Eastern Continent

Chapter 521, unexpected

Poem says:

All kinds of wisdom,

One trick followed,

It's not a wise generation,

How to say dragon and tiger fighting.

The wind, with a trace of heat, brushed the grass, blew across the plain, and went far away.

The stream is curved like a sheep's intestine path, and it appears in the long grass. The intermittent clear stream reflects the sunlight, as if bright pearls are hidden in the grass.

In the distance, there is the big river called Jiuqu. The origin of this river is Mogan, the highest mountain on Moon Island. The winding river flows down from the mountain and keeps flowing towards a city, passing through six gods, Tianba, one and other big cities until it flows into the sea. It happens to be nine bends. The moat of Liushen City is a reference. The water in the Jiuqu River and the wide moat support the Liushen City like a jade belt. Behind the Liushen City are the mountains at the southernmost point of the Moon Island relying on the Mogan Mountains, facing the wide plain before the mountains.

You hit Long Fei's letter in his arms and walked quickly to the lobby. He did not feel ashamed of this battle. Instead, he was happy that he could contribute to the peace of the people of the two ethnic groups.

"Report!" The guard outside saw that it was You's attack and did not stop him, so he directly let him in.

Above the lobby, there is a young general sitting in the middle, with a pair of oblique eyebrows flying into his temples. Under his eyebrows are a pair of phoenix eyes, a straight nose bridge and slightly thin lips, which shows the man's perseverance and determination to not give up. The whole person looks beautiful and abnormal.

This person is the highest general of the Bone Spur Army, General Shen Hao.

There are still two rows of generals in the hall, led by Shan Yijun on the left, and the other three of the five wolf generals below. Tian Yu is also in this queue, but his face is pale, and obviously his injury has not yet healed.

The row sitting on the right is Mu San, Mu Wen, the father and son of Xiu Xingshan, Gong Yilang and others who should still be still in Sihai City and Jiuzhou City. However, Xiu Xingshan seems to be dozens of years old. His black hair has turned all turned white. Looking at his old form, there is no more elegant spirit at that time.

But Xiu Bifu looked gloomy, as if he could drip water. He lowered his head and only looked at the place under his feet.

The father and son of the Cha family are not here.

Mu San and Mu Wen, Gong Yilang still had that look and did not see that there was a little frustration and chagrin.

"General You has nothing to report? Is there a good thing to repay the war!" The young general said softly, as if he were talking about some parent gossip between relatives and friends. It was like a bone spur god-level general who dominated the battlefield, but like a shy girl in his boudoir.

You's blow did not dare to despise him at all. Shen Hao has always been hidden. No one knows the depth of his martial arts, but since he followed him, he has been convinced by his plans. After so many battles, they have only been defeated a few times, and the rest have been won. Such a scheme, even if they don't know martial arts, will convince these arrogant generals. What's more, in the bone spur army, no one will believe that Shen Hao can't do martial arts. They are willing to believe in the sun. Those who rise from the west don't want to believe in people who came from the bone-piercing royal family and have been taught by several top martial arts masters, but they don't know any martial arts at all.

You knelt down and kowtowed respectfully to Shen Hao before saying, "The final will disappoint the god. This time, he did not defeat the fishman, but was surrounded by the fishman." He told Shen Hao what had happened, and even Long Fei said about the dismissal of the two ethnic groups without any concealment. And he took out the letter from Long Fei and held it in his hands.

A personal soldier standing next to Shen Hao's seat came up to receive the letter and put it on the table in front of Shen Hao.

Shen Hao waved his hand and let You stand aside. After pondering for a while, he picked up the letter in front of him, carefully opened it, tore it apart, and then stretched out his white fingers, grabbed the letter paper, and pulled it out. Unfolding the letter, a letter that was not very long appeared in front of Shen Hao. Each word on the letter seemed to have a taste of a golden horse. In this golden horse, there was a very helpless mood, as if the writer was forced to write this letter. After a while, it seemed that every The words seem to shed tears. Just looking at this font, there is a heavy and sour feeling.

In his heart, he was surprised that he had not read the content of the letter. Shen Hao had become very interested in the person who wrote the letter. What kind of person is he actually wrote his feelings in his writing and jumped between the lines, which made the reader feel deeply.

Shen Hao closed his eyes and recalled these words. If he was not afraid of other people's jokes, he really wanted to take them and taste them carefully for a while. Then, he read on.

"General: I have heard of the general's prestige for a long time, brave and unparalleled wisdom, but I have no chance to face him. The fishman and the bone spur are the same overseas people. They hang on an isolated island, that is, they don't know how to communicate with each other. Instead, they have been fighting endlessly and have been killed and injured countless times. Not only are the fisherman already trapped every day, but also think that the bone spur and the fishman are also 50 and a hundred steps different. If it goes on like this, the fisherman will certainly suffer the disaster of the destruction of the clan, and the bone spurs must also be heartless. Decades can be recovered. If there are other barbaric invasions overseas, it must not be far from the period of extermination. In such a situation of losing both sides, God will be a wise man. Do you still want to build a moment's credit to put the two clans in danger? May the general have mercy on the people of the two ethnic groups, have no wife, no husband, no son, no old and no support. May the general put down his sword and return a detailed peace between the two races. If the general wishes to make this grand wish, this is the great blessing of the people of fishmen and bone spurs. Although Long Fei is not talented, he is willing to achieve this wish with the general! Long Feidun's first visit!"

After reading hundreds of words, Shen Hao was touched a little. If his information is good, this Longfei is a person of his age, but looking at his way across the battlefield and dealing with people, he is obviously much more mature than himself.

Shen Hao pressed his elbow on the letter paper, holding his cheeks with his hands, and his expression was calm and soft. He was like a general leading tens of thousands of troops, but like a young girl looking forward to the future. He turned his head and looked at Mu San and said softly, "What do you think the third elder should do about this matter?"

Mu San smiled and said, "Only Your Highness can deal with this matter. How dare I pretend to be arrogant?"

"Old fox!" You hit a comment in his heart.

Shen Hao turned to Xiu Xingshan again and whispered, "The elder Xiu is experienced and must have taught me something."

Xiu Xingshan's face turned red, and he quickly stood up and saluted Shen Hao: "General God praises me. I am now a familyless person. How dare you show my humbleness?"

Mu San said lightly: "Epid elders don't have to be sad. Victory or defeat is just the charge of the soldiers. Now there is a bone spur army as your backing, and you will definitely retake the Moon Island. In fact, I didn't expect Meng Ting to fight with the Jia family and rescued Wu Shangqiang while we were unprepared. So that we lost this game of chess.

Shen Hao also comforted Xiu Xingshan and said, "The elders don't have to be angry. This matter is just careless for a while. Besides, don't the elders still have 20,000 soldiers and horses? As long as my bone-piercing army quietly helps, the moon island will still be the world of the elders in the future."

It's just that there is a hidden sneer on Shan Yijun's face, and the bone-piercing man has always looked down on the fishman, whether it is a fishman who resolutely resists or a rebellious fishman.

Xiu Xingshan bowed to Shen Hao and said with gratitude, "Thank you for your help. I'm very grateful."

Shen Hao asked Xiu Xingshan to sit down and turned to Shan Yijun and said, "General Shan was sent by Brother Wang to help me fight against the fishman. Isn't there anything to teach me?"

Shan Yijun did not dare to be as big as Mu San. He just sat and talked. He stood up, saluted Shen Hao, and said coldly, "The fishman is a parable, which is only suitable for driving slavery. Our family is the son of God. How can we negotiate with such an unruly people and eliminate them!"

Shen Hao's face is as usual, and he can't see anything changed because of Shan Yijun's words.

These risers in the hall have always looked down on the fishman and regarded the fishman as the lowest bitch. Therefore, after listening to Shan Yijun's words, they did not feel harsh, but especially after fighting with Long Fei, they felt that Shan Yijun's words were a little overpowerful.

Shen Hao turned to Gong Yilang, smiled and said softly, "Mr. Gong has many tricks, and it's another guest chat invited by Brother Wang. Can you teach me how to deal with it?"

Shen Hao first asked everyone in the hall one by one, but his opinions were not disclosed at all.

Gong Yilang looked straight at Shen Hao, as if observing a strong enemy in his life, focusing on Shen Hao's every move. However, he looked at Shen Hao with a strange feeling in his eyes, as if he had seen the goddess in his mind, not his enemy. Hearing Shen Hao ask him, he smiled and took it for granted, as if Shen Hao had ignored him, a resourceful person, which was definitely not good.

Looking at Shen Hao's beautiful face, Gong Yilang stood up, bent down and bowed to Shen Hao before talking, "General God clearly agrees with General Shan's opinion that negotiating with such lowly people as the fishman will only lower the status of the bone spur clan in the eyes of the people of the surrounding islands. My opinion is full of encouragement. , destroy the fishman.

"Oh!" Shen Hao said, and then said to Gong Yilang, "I didn't expect that Mr. and General Shan have thought of a together. In this case, what kind of trick can you do to destroy the fishman?"

Gong Yi immediately smiled complaedly and looked a little proud. However, he also had a proud capital. He was resourceful and valued the prince of the bone spur clan. After being sent to Yuedao to assist Xiu Xingshan, he met Mu San because of Xiu Xingshan and his son. Now Mu San has a good relationship with him and seems to have the intention of pulling a cage for him, regardless. That side regards him as a glutton, and how can he not be proud of such a few popular things?

"God General Mingjian, in fact, this letter is the life-threatening paper of the fish man!" Miyaichiro pretended to be a profound way.

Shan Yijun's eyes lit up and looked at Gong Yilang and said, "Mr. Gong, please make it clear!" Shan Yijun and Miya Ichiro are the same prince of bone spurs. They are only one subordinates, one is a guest chat, with different status, and there is usually no communication, but Shan Yijun also knows how much about Miya Ichiro's ability. Hearing Miyaichiro say so confidently, he also knows that he has at least nine points of certainty. Because Shan Yijun is the prince of bone spurs, although he is under the jurisdiction of Shen Hao, he is more casual than others and dares to speak casually in front of Shen Hao.

Miyaichiro touched the beard and bullet shirt that had grown during this period, took two steps in the hall, and then said, "We might as well use this letter as a bait to let the fishman automatically fall into our trap."

Shan Yijun laughed with joy and said, "Listen to what Mr. Gong said, I kind of understand that we made an appointment with the fishmen to negotiate, and then ambush the soldiers to catch them all. It's just that we are like this, and we don't know if the other party will do the same.

Miyaichiro smiled mysteriously and said, "I'm looking forward to them thinking the same!"

Except for Shen Hao, everyone in the hall was stunned and obviously didn't understand why Gong Yilang said so. However, Shen Hao has always had a smile like a spring breeze on his face since the beginning, and it has not changed at all.

Mu San stroked his beard, looked at Miyaichiro, and smiled, "We are stupid, please make it clear!"

Miyaichiro smiled and said, "Attack camp!"

Shan Yijun and Muwen cheered at the same time and said happily, "This plan is wonderful. Mr. Gong is really a man of heaven!"

Mu San also smiled and said, "Mr. Gong's plan, this time the fishman will be defeated!"

Although Xiu Xingshan and his son did not speak, their sad face just now also showed a slight smile. They looked up at Gong Yilang, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

Gong Yilang smiled proudly. Although he heard a lot of these praises, he still felt fluttering every time. He liked this feeling, especially in front of Shen Hao. He was more eager for people's praise. If Shen Xiao also praised two words, he might faint with joy, but unfortunately Shen Hao from beginning to end. They all had a smiling expression, whether it was to the crying father and son, or to the arrogant Miyaichiro.

bowed slightly, and Gong Yilang saluted Shen Hao in the best posture and said with a smile, "What do you think of my plan?"

Shen Hao also secretly praised himself. This Gong Yilang looks slippery, his eyes are spinning, his eyes are flashing, and he is always judging the situation and making trade-offs, but there are really a lot of tricks. There was still a slight smile on his face and no other expression. Shen Hao said lightly, "Mr. Gong has a very good plan, but I don't know how to arrange it to make the fishman fall into the urn?"

Seeing that Shen Hao was not ashamed to ask himself, Gong Yilang couldn't help smiling. Like a male peacock recognized by a female peacock, his chest stood up and his voice was a little louder. He said, "After leading the fishman out of the camp with peace talks as bait, we surrounded him, but we didn't kill him. After the rescuers come, they can ambush the fishmen halfway and take the opportunity to attack the fishmen camp. I don't believe that they can still hold on at the beginning and end!"

Mu San clapped his hands and praised, "Mr. Gong's plan is wonderful, and the fisherman will be destroyed!"

Shen Hao was also shocked by Gong Yilang's plot. No matter who was facing such a deceit, he had a headache, but his face still smiled as usual and said, "In this case, General Shan and Mr. Gong will fully command this war. I will only be responsible for defending the city!"

Shan Yijun smiled, held his fist to salute Shen Hao, and shouted, "Yes!"

Gong Yilang also bowed gracefully to Shen Hao and looked at Shen Hao's eyes by the way, but he was still so cold. He was not a little appreciated or surprised by Gong Yilang's scheme.

"Long Fei, Long Fei!" Shen Hao secretly said, "If you still win this time, I will rule out all peace talks with you. So that you are defeated, don't blame me for being ruthless."

In the fish army camp, Long Fei sat above the handsome. Below are the generals. However, this time, the difference is that there are a few more people in the account, which are Jia He and Gou Zhitong.

It turned out that after Gou Zhitong and Meng Ting recovered from his injury, he summoned many warriors. When Xiu Xingshan was busy dealing with the civil strife in Jiuzhou City, he launched Wu Shangqiang, Wu Shangxiang, Zhiyong and other original leaders of the fish people. Because of the investigation and punishment, Zhuan was no longer single-minded to support Xiu Xingshan and his son. After Gou Zhi sometimes said a few words, beat around, and with great righteousness, he finally made up his mind to go out of the Xiu family camp. Together with Jia Hemeng and others, a sudden thunderbolt hit and rescued Wu Shangqiang.

Xiuxingshan fled from Jiuzhou in a hurry with one of his cadres and fled to the four seas to meet Xiu Bifu.

Wu Shangqiang has been out of trouble. With the prestige of his patriarch, the whole Moon Island has fallen in the hope of the wind. No one dares to oppose him as the head of his clan. Even the soldiers with the surnamed Xiu, after the battle, they also defected to the Xiu family camp and turned to Wu Shangqiang's side. The Xiu's surnamed legion quickly shrank quickly, from the Cha surnamed Legion. More than 60,000 at the time of the merger has now been reduced to more than 20,000.

Although the father and son of the Xiu family have four seas, because Long Fei has moved out the residents of the whole city when he gave up the four seas, what Xiuxinfu occupies is only an empty city. Without food, even if Gong Yilang is resourceful, he can do nothing.

And under Wu Shangqiang's high cry, the whole moon island was not in the bone-occupied area, and most of the soldiers surnamed Xiu from all over the world also escaped. Xiu Xingshan could no longer hold it anymore, so he fled to the bone spur army with some of his trusted subordinates and defected to the bone spurs.

Gou Zhi Channel: "After the three elders knew that Mu San escaped from this, he must have come to the bone-piercing camp. Although the military division is strong, no one may be Mu San's enemy. Therefore, he and my people also hurried over. Fortunately, there is still time."

Long Fei said happily, "I didn't expect that Elder Gou had taken Jiuzhou City so quickly, so that I could rest assured to deal with the bone-piercing people."

Gou Zhi Channel: "The three elders and I hurried to the army and also came to serve. Please don't be polite. We will serve at any time."

Long Fei shook his hand hurriedly and said, "I dare not, I dare not. I dare to save the patriarch in such a short time, expel Xiuxing Mountain, and recover the four sea city. Long Fei is so wise. Long Fei is ashamed of himself. How dare not wrong the senior? He is not as good as the master general. I want the senior to listen to the announcement under his account."

Gou Zhitong said modestly: "The military division is joking. Who doesn't know that the military division is full of plots. Since the war with bone piercing people, he has been singing all the way, winning a hundred battles and never lost. How can my little trick be seen by the military division?"

Long Fei said, "Where, no, Elder Gou is extremely talented, please give me more advice in the future!"

The two actually blew sticks to each other.

After a long time, they still couldn't compete. The rest of the generals of the fishman hoped that Long Fei would be a military division, but when they thought of Gou Zhitong's wisdom and merit, it was similar to Long Fei. Therefore, it was difficult for everyone to choose who to choose. The two argued, but no one opened his mouth.

Jia He, who had been sitting in silence, only nodded slightly when Gou Zhitong introduced him, but suddenly said, "You don't have to argue anymore. Long Fei is the military division, and Zhiyong is the deputy military division."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Jia He. The Jia family is a big family. It has been inherited for thousands of years, and the huge size of the family is unimaginable. Even in troubled times, except for a few families that have also been passed down for more than a thousand years, there is no power that dares to beat the tiger beard of the Jia family. No one dares to underestimate the people from the Jia family, even if they are ordinary warriors, the same as the wooden family with the Jia family.

Jia He belongs to the three elders in the inner hall, and his status is respected. Even in the Jia family, which is full of talents, is the best among them. Everyone looks at Jia He as if they are looking at a mountain, which makes everyone involuntarily awe of Jia He.

Long Fei said to Jia He, "I think it's better for Elder Gou, or you always come to be the coach. I'm a boy with no experience and courage, and I'm afraid of missing a big deal." Everyone is in awe of Jia He, but Long Fei does not seem to be so afraid. He talked with Jia He as easily as if he had met his relatives and friends. Long Fei, who had made great progress in spirit, turned a blind eye to Jia He's spiritual pressure.

Jia He raised his head, looked at Long Fei, and smiled and said, "Are you begging for a beating? Why did you pull my old man out?"

Long Fei looked at everyone with a bitter face and muttered, "This is forcing ducks to be put on the shelves!"

Jia He's skills are excellent. Although Long Fei's voice was soft, he still heard it. He smiled slightly and almost laughed. It's better to meet than to be famous. This boy turned out to be such a lazy person.