Devil's Capital

Chapter 15 The Escape of the Wild Boar King

"Who! Who is it? Dare to slaughter my people?"

With a loud shout, he woke up Calondo who was immersed in thought. He couldn't help standing up straight, looking straight at the end of the path, and was on alert.

Just as Carondo was preparing to meet the attack of the wild boar king, he suddenly found that the owner of the voice fell into silence and suppressed his doubts. Calondo was cruel and decided to go to have a look by himself. Even if he met the wild boar king, it should not be a problem to drag his men to solve these ordinary wild boars with his own strength.

Feeling the strong breath in front of him, Cadillac woke up. At this moment, he had changed his mentality. He could only feel deep regret for the destruction of his own ethnic group. The expression on his face also began to calm down. He stopped his next move, walked out of his tree hole, sat at the mouth of the cave, and quietly waited for the arrival of the enemy.

The killing is still going on, and these sickle demons have no intention of letting go of any wild boars. Traveling through one tree hole after another, the sickle in his hand fell in the moonlight, reflecting the cold light.

"Oh, oops!"

A scream broke the quiet night. When a sickle demon touched the wild boar next to him, his companion's sticky blood infected him, and he turned over and touched a cold object. The wild boar shivered, woke up from sleep, and suddenly saw the blood on his neck. The sickle, before dying, made the last cry for help!

The quiet harvest ended, and these sickle demons saw that the remaining wild boars were disturbed and came out of the tree hole one after another. As soon as they were interested, the wild boars that could be killed alive, but they looked more excited one by one. For these wild boars, whether they resist or lie down and wait for death, they can't escape their hunting.

Walking quietly on the path, Carondo casually released two air blades and saw two wild boar corpses left on the ground. The chaotic wild boars could not find a way out. For a moment, they were stunned by the death of their companions. They stood still one by one and screamed, but no one dared to come forward to stop Carondo from moving forward.

After Calondo's figure slowly disappeared at the end of the trail, the wild boars resumed their thinking and ran randomly in fear of death.

"Here you are."


"I've been waiting for you for a long time, but now that you're here, why don't you sit down and chat?"



Carondo chose a clean place and sat down in front of Cadillac. When he first saw the wild boar, Carondo could not feel any breath from him and dared not move first. Carondo had to sit down according to his words.

"Friend, don't be nervous. I have lived for hundreds of years, and many things have been taken lightly, so don't worry, I won't move the people you bring!"

Cadillac was a little nervous when he saw Calondo and couldn't help explaining. The huge mouth was open and closed, which seemed a little funny in Carondo's eyes. Of course, he dares not show it in front of this man at this moment. Although he has made a promise, who wants to put his comfort in the enemy's thoughts?

Continue to be vigilant and carefully adjust your posture in case of the sudden attack in front of you. Calondo was also a little curious. As long as the one in front of him was willing, their action was bound to fail. Although he was confident to escape from his hands, it was difficult to say what he had received, and he couldn't help saying his doubts in his heart: "Wild Boar King, right? I don't know why you didn't save your people?"

Hearing Calondo's question, Cadillac couldn't help laughing. The sitting pig stood up and instantly turned into a middle-aged man, wearing brocade clothes and two pig tooth daggers around his waist. He took two steps back and forth, pointed to the hunted wild boars in front of him, and asked Calondo:

"Do you think I am of the same kind as those unwise wild boars?"

Carondo looked at the change of the wild boar king in front of him and stunned for a moment. He never thought that the wild boar king had been refined, that is to say, if this action is heartfelt, then it would be the greatest luck for them to retreat whole body. He said nothing. By now, he really doesn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I'm not malicious." Cadillac saw that Calondo became nervous again and explained again, "My name is Cadillac, the king of this territory. Three hundred years ago, I became a man. It's just that at that time, I didn't feel the guidance of fate to the depths of this mountain, but stayed for enjoyment. This stay was 300 years. This should have been my disaster, but it spread to the whole ethnic group. I had already guessed that there would be such a day, but I didn't expect the end to be like this.

He stared at Calondo carefully and only heard Cadillac continue to say quietly, "You are not a human race, but it doesn't matter. At the beginning, they were young and frivolous and chose a way of no return for their own people. You are just clean-up workers sent by fate. Aliens are not accepted by the world after all, the so-called heavenly way?! What a injustice!"

Carondo savored the words of the wild boar king in front of him. When he heard the fate, he couldn't help tightening his hands and the blue veins on his forehead. Fate is fate! It was fate that plunged their demons into thousands of years of darkness, and the lingering haze of sunshine always hung high in their hearts. Damn fate!

"What other last wishes do you have?" Calondo did not answer Cadillac's question head-on, leaned forward slightly and asked respectfully.

"I think you are the invaders thousands of years ago. Since you have begun to send out on a large scale, it means that the city of Swift has come to support troops in the distance, but what does this have to do with me? My last wish, there is! You followed my little son to find this place, right? I hope you won't hurt him if possible. I'm sorry for too many people. I don't want to die and see his mother say that she didn't even protect him in the end," Cadillac said slowly.

"Okay, I will report your words to the adults and leave the last bloodline for you."

"Thank you! It has troubled me for 300 years, and it's time to end it! Tiandao, you just can't stand the rise of our livestock! I, Cadillac, swore here today that I failed, so I died. But I will wait for you at Death, waiting for the destruction of your heavenly way! After all, the distorted will should be attributed to chaos, which is our alien curse!"

After saying that, Cadillac took out the dagger around his waist and inserted it fiercely into his chest. When he was dying, he said to Calondo with a smile, "If possible, please bury my body at the highest point of this mountain. As for those people, you can deal with it."

"I will do as you ordered! I won't take away the bodies of your people. They will be buried next to you and rest in this land!" Calendo saluted Cadillac and replied respectfully.

"Thank you, Alien!" Cadillac slowly closed his eyes and fell down instantly without support. Carondo's eyes were quick and he immediately supported the body at the moment Cadillac fell to the ground. The body that gradually lost its body temperature changed from a human figure to a wild boar. Holding the body, Calondo felt very uncomfortable.

If they could find this mountain earlier and meet the wise wild boar king, Cadillac, then the end would not be like this.

If they hadn't met the timid and selfish pig, it wouldn't have ended like this at this time.

If, just if the wild boar king is braver and takes his ethnic group to the deeper part of the mountains, then they will have another encounter.

However, there is no if. God's will in the dark, the guide Cadillac, step by step to the abyss of destruction, and the wild boar family has no hope ever since.


"All soldiers! Look for the high ground, one team covers the second team, and move forward quickly!"

"Dig a hole!"

"Throw out the wild boar body in your storage ring and put it in! Did you hear that? I told you to bury all the wild boar bodies! Do you want me to say it for the third time?

Calondo silently held a handful of soil on Cadillac's tombstone, put it on top of the tombstone, stood quietly in front of the tombstone, and observed three seconds of silence. The cold wind blew on his cheeks, and the heat in Calondo's heart became more and more intense. They should not stay in this place! Fate will no longer cover their eyes!

There was no time to grieve. Calondo knew that he was going to face questioning this time. Although the soldiers listened to their orders, they would definitely tell the truth in the face of Lord Sinjid's questioning. Even Lord Sinjid agreed with his approach, but such a decision was not in their interests, and he had to stand up and bear the anger of other demons.

Black clouds floated by, and the night suddenly enveloped the whole forest, and the group gradually disappeared in the distance. The wild boar ridge has fallen into eternal sleep. Perhaps one day, a real king will return to remember that history full of sad memories. Cadillac's tomb is engraved: Some people are dead and still alive - Cadillac.

He is just a weak man. It was too late to realize that it takes strength to resist fate, so he was very calm when he died. Although he regretted his decision, he did not regret it! In his life, he owes so much that he can't repay it. His eldest son and second son died in disaster, which is a warning from fate! But he still followed his mind and just left a seed. With the expectation of the whole ethnic group, he was willing to exchange the fate of the whole tribe for that unknown future!

At least! Let God also listen to the shouts of us aliens!
