Devil's Capital

Chapter 8 First Follower

"Get up, Su Fei!"

Aunt Luofei knocked gently on the door and asked Su Fei to get up for breakfast.

Su Fei turned his body sideways in **, rubbed his sleepy eyes with his hand, and then turned over. While sorting out the messy blankets and quilts of the boy**, he responded loudly, "Get up, come out right away!"

After sorting out the quilt, Su Fei patted his head with his hand to wake him up a lot. Last night, the awakening of the blood talent consumed a lot of spirit, resulting in a lack of energy now. Opening the door and going out, I saw Aunt Lofi putting a plate of hot konjac on the table. When she saw Su Fei get up, she immediately greeted enthusiastically: "Get up, go take Sophie outside to wash her face. I'll have breakfast later!"

The boy who got up early stood next to his mother in clothes sewn with animal skin and saw the strange-looking guy a little scared. Hearing his mother's words, he hid backwards, grabbed his mother's apron with both hands, and kept looking at the small figure, which shocked Uncle Turk. A surprised guy. Su Fei was stunned when he saw his performance. Originally, he thought that the communication between different demons in the demon world was very frequent, but he was still a little uncomfortable to see his fear. He thought that if he returned to the earth with this face, what would they look like when they saw his girlfriend? He touched his nose to hide his uncomfortable expression and greeted Aunt Luofei with a smile: "Aunuch, good morning. The breakfast is so rich. What a blessing!"

Looking at the table full of food, I am grateful to Lofi, the first middle-aged motherhood she met in a different world. Although he only stayed for one night, the enthusiastic Aunt Luofei and the shy boy left a deep impression on Su Fei's heart. It seems that the werewolf demons are not completely irritable. Once they know them, they will make new views on them. Aunt Luofei was very dissatisfied when she saw her son standing aside cowardly. She stretched out her hand and patted her hand on the apron and was about to scold him for being ignorant. Hearing Su Fei's words, her expression changed on her face. Finally, she smiled awkwardly and pushed her to let her take Su Fei to wash her face.

Finally, he reluctantly turned his head and took Su Fei out to wash and left his mother. He suddenly looked shy and kept looking at the little devil of his colleagues. While comparing himself, he said to himself from time to time, "Why doesn't he have claws? And there are no traces of werewolves on his face. It's so clean!" He is not of our race. It won't be long before he leaves this village and goes to a farther place!"

"What is the outside world? I really want to go and have a look!"

You led Su Fei to the well next to the kitchen, poured the water from the wooden bucket next to a basin-shaped stone tool, and handed Su Fei a veil woven with warcraft hair. Su Fei took it over and held it in his hand, which was quite soft. Soak the handkerchief in the cool well water, take it out and twist it into the water, spread it out and spread it on your face. "It's so cool!" Su Fei suddenly woke up under the stimulation of cold water, wiped his face thinly with a handkerchief, then washed his hands and poured out the water from the stone basin.

After breathing the fresh air, Su Fei turned his head and looked at the boy standing beside him and said with a smile, "Brother, go have breakfast!"

"Okay, okay. Let's have breakfast!"

The boy quickly covered his eyes and leaned back. Hearing Su Fei's words, he quickly replied.

Su Fei doesn't care much about this Burmese werewolf, even if he is several years older. In the world of demons that focus on talent and strength, age does not give you more care, but more often more like a shackle. Leaving aside these thoughts, Su Fei and your son went into the living room and stood by the table. Aunt Luo Fei had already arranged breakfast. She saw her son and Su Fei come in, cast an apologetic look at Su Fei, opened her seat, and said warmly, "Come to dinner. It will taste bad when it gets cold."

Su Fei and Zi sat down in turn and looked at the sumptuous meal on the table. Both of them couldn't help but have an appetite and were ready to start. Aunt Luofei smiled kindly with the appearance of her son and Su Fei, a greedy worm, put a large piece of konjac in Su Fei's bowl, put another piece for her son, and put a small piece of food for herself. Su Fei was a little moved and buried his head to eat konjac quietly. Suddenly silent in the living room

With a "plop", the door was knocked hard. The sun shone through the open door. Su Fei bit a ghee, narrowed his eyes, and saw several figures at the door facing the sun.

Aunt Luofei put down the food in her hand and stood up to go out to see who came in. The boy sitting next to him also put down the half-bitten pancake, wiped the greasy corners of his mouth with his hand, and looked at the door curiously. At this time, Uncle Turk led several handsome young men in and saw Su Fei eating food and greeted him with a smile. He turned his head and whispered to one of the young men, "Count, this is the sickle demon. His name is Su Fei."

Su Fei suddenly realized that this group of people came to find themselves, although they wondered why they had specifically found themselves, slowly put down the ghee in their hands, licked their lower lips reluctantly, stood up and looked this way doubtfully.

"What a vigorous sickle demon," Count Lyle began to look at the living room from the door. When he saw two children eating breakfast, he was puzzled. Finding that one of them was wearing animal skin and still had wolf hair on his neck that had not fallen off, he immediately turned his attention to Su Fei, carefully looked at the sickle demon he had seen in his heart and had a very high evaluation of Su Fei in his heart. Seeing the other party stand up, Lyle greeted him and said with a smile, "You are the sickle demon who came out of the demon sea this time, Su Fei, right? I'm Lyle, Earl Werewolf. I have received a command from the lord and am here to greet you in the village. Next, we will be responsible for your itinerary. After you meet the lord, we will send you safely to the territory of the sickle demon.

Hearing the count's respectful tone, Su Fei felt that his demon brain was not enough. The count was a big man in the demon world. From the scattered memory of the inheritance, Su Fei probably knew the hierarchy of the demon world. The count was the highest class under the lord. Am I not a sickle demon, but something great The birth of the great will? Before Su Fei could react, Turk standing aside stood up and explained to Su Fei and Aunt Luo Fei and Zai behind him, "Last night I reported the news of your appearance to the upper class, and the Lord knew it and sent the Earl of Lyle and Baron Kate to pick you up. Your sickle's territory is still several days away from here. If you follow the Count Lyle to the Lord, you will send you to the sickle, and they will ensure your safety along the way!"

Is it because of the identity of the sickle demon? Not to mention Aunt Lofi and the boy who were surprised and forgot to salute the count, Su Fei suddenly became clear. Did the sickle demon have a good position in the demon world? Su Fei couldn't help but start to YY.

"Mr. Su Fei, I don't know if you can go with us now. The horned horse is ready outside. If you want, you can reach the lord's place at night." Baron Kate, standing beside him, asked respectfully, and Count Lyle also looked over with inquiring eyes.

Su Fei, who was uncomfortable by the eyes of the two, looked reluctantly at the breakfast on the table that had not been eaten in a hurry. "It's shameful." Su Fei thought in his heart and turned his head to look at Baron Kate and Count Lyle smiling and said, "Of course, this is my honor!"

"No, I don't know if you can take me with you? I can be a servant for Su Fei. I'm not afraid of hardship. I can do anything! Really!"

Just as Count Lyle and his party walked out with Sophie, his expression kept changing. Finally, he ran out of the living room as if he had made up his mind and said excitedly to the group.

Su Fei stopped when he heard the boy's words and turned around. He was very surprised that the shy werewolf could summon up the courage to make such a decision. Count Lyle did not pay attention to the little werewolf demon who had been in his mother's arms for several years. He had no talent and no *. The superior had always looked at these humble existences with the eyes of ants. Hearing the words of the werewolf demon, he immediately frowned and was ready to ignore the prayers of the weak and continue to go out. Su Fei stopped. He can ignore the opinions of the same werewolf demon subordinates, but he has to respect the opinions of his fellow sickle demons. His identity and strength are the truth of the demon world. He turned his head and asked with a smile, "Do you know the conditions of the servant? How old is he this year?"

When the boy heard the count's question, he remembered that the count's identity was not a werewolf like him that could be despised. He looked at Uncle Turk's anxious eyes and his nervous mother who ran out of the hall, and looked at his mother's face that was gradually no longer young. Lyle suppressed his fear of the superiors and blushed. Facing the count's questioning eyes, he answered loudly, "I know! You must activate your blood talent and be under five years old. I'm six years old this year. After saying that, he buried his head deeply. For the fact that he had not awakened his blood talent at the age of six, he could not go out to hunt, but had to rely on his mother to survive. He fell into deep self-reproach and did not have the courage to look directly at Count Lyle.

Count Lyle smiled softly and saw that the werewolf did not insist any more. He turned around and led a group of people to prepare to walk to the door.

"But, but! I still want to hold on! I don't want to live so mediocrely. I don't want my mother to work so hard. I can really do anything..."

When he saw several people about to walk out of the door, he shouted in an almost roaring tone. Aunt Luofei, who was standing behind, suddenly raised her mind again. Hearing her son's words, she was excited and frightened. The anger of the superior was not borne by their orphans and widows. Su Fei was also moved by her determination and turned to her. Aunt Luofei looked at Su Fei, whose eyes were full of prayer and expectation. God looked at Su Fei's eyes for a while. He turned around and asked Count Lyle, "Can I accept the attendants of different ethnic groups?"

"Of course, but this guy is not qualified to be a waiter!"

Although Count Lyle was very unhappy with this little werewolf who disturbed halfway, he had to answer Su Fei's question seriously. Uncle Turk beside him was very happy to hear Su Fei's mouth and began to envy his luck. But when they heard Count Lyle's answer, they couldn't help sighing. There were no better resources in the village, so that these werewolf demon children with poor talent could not reach the strength of awakening bloodline after their ind childhood.

"Oh, in that case, let him be my follower! I will be responsible for my diet and living in the future. Su Fei said carelessly.

"Do you follow the class? Just responsible for eating and living. That's okay. Count Lyle nodded, "Take that boy. Let's visit the village head and set off!"

turned around and walked out, leaving a surprising crowd.