolling downstream and roaring.

Long Fei stood high and looked at the rolling white dragon, which was also secretly shocked. He thought that Mengbo and Zhao Ke had just dug two small lakes. The water after chiseled could only fill the river bed and separate the bone spur army who had no big boats but could not cross the river on foot on the other side, but now looking at this power, The bone spurs in the river will suffer a devastating disaster, even on both sides of the river.

The failure of this bone spur army is a certainty, and there will often be the end of the destruction of the whole army.

The fishman soldiers who were waiting for the bone spur army only heard a thunderous sound from far to near, and then saw a huge wave that was rolling towards the bone spur army. The huge wave came as eager as a horse, sounding like spring thunder. In the blink of an eye, they had already heard the bone spur soldiers on the river, whether it was Whether they waded on foot or crossed the river by boat, they were all drowned under the huge waves and rushed farther away by the huge waves.

In the blink of an eye, the bone spur army of a thick long snake across the whole river was knocked off by a larger white dragon, becoming two snakes that were not connected to the head and tail, squirming and struggling before dying. Immediately, like two pieces of ice exposed to summer, it melted quickly. In just a moment, the whole army was like water stains after the ice melted, and the mountains were full of bone-piercing soldiers in black armor.

The bone-piercing man who had crossed the river looked at the fishman army, which was more numerous than himself, and looked at himself, as if he were looking at a sheep that was about to be sent into the wolf's mouth, with an excited look in his eyes. In my heart, I secretly regretted that I had not prayed before going to war today, so that I suffered a disaster that seemed to be the end of the world. At this time, the original desperate determination of the Bone Army turned into the determination to escape for their lives. They pushed down their comrades-in-arms in front of them one after another and dispersed them to the upstream of the river bank. At this time, they only wished that their parents would have two more legs, let alone, there was also the momentum of holding their heads high and moving forward.