Devil's Capital

Chapter 7 Welfare Department!

Swit City is located in the middle of an empty mountain, in the Spartacus Mountains. This place is far away from the gathering place of human beings and is in the arms of the mountains. They do not need to beware of indigenous attacks at all times. Most of the time, they pay attention to defense against dangers from the depths of the mountains.

While resisting indigenous attacks, the former joint garrison also had to guard against the sneak attacks of other large monsters in the mountains. After Sinjid took over the majestic pass, they had to use a large number of troops to clean up the monsters around the mountains, so as not to have accidents in future wars. The arrival of this group of recruits has greatly eased the pressure of Sinjid. Although the new recruits have not exerted much strength on the battlefield, they still have a dominant advantage in individual combat with the devil's own strength. They are not the whole demon plane to launch a war together. Together with Sinjid's troops and this group of new recruits, the whole city of Swat has less than 50,000 demons, and the demon world, which has been in decline for a long time, cannot appoint more troops for a while.

There is no leadership among the demon lords. For them, any alliance oath is just a slightly constrained piece of paper. Once the interests are enough, they will ruthlessly tear up the agreement unilaterally to make themselves stronger. It can be seen that selfishness and greed are particularly obvious at the level of the lord. Therefore, although this decision on the belonging of the alien plane was agreed by all the lords, Carls and others will not blindly invest all their troops into the alien plane to which they belong. The existing defense in their territory is still maintained. Some lords have deliberately increased it in order to guard against the spying of nearby lords. The defense of your own territory.

The 40,000 sickle demon army led by Singuid is one of the ace troops in the hands of Carlsace. On the one hand, because of the red glue situation, it can't achieve the expected effect at all if it is thrown in without troops, and even let it fall into the scarlet plane, which can't be pulled out. And a large number of new recruits to the Crimson have been premeditated for a long time. Just when he arranged the alien defense, he discussed with Sinjid in private. Just sending Su Fei to experience it is likely that he will not be able to hide his identity information. In terms of preventing the alliance of the gods, any flaw is in those gods with prophetic ability. It will be ruthlessly magnified in front of you, so that it will reach a situation that poses a strong threat. And putting Su Fei in the demon recruits can well confuse the sight of the gods. Even if they learn the news, Karsas and others have time to prepare for defense, and they can't find the existence of the target Su Fei for a while, which buys a lot of buffer time for Su Fei.

Soon Su Fei got along with these professionals. As a pure earthman, Su Fei, who lived in the era of two industrial revolutions and information explosions, has a strong interest in various occupations in this demonic world. Under mutual communication, people began to have a certain understanding of each other's career situation. Yi Da, who had built the wall before, increasingly felt a serious ignorance of his profession in the communication with Su Fei:

"Yida, as an elegant bloodsucker, don't you know that building walls as a civil art needs to have a better name?"

"Isn't building a house just to build a wall? Moreover, building a house in the devil's world does not need wood and the kind of concrete you said. We often paint 'hard', 'curing' and other magic on big stones, so that the house can be built for a hundred years.

"Uh, okay! Let's not talk about the details of building a house. Don't you think building a house is a great job? Our demon world can have the power to name this field when it reaches an unreachable point in a certain field! Don't you think architects are the titles you have been pursuing?

"Big, my lord! That's too far away. I can't do it yet!"

Yi Da finally woke up. In the demon world, whenever he can win all competitors with a profession or skill, he can have the ending title of "master", which is too unrealistic for him! He looked at Su Fei fixedly and wanted to see something in the eyes of the young captain, but all he could see from Su Fei's eyes was sincerity.

"Young people! Never underestimate your potential. As long as you persevere, you will shine one day!"

At this time, the old voice of Ference came from the cave, and Su Fei and others saluted respectfully when they saw the figure slowly coming out. In the demon world, in addition to the strong strength and status that can make a demon bow his head, another kind of demon is Ference, a demon wise man with infinite wisdom.

Seeing Ferrans coming out, Su Fei and others suddenly realized that it had been a morning. At this time, it should be time for their logistics to deliver food to the soldiers in front of Swat City. Philens slowly walked from the entrance of the cave in the direction of Sufi. The chefs in the cave had finished their lunch, and the devils usually did not eat breakfast during the war, because the meal time was the devil's most relaxed moment. In order to be vigilant to the greatest extent, after coming to Swift, Sinjid had ordered the early cancellation. Meals are just to let the logistics supplement themselves and soldiers with a lot of nutrition at noon and evening.

"Well, it's good to have a dream. But now, you need to work. Follow me in and follow the chef to bring lunch to the soldiers in front of you!"

Ferrans stood in front of Su Fei with a crutch and said leisurely, and then turned around and walked into the hole. These young people just need to maintain vitality and vitality all the time. They are not crazy when they are young. Do they wait until they are at their own age to repent? Walking tremblingly on the dark bottom, I didn't bask in the sun well after coming to Swift. It seems that my old bone won't last long. I really hope I can hold on until the day when I witness their rise!

Yi Da smiled awkwardly. Naturally, he did not dare to refute the words of this sickle demon elder. At this time, he couldn't help but start to have a new idea of his future career plan. Young I have nothing, but I have a lot of time to realize my ideals! At this time, when he heard Ferrans's order, he naturally followed him obediently and prepared to carry out faithfully. Although Sufi and Smod were not optimistic about the job, there was no room for resistance to what had been decided. He had to work hard to cooperate with Ferens and try to manage the people he led.

The rest of the professions saw that no one took the lead in opposing it. In the demon world, these professions outside their combat functions were not very popular. At this time, they had to pinch their noses and recognized them, followed the footsteps of the demons in front of them and entered the cave.

Hank's A San followed Su Fei tightly and walked in. For businessmen, as long as valuable things can produce wealth. Logistics is in charge of the whole Swift's resources. After Lord Sinjid and others occupied more indigenous territories, the mining statistics of some resources need to be managed by the logistics department. Thinking of this layer, their eyes began to be enthusiastic. As long as there are enough benefits, their merchants can even bet on their lives. At this time, they were arranged for logistics without a single cost. A San felt that he was blessed by the goddess of luck, "Thanks Catherine, the god of luck!" Of course, whether the goddess of luck can hear the blessing of this non-believer is in San's consideration. They have decided to unconditionally cooperate with all the orders of the logistics department. As long as they are rooted in logistics, they will soon open up this heterogeneous trade channel.

There was no sunlight in the channel, and the dim lights of the animal oil lamps on both sides shone on the ground and showed the shadow of Su Fei and others. After passing through a short passage, they came to an empty hall. From time to time, there was the sound of the chef cooking, and a lot of heat came to their faces. They looked at the chefs sweating in and out of the hall. A large amount of food had been put outside. Ference stood in front of him and was directing the logistics department. The personnel packed the food. When they saw Su Fei and the others coming, they casually said hello and arranged them to the queue for the food.

"Use this big basket to hold food?"

Smod lowered his body, pulled the basket woven with vines on the ground with his hand, and looked up to ask Su Fei.

The food is very rich, much better than last night! Looking at the food neatly put together on the ground, he saw roast legs, meat slices and other cooked food from it. Su Fei changed his previous view of logistics and decided to get to know the logistics department in charge of materials in the future. You should know that in the past, every public canteen never used good ingredients, especially some raw meat, which was used to cook without careful treatment, and there was no appetite! As for vegetables, you'd better stop thinking about continuing to explore, otherwise you will have a shadow. Su Fei hasn't eaten in the school cafeteria since he was able to live outside in his previous life. For him, there is no time to congratulate him if he can leave the painful place from elementary school to college early. Who would want to try again?

I don't pay attention to Smud, who looks like a curious baby. Su Fei and Yi Da on the side began to carefully pick up the food and put it into the big basket. As logistics personnel, they only have time to eat and rest until they finish their work. Their stomachs have begun to prepare for 'rebels'. Su Fei doesn't want to be in this Time is delayed. At this time, Hank and A San saw the opportunity to come from the side to help Su Fei with the food here, and other professionals also began to move and dry up to the food in front of them. It was really painful to pretend that they could not steal it! You know, there is no stock in the stomachs of the people who haven't eaten all morning!

"Huh! You can't eat until the food is delivered, okay?"

Philance stared at several professionals standing in the corner and scolded loudly. This group of professionals with high eyes and low eyes can only play a role in the ectopic surface by smoothing their ambition. Sinjid sent them here, and Ference had to pinch his nose and admit it. At this time, of course, he was not happy to see someone lazy! He retreated before he started. This kind of demon is the last thing he needs in the demon world. He has nothing to do except as a burden and consume food!