Devil's Capital

Chapter 9 The end of the legend

Without the attack of yesterday's new demon tide, the villagers are moving in the village one after another. Some werewolf women keep telling their husbands who are about to hunt far away to come back alive. In the demon world, there is only tomorrow alive. They don't know how much impact the sickle demon who came yesterday afternoon will have on their lives. They work hard to survive and don't care about the changes in the ruling class of the demon world. As long as the demon world is not affected by the gods and falls into war, they don't care about anything else.

Count Lyle and his party rode the one-horned demon through the narrow aisle of the village to the village's hut. They stood respectfully not far behind Su Fei, and finally stayed as Su Fei's follower. Although Count Lyle and Baron Kate were indifferent to this untalented werewolf demon, due to the significance of Su Fei's other identity, they turned a blind eye to the existence of this follower and allowed his existence. At this time, most of the werewolf villagers followed, standing far away, around the Earl of Lyle and his party. The fear of the superiors made them afraid to make a little, but the outsiders brought by Turk surrounded the village head's house. They were worried about the safety of the village head and did not dare to look directly at the frightening eyes of Count Lyle and others. They leaned a little closer to each other, and the crowd suddenly surged. At this time, a werewolf felt the approaching companion and summoned up the courage to question Turk, who was standing among Count Lyle and his party, "Tuke, what are you doing in the village with this noble village? What about the village head? Why is there such a big noise outside?

When Count Lyle heard the sound from the crowd, he looked impatiently at Turk beside him, pointed to the village head's hut and said to Turk, "Go and open it!"

Tuke's heart is also strange. Wasn't the village head fine last night? Although the years have been covered with wrinkles on his old man's face, the village head did not look decadent when he drank and joke with the village head in the past. He pulled away the skin of his body and proudly boasted about his gay novel. Memories! The werewolf demon talking in the crowd was his best hunting partner in the past, but at this moment, the other party's questioning made Turk feel that the demon world needed to be reformed. "Don't let these guys forget their demon's position!" Turk thought to himself. Before Count Lyle continued to vent his impatience, Turk quickly walked to the village head's hut and knocked on the village head's teak gate.

"Dong Dong..."

Trk didn't even respond after knocking a few times. With a force on his hand, the door was pushed open. The villagers calmed down, hoping that the village head's kind smile could appear in front of the open door the next moment. But there was nothing empty in the door. Turk had a bad feeling in his heart. He stepped into the door and walked quickly to the inner hall. He saw the table where the two talked last night. The animal oil lamp on the table was still burning, and there was not much animal oil in it. In the past, when Turk came here to talk to the village head, the village head gave up You must keep lighting the animal oil lamp. Only when you need to report the harvest to the baron for a year and write it with animal skin will you light the animal oil lamp. Turk has secretly despised the village head more than once. Turk didn't have time to remember and continued to walk forward. At this time, the body of the village head Seya jumped in front of him. This is impossible!" Turk's body seemed to have been extracted and paralyzed on the ground, and the village head died...

The animal oil lamp on the table has not yet burned out, and the light is reflected on Turk's face. Turk's face is full of regret and self-reproach. He thought that when he first obtained the talent of the werewolf demon bloodline, the village head personally instructed him to train him; he thought that the village head came to see him off on the first time on the battlefield, saying With a lot of words of encouragement, the sigh in his eyes did not attract the attention of the high-willed Turk; he remembered that when he returned to the village with a serious injury, the village head carefully healed his wounds and said to him, "If you can't go to the battlefield, give the rest of your life to the village!" No one knows the feeling of falling from the peak to destruction. Turk was already determined to die when he came back. Without the strength, he lost the reason to continue to survive in the demon world. It was still the goal given by the village head to live at his most desperate moment.

When Earl Leir and others saw that Turk had gone in for a while and had not come out, they immediately turned over from the unicorn demon and handed them over to the werewolf demon attendant behind them. Several people entered the room one after another. Although the remaining villagers were worried about the situation of the village head, they were deterred the pressure of the count's attendant, but did not dare Go forward. Soon the Earl of Lyle entered the hall and saw Turk, who was paralyzed like a dead man. Count Lyle was relieved and couldn't help admiring the lord's decision. Through the dim light, Lyle saw the body of the village head Saya, and the old man Anyang lay on the ground behind the table.

"That's a soul-eating dagger!" Count Lyle and Kate, who had just come in behind, shrank their pupils and subconsciously took a small step back, but thinking that the owner of the dagger had died, the two people who were relieved looked at each other. Lyle thought uncertainly, "The soul-eating dagger, is this old man the 'God Jade' thousands of years ago?" Thinking of the lord's special instructions before leaving, Lyle was close to affirming this speculation. Kate also suppressed the shock and asked Count Lyle softly, "Is this the Lord Seya thousands of years ago?"

The Earl of Lyle nodded silently and replied, "It's the lord, but he is dead by this time!"

Su Fei looked forward through the figure of Count Lyle and confirmed the death of the village head. He had no feeling about the old man who had not yet met. The boy beside him endured his sadness and kept trembling. Su Fei walked over and patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "You, don't suppress yourself. The village head is a good man. Cry out when you are sad!"

"Wow..." Whoo..."

The Turk inside cried loudly, and the son was also infected and cried loudly.

The villagers outside heard the faint crying from the village head's house, which confirmed the bad guess in their hearts, and the whole village suddenly fell into a haze. The death of an old man and the fall of a legend!

Baron Kate listened to Turk's crying and recovered from the impact of the legendary fall. He was so angry that he wanted to come forward to scold Turk. At this time, the Earl of Lyle on the side stopped Baron Kate's further move and respectfully saluted Thea's body! He turned around and said deeply to Kate, "Baron, the legendary strong man deserves to be respected!" At this time, Philip, who had been following the baron, immediately stopped Baron Kate, who was about to lose his temper, and stopped the baron's next move.

"If the village head of Saya is dead, then bury him before leaving! According to the lord's instructions, use the Duke's specifications. Count Lyle turned away from the hall, walked out, and said the last sentence to the invisible Turk, who was crying on the ground.

"Baron, don't forget that standing in front of you is a count, a count with legendary strength." Philip pulled Kate and said in a low voice.

"Well, I know. I won't provoke him. I still want to live to the rise of the demon world! Let go of your hand, and we will also go out. When Lord Seya's funeral is over, we will go to see the lord. This credit is enough to send me to my father's territory!" With anticipation for the future, Kate shook off Philip's hand and went out.

Hearing the words of Count Lyle, Turk stopped crying, slowly stood up, walked forward to the body of the village head of Saya, pulled out the dark crystal dagger on the village head's chest and put it aside. Holding the village head's stiff hands and muttered, "I'd rather you are not the legend of their mouth, 'God' Saya. As long as you open your eyes and only look at me, I'd rather send a letter to you, and I'd rather report to the god of the underworld for you!" Next, I will replace you, guard this village and protect this place where our souls can rest!"

"The village head is dead. He chose to self-destruct in order to keep the secret of this sickle demon. I will bury the village head of Saya under the presence of the Duke's specifications of Count Lyle. May his spirit return to the arms of the demon master. Don't be resentful, because the werewolf demon is destined to rise from the moment the sickle enters the village, and the demon world will also rise!" Turk's hands holding the village head's body kept trembling. He walked out of the door and shouted to the villagers standing outside the door. The demon world is bound to rise. Even if the road is covered with blood on the sea of demons and the corpses block the demon canyon, we will certainly step on the flesh and blood of our companions, climb the bones of our brothers, climb to the top of the world, and declare war on the gods!

Count Lyle and his party walked behind the farewell. Turk and the boy who later stood up hugged the village head's body and surrounded the villagers to the tombstones in the back mountain, which was the resting place of the old villagers and the paradise of the dead after the werewolf demon. The group came to the highest point of the mountain, where they looked back and could see the scenery on the barren plateau. The villagers spontaneously dug a big pit on the mountain. Turk and the boy carefully put Saya's body in and sprinkled the soil on the old man with one hand. The villagers also joined in. While spilling, they secretly wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes. Suddenly, all the villagers cried silently. Count Lyle, standing behind, sighed softly, "You can still get this kind of heartfelt respect after death, Lord Seya, you are a model of our generation."

When the tombstone was set up, Count Lyle tidied up his clothes, walked forward from the spontaneously separated villagers, took out the Duke's medal prepared in the space ring, and respectfully put it on the tombstone. Suddenly, it showed "God' Carl. The tomb of the Duke of Saya. A line of Lail in the 1001 of the Devil's Calendar. Count Lyle meticulously wrote the words of the tombstone, gave a demon salute to the tombstone, turned around and walked down the mountain.

"You can also go up and salute. We will set out to the werewolf demon leader later to meet the lord." Count Lyle said with a dull voice.

The silent villagers did not know how to distinguish the benefits and harms. They only knew that the village head was dead, and the sickle demon was still alive. Although the village head said that he could not hurt him, Turk also said that it had nothing to do with the sickle demon. But this did not prevent their disgust with Su Fei. Su Fei originally wanted to go forward to see the tombstone of the legendary old man, but when he met the villagers' hatred, he suddenly stopped moving forward and turned to the tombstone and followed the footsteps of Count Lyre. I don't know when he broke away from his mother's hand and ran to Su Fei.

Death must be impossible for every demon to escape and must face. How should we face death? No answer