Poison Overlord

Poison and classification

Poison dú


(2) Harmful nature or harmful things: ~ Qi. ~Sex. ~ bait. ~medicine. ~ Snake. Suck~. Vendor~.

(3) Harm, Harm: ~ Harm. ~hua. ~ Kill. Mo Yu ~ also (no one can harm me, that is, no one can do anything to me).

(4) Fierce, fierce: ~ spicy. ~ji. ~ Punishment. Fierce~. Evil~. ( 5) Hate, think bitter: it's infuriating~.

(5) Harmful effects: ~ element. ~tumor

(6) Rule: This meaning only appears in ancient Chinese. For example: "Teacher, Zhongye; Zhen, Zhengye. If you can do justice, you can be king. Just respond, take risks and obey, so as to poison the world, and the people follow it, what's the blame!" Poison does not have a derogatory meaning when ruling. It should be noted that the translation is similar to "Qin has no way to poison the world". It should be the State of Qin to rule the world with no way and mediocrity, not the State of Qin to harm the world with no mediocrity

Poisons are drugs that can poison or even kill people in various ways. Poisons are divided into acute poisons and *, and acute poisons such as *, *, etc. The model of * is *; poisons are divided into dominant poisons and hidden poisons according to their obviousness. The poisons mentioned above are all dominant poisons, which are easy to be detected, while hidden poisons are often careless, such as poisonous flowers placed in the bedroom, etc. This kind of poison is the most Be careful, because if you don't pay attention, it will cause a disaster.

Ferce drugs

"Zhou Li • Tianguan • Physician": "The doctor is in charge of the decree of the doctor, gathering poison to work together


." Zheng Xuan's note: "Poison, the hard worker of medicine." Guanzi Shixian: "If you flat magpie, blood, poison, accessory skin." Historical Records • Biography of Hengshan in Huainan: "Poisons are bitter in the mouth and good for disease, and good advice is good for the ears and good for action."

Life-threatening drugs

"Mozi • Shang Tong Shang": "The people in the world are harmed by water, fire and poison." Dongguan Han Ji • Biography of Geng Gong: "With the poison Fu Ya, the Xiongnu said: 'The divine arrow of the Han family, among which the creator must be different.'" Qing Jiyun's "Yuewei Caotang Notes • Luanyang Xiaoxia Record I": "Nanpi chose a doctor, who is quite skilled, but he is good at using poison and blackmailing. If you don't want to do whatever you want, you will die."

Chinese medicine terms

generally refers to drugs.

"The Theory of Su Wen • Different Method": "Its disease is born inside, and its treatment is suitable for poison." Suwen • Dirty Gas Law Theory: "Poisons attack evil, five grains for nourishment, five fruits for help, five animals for benefit, and five vegetables for filling." Wang Bing notes: "medicine, such as gold, jade, earth, stone, grass, trees, vegetables, fruits, insects, fish, birds and beasts can dispel evil spirits. However, it is safe to ward off evil and righteousness, but poison is capable, so it is called poison. Poison has three meanings:

1 refers to the bias of the drug. For example, dried ginger is hot, Huangqi is cold, rising hemp lifts the air, and Suzi lowers the air. That is, use the bias of drugs to adjust the yin and yang.

2 refers to the side effects of drugs. Changshan treats malaria with the side effects of vomiting.

3 refers to the toxicity of drugs. Some drugs are toxic, and overdosing can lead to poisoning. Such as mercury, light powder, hook kiss, fine spice, etc.

2 History Introduction Editor


Human discovery of poison is an accident, which may be that some plants are highly toxic when cooking. However, people with poison knowledge were respected as tribal warlocks at that time.

The first record of poisoning appeared in the Roman Empire in the Christian era, but before that, Indians, Chinese, Greeks and Egyptians had already begun to use poison.

Cleopatra used slaves to experiment with fairy, belladonna and Asap snake poison (final suicide place


Selected snake). Even in many countries, people have increased the consumption of poisons little by little to achieve immunity to them, such as the Earl of Monte Cristo written by Alexandre Dumas.


Many 15.16th and 17th century poisons have disappeared. The most common method of poisoning during that period was in wine or food. Because the food used a lot of spices at that time, it was impossible to taste the taste of poison, so special testers also appeared.

In the 15th century, the Boja family in Italy was the most famous poisoning family, and almost everyone in the family mastered this method of killing. An Italian princess named Catherine de Medici married to France. From then on, mysterious death began to appear, and later the extremely popular * began to prevail. Therefore, the word "Italian" in French has become synonymous with "poisoning". The princess is also good at using nicotine found in the New World to murder family political opponents, or feeding * toads and extracting toxins from their bodies.

There are also several famous poison experts: Anthony Isiri, who can control the time of death of the victim with poison; Lafangin, Louis XIV's court perfumer, and many nobles in the court died under her men; Marie Dopeia, who used poison to obtain family property and experimented on patients in the hospital, and finally died in the experiment. Medium.


The official study of poison began in the early 19th century, marking the study of the efficacy of horse money by Claude Bernard, a physiologist.


The Characteristics of Poisons written by Ophella, the founder of modern poisons, was published in 1814. By 1830, the composition of almost all inorganic chemicals could be known through chemical analysis, but organic poisons could not be analyzed by this method. Belgian chemists broke this conclusion by allowing Servista to extract alkaloids during the investigation of the murder in 1851. After the method of detecting poisons increased, the method of killing poison also declined.


After the 20th century, industrial development, chemical drugs increased, and artificial poisons appeared one after another. According to intelligence analysis, the most toxic drugs, detergents and other household products are used, followed by pesticides and alkaloids, and the least toxic are gas and smoke.

In the past, people often focused on users and ignored the detoxification of poisons. Therefore, the skills of detoxification are not superb, leaving only some superstitions. For example, milk is considered to be a universal antidote, but in fact, milk only has a dilution effect. Salt water is considered to be a first aid, but it is very dangerous to detoxify with salt water, because it can only have a certain dilution effect, and excessive sodium chloride can lead to heart disease, which is more dangerous for the weak (those with brine should be careful next time). But any antidote must be used carefully, otherwise it will be more dangerous than poison and even become part of a murderous conspiracy.

There is no universal antidote in the world. The use of antidotes only depends on the type, dosage, usage and time of the poison. That is to say, the only way to detoxify is to observe the symptoms and apply corresponding treatments.

In terms of disciplines, modern toxicology and forensics are interdisciplinary and inseparable.

3 classification editing


(for normal people)


Level 6 highly toxic less than 5mg/kg less than 7 drops

Level 5-50mg/kg7 drops to 1 spoon

Level 4 is very poisonous 50-500mg/kg 1 spoon to 1 ounce

Level 3 toxic 0.5-5g/kg 1 ounce to 1 pint or 1 pound

Level 2 light poison 5-15g/kg1 pint to 1 quart

Level 1 microtoxic 15g/kg above 1 quart or 2.2 pounds or more

Traditional poison

[1] The poisons referred to here are not related, but they are relatively well-known.

Arfore, an element, can no longer be decomposed and is widely used in industrial production, so it is relatively easy to obtain, including many household products: wallpaper, paint, paint, etc. There is a trace amount of arsenic in the human body, which ranks 20th among the 103 most common elements in nature.

Name: arsenic, *, arsenic oxide, white arsenic, gray arsenic, metal arsenic, *.

Toxicity: Level 5

properties: pure arsenic is a gray crystal with metallic properties; under natural conditions, it is white powder. In murder, it is mostly used as solid food swallowing. In fact, it can be used as poison as a vapor. However, there is a difference between solid and gas poisoning symptoms.

Symptoms: The skin of the poisoned person will have a rash and even lead to skin cancer. The most common are severe stomach pain, diarrhea and blood, vomiting, body temperature drop, blood pressure drop, dizziness, **, serious coma, blood circulation stopped leading to death. If it is not sudden death, the poisoned person will have headaches, speech confusion or paralysis, and arsenic will invade the liver and kidneys within a few days. Arsenic can generally

Common poisonous plants in daily life (11 photos)

is found in the patient's hair, nails and urine, but if it is a sudden death, arsenic will be found in the digestive system. Chronic poisoned people will have extreme pain in their hands and feet, local swelling, hair loss, heart failure, etc.

Onset time: Symptoms will appear within 1.5 hours at the earliest, and acute poisoning will die within 24 hours.

Detoxification: gastric lavage, injection of "coagulant", renal dialysis surgery

Note: The symptoms of arsenic poisoning are similar to those of gastritis. Chronic arsenic poisoning can cause colitis.


is widely used, especially in industry. Cyanide acid reacts quickly and exists in a large number of seeds and fruits, such as peaches, apricots, plums, wild cherries, etc. (so this kind of fruit should not be eaten too much), but it should be noted that cyanide acid is not equal to *.

Name: *, potassium*, sodium*, hydrogen*

Toxicity: Level 6

properties: Except for hydrogen * as **, * and hydrogen cyanide as gas, the others are white solids with a pungent almond flavor. Solids need to be swallowed, and the gaseous state can be absorbed by the skin. In addition, some matrix compounds will synthesize* when they encounter hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Symptoms: Whether solid, ** or gas poisoning, it can cause people to lose consciousness, convulsions or die. If the intake can be fatal, the poisoned person will have shortness of breath, dizziness, redness, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, drop in blood pressure, convulsions, and death within four hours. Even if sodium nitrate is injected, he will still die after ten hours. The poisoned body smells of almonds, but not all people can smell it, and the blood of the deceased turns cherry red.

zuo time: 1-15 minutes, if inhaled*, instant death.

Detoxification: Emphasis on rapid (within half an hour), taking pentylnitrite, gastric lavish, inhaling pure oxygen or injecting thiosulfate (inhalation*).

Note: Almonds sold in the store are produced* under certain conditions. A man died after eating 48 almonds baked at 300 degrees for 10 minutes. In addition, many plants are also easy to produce*, such as mahogany, Christmas cherries, etc.


The poisoning reaction is not fast, but it is extremely horrible. In reality, * was once used as a stimulant in medicine, and now it is used as a rat poison or a good medicine for vomiting. Name: *, dog button, mole fear, mole death

Toxicity: Level 6

Nature: colorless crystal powder, pungent smell, can be poisoned by skin and eyes. Many plants contain *, such as dog buttons (grown in the tropics). The fruit looks like citrus and tastes bitter, but is very attractive. Its flowers have a curry flavor and are also poisonous.

Symptom: It destroys the central nervous system, leading to a strong reaction and eventually leading to muscle atrophy. Poisoned people will suffocate, become weak and have convulsions. The poisoned person will first harden his neck, and then his shoulders and legs** until the poisoned person curls up into a bow. And as long as the poisoned person speaks or acts, it will** again. The body will still twitch and look ferocious. * Poisoning is very painful, and its performance is similar to tetanus.

Time of attack: 10-20 minutes

Detoxification: Take activated carbon, wash the stomach, absolutely rest, and do not have any sound or strong light.

Note: Less than a constant amount of poisoning will not cause any symptoms and can even kill parasites in the intestine.

Family poison

General introduction - gas (carbon monoxide) causes suffocation, especially in closed cars that have been started for a long time; the propane fuel used during camping will affect the central nervous system if it is inhaled or comes into contact with the skin. In addition, the spray used to deal with perverts is also made of propane; * People with allergies or overdose will have severe respiratory failure. Exhaustion.

Botox - Cans of meat, fish or vegetables that are not sufficiently heated and expanded can cause botulism; home-made pickles may also contain toxins; children under two years old can cause botulism due to honey

Name: botulinum poisoning, Clostridium poisoning

Toxicity: Level 6

Nature: grown in the case of anaerobic, the buds are invisible to the naked eye and enter the human body through contaminated food

Symptoms: blocking nerves, muscle paralysis and necrosis, **, blurred vision, vomiting, massive nerve bleeding, decreased liver function, and death.

Oset time: not necessarily, usually 8 hours after eating food, and at the latest is the 8th day

Detoxification: use serum, activated carbon (in the case of no symptoms), gastric lavage, oxygen inhalation

Alkaline preservatives - they exist in household washing products and can destroy weak acids, such as vitamin C, but commonly used soaps are not preservatives. The battery contains this, so swallowing the battery is also one of the ways to commit suicide.

Name: sodium hydroxide, alkali liquid, sodium phosphate, sodium carbonate

Toxicity: Level 6

Nature: extremely corrosive, can cause skin burns, and suicides do not dare to use it easily (swallow more with martini). The process of corroding internal organs is slow, and the poisoned person is extremely painful

Symptoms: causing human tissue liquefaction, poisoned people will immediately have pain, vomiting, diarrhea, physical exhaustion, death, and vomiting with blood. In the first 24 hours, the poisoned person will improve, but after 2-4 days, blood pressure will begin to drop, blurred vision, fainting, and finally die of esophageal or gastric perforation. The internal organs of the body are necrotic, and there is a large amount of colloid, which is unbearable.

Attack time: react immediately after contact, but death will take several days

Detoxification: dilute water or milk, do not let the poisoner vomit, use surgery to repair damaged tissue

Note: The survivor's esophagus will contract and it is very difficult to swallow. Alkali mixed with some detergents


The combination will erupt violently. In addition, lemonade cannot be used to neutralize lye.

Ammonia - widely used in industry and common in household cleaners

Name: ammonia, ammonia hydroxide

toxicity: 4.5

Nature: gas at room temperature, colorless, clear alkaline and unique smell. Ammonia is a common gas, and ammonia hydroxide is a solution

Symptoms: corrode cells, stimulate*. If swallowed, extreme pain, cough, vomiting and shock, digestive system perforation and hardening, pulmonary water will appear after 12-24 hours. If inhaled, the skin will be swollen, blind, foaming at the mouth, and the skin will turn red.

Time of attack: immediately

Detoxification: dilution

Note: Combined with strong oxides, calcium, gold, mercury, silver or bleach, it is more toxic and unconsciously poisoned.

bromide-bromide is an accumulative poison. The toxicological effect of bromide is mainly the inhibition of the central nervous system, and its toxic pathogenesis is directly related to the metabolic characteristics of bromine in the body. B2 is very similar to chlorine metabolism, which can replace chloride ions in tissues (including body fluids), thus causing poisoning. The concentration of bromine ions replaced by chlorine ions with 1:1 in the extracellular fluid remains quite constant (355mg%). When 40% of chloride ions are metabolized in body fluids (i.e. chlorine ions are reduced from 3550mg% to 213mg%), serious bromine poisoning can occur, or even cause it. Generally, when the serum bromine content exceeds 100-150mg%, poisoning can occur, but there is a big difference in the human body.

Name: bromide. Lin** commonly used potassium bromide, sodium bromide, calcium bromide, ammonium bromide and tribromo tablets made from potassium bromide, sodium bromide and ammonium bromide.

Toxicity: Level 5

Properties: bromide is one of the commonly used sedatives of Pro**. The main role is bromine ions in the cerebral cortex, which has the effect on the central nervous system, mainly to strengthen the inhibition process, concentrate the inhibition process and restore the balance of excitement and inhibition process. In addition, bromide can still reduce and control seizures.

Symptoms: poisoning can be caused by excessive use of bromide drugs.

(1) When poisoning, it shows headache, dizziness, fatigue, lack of energy, slow reaction, nausea and vomiting, irritability, excitability, poor speech, unstable gait, tremor (obvious fingers), tendon reflex*, etc. In addition, glands in the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract are susceptible to influence. Mild conjunctivitis, rhinitis and other symptoms. This is because these glands contain bromine in their secretions.

(2) Some bromine poisoning can cause mental symptoms

Treatment: (1) When taking large doses of bromide by mistake, it should immediately induce vomiting, gastric lavage, and induce diarrhea.

(2) Treat with sodium chloride, which is the main therapeutic drug. Because the speed of bromine excretion from the kidney depends on the balance of bromine chloride in the body, and also depends on the total amount of chlorine excretion. When bromine is poisoned, bromine ions replace chlorine, reducing the amount of chlorine. Conversely, if chlorine is increased, bromide will be expelled from the body together with chlorine. The general dosage is 6-8g/day, and some patients can use up to 30g/day. Due to the excessive sodium chloride, bromine ions can be freed from the tissue, resulting in a temporary increase in the concentration of bromine in the serum, and the symptoms can be aggravated. At this time, diuretics are given to increase the kidney's ability to excrete bromine, which can avoid the above phenomenon.

For patients with heart elbow disease or arteriosclerosis, sodium salt should be avoided, and ammonium chloride can be used. It has been reported that sodium chloride has a good effect when combined with deoxycorticone acetate.

Some people believe that bromine has an inhibitory and destructive effect on enzyme I and II, and niacin is necessary for the formation of coenzymes I and II, so they advocate the combined application of sodium chloride and niacin.

(3) Intravenous rehydration. Symptomatic treatment should be given for shock and respiratory depression.

(4) Critical patients can undergo dialysis therapy.

cation cleaners - contained in various medical, household and other cleaners, but are generally diluted into non-lethal doses, but harmful to the elderly, children and the weak

Name: phenylethoxyammonium chloride, chlorobenzyl ammonium, methylbenzyl ethoxy ammonium chloride, xipi ammonium chloride

toxicity: level 4

Nature: solution, which can be absorbed by the mouth or skin

Symptoms: tissue destruction, damage*, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, **, coma, death. But there is no obvious sign on the death report

Oset time: 10 minutes-1 hour, death 1-4 hours

Detoxification: air circulation, gastric lavage, vomiting, milk, activated carbon or ordinary soap can be neutralized before being absorbed by the tissue

Ipropyl alcohol-alcohol is contained in lotion, and excessive alcoholic beverages can also cause poisoning

Name: isopropyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, scrub alcohol

Toxicity: Level 5

Nature: liquid at room temperature, but easy to volatilize into gas, can be swallowed or absorbed by the skin

Symptoms: inhibition of the central nervous system leads to coma, severe vomiting, weakened breathing, vomiting blood, excessive sweating, swelling, internal bleeding

attack time: 10-30 minutes, food will delay the attack time

Detoxification: artificial respiration, gastric lavage, intravenous rehydration

Note: The negative impact is twice that of general alcoholism. Usually when using alcohol to cool down, it will cause poisoning

methanol - contains a small amount of alcohol

Name: methanol, methyl alcohol, wood alcohol

Toxicity: Level 5

Nature: liquid at room temperature, volatile, can be taken orally or absorbed by the skin

Symptoms: damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, brain swelling, blindness, headache, vomiting, nausea, pupil diplification, coma in the chest, rapid drop in blood pressure, stop breathing and death. The body's eyes were destroyed

Onset time: 12-48 hours

Detoxification: use spitting agents within 2 hours, wash the stomach, and then take or inject ethanol

Note: The so-called wood alcoholism is to use methanol to make wine in wooden barrels

naphthalene - a wide range of industrial materials

Name: naphthalene, sanitary ball, moth tablets

toxicity: level 4

Nature: white crystal, oral

Symptoms: destruction of red blood cells, kidney damage, nausea, vomiting, headache, anemia, fever, coma, **

Olysis time: 5-20 minutes, depending on oral or inhalation

Detoxification: gastric lavage, taking sodium carbonate, blood transfusion

Note: Some people of Mediterranean blood have genetic defects, especially for naphthalene, which is easy


Death from naphthalene poisoning, including allergy to aspirin

Petroleum distillation - including kerosene, gasoline and paint thinners

Name: kerosene, paint thinner, gasoline, petroleum refined, solvent distillation

toxicity: level 4

Nature: liquid, the smell of gas stations can cause poisoning

Symptoms: coma, **, vomiting blood, edema, deformity

Time: 5-20 minutes

Detoxification: gastric lavage, oxygenation

Note: prone to sequelae, heart disease, skin keratinization

Potassium permanganate - widely used in aquariums and hospitals, and also in school laboratories

Name: potassium permanganate

Toxicity: Level 5

Nature: purple crystal, dissolves, so it can kill people who bath

Symptoms: corrosion damage*, severe burns, edema, visceral failure, bleeding, perforation, purple spots on the skin, easy to lead to miscarriage

Osis time: 5-10 minutes

Detoxification: cleaning, surgical repair

heavy cleaners - raw materials for handmade supplies, engine oil remover

Name: 1,1,1-trichloro, methylchloroform, goroform

Toxicity: Level 5

Nature: colorless, volatile, dangerous after contact with sunlight, swallowed or inhaled

Symptoms: destruction of the central nervous system, headache, nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness, weakened breathing, decreased blood pressure, and the body had no obvious reaction except for small lung bleeding

Osis time: within 5 minutes, 20-30 minutes after swallowing

Detoxification: gastric lavage, artificial respiration

Tsun oil - will be used in any factory to synthesize a variety of chemicals and as solvents; natural products, some of which are also used in external drugs such as muscle pain or joint pain, and rarely lead to death due to difficulty in swallowing (more benevolent)

Name: turpentine

Toxicity: Level 5

Nature: volatile, special taste, can be swallowed or inhaled

Symptoms: skin redness, cough, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, unconsciousness, **, coma, edema, survivors difficult to recover, internal congestion

Time of attack: a few minutes

Detoxification: stop vomiting, artificial respiration, gastric lavage, skin wash with water or soap