Eastern Continent

Chapter 506, Siege

Spring broke away from the embrace of winter and approached with staggering footsteps, and the earth was covered with a green coat. Looking from afar, the green is like waves, and the beautiful lines seem to contain a beautiful and true feeling between heaven and earth, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The spring breeze brushed the hills, the fields, the sea, and then the city - the bone spurs and the fishman's current main battlefield. What brings to the fisherman is a fresh smell of spring, which is the taste of hope in front of us and victory is not far away. What is brought to the bone stabbing people is the taste of dying at the end of winter.

In a cooli camp in the city, copper head, Zhi Chenggong, Gao Yang, looking for a wolf, Ding Hao and others turned into a circle. The other brothers of the fishman surrounded them, covering them from the doubtful eyes of the bone-piercing soldiers and guarded them with vigilance.

It has been half a month since they sneaked into a city.

"Are you sure?" Tongtou looked at Ding Hao, the leader of Gaoyang and the fisherman's hard labor force, and said in a low voice, "There are really other fishman brothers' armies outside the city."

Ding Hao whispered, "It's never wrong. Didn't we all hear the drums of the two gates these two nights!"

Gao Yang said, "I heard that the Bone spur army was panicked all night and dared not sleep for a few nights?"

Ding Hao said, "It's true. Even his brothers were arrested to the tower to participate in the defense. They didn't sleep at night, and they were arrested as hard work during the day. They were exhausted."

Both Tongtou and Zhi Chenggong nodded, and they did the same. They had not closed their eyes for a few days and were exhausted.

Ding Hao said strangely, "But it's really strange. At night, I heard the sound of the drums, but no one attacked. During the day, there was no movement."

Gao Yang pondered, "Is it possible that they are making any plans?"

The copper head is also secretly in his heart. Such a style is a bit like the boy Long Fei, laughing and playing, doing whatever he wants, and everything is not playing cards according to the convention. Looking at Ding Hao, he said, "Have you figured out the situation?"

Ding Hao said excitedly, "I know their warehouse and stables for storing food, but the arsenal has not been figured out yet."

Copper head nodded and said, "You are the most familiar in the city. You need to speed up the action. I think it may be that Long Fei brought the army. The attack is only a matter of these days. We have to be prepared to cooperate."

Ding Hao's eyes lit up and looked at the copper head and said, "Is Brother Tong talking about the dragon flying who defeated the pirate army?"

The copper head said, "Exactly, it's so unconventional to play cards. I don't think I can find a second person except that boy. If I expect it well, he will only attack the city in these days, but I don't know how he will attack, so we have to prepare everything so as not to be caught off guard."

Zhi Chenggong, Gao Yang and others are all full of excitement. They know Long Fei's ability. If it is outside him, this city will be taken back sooner or later. All the fish people who heard the news looked happy, and there was another siege force outside the city. The bone spur army did not have much time to stay in a city. They are saved!

A city is located at the northern end of Moon Island. The city is three feet high, the city wall is one foot thick, and the city is more than a hundred miles. Because it is located in the north, close to the Japanese island of the bone spur clan, this city has always been the forefront of the fish people to fight against the bone spur clan. After two generations of repair and construction, the city has become the third largest city of the fish people.

The first city is Jiuzhou City, the first city of the fishman, but now it has fallen into the hands of the rebel Xiuxingshan father and son; the second largest city is Sihai City, which should now be returned to the hands of Xiuxingshan father and son.

A moat outside the city surrounds the whole city. What the moat introduces is the water of the two rivers that flows down from the Mogan Mountains and flows into the sea.

Long Fei has been in a city for two days and has successfully toured in front of the city every day.

I was so happy that I successfully got the joining of Longfei and the four navy. Now I am a little more sure of the victory of a city.

Although he repeatedly refused, it was only the joint recommendation of Long Fei and Ye Guoming, and other generals did not express their opinions. The most important thing is that Long Fei really doesn't want to be the leader of this joint army against bone stabbing people. He just wants to be a military officer who occasionally makes suggestions without having to pretend to be serious all day long. After all, he is not He is not a real fishman. For the fishman, he is just a passer-by. How can he be the leader of the army of the fishman? In the past, Long Fei was reluctant to be because he did not serve the masses among the generals of the four seas. Now that he has the son of this elder with the surname, he is also a regiment of legion. Long, how can Long Fei be the commander of Lao Shizi, who is not ausible commander again? Therefore, no matter how he successfully refuses, he is still pushed to the position of the leader of the anti-bone spurs coalition army.

Zhi Chenggong felt that it was not easy today. He sat down in the coach's seat, just like a hot stove, his buttocks were burnt, and he moved a few times in a row, and finally chose the right position.

I looked up at the arrogant generals below, but I was stunned by the different expressions on their faces.

Zhao Ke's bad eyes looked straight at Zhi Chenggong, which meant so clearly, as if he was blaming Zhi Chenggong not to take away the position. In the concession just now, Zhao Ke was the only one who did not make a sound, but Guan Xing looked elsewhere with a thoughtful look, but Ye Guoming's face was calm and his eyes flat. Hedi looked directly at Zhicheng, and Meng Jian was still always silent. No one knew what he was thinking, but Mengbo was looking curiously at Zhicheng, as if he wanted to study the strengths of Zhicheng, which would make Long Fei willingly give up the position of the coach.

Looking at Long Fei again, he has closed his eyes and looks so refreshed.

I feel as if I have been betrayed by Long Fei!

After coughing twice, he successfully cleared his throat and said, "Guys, thank you for your respect and pushing me to sit on this seat, but I am really afraid. Only Gong can be insufficient and miss the big thing. I hope you generals and seniors will not hesitate to give advice."

Ye Guoming said seriously, "General, don't be polite. Everyone has the same goal. It's all for the peace and great cause of the fisherman. No one dares to disagree. The general can rest assured."

Long Fei said, "Yes, although the general orders, we will not obey."

He cleared his throat again and moved his buttocks covertly. He was only a position equivalent to the head of the trainee regiment. Usually, he was just practicing his knowledge by Zhongzhi Pengfei. He was suddenly pushed to such a high position. He was really not used to it. He was really scared and uneasy. , calm down and then slowly said, "Then I won't be polite. If there is anything wrong with you, please bear with me."

Hearing that Long Fei and Ye Guoming had made a statement first, the expressions of the generals from all over the world improved slightly. After all, they no longer deliberately looked elsewhere. They all turned their heads and looked straight and listened to his instructions quietly.

"Guys, after investigating the situation of a city again in two days, we have made a plan to attack a song. Since this plan is completely the personal idea of the military division, I originally thought it would be better for the military division." Zhi Chenggong was afraid that others would say it was his idea, so he opened his mouth and moved Long Fei out. Among the four navies, everyone was full of confidence in the plan that Long Fei came up with and never had any doubts and worries. Although Zhi Chenggong sat in the position of commander, he still clearly realized this.

Zhao Ke first said, "General, please say that as long as it is the strategy of the military division, we will follow it."

Guan Xing also said calmly, "General doesn't need to worry. As long as it is related to the peaceful cause of the fish and human race, everyone in the account agrees."

Direct success is very shocked. Looking at these generals from all over the world, they are not kind people, but they are so impressed by Long Fei.

Looking at these generals from all over the world, I successfully felt that others were just ordinary masters. On the whole, they were slightly better than the officers in their barracks, but Long Fei, Ye Guoming and Meng Jian gave themselves a sense of trembling.

But when he broke up with Ye Guoming and Long Fei, one of them was only a half-aged man. Although he was resourceful, he seemed to be just a neighbor's amiable younger brother. The other was as innocent as white paper. Although he was strong in martial arts, he was also approachable and had no airs. Now after meeting again, he successfully felt that Long Fei has a pressure that shocks his heart. As long as he looks at Long Fei, he will rise from his heart for no reason. It seems that he is not facing Long Fei, but a dragon with a king's demeanor. Looking at Ye Guoming, Zhicheng felt that he was facing a magic soldier. Although he was not out of the sheath, the revealed divine power had made Zhicheng feel that his legs trembled and his heart was shaking. As for the tip, it is like a sharp blade soldier held high at any time. The compelling sharpness has stabbed the skin outside the clothes. Before the war, the momentum has weakened a little.

Although Zhisong didn't know how they could have such a big change, he gradually understood it when he remembered the current momentum of the copper head.

War is really a game that exercises people.

Since everyone has made a statement, they were completely relieved, but they still said to Long Fei, "I'm afraid of some omissions, let's say it to the military division!" Zhi Chenggong also wants to see Longfei's prestige in everyone's eyes. At the same time, it is better for Long Fei to send troops for the first time. After all, Long Fei is more familiar with the armies of the four seas. In this merger of the two armies, although there are many soldiers with direct surnames, in terms of the quality of the army, the martial arts and number of leading generals still dominate the four navies. Therefore, Zhi Chenggong did not dare to become the commander of the United Army. After several considerations, he thought it was better to hand over the deployment power to Long Fei.

Long Fei turned his body on the chair, with a leisurely and casual posture, which was not like the tense atmosphere of the two armies before the war. He looked at the generals and said lightly, "Guys, the bone spur army has been surrounded by us in a city and has become a trapped beast, but it is also dangerous to become the enemy of the trapped beast. Maybe when they It will hurt people, so we must launch an attack quickly to rescue the fishmen in the city, as well as Cheng Zhigong, Tongtou and others who have already sneaked into the city.

paused, Long Fei continued, "General Zhao, Meng Jian, I have a mission for you before I left. Now let's follow the original. You have to disturb the enemy desperately by the two gates. Remember, you must not attack without my order, otherwise the military law will serve you. In two days, someone will tell you what you should do.

Zhao Ke opened his mouth and smiled, "Don't worry, the military division and the general will definitely make them restless, not eat well, and restless all over."

Long Fei laughed and said, "If you really make the enemy restless and can't sleep well, I will remember your great work when you come back. However, if you attack the city without authorization, you will not come back to remember great achievements, but the crime of the army and rule the law."

Zhao Ke patted his face and said, "The military master underestimated me, Lao Zhao. This is just a piece of cake." He took the arrow and turned around and strode out.

Meng Jian came forward and silently took the arrow in Long Fei's hand, with a calm face.

Long Fei smiled and whispered, "Be careful!"

There seemed to be a change in Meng Jian's face, but he immediately recovered, and then whispered, "Hmm!" Turn around and go out.

"General Ye" Long Fei slowly pulled out an arrow from the case and looked up at Ye Guoming, the number one general of the four navies.

Ye Guoming stood up and faced Long Fei. His magnificent body was like a towering mountain, which always gave people a sense of stability and reliability and altitude. Between the opening and closing of his eyes on his calm face, a sharp light occasionally flashed, which made everyone who saw it trembled.

Ye Guoming's voice is always faint. Even if the war is imminent, there is no excitement and tension, and he still looks like he doesn't care at all.

Long Fei looked at this homage with satisfaction. His martial arts skills were already excellent, and his bronze head were only between him. He used to be a master who practiced martial arts at home, but after this period of life-and-death battle on the battlefield, now his whole body looks like a sharp long gun, flashing Cold light.

Long Fei handed the arrow to Ye Guoming and said, "You take 10,000 soldiers and horses, bypass the east gate of the city, and ambushed outside the north gate. Two days later, in the evening, a bone spur army will escape from this door. At that time, you should know what to do."

"Don't worry, the general and the military division, I know what to do!" No matter what kind of combat mission Long Fei sent to Ye Guoming, he did not say anything, neither predicated the difficulties nor contemptuous of ease, and took it all.

Long Fei nodded and said, "I know, but you should be careful."

Ye Guoming saluted Long Fei and said lightly, "Thank you for your concern." Turn around and go out.

Watching Ye Guoming's figure disappear, Long Fei turned his head and said to Guan Xing, "General Guan, there is a difficult task that must trouble you."

Guan Xing stood up, walked to Long Fei and shouted, "Military division, please order, Guan Xing is obedient!"

Long Fei said solemnly, "You take 10,000 soldiers and prepare 10,000 sacks, each containing 50 catties of soil. This must be completed by tomorrow evening. I have an urgent need."

Guan Xing was stunned and thought what kind of difficult task Long Fei sent, but he didn't expect such a thing. Although he didn't understand the use of these earth-filled sacks, he also knew that Long Fei must have a good use. He quickly said, "Don't worry, military commander, I will finish it on time."

Long Fei stood up and looked at him eagerly, hoping that Zhang Heng, Li Zhi, Mengbo and others who were assigned to the task said, "Generals, please be ready. Tomorrow we will fill the trench and start attacking the city."

The generals looked at Long Fei in shock and didn't know that after sending so many people to prepare, he would choose to attack the city vigorously.

Long Fei did not explain, but just assigned the task and said, "Zhang Heng led 10,000 troops to attack the East Gate, and Li Zhi led 10,000 troops to attack the West Gate. General Mengbo, you led 10,000 troops to attack the South Gate. Everyone remember that this siege is only for the purpose of filling the trench outside the city."


In the vertical sun, a song that the nerves in the city have been tightly tightened and has once again withstood the test of the fishman army.

Under a city, the three gates in the southeast and west are full of the army of fishmen. For example, the army of fishmen surrounded three faces in the southeast and west of the city, and the three gates were fiercely attacked. Every fisherman seemed to vent his anger here. He went forward and bravely rushed to a city. Arrows on both sides are like flying locusts, covering the sky and the sun.

All the siege tools, such as cloud carts, long ladders, rings, and crashes, opened their positions under the city and took turns, as if they were shining at the bone-piercing human string, causing another impact on the bone-piercing nerves.

There was a burst of drumming, and the total attack of the fisherman began!

The cloud car went first, followed by some ladder cars, rambling trees, crashes, and even some soldiers each carrying a sack and rushing forward desperately.

The bone-piercing man was nervous for a while. On the wall, arrows shot down like flying locusts, but they only left white marks on the cloud car one by one, and there was nothing they could do about the fishman soldiers hiding behind the cloud car.

The drums beat more quickly and more loudly, and the fishman's weapons reflected the sun, shining brightly, shaking the bone-piercing eyes of the city head.

The cloud car re-entered and gradually approached the moat. You can already see the clear and clear river water in the moat surrounding the city.

Sum, a group of soldiers carrying things on their shoulders rushed out from behind the cloud cart and threw things into the moat one after another. In the blink of an eye, the moat, which was one foot deep and two feet wide, had been filled with a small section.

Seeing this, another sharp and dense rain of arrows shot down. After leaving the bodies of several fishmen in front of the moat, they shrank back.

However, the fishman did not retreat because of this, but was aroused by the piercing arrow rain of the previous hatred. They pushed the car, hit the wood, and fell into the moat one after another. Suddenly, the moat was filled with another large section.

The bone-piercing man's eyes widened, and the fishman soldiers threw all the tools for the siege into the moat. Did they not want to attack the city, or were they dizzy, so they vented their temper to the siege instruments they had made with great effort?

No matter what the bone-piercing people think, another section of the moat has been filled in. It is a pity to be filled by those bone-piercing people. In fact, it is a useless lap, crash, cloud cart and ladder car filled a large section.

The drum sounded again, and it became more urgent later than before. The drummer of the fishman army finally vented the anger of several generations, beating up and down, and the sound of the shocking drums penetrated into the sky, exhausting the whole battlefield.

The fishman attacked more urgently. Cloud cars, bells, ladder cars, and crashes took turns, and rushed to the city one after another.

However, there is a strange phenomenon that has not been found.

Although the fishman's drums were beating urgently, although the tools for attacking the city came out frequently, although the sound of shouting to kill resounded throughout the battlefield and the momentum of attack was overwhelming, the overall offensive did not seem to be as fierce as reflected in the appearance.

Cloud cars, crashes and other siege tools often attack in front of the moat and stop moving forward, while the soldiers hiding behind the cloud car rushed out silently and threw the things on their shoulders into the moat.

When the bone-piercing man thought that the fishman army would cross over the moat that was filled in, and the final attack on a city attack, the fishman's army retracted, braved the piercing arrows, and began to fill another section of the moat.

In the strange and frightening eyes, the moat in the southeast and west has been filled in part, and the moat that has been cut off the water source has suddenly become a dry and dead river.

The third wave of war drums sounded, and the infantry of the fishman army followed the cloud car, crossed the filled moat, and finally attacked the city. All kinds of siege tools also crossed the moat and came under the moat.

The cruel offensive and defensive war has begun.

The fisherman climbed to the head of a city one after another, and never uninterrupted.

The bone spur desperately threw the sharp arrows, stones and logs into the city, smashing down the fishman who climbed halfway.

The sound of shouting and killing echoed across the battlefield.

In an instant, a city became a meat grinder, harvesting the flesh of the soldiers on both sides.


The gong of the withdrawal of the troops finally sounded, and the soldiers on both sides took a good breath. In this way, they rushed back and there for a day. Whether it was an offensive fishman or a defensive bone stabbing man, they reached the limit of their physical strength. Hearing the sound of gold, they still wanted to fight again. Even if the enemy stood in front of him, they were unable to raise their knives. Especially for several consecutive nights, he was so disturbed by the loud sound of gongs and drums that he was almost insane. After today's tense spiritual war, his physical strength reached the limit. At this time, he only felt that his legs were trembling and his whole body was weak. At this time, he just wanted to lie down and have a good sleep. There was still power there. He went to chase, so he just watched the fishman army retreat in front of their eyes until there was no one left.