Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 33 The Past is like the Wind

I was chased by the cattle before, but later there was another argument. In a blink of an eye, it was already late at night.

After calming down, everyone found that the grassland was unobstructed, and the wild wind blew so much that it was indescribably cold.

Adam picked up some dead grass from the ground, flicked his fingers, and lit a bonfire. Seeing this, everyone leaned over and sat together to keep warm.

For a moment, everyone sat around the bonfire, but they were speechless. A day's fatigue makes their body and mind unspeakably tired. The jumping flame of the bonfire seems to be reflected on everyone's face, with an indescribable enchanting.

After a long silence, Avril took the lead in opening her mouth. After all, she was a girl. She was unfamiliar with this situation, which made her feel a little helpless and hesitant. Avril looked at the bonfire in front of her, but she didn't know where she flew. She muttered to herself, "I don't know where the teacher is now? Those damn agents probably don't dare to do anything to him!"

"What the hell happened? What's wrong with your teacher? Say it, maybe everyone can help you a little!" Nima heard this and asked with some concern. He had asked Avril about her teacher, but Avril never answered.

"Hey! This matter is a long story, and until now, it has been classified as a first-class secret by my country. In fact, the cause of all this is because of a plan!" Avril only responded casually at first, but when she saw that everyone was looking at her with interest, she had to continue.

"My motherland is in Australia. I have been a fatherless and mother since I was a child, and I am a true orphan. It was my teacher who raised me and taught me a lot of knowledge and the principles of life. But just after I turned 18 and finished the problem assigned to me by his old man, the bad news suddenly came from the base, saying that he was captured by the agent!" At this point, Lavigne looked up at Adam, with an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"That agent was sent by the State of M. His purpose was to capture the teacher to learn a plan from the teacher - a great plan to form the 'Noah's Ark' drafted by the teacher himself!" At this point, Lavigne paused as if she was sorting out her thoughts.

As soon as everyone heard the four words Noah's Ark, they had some doubts. Nima and Andre didn't know what it was at all; while Adam and Eva looked a little strange, Noah's Ark? This is a little ridiculous!

"Although the great plan is only a blueprint and an immature idea, it is the result of decades of research by the teacher and his team, and the scientific and technological content cannot be underestimated. The original idea of teachers and others was to build Noah's Ark into a lifeboat for human beings, which can be avoided when human beings encounter a huge disaster. Although my country attaches great importance to and supports the teacher's plan, its national strength has been limited and has not been truly implemented. But I don't know why this plan has been known by M country. Speaking of this, there is a clear trace of hatred on Avril's face, which is not only a deep contempt for the teacher being tied up, but also a deep contempt for the hegemony of M.

"The scientific and technological level and comprehensive national strength of M countries far exceed that of any other country on earth, and they have always had absolute control over outer space. However, the role of this control is not obvious at present. Therefore, M has been eager to find a springboard for this control to play a greater role. Finally, M finally found this springboard, which is Noah's Ark Project. These ambitious guys actually want to transform Noah's Ark into the most powerful space warship ever on earth. If M country gets this Noah's Ark plan and finally implements it, there is no doubt that a sharp sword that can be cut is erected above our heads. As long as M country is unhappy, it is possible to take away our head at any time!"

"Therefore, this plan is particularly important for M country. In the end, M sent seven groups of agents. Finally, in an operation, my teacher was robbed from the base and his whereabouts have been unknown. Even Colonel Bond, who was amiable and respectable and watched me grow up, died bravely in the battle to defend the teacher. The reason why I came to Tibet this time is because the mother of the earth told me that she had a candidate who could help me save the teacher..." Lavigne did not explicitly say that the candidate mentioned by the mother of the earth was Nima as the captain. She is afraid that there will be too much pressure when Nima knows it now. After all, it will be against the whole M country!

After listening to Avril, everyone fell into a long silence. For a moment, the atmosphere seemed a little heavy. Seeing this, Avril said with some embarrassment, "Oh! It's all my fault. Why do you say this well? What about Nima? Damn it! What story do you have? Tell us about it, too!"

"Me?" Nima pointed to her nose and said, "What story can I have?" Let Adam say it! After all, I'm curious how can there be a flame in Adam's hand?

Adam feels a little embarrassed these days, and he even feels a little guilty about Avril. Because he is a native of M, and he is also a special person who works for the high-level government of M.

Adam touched his nose and looked a little embarrassed and said, "Okay! Then I will also tell you my story! In fact, I have nothing to say. I'll tell you what you are more interested in, similar to people who can breathe fire, such as people with special functions.

"Hmm...what do you say? I can probably be regarded as half an agent! I am now in the Eighth Secret Force of M, and I am an honorable member of the W 0th power group. This W is the abbreviation of WIN in English, which means invincible. Zero also represents our combat effectiveness and is the strongest in the eighth unit! In our power group, there are all some talented people, some who can breathe fire like me, and there are also many capable people such as perspective, remote vision, thinking sensing, prediction, mind transfer, thought treatment, soul out of the body, weight, phantom survival and so on!"

"Wait! What did you say? Are there any people you know who can give birth to weight? When Lavigne heard this, she suddenly interrupted Adam and asked anxiously.