Eastern Continent

Chapter 507, capture a song

Night, late at night.

Occasionally, a trace of wind passes by, bringing a trace of scorching heat during the day and the unique smell of iron and blood on the battlefield.

The lively battlefield during the day has quieted down. On the empty battlefield, except for the occasional sound of the wind blowing, no other sound can be heard. It was as silent as death, and the tragic killing during the day scared the animals of the square and small to disappear.

At the head of the city, behind the city wall, two bone-pierced soldiers stood in image. Due to the fierce fighting just after the day, the two soldiers were a little loose.

"Hey, do you think it's much quieter tonight?" Soldier A is still a newcomer. He still trembled when he remembered the fierce battle during the day. Soldier B whispered, "The fishman army will not beat the drums and gongs again tonight."

Soldier B is a veteran ruffian who has been slippery on the battlefield. He sneered and said, "What's strange about this? They are also not immortals. Won't they be tired? Through today's war, I know that the combat effectiveness of the fishman is nothing more than that. Even if they play gongs and drums again, we also know that it is ignored. Everyone knows that this is just a plan for the fishman to disturb the enemy.

"Hey!" Soldier A sighed and said, "Although this is the words, everyone will be nervous when the gongs and drums sound. Now I'm so nervous that I dare not close my eyes when I fall asleep. I'm exhausted!"

Soldier B smiled disdainfully and said, "If I don't happen to be on duty now, I will definitely sleep soundly. No matter what the hell, even if they play gongs and drums again, I will take it as farts."

Soldier A said, "Do you think they will attack again tonight?"

Soldier B said, "You think they are really immortals. After such a fierce offensive and defensive battle during the day, I don't believe that they still have the energy to toss around. Don't be small-hearted. Or, please pay attention to it for me. While there is no patrol now, I'll take a break first."

Soldier A was worried and said, "If the officer sees it, this is a big deal!"

Soldier B didn't care and said, "Don't worry. If the officers still need energy, they are tossing around with the beauty of the fish man in their arms, and they will come here..." Soldier B's voice seemed to be suddenly interrupted by something, stuck in his throat, cackling, but still couldn't spit it out. His hand touched his neck, but he felt the blood of his hand and the tail of an arrow exposed outside his neck. This powerful arrow that flew from nowhere had taken his life. Before falling down the wall, he only regretted why he didn't retire earlier to go home to accompany his wife and children. He closed his eyes. He seemed to see his comrades-in-arms who had died in the war. I'm waveing to him.

Soldier A stared wide again, stared at the arrow pole exposed outside the neck of Soldier B with fear, and slowly turned around. A scene that made him feel scared appeared in front of him. He saw several fishmen standing quietly on the wall, and there were still people behind him one after another. He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but he saw a general standing in the front wave his hand. The soldier A only felt a pain in his neck. The shout and the breath were held in his throat. It was a few difficulties. He finally exhaled the breath, but only made an almost inaudible sound, and then fell down under the wall. Before going down, he seemed to see a flat road leading from a distant place to the wall, and the fish army could cross this road to climb to the wall.

This is a miracle!

Soldier A exhaled his last breath.

After Guan Xing cut off the throats of the standing soldiers, he pushed them down the wall and immediately rushed to another sentry.

From the head of the city, I saw a road leading from the ground to the head of the city, as if there was a slanted hillside between the ground and the head of the city. The hillside was completely piled up with mud.

The endless army of fishmen is climbing up the city from this road.

Long Fei asked Guan Xing to bring a sack prepared by 10,000 people, which finally came in handy.

At this time, the bone stabbing army of the city finally found the invasion of the fishman army, panicked and hurriedly blew*.

The first person who entered the city was Guan Xing and his 10,000 soldiers with sacks. They climbed up the top of the city along the magical road they paved, and then stretched along the city gate to both sides. In the blink of an eye, they occupied a large area above the city wall, and with the increase of fishmen soldiers, the territory was still expanding. Gradually, the bone stabbing army guarding the city's head was forced to retract and gave up a bigger place.

The bone spur army woke up from its sleep, hurriedly organized soldiers to resist, and rushed to the fishman army at the head of the city from several places. Wing Tu recaptured the lost territory. The fishman army desperately wanted to consolidate and expand the territory for the soldiers who came up behind. This narrow bullet land of the city became the two sides. In the main battlefield, in order to compete for the control of the city head, both sides have invested a lot of military strength here.

For a while, in the reflection of the sky-high firelight, I saw a piece of flesh and blood flying between the square inches, shouting, waving knives and guns, and people fell down, and then someone made up, fell down, and made up again.

It's like a full-powered meat grinder, harvesting the lives of soldiers from both sides!

In addition to the attack on the front south gate, the other two gates of Yicheng were also fiercely attacked by the fishman army. Zhao Ke was at the east gate and Mengbo was at the west gate, attacking hard. Be sure not to let the guards of the two cities assist the south gate.

A long gun turned over, and the bone soldiers were constantly picked to fly from the head of the city. The fishman's landing troops led by him and Guan Xing. After standing firmly at the head of the city, they immediately rushed in the direction of the east and west gates like two arrows protruding out. The enemies encountered along the way could stop them for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, the whole southern city has been controlled in the hands of the fishman. After the endless fishman troops landed on the city head, the control area was rapidly expanding in the east and west directions.

With the support of the general on the left side, Sa Junichiro, the general of Shenwu, and Tanakahara, the general on the right side, hurried to the head of the city. Seeing the scene of the city, he hurriedly ordered to transfer the troops from other places and rushed to the head of the city occupied by the fishman army. They wanted to kill the fishman. The army rushed down to the head of the city. For a moment, there were more soldiers from both sides piled up on the narrow city head, layer by layer, piles of close to their faces, and even the pores on their faces could be seen clearly. The weapons could not be unfolded, but they just tore their mouths with their hands and elbows hit their heads, like rural women fighting, instead of the death fighting between the two armies. .

The soldiers standing in the middle did not dodge at all. Under the expansion of the opponent's weapons, they fell down in rows.

War has become a state of hanging! The forces of both sides are depleted at an alarming speed. It's just that the fish army vowed to take back a city, and its morale was high. However, the bone piercing army has been frightened for days, cold and vented.

After a while, the balance of the battlefield tilted towards the fishman. The siege force of the fishman moved forward step by step under the leadership of Guan Xing and Meng Jian, and the bone-piercing man was forced to retreat and gave up a larger territory.

Tanakahara saw Meng Jian, and his eyes burst into a light of hatred. He looked at Meng Jian with resentfully. It was because of the battle with Meng Jian that he left the injury that he could not recover until now. But he was also secretly afraid of the cold. He thought that although Meng Jian's injury was lighter than him, and it would take at least ten and a half months to recover, Meng Jian's current power was three points stronger than when he was fighting with him. The injury not only could not stop or retreat his martial arts, but also made him worse.

At this time, the bone spur counterattack army had been forced to retreat from the wall.

zuo chun yi lang picked up a pair of long forks made of unknown materials from the horse's side, jumped off the horse's back, and was about to rush to the top of the city.

Tanakahara hurriedly grabbed him, shook his head and said, "Let's retreat, go back to the sea as soon as possible, meet the sailors, and retain our strength. If we are still fighting with them here, we may not be able to leave."

zuo chun yi lang was stunned. What he feared most was the copper head that shot him at that time. Before he could see other fishman generals in his eyes, he looked at Tanakahara and said strangely, "Why, we can force them back while their feet are still unstable."

Tanakahara said, "No, that's the fishman general who even injured me, and there is a more powerful one who hasn't appeared. Do you think you can defeat them? Look at the road leading to the city. The person who can come up with this strategy is really a genius. In order to know whether things can be done, why don't you retreat if you know that you can't win them in the end?"

zuo chun yi lang looked at the sharp eyes, hesitated and said, "Even if we retreat, we must try to stop them from pursuing."

Tanakahara said, "Burn the city!"

zuo chun yi lang's eyes lit up and said hatefully, "Okay, order the soldiers to set fire to the whole city and stop the enemy."


As soon as Zuo Chunyilang's words fell, a big news also reached their ears. A soldier rushed to his face and shouted, "The granary in the city caught fire. The fishman launched *, seized the weapons, opened the east gate, put the fishman army into the city, and now he is killing this way."

"What?" Zuo Chunyilang was shocked, grabbed the skirt of the summoner, picked him up, and shouted, "Where have they been?"

The summoners said tremblingly, "No more than two miles away from here."

Sumiichiro and Tanakahara's faces changed greatly, and this time they were more shocked than hearing the fishman attack the city.

The fishman army is launching a fierce attack outside the city. It will be a matter of time before the city is captured. Sa Junichiro and Tanakahara dare not hope that they can defend themselves forever, but the fishman's uprising in the city is something they never expected, proving that these fishman hard work under the guard of the bone spur is not only lambs to be slaughter, but also a The lions waiting for the opportunity to fight back, now they have chosen the best time to fight back.

So far, Sasa Junichiro and Tanakahara know that the general situation is gone. If they don't retreat quickly, they may all the left and right armies that invaded Moon Island this time will reimburse this first city.

After throwing away the summoner, Sa Chunichiro turned over and jumped on the horse and shouted, "Brothers, retreat!"

Hearing the order to retreat, the bone spur army, which had already had the intention to retreat, hurriedly abandoned its opponent. At this time, regardless of whether to give its back to the enemy or not, it withdrew its two feet and ran up and rushed to the north gate of a city. This gate was the closest to the sea. As long as it walked through a road between two hills and another section of flat Tan's road can reach the seaside, and the piercing sailors are waiting for the fisherman at sea.

When the bone spur army was busy dealing with the fishman army that attacked the city, the copper head and Zhi Chenggong took the opportunity to open the chains on their feet, led the fishman's coolies to break the prison door and rush out of the street. Under the leadership of Ding Hao, they quickly went to the arsenal to seize the weapons, and then rushed to the nearest east gate.

The defensive bone spur army has not yet reacted. The copper head and they have already killed it like a whirlwind. Under the wave of the weapon, they killed the bone spurs to cry like cutting melons and vegetables. They rushed over from the bone spurs, dispersed the bone stabbing people, and then opened the east gate and put down the suspension bridge.

Zhao Ke of the East Gate attacked several times, but did not afford to break through the city gate. He was already furious. When he saw the gate opened, and then saw the rag-clad fishman's hard work, he was overjoyed to lead the army and rushed into the city. Under the huge axe waved wildly, the bone-piercing soldiers were broken and broken. Ghosts cried and howled, where he dared to Resistance and fleeing one after another.

Brondetou ignored these scattered and escaped bone spurs, took the team back to the city, went straight to the south gate of the most fierce battle, and rushed all the way, and the bone spurs encountered along the way defeated them with the momentum of destruction. In an instant, they could see the sound of fire and shouting to kill on the head of the South Gate. The sound also came to my ears.

Turning around another street corner, the sight was not that the bone army rushed to the head of the city desperately to resist the fishman army, but turned around and rushed to the north gate like a tide, but the fishman attacked from the city like a tide.

The bone piercing man is going to retreat!

Copper head has been trapped in the dungeon in the city these days. He has been angry for a long time. Thinking of his comrades-in-arms who died in the battle, he is even more angry at the act of piercing people and invading others. How can he let go of these bone-piercing people? He took those hard laborers and chased them.

Meng Jian, Guan Xing, and Zhao Ke, who had just entered the city from the East Gate, had long been eager to destroy all the bone spur army. Seeing them retreating, they would still let go there, and the horses followed the bone spur army wildly.

The bone spur army has long been without swelling the vigor when it first landed on Moon Island, let alone the high soldiers of Zengqiang. They embraced the north gate of a city, and then rushed to the direction of the sea all over the mountains, panicked like a homeless dog and as anxious as a fish leaking fish.

There was no time to escape and was blocked in the city. Except for a small number of people who knew that there was no hope of life and fought desperately, most of them did not have the heroic spirit to fight to the end. They threw down the weapons in their hands one after another, and knelt on the ground pitifully and trembled, holding their heads, waiting for the enemy's judgment.

However, many bone piercing people have been cut into meat sauce by angry fishmen.

The two armies led by Zuo Junichiro and Tanakahara originally wanted to defend a city and rely on each other with the sea army. After waiting for the victory of the bone spur army in the middle road, they attacked the fishman troops outside the city. Unexpectedly, the news of the victory of the middle army had not yet come, and the navy on the sea had not yet begun to play a supporting role. The city was broken by the fishman in a few days. For a moment, he was shocked and his fighting spirit was completely eliminated. He still resisted there. After rushing out of the north gate, he ran desperately to the seaside and left his two legs behind.

Sa Junichiro and Tanakahara did not have the heroism at that time. Under the support of the generals around them, they rushed to the seaside. At this time, in addition to a few generals riding horses, there were only some cavalry left. The infantry were all veterans, afraid of blocking the fishman army. The road suffered and had already rushed to the hillsides on both sides of the road.

Looking at the remaining troops around, they are all panicked like homeless dogs, tired of running for their lives, and the two gods are a little heroic. Thinking of the unbearable attack of the fishman army in the past, I didn't expect that now not only the general's martial arts skills were so strong that they were also terrible, so that they were defeated underestimated the enemy, and finally became such a situation.

The copper head beat the horse's buttocks desperately. This horse snatched from the bone-piercing man is really just a very ordinary war horse. Even if the copper head exhausts all means, it can't get closer to the fleeing army in front of him. Those who can ride such a horse and always be held in the middle by a group of people, needless to know that it is the main figure of the bone spur army, but the copper head can only watch the small bone spur army run farther and farther, and sigh, not to mention Meng Jian, Guan Xing, Zhao Ke and others who are still behind the copper head.

As long as you rush through this section of the road between the two hillsides, you can immediately reach the sea. Looking at the pursuit of copper-headed fishmen is still far behind, and the heart of the bone spurned general hanging in mid-air finally shook back to his chest.


A sudden war drum, like a huge thunder rolling from the sky, took the bone-piercing heart from the chest, and was so scared that it almost fell down from the horse's back.

In the sensational sound of hooves, two fishman troops dressed in yellow turtles filed out of the hillsides on both sides and blocked the road. The first person was Ye Guoming, the fourth admiral who made Tanakahara afraid in his sleep.

The cruel reality pulled the bone-piercing man from the door of heaven to hell!

"Ha, ha, ha..." The copper head chasing the horse behind him laughed happily. If he hadn't been riding on a horse, he would have danced and muttered, "God has eyes. Damn it, dragon boy is good!"

If you can think of this place to set an ambush, Copper Head also knows that it must be a good thing done by Long Fei! It's really a "good thing".

"Two" Ye Guoming held high on the back of the horse, holding a big knife in his hand, and stared at the two generals of the bone-piercing army with bright eyes: "You are greedy, and your hands are stained with the blood of fishmen compatriots. Do you still want to go back like this?"

Tanakahara's serious injury has not recovered and is eager to escape. The bumps on the horse's back have long been a recurrence of internal injury, and the qi and blood surged. However, at that time, he saw the hope of escape, so he suppressed the injury. At this time, he saw Ye Guoming in front of him. He knew that he was never been spared today, and he was angry and sad. A mouthful of blood couldn't help spitting out, and his body was shaking.

Sa Chunichiro and the generals were shocked and hurriedly turned their heads and asked, "Who is this person?"

Tanakahara smiled and said, "I was injured under him. This man's martial arts are excellent. Even if it is combined with the strength of you and me, he is not an enemy." Holding a long gun, he rode his horse towards Ye Guoming.

Sa Chunichiro was shocked and hurriedly stopped in front of Tanakahara's horse head and said, "I don't believe that you and I can't force him away."

tian zhong yuan took a look at the copper head that was chasing and gradually approaching, and said calmly, "Take the children to go quickly. Go back and tell the old patriarch that the fishman is different now. Now the fishman has a handsome and strong general, and his strength is only stronger than the bone spur. In the future, he can only get along peacefully. Don't be a swordsman." I ignored Zuo Chunyilang and others, holding guns in both hands, and horseding Ye Guoming, trying to stop Ye Guoming and let others escape with his own strength.