Devil's Capital

Chapter 16 Rest

Friends, I will send you the fourth update today. After yesterday's two updates, the future updates will not change. The computer has been busy all morning and finally repaired, so I have to complain about the bad use of Tencent housekeeper. Of course, the reason for my computer's blue screen must be due to the more code! You have to believe me. I have always been a pure person. If you have a collection, please give me a collection. The results are a little miserable. Dear readers, please give me a recommendation.

"Tay what you think."

Ferrans looked at Su Fei and couldn't help asking when he saw that Su Fei looked reluctant.

Thinking that he had arrived at the hall before, Cabru changed his gentle look and coldly asked his men to arrange three buckets of pigs in a corner, while he led Sufi to see Lord Ferens. Looking at the contrast before and after Cabru, Su Fei felt that he should not comment on anything as a newcomer. At this time, when he saw the eyes of Ference' inquiry, he couldn't help but summon up his courage, raised his head, met Ference's eyes, and said loudly:

"Lord Ferrans! I don't know the principles of your doing things in the army, but I think that as a demon, you should have your own beliefs. If you don't keep your promises, it's not in line with our principles!"

Listening to Su Feiba's own guidelines repeated for himself, Kablu couldn't help laughing and immediately interrupted, "Su Fei, this is not a matter of principle. That wild boar has developed wisdom. Once we let him go, isn't it equivalent to leaving a hidden danger? We don't blame you if you don't understand this truth when you are young, but please don't question the decision of Lord Ferrance and me!" It was related to the authority of Lord Ferrans, and Kablu's tone gradually became stiff.

surprisingly, Philens did not speak this time, but quietly listened to the two arguments, as if he was considering which one was more convincing.

For Kabru, the first big brother to show goodwill when he came to the heterogeneous plane, Su Fei saw his serious and solemn look at this time, which was a little uncomfortable. Reason told him that he should put down his argument at this time, and there was no need to offend his own clan and future partners for the life and death of the alien; the innocent expression of Zhu Santong seemed to appear in front of him again. If he knew that his eldest brother really gave up on him this time, he would be very disappointed.

In a trance, Su Fei saw the tearful look of the pig's three buckets, as if he had predicted his ultimate fate. This time, he did not plead, but looked at himself reluctantly. His eyes contained too much,

"No, no! You can't do this, even if you stay with him all the time and stay with me. I'm in charge of him and won't give him a chance to revenge!"

Sufi said almost pleadingly. At this time, he ignored Kablu and just looked at Philens. He knew that the only one who could change the mind of the eldest brother Kaburu was this old man.

"Impossible. How do you know if he will hide his evil intentions? Once he knows, he can do anything!"

"Okay, I agree. Su Fei, ask Kabru to take the wild boar. But you need him to sign a contract. You should know how to do this!" Ferens interrupted Carreuse and signaled him to calm down. He doesn't care about the life and death of the aliens. As Kaburu said before, all they care about is whether the wise wild boar will reveal their information to the owner of the continent out of revenge. Since Su Fei is willing to take over this stall, it doesn't matter if he is sold alone. As long as they take the initiative to start a war, this wild boar will be worthless.

"Thank you, Lord Philens! Thank you!"

Compared with Kablu's helplessness, Su Fei is quite excited. Thinking that he had saved the unreliable little brother, he thanked Lord Ference and rubbed his hands happily to hide his inner excitement.


In the dark corner, three buckets of pigs squatted absent-mindedly, silently fiddling with their forelimbs. Somehow, he began to feel a trace of uneasiness in his heart. It seemed that something important was peeled away from his body, and he lay down sideways. His back rubbed on the concave and convex ground, but it could not bring him any pleasure.

He began to miss his father. Although the strict middle-aged man always scolded himself, scolded himself and hated himself for being disappointing, he didn't hate himself. He was born with indifferent family affection and heartless. Many times he couldn't even hate a person, let alone love! He has long been tired of playing with those sows all day. In order to continue to paralyze his thoughts, he repeated yesterday's trajectory every day. Until now, he began to cry...

I'm in a mood, shouldn't I be happy? Why am I sad?

I always feel that I have lost something important. What is it?

Isn't it just those sows that can bring me happiness? Just change them when they die.

Is't it always like this since birth, a heartless pig,

Even if I have wisdom, I am still a pig.

Father is right, pig, how can you have feelings?

So, his appearance is a mistake, and I

I was born to make up for that mistake

I hate him, although he is my father!

Why, why can I feel it now

What about the hatred from the bones?

However, with emotions, I am finally normal

Why are you so moved to cry at this time?

Obviously has what I have always longed for

But there is a pain that has lost the whole world!

Please tell me what I lost

What did you miss again?


"Three buckets of pigs, your eldest brother came to see you!"

Su Fei kicked three buckets of pigs*. Seeing that he did not respond, he immediately increased his strength and spoke louder.

Three buckets of pigs woke up from confusion. He had just cried inexplicably with sadness and finished the tears of his previous life. As soon as he fell asleep, he was woken up by Su Fei, opened his hazy eyes and replied, "The boss is coming! What's the matter? Are you going to let me go?"

Hearing this, Kabru came forward and was about to make some action, but he was forcibly stopped by Su Fei. Before Kabru was angry, Su Fei quickly coughed and said, "Cough, that pig three buckets. I could have let you go, but I suddenly felt a little reluctant to part with you. I want you to stay and follow me. I don't know if you want to?

"Why should I stay? You went to my people and killed them all, didn't you? The sleepiness of the pig's three buckets was completely gone. At this time, it seemed that he had incarnated into another person and continued,

"Do you want to keep me for fear that I won't keep this secret and tell your news to others? You are not natives on this plane, are you?"

"Don't you think you know too much?" Cabru was also a little surprised by the sudden enlightenment of this stupid wild boar, but he is not like Su Fei. Now that his goal has been achieved, there is no need to hide his original face.

"Ha ha, that's right. I know too much! Why do I feel sad after my family dies? Why do I feel deep pain when my father dies? Three buckets of pigs began to mutter to themselves.

Su Fei looked at the three barrels of pigs half lying on the ground and crying silently. He inevitably felt a little in his heart and couldn't help answering, "That's because you have feelings!"

Unexpectedly, the pig three bucket listened to Su Fei's answer and laughed sadly. The corners of his mouth were too open and began to bleed. He only heard the pig three bucket laugh and say, "I have never had feelings for more than ten years. Both the people and my father say that I am an indifferent and heartless pig. How can you have feelings now? Should I be happy? Boss Su Fei?"

After hearing this, Su Fei looked at the younger brother and turned into deep sympathy and regret. It is the most regrettable thing for the son to raise but not be close to the family, but what happened to the pig three buckets is more cruel than this. Many times, the ending is not what you want at all!

"Father! Why, what is this for? Damn fate, I will live well and watch you be overthrown and go to the day of destruction!" Zhu Santong thought with hatred that at this time, the complicated memories poured into his brain and felt the good intentions of his father Cadillac, and the tears of the pig San buckets brushed down.

"Don't talk nonsense! Would you like to sign a contract with Su Fei? If you want, live. If you don't want to, die!" Cabru was upset by the crying of the wild boar and ignored his previous words. He waited impatiently and directly interrupted the conversation between the two.

When Su Fei heard Kaburu's question, he couldn't help looking at the pig three buckets nervously. At this moment, he hoped that the little brother could agree, but he hoped that he could make his own choice. Suddenly, his face turned red and he looked at the pig three buckets motionlessly, waiting for his answer.

surprisingly, the pig three buckets did not object this time and replied directly, "I promise!"

"Okay, this is the master-slave contract. Su Fei, take it and sign it with him!"

Seeing that things had not changed as he thought, Kabru could not turn his face. Mu Mudi took out a scroll from the ring and handed it to Su Fei, urging the two to sign the contract quickly.

"I, Satan. Su Fei. I would like to follow the arrangement of the great demon god and let me sign a master-slave contract with the person in front of me!"

"I, three buckets of pigs. Willing to accept the contract of the person in front of you.

In the dark, only a heavy voice came through the air:

"Contract is established!"

Swit City, New Barracks. Sinjid stood in front of the tent, listened carefully to the reports of his own guards, and had a general understanding of the hunting operation. Sinjid couldn't help admiring the wild boar king who faced death calmly. Calondo had reported to himself alone before, and the reason why he listened to the report of his own guards was just to maintain a delicate balance.

In many cases, in order to maintain the cohesion of the whole team, rewards and punishments are only the most basic. The information provided by logistics for this hunting operation is equivalent to saying that the whole team knows that it is a very unwise choice to take sides at this time. Since you are reluctant to punish your most trusted subordinates, let the war come ahead of time! Let's see the fate of the world and how to resist!

The so-called will of heaven is just the will of the plane! What our demons need to resist is the will of the whole crystal wall system, so have you ever seen us retreat? Cadillac, you still woke up too late!

The fourth update has been invented and full of classes, and the update is in the evening. Continue to ask for a click to collect and recommend, dear friends, good night!