Eastern Continent

Chapter 522, like a tiger adding wings

If you do good, you will be praised for thousands of generations. If you do evil, you can leave thousands of generations of names. Good and evil deeds are only one thought, but in the end, it is Jing Weiming.

At this time, he seized the opportunity, stood up, saluted Gou Zhitong, and said respectfully, "After senior Gou rescued the patriarch, I don't know my father...?"

Gou Zhitong glanced at Zhicheng, his face darken, and said, "Your father has been internally injured in Xiuxingshan before he was captured. Although he was rescued, he was finally unsupported..."

Before he finished speaking, his face changed dramatically. He went to Gou Zhitong and said in a trembling voice, "Is my father..."

Gong Zhitong.

Zhi Chenggong cried out and ran out of the account. Zhi Chenggong's eyes turned red, saluted Gou Zhi, and choked, "Thank you for your opinion. Please forgive me. Success requires a quiet person." He wrapped his hands to salute everyone, turned his head and walked out of the tent.

Zhipengfei also stood up. Although he endured injuries, his eyes were also red and he said to everyone: "Success suddenly smelled the evil, grief is inexplicable, and rudeness, no wonder."

Everyone dares not say anything!

Jia He looked at the straight success's back, and a sympathetic look flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, he said, "It's a man who kills the enemy for revenge. Do you want to learn from women to cry!"

I was shocked, stood still, slowly turned around, saluted Jia He, and said respectfully, "Thank you for reminding me, I will definitely kill the old thief Xiu Xingshan to comfort my father's spirit in heaven."

Jia He nodded and said, "This is a man's behavior. He is just bleeding. How can he cry!"

Long Fei stood up from his seat, walked to Zhicheng and whispered, "If you can trust me, I will let you take revenge."

How can he not believe in Longfei's wisdom? At present, he was slightly relaxed and said to Longfei, "If the military division let success avenge this, the two successful brothers will repay this great kindness for the cow and the horse."

Long Fei took his shoulder and said, "You and I are more and more brothers. Your father is my father. I should take revenge on this hatred. Why should I be so foreign?"

I booed successfully and didn't know how to answer.

Long Fei said, "Brother Chenggong, don't have to be sad. Maybe revenge is only in these days. If you are worried about your health, how can you repair Xingshan's life?"

He raised his head and looked at Long Fei with surprise.


Vertical sun. Long Fei is discussing the military situation with the generals. The guards have a report, and some people in the Bones Army are asking for a meeting.

Long Fei ordered to be summoned, but the four swallows of the five wolves who had been with Wu Shang.

Long Fei looked at the white wolf Yanfei, four of the five wolves standing under the account, and said happily, "The divine general sent Yan to come, but he promised me to negotiate between the two races."

Yan Fei took out a letter, held it with both hands, and said respectfully, "It was the divine general who sent me here to show goodwill to the military division and talk about specific matters."

Long Fei said casually, "I don't know why General You didn't come, but General Yan came?"

Yan Fei said, "General You was punished by the divine general because of his failure. He felt that he had no face to come back, and the divine general was appointed down."

Long Fei looked at Yan Fei with a white face and turned his eyes around. He knew that this person must be an eloquent. He really didn't know whether he was one of the five wolves, whether he was ranked among them by martial arts or Shen Hao appreciated this talent. If you want to convince this person, you must be good at eloquence and more eloquence. There is really no such person in the fishman account.

However, Long Fei did not intend to convince him and said lightly, "Oh, I didn't expect General You to be punished because of me. Please apologize to General You for me."

Yan Fei said respectfully, "I dare not. Victory or defeat is a common thing in the military family, but General You has always been General Changsheng. Occasionally, he failed and can't erase this face. Later, he will think about it. He has the concern of military division and will definitely be extremely happy."

Long Fei said "Oh" and stopped talking. He lowered his head and quietly looked at Shen Hao's letter.

Yan Fei quietly looked at Long Fei. This fishman military division, which was full of mystery in the bones-piercing people's hearts, made every bone spur general who had fought with him feel cold. In the whole barracks of bone spurs, from Shen Hao to ordinary soldiers, they were full of curiosity about this military division. In their hearts, the heroic and invincible Ye Guoming and Tongtou are not as good as Long Fei.

The letter is nothing more than agreeing with Long Fei's suggestion, believing that Long Fei is a righteous person, and sending Yan Fei to discuss with Long Fei about the place and time of peace talks accepted by both sides, Yunyun.

Long Fei raised his head, looked at Yan Fei, and said lightly, "What is the general's opinion? Have you told the general?"

Yan Fei's heart was stunned. Long Fei seemed to have a faint glance, which made Yan Fei feel a trace of pressure. It seemed to be a mountain flying from far to near. Yan Fei now felt the huge pressure that was gradually approaching the mountain. I hurriedly carried up my internal strength and ran my whole body, but the pressure suddenly disappeared again, as if it had never appeared. After a hurried salute, Yan Fei put away his breath and said carefully, "The divine general did not give specific instructions. He just said that it was better to choose a place closest to the two main camps and on a flat terrain."

Long Fei said, "The divine general entrusted the general to discuss with our army. I don't know what the general has any opinion on this?"

Yan Fei smiled and said, "The young general is originally bone-piercing and is not familiar with the life of Yuedao. How dare he have any suggestions? Everything will be arranged by the military division."

Long Fei laughed and said, "That won't work. God will entrust the general to discuss with our army. How can he be the stuffy gourd? Please be sure to say one or two to reflect the sincerity of our peace talks between the two sides."

Yan Fei pondered for a while and then said, "If the military division demands so, the young general will overdo it."

Long Fei waved his hand and smiled, "Say it, say it, it was originally a peace talks between the two armies, but how could it be just my family's idea?"

Yan Fei laughed and said, "On the way in the future, I saw a small valley. Although it is a hillside on all sides, it is not very high. It can be expected that it is far away and has a wide field of vision and can be used as a place for peace talks."

Long Fei said happily, "There is really such a good place, but where is it? What's the name of the place?"

Yan Fei smiled bitterly and said, "The young general just saw that this place is more suitable, but he doesn't know what the name is."

Long Fei looked at Wu Shangqi. The Six Gods City is his hometown. Among everyone in the account, he is familiar with the terrain around the Six Gods City.

When Wu Shangqi saw Long Fei looking at him, he stood up and shouted, "The military division, this place is called Phoenix Valley. It is said that there were phoenix inhabit here in ancient times. To the south is the Six Gods Plain, the Mogan Mountains to the east, and the northwest are slopes, followed by the Liushen Plain. This valley is just between the Six God City and our army. The two armies The distance is equal, and the bottom of the valley is as flat as a mirror, which is indeed the best place for both sides to be light.

Long Fei said happily, "I didn't expect such a place, so let's choose this place. When do you think we should start negotiations?"

Yan Fei is no longer polite this time and said, "The bone spur army has been out for too long and is homesick. Of course, the sooner the better. Military division, please choose a time.

Long Fei said, "What about ten days later? In these days, both sides can send dozens of soldiers to build some tents in Phoenix Valley for negotiation. What does the general think?"

Yan Fei was happy. He didn't expect Long Fei to be so vigorous. Since he came to the fishman's account, in less than half a day, he had discussed everything and laughed, "It's so good. I didn't expect that the military division did things so quickly and immediately decided that the sincerity of the military division will bring happiness to the people of the two ethnic groups. I will now Reply to General God and make him happy.

Long Fei stood up with a smile and said, "General, take your time. I'm sorry I'm not far away. Come on, send General Yan!"

Yan Fei hurriedly said, "How dare you bother the military master?" Standing up, he circled the crowd, turned around and walked out of the tent. Maybe he had completed the task and was in a relaxed mood. Yan Fei seemed to fly when he walked.

After witnessing Yan Fei's figure disappear, Long Fei slapped the case and said angrily, "I knew that it would be good for Xiu Xingshan and his son to escape to the bone-piercing army. His grandmother dare to come and slander me!"

Zhipeng Fei was shocked and wondered, "How did the military division know that the bone spur was lying to us?" His words were the voice of everyone in the account. Seeing that Long Fei and Yan Fei were talking happily and had decided on the peace talks, everyone was happy that they would not have to fight in the future, but as soon as Yan Fei walked out of the account, Long Fei said that Yan Fei was here to lie to him.

Long Fei smiled, turned his head and looked at Gou Zhitong and said, "Senior Gou must know. How about let Senior Gou say?"

Gou Zhitong smiled faintly, but the appreciation and surprise in his eyes did not hide it at all. He looked at Long Fei and said, "Actually, I also thought he was sincerely negotiating, so I didn't feel anything strange. Until I listened to the soldier's words just now, I thought about this person's performance just now. Only then did I realize that as the military engineer said, this man did come to lie to us. This can be divided into two aspects. First, look at the bone spur general just now, obviously not the one who negotiated with the military division at the beginning. If the bone spur general agrees to the peace talks between the two sides, he will definitely let the person who was negotiated with the military division report. You know, we believe more in the general at the beginning, rather than the one who did not fight. The person who dealt with was obviously a bone-piercing man preparing something, and he was afraid that the general would leak secrets, so he temporarily changed Yan Fei. Second, Yan Fei said at the beginning that he was not familiar with the place and could not choose a place, but after the military division's modesty, this person was afraid that he would really lose the opportunity because of this, so he quickly said the Phoenix Valley. This is not to cover it. Is it good? Besides, this man's eyes flashed and peeped around, but he didn't dare to look at the military division. He was also afraid that what he wanted in his heart would be revealed through his eyes and be noticed. If he sincerely negotiated, why should he be afraid that people would know?

Everyone was shocked. Gou Zhiyong looked at an honest and simple middle-aged man. Unexpectedly, he had such a talent and his mind turned so fast. It seems that people can't be seen and can't be measured!

Long Fei said hatefully, "The most suspicious thing is that there is no mention of Xiu Xingshan and his son in this letter, as if Xiu Xingshan is not in the bone spur army now."

Gou Zhi Channel: "This point is indeed suspicious. If he negotiates sincerely, Xiu Xingshan is a matter that must be mentioned. He doesn't even mention it now. It is obvious that he has no sincerity at all and doesn't want Xiu Xingshan to be wronged."

If Miyaichiro knew that Long Fei and Gou Zhitong could see so many doubts from the people he sent and the letter, he might have to re-evaluate the fishman army or escape with his tail.

Hearing the analysis, everyone was greatly admired. When Yan Fei came just now, they really believed Yan Fei's words. They thought that the two armies could strike this time. The soldiers returned to the Maku and Ma was released to Nanshan, but unexpectedly, all this was just a scam. If Long Fei and Gou Zhitong were there, they would have believed all of them. .

Ye Guoming looked at Gou Zhitong for a long time and suddenly said to Gou Zhi Channel: "I want to ask my predecessor one thing. Please forgive me for any offense."

Gou Zhitong said lightly, "You don't have to say that I also know what you are asking. I'm that person."

Ye Guoming was obviously shocked and saluted Gou Zhitong respectfully and said, "I didn't expect it to be a senior. We are lucky to get the help of our predecessors. Blessed are the fisherman."

Gou Zhitong waved his hand and said, "I'm ashamed of the general's words. Looking at the Longfei brothers, they are the most intelligent people in the world."

Jia He said lightly, "You don't have to be modest. Although that boy is full of tricks, he is like a sky horse. Even I admire him, but you are not bad."

Gou Zhitong said respectfully, "The three elders are right."

Long Fei turned his head and looked at Jia and said with a smile, "Thank you for your appreciation."

Jia He looked at Long Fei and smiled and said, "Look at your clever boy, you know that you are not thinking about good things, but you can't take out half a word from my mouth about Zhitong. As for you to ask others, it's none of my business.

Sun Shangxiang smiled, but thinking of the horror of Jia He's martial arts, no one here dared to provoke him, and hurriedly covered his mouth.

The following sentence was obviously asked Ye Guoming to say it for everyone to listen to. Long Fei was so exquisite that he couldn't guess it. He turned his head and stared at Sun Shangxiang, and then turned to Ye Guoming and said, "Brother, can you say that I am really full of curiosity about the deeds of Elder Gou."

Ye Guoming first saluted Gou Zhi. Seeing that Gou Zhitong did not mean to object, he said, "The original name of Gou Xuan is the general of Zuo Xiguo. He has been defeated only a few times in hundreds of battles in his life. He has made great achievements and shocked the court. The surrounding countries do not dare to invade. Zuo Xiguo enjoys it because of Gou seniors. In more than a dozen peaceful years, existing people have made a ranking list. Among the mainland military geniuses, Gou ranked sixth, known as the Black-faced God of War. However, I don't know why senior Gou resigned from his official position and left the army later. His whereabouts are unknown. Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to see him.

Long Feida is curious. This ordinary person is actually a god of war. He ranks sixth in the mainland. Above the mainland, there are not only tens of millions of soldiers. Those who can rank among the top few of them can be described as god-level figures. Unexpectedly, he met one today.

Jia He said lightly: "Since ancient times, there has been a good end for the master of great achievements."

Long Fei suddenly stood up and saluted Gou Zhitong respectfully and said, "I don't know that the God of War has arrived, so there is something offensive. Please forgive me."

It can be said that Lushan was originally a smoke cage, and his face was the god of war. Only because of his high achievements shocked him, how could he be relatively long? He entered the cage and had no wings. His heart was sad, sorrow and hatred. Once he resigned his false reputation and fell into the forest.

Gou Zhitong laughed and said, "How can the military division be polite? This is not your style!"

Long Fei scratched his head and smiled shyly, "The boy wants to ask Elder Gou if he is free that day. Let's sit down and talk. How about him telling me something about the battlefield?"

Gou Zhitong smiled and said, "The military division is plotted without trace. The enemy often doesn't even know how defeated. I think even Tie Yanxin, the first big food god in the platoon, is nothing more than this. My battlefield experience is just a snake for the military division."

Long Fei almost shouted out in shock. Tie Yanxin, his teacher's surname is Tie. Is this the person? The military book he passed on to himself is the Iron Soldier Book. The content of this Iron Soldier Book is vast, esoteric and powerful, like the Book of Heaven. Long Fei can't put it down. When he is free every day, he must be reluctant to hold it. No wonder some people want to take it away. It turned out to be such a good thing.

Touching his nose, Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I praised the boy. In fact, the boy is inexperienced. Many times, the blind cat touched the dead mouse and won inexplicably, so I really want to hear some of the experience of the predecessor."

Jia He said, "These can be talked about slowly later. Now let's solve the bone-piercing prestige first. What wonderful plans can you two come up with? I'm just in charge of it."

Long Fei nodded and said, "The lesson of the three elders is that they should solve the bone stabbing people first and then talk about other things. What tricks does Elder Gou have?"

Gou Zhi Channel: "I see the military division laughing naturally without any tension. It is obvious that he is confident, and I am used to look ugly."

Long Fei touched his head and said with a wry smile, "I sincerely ask for advice, and the senior will give me some advice!"

Everyone in the big account found it funny. When they were together with Long Fei, it was rare to see Long Fei's appearance. At this time, it was like a fishman army leader who was powerful and made the bone-piercing people change their color, but like a student facing the teacher.

Gou Zhitong smiled and said lightly, "Rob the camp!"

Long Fei clapped his hands and laughed, "The hero's opinion is similar, and the boy is also like this." He raised his head, looked at the confused faces of the crowd, and smiled and said, "What the bone-piercing people think most is not the little people who surrounded and annihilated us to negotiate, but the armor and grain in our camp."

When everyone heard that they woke up, their eyes lit up and nodded one after another. The bone-piercing plan was indeed poisonous. As soon as the fishman's camp was broken, all the grain and equipment were destroyed or robbed. At that time, the fisherman only retreated.

Bronzetou first asked, "But how can bone piercing people sneak up on our camp?"

Long Fei said confidently, "There is only one situation that they will sneak attack our camp, that is, after the people who went to negotiate were trapped by bone spurs, someone came back to report, and we sent a large number of reinforcements out. This is the moment when the bone spurs attack camp."

Ye Guoming nodded and said, "This is indeed a good time to attack the camp. If I were the general, I would also act at this time."

Long Fei smiled compladenly, looked at the generals, and said, "Since we have expected the bone-piercing tricks, we will play with them. We can also add ingredients for the bone-piercing people so that they can live up to this war driven by them. However, you have to fight a hundred points of spirit and let the bone-piercing people and Xiu Xingshan father and son see. , scare them out of their courage.

Everyone shouted, such as practicing martial arts. Everyone looked excited, and the bone-piercing people were going to have a few more battles this time. Under the leadership of Longfei, the fishman generals will not only lose the battle, but also have the confidence to defeat them no matter how strong the enemy is.

This is the image established in their minds by Long Fei in the past year. The image of an invincible commander who is full of tricks, wonderful and nowhere to find. He can pass the war with the rebellious Xiuxingshan father and son, as well as the bone spur army that invaded Moon Island, making Longfei mature from a childish teenager who does not know what war is. He became an eagle that was proud of the heroes and flew into the sky.

Reaching out to recruit the generals, Long Fei assigned tasks for them one by one.

Looking at the excited and happy eyes and the resolute look in the eyes of the generals, Jia He and Gou Zhitong knew that Long Fei was already a god of war-like figure in everyone's eyes. There was no hesitation or doubt in everyone's eyes. He had an incomparable trust in Long Fei's plan, as if Long Fei only needed a plan. Out, the war is under your control.

In the barracks, we acted quietly!