Devil's Capital

Chapter 8 New recruit training

Kasi is the youngest son of Kennard, the Earl of the sickle demon. He has lived under his father's doting since childhood. Even the initial blood talent experience has been dragged on for three years. When he worked hard to find two young sickle demons for his son, he reluctantly sent his son to the battlefield in person. Because of his extraordinary cultivation talent and the tilting of a large number of resources in the family, he had reached the strength of the Great Devil at the age of 12.

Just like Su Fei's performance when he first faced his sickle demon's true face, Cassie was also deeply disgusted by his petite and ferocious face. Like Goblin at the bottom of the abyss, there were no wrinkles on his face in his childhood. Although he looked ferocious, at least his facial features could be clearly distinguished. Come on. In old age, some weak sickle demons will slowly decline while they can't maintain their youth, thus experiencing the decline of heaven and people, becoming unarmed old people, and slowly disappearing between heaven and earth.

Kasi is still a little excited about the fact that he can secretly run to join the army, and of course, all this is inseparable from these friends around him. The two attendants and bodyguards who stood close to follow were helpless about this unscrupulous young master. With their unparalleled talent in cultivation, they refreshed the record of sickle demon upgrades again and again. After becoming the youngest big demon, they became more and more unscrupulous. Previously, they took advantage of the Earl Kennard to the meeting. Hou threatened the three of them. If they didn't promise him to wait for his father to come back, he would sue, saying that the three of them were going to instruct him to join the army. Although the enlightened count would not believe this fact, a punishment was indispensable in order to please the young master. It was also possible to evacuate several people from the young master and replace a new batch. New attendants and bodyguards. So the three couldn't stand the threat and temptation of the young master, so they had to help Cassie perfectly hide the guards of the count's castle and quietly went to the lord's castle to sign up.

successfully fooled the registration department, at least Cassie himself thought so. Cassie took three of his follow-upes to the big army to the crimson plane. The initial setting is like this: all four of them are above the strength of the big demon. Two of them, a sickle demon girl named Lilith, is also talented. At the age of 14, she has the strength of the first level of the big demon; and the other 14-year-old sickle demon teenager also has the strength of the first level of the big demon. Cassie's bodyguard modern is A middle-aged man already has the middle-level strength of the heavenly realm. In modern view, his strength is enough to ensure the safety of the small owner in the alien plane, so he was not so resolute to oppose it at the beginning. So several people were ready to deceive the sickle demon army under the temptation of Cassie, become a ranger team alone, hunt freely on the alien plane, and earn capital to advance.

However, after understanding the specific situation of Crimson, except for Cassie, several people gave up their previous thoughts and even felt a little happy about Sinjid's special assignment. Cassie doesn't think so. She has been living in the world arranged by adults. The strength of the big demon has made him smooth in all the experience tasks of his peers. He is precocious and does not develop an arrogant character in doting. He only wants to escape from his father's control and open up his own career. When the achievements reached the heterogeneous plane, he thought he could easily get off, but he met the well-known Lord Sinjid. For this oppressive officer, Cassie did not dare to question his decision, so he had to cover his nose and report to the army with the recruits.

Last night's black bread was too bad. Although there were many exquisite food and high-end drinks that had been stored in their storage rings, in order to deeply experience the life of the ectopic surface, they still drank the disgusting blood and swallowed the hard Bang's black bread. At this time, it has been a long time since I registered my name in the army. After the veterans arranged the following teams, I began the first lesson of recruit training: standing posture! In Sinjid's words, without a good posture, it is not a qualified army.

Of course, this creed is not universal in the demon world. There are many famous generals who have different understandings of the army. Many famous demon generals usually praise absolutely strong strength. In their opinion, they are confident and strong strength even if the enemy erects iron walls of defense. In the past, of course, this kind of power supremacy is praised by almost all demons who advocate force.

Sinjid is undoubtedly one of the resolute opponents. He believes that although the strong can decide the victory or defeat of a war, they often decide every battle, and each battle depends on the demon army. No matter how strong personal strength is, it can only be used as a deterrent when it does not subvert the whole plane rules. Once the enemy has the same strength to restrain its own strong, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster for them, army commanders. Therefore, since Sinjid took charge of the army power of the sickle demon, he has launched a series of reforms to the army. First of all, starting from military discipline, he has not only rectified the military appearance, but also the communication of combat orders is conveyed by superiors to subordinates. The captains are conveyed to the lieutenants, and the sergeants are transmitted to sergeants. If the superiors are directly upgraded to one level, Follow the demon command of a higher military rank, so that chaos can be minimized in a chaotic situation.

Cassie's recruits were not even a miscellaneous army in his eyes. If it hadn't been for the order of Carlsas, and the biggest purpose of their trip was to cover up and sharpen these recruits so that they could grow up before the invasion of the Gods. Sinjid would not do this kind of nanny's job.

"Stop, don't move! If you can't hold on to this point, how can you go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?

Sinjid sent his own guards to help maintain order and take care of the new recruits* to prevent them from being lazy, and the morning passed.

"Report to your excellency! The logistics meal has been delivered.

A sickle demon soldier trotted over and reported to Karondo, the captain of the Guards. Every time he goes to a place, after stationing, Sinjid will send several scouts to occupy different points to observe the surrounding environment and report as soon as there is a situation. The scout named Moore stopped Su Fei and other food delivery personnel at the front entrance and asked them to wait for themselves to inform their superiors before coming back to release.

Although he felt a little impatient with this tedious behavior, it was his duty as a scout, so Su Fei had to wave to the demons behind them to stop and wait for Moore to come back and let him go. Soon, Moore, who was instructed, trotted all the way back, took away the wooden stakes across the entrance, and put Su Fei and other food-delivering demons in.

As soon as he entered the entrance, Su Fei was attracted by the attention of the heavily defended camp. Three steps, one post, ten steps and one whistle. The soldiers patrolled the whole barracks were in the middle, while this morning's recruits were regularly arranged to receive training in the open space in the camp. Of course, at this time, Su Fei was a serviceman. He slowly walked into the camp with two baskets of food and came to a large simple tent. Under the guidance of the guards, he arranged other servicemen to carefully take out the food from the basket and put it neatly on a clean ground, and finally arranged the food. Looking at the rich food placed on the ground and suppressing the funny thoughts in his heart, he suddenly wanted to stand in front of him and shouted to the soldiers in front of him, "It's time to eat!" It is estimated that this will have a sense of substitution. Finally, he resisted this powerful idea. Under the leadership of the guards, Su Fei began to go back and left the camp with the guards behind him.

"Okay, you can have a rest and go to dinner!"

With all the colonels not in the mood to make peace, Carondo, the captain of the SS, temporarily took over the right to train new recruits in the camp. Calondo also did not have much interest in these miscellaneous troops, but simply explained to them some precautions and common sense in the army. At noon, when they saw the food from the logistics, they issued an order to disband the new recruits.

Standing posture only requires maintaining the simplest standing posture, but maintaining a posture for a long time is undoubtedly a huge challenge for these demons who have never participated in militarization training. There was no sunshine in Swat, and the surrounding mountain was well ventilated. The cold wind came and defeated the last line of defense in the hearts of these recruits. Everyone was doing the last persistence with the fierceness in their bones. Some weak demons' bodies had begun to tilt and fought in the team with their feet as the fulcrum. When Calondo's eyes stared at him, he immediately maintained the most standard standing posture, and his eyes became firm and refreshed again.

When they heard Calondo shouting for dinner, they all relaxed at the first time, covered their stiff limbs and kept pressing them. At this time, Carondo was as beautiful as an angel in their eyes, but the angel always kept the original shape of the devil.

When Cassie heard the order, he immediately put down his stretched right foot and walked back and forth a few steps on the ground, but found that he could not feel the intuition of his right foot. At the age of 12, he had never participated in such training, but with the fierceness in his bones, he watched the other recruits not retreat and gritted his teeth and persisted to the end. However, after this morning's training, Cassie is no longer impetuous. He knows that the training has just begun, and a qualified sickle demon is not allowed to retreat in the face of challenges. Unconsciously, Cassie has begun to measure herself by the standards of adult demons.

It's time for dinner! Let's replenish our energy first. There is still some work to do in the afternoon. Suddenly, the recruits faded their impetuous breath and began to re-understand this heterogeneous plane with the thoughts of a soldier.