Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 34 The past is like the wind

"In our power group, there is indeed a person who can possess his soul, and this person is still our legendary leader! Why do you ask these questions? Adam said doubtfully.

When Lavigne heard this, her expression was a little excited, and she continued to ask Adam, "So what exactly did the leader of your power group look like when he used his soul possession? Can he control other people's bodies?

"Well... In fact, I have just entered the power group. Even some of the members of it, I haven't seen it many times. As for the famous team leader in our power group, I have never seen it!

However, I have heard some team members say in private that the spiritual power of our team leader is naturally strong. With just thinking, he can control a lot of things and do many things. As for whether he will be soul possessed or not, I am not sure! However, I think it's a little real. Otherwise, how can he become our team leader without two brushes!" Adam spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless.

Although Lavigne did not get a positive answer from Adam, at least there is a clue now, so Lavigne did not show much disappointment, but she was not talking. So for a moment, the atmosphere became a little silent.

After a while, Eva, who had been silent, finally had a speech. She said to Andrea, who was sitting aside in a daze, "How's it going? Big man, don't just listen and talk! You can also tell us your story!"

Andre, who had been sitting there and didn't know what he was thinking, scratched his head shyly and said, "It's okay for me to charge into the battle, but I really can't do such a mental work as storytelling!"

Who asked you to tell a story? Just tell us about your experience from childhood to adulthood!" Nima added with a smile, but she didn't know that he didn't say anything, but he still wanted to talk about others.

"Experience from childhood to adulthood?" Andre lowered his head and thought for a while, looking thoughtful. Then, the big man who was not good at words showed a little sad expression on his face. Obviously, he was completely immersed in the memory of the past!

"Like you, I have been a fatherless and motherless and an orphan." Everyone is not surprised about this, because they all know that their life and others are closely related to the Mother of the Earth. I'm afraid that all mysteries can only be solved after seeing the Mother of the Earth!

Andre's tone was very slow and continued: "My childhood life is like being in purgatory, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life! Because since I was a child, I have been locked in a secret base without seeing the sun.

There, countless people surround me every day, but do you know? They are not here to understand and care about me, but to study and analyze me! You can't realize how scared I was when they came to me with all kinds of strange instruments; you can't understand how painful my body and mind are when they put all kinds of drugs and medical devices on my body...

Although at that time, I could eat whatever I wanted and sleep as much as I wanted, I could only get the one thing I wanted most - freedom! Do you know? When I was a child, my biggest dream was to see what the outside world was like!

I want to see the stars, I want to see the sun and the moon. There are too many things I want to see..." Andre said here, and a tear flashed in his eyes. It seems that his childhood really hurt him a lot.

"What happened later?" When Lavigne heard that Andre's experience was worse than herself, she couldn't help but be very sympathetic and asked.

"Later, they studied for many years until I was about ten years old, but there was no progress. I know what they are studying. I heard some people say by chance that I am a monster that falls from the sky. But later they found that although my strength was much greater than that of ordinary adults, it was not as shocking as when I was born. So gradually, they relaxed their attention and vigilance against me, and finally, they found an opportunity to escape from that base.

"It was shocking at birth, but later the ability slowly disappeared. This situation is also in me!" Adam said thoughtfully. In fact, with his current strength, he can't enter the power group of the Eighth Army at all. The reason why he can enter is that when he was born, he was very shocking. It is said that he could swim in magma at that time!

But now, even if Adam enters this power group, with the strength he shows, he is still excluded everywhere and despised. So this time, the reason why Adam came to Tibet is to get the so-called heart fire in the mouth of the mother of the earth, so that his strength will rise greatly. In the future, he will have the strength to really stay in the power group, so that those low-eyed guys can look at each other with new eyes!

Especially to let the so-called team leader who has never met him slander himself and pay the price that he regrets!

"I have this situation too." Following Andre and Adam, Lavigne also said that she has the ability to gradually degenerate. According to the teacher, when she was born, she was able to break through the most advanced computer defense system, but now, although she is more intelligent than ordinary people, she is not as amazing as before.

The remaining two people, Nima and Ava, did not make any statement. In fact, they also had the ability to deteriorate, but they didn't know it!

Awa is the little water that returned to the center of the earth. The mother of the earth has witnessed the strength of her vitality and can actually have an impact on the life around her, which shows her strength.

As for Nima, because there was no one around him when he was born, there were probably only a few beasts who knew Nima's ability!

In those years, since Nima came to a valley, he began to cry. In fact, his crying first attracted not a snowman or a savage, but a group of wolves!

At first, the wolves thought that this was the delicious food given to them by God, but they didn't expect that when they opened their mouths and wanted to enjoy the delicious food, their biggest weapon, their teeth, were all destroyed by the seemingly weak babies. Finally, the wolves suffered a dumb loss and reluctantly left. Open.

After the wolves left, two snow leopards, a hidden bear and three wild dogs came, but none of them returned after paying the price of countless teeth.

At that time, Nima's biggest dependence was the solid defense!


"And I don't know if you have found that our birthplace is related to the government!" Through the layers of historical fog, Avril analyzed according to her own understanding, "Is there any reason for this?" But what even Lavigne can't figure out, let alone others.

"What happened after you escaped from the base? At that time, you were only in your teens, and how did you survive? Adam knew the warmth and coldness of the world, so he asked Andre with some worry.

Andre was very moved by Adam's concerned face and continued to recall: "After escaping from that hellish base, my life has fallen into a difficult situation. In my opinion, what was readily available seemed so far away when it came outside. For example, I was beaten by three black people all afternoon for a piece of bread, and then they probably let me go because they were tired.

Fortunately, someone soon rescued me from this hungry life. Although they are not very rich, they have a loving heart and support many homeless orphans like me. So later, I changed my dream that all thousands of displaced children in Africa can have a home!"

Andre didn't know at this time that it was precisely because of his words and his future efforts that made the status of Africans in the world one of the strongest in the future.

"It's easier said than to do, and even my dream is harder to reach the sky! Not to mention the orphans of the whole Africa, I couldn't even support myself at that time. So later, according to my own conditions, I found a very profitable and suitable career for me.

"What profession?" Adam is very curious about what good job a teenager can find?

"Speaking of which, the job I found is not very glorious - it's just a black fist! In this way, I made a lot of money by hitting the underground black fist, but it was still a little out of reach for my grand goal, until one day, I heard the call of the mother of the earth and saw the light of hope!"

Andre said here, but the surroundings were very quiet. No one asked him any more, and no one said anything more, because everyone had a deep respect for Andre at this time!

Yes, if Andrea's performance at the beginning was to awe everyone; then Andrea's childhood made everyone feel sympathy; and now what Andre said is to make everyone feel respected! Respect from the bottom of my heart!

"What's wrong with you? Why do you look at me like this?" Andre looked at the crowd blankly.


"Are you talking? If you don't talk, I'm going to bed!" After Andrea finished speaking, he saw that everyone still ignored him. After a while, he snored. He is really tired today, not only physically, but also mentally tired when he recalls the past. So it didn't take long for me to snor here.

Adam quietly took out a blanket from the car and covered it with Andrea's huge body, as if the big man was a child in need of care at this time.

Nima also yawned. His physical injury has not healed yet. Seeing this, Eva said to everyone, "It's getting late. Let's take a rest!" Avril and I are sleeping in the car. Which one of you is outside? As for the vigilance at night, everyone takes turns! What do you think? Do you have any opinions?

"I have an opinion!" Adam said as soon as he heard Eva's words. Ava frowned when she heard the words.

"You two are just women without the power of binding chickens. I think it's better not to let you come to watch the night! I think it's enough for me, Nima and Andre to vigil!" After saying that, Adam stared at Eva without showing weakness.

"Alle! It's up to you!" Eva did not argue with Adam this time, because she knew that although Adam looked down on them, it was more for them. Therefore, Eva was not only a little moved at this time, but also suddenly found that the person in front of her was not as annoying as she had thought!