Devil's Capital

Chapter 18 Encounter in the Forest! 2

"Hu, Hu,"

The sound of animals began to snor in front of him, and Liefield began to stop when he heard the sound. Relying on inertia, he leaned on the big tree beside him and moved gently to avoid making a sound.

" boss, this should be a demon bear. I guess he is hibernating now!" Liefield said to Zaru, who came forward to ask, thinking that if it was really a hibernating bear, then their trip was finally a decent harvest. As they spoke, they stared at the dense bushes in front of them, and their eyes began to be eager.

"Wow, hoo, hoo..."

At this time, Kant and others who caught up also heard intermittent snoring. In the past few days, I have been busy observing the terrain and deliberately looking for traces of those powerful monsters. Occasionally, I met some lonely animals and so on that can only be used to sacrifice their teeth. It happened that a magic bear appeared on their way forward, which was an unexpected joy for several people!

Carefully along the gap between the bushes, several people moved forward slowly. There are many good things on the bear. Since they have encountered them, of course, they are not allowed to miss them. Liefield walked ahead with a huge bull's head, and some horizontal bush branches were directly opened by the hard horns, clearing a road. Zaru and others closely followed Liefield's footsteps and dived into the depths of the bushes.


"Well, that's where the stinky bear hibernates."

Amy casually pointed to the bushes in front of him and said to Danny. Abile just came here without further action. He stood on Amy's shoulder and made a humane gesture to Amy, spreading his forelimbs and signaling him to his destination. Before Amy could react, she climbed from her shoulder to her neckline, got into her arms, and went sweet with Alice. Well, it's really difficult to requisition the date time of the two beasts. When she saw the destination, Amy let go of the Echo Beast.

"The bear of the earth is a very irritable warcraft. Although it is sleeping now, once it is not severely damaged when it is asleep, its tenacious vitality will still make it a big trouble for us. George, go to the front and find out first!" After getting Amy's positive reply, Danny began to arrange a battle plan for his team members.

"Evan, find a hidden place to hide, and it's better to shoot the devil bear's eyes; Amy, you are responsible for dressing and treatment, and pay attention to your safety. We can't always pay attention to you when fighting; Randolph, we are responsible for fighting against injury and confronting the bear head-on!"

Several people have no problem with Danny's distribution, and each battle is launched by the boss's deployment, which is very effective. Of course, the plan is only to reduce losses. More often, in the face of different situations, they need to judge by themselves how to proceed next. It is with this tacit understanding between them that their team has performed tasks in the sunset city for so many years without failing. The only failure three years ago was also due to a sudden situation when performing the task, which led to the failure to complete the task satisfactorily.

With a sound, the trampled dead branches made a slight sound. George didn't care and continued to move forward with his body. The snoring of the bear of the earth gradually increased, carefully avoiding the shrub branches beside him, frowning at the bear excrement under his feet, and enduring the strange smell. Knowing that it was within the alert range, George began to stop.

"Huh?! Why are there several biological heartbeats? George raised his head slightly and thought doubtfully. Just now, in order to understand the situation inside, he turned his ear and lay on the ground to listen carefully to the message from the earth. Before George came to his senses, he gradually lost consciousness. Isn't there only the earth bear in it, but also other creatures? With this doubt, George closed his eyes and lay peacefully by the bush.


"Let me tell you, there are really little bugs to make ideas!"

Just as George lost consciousness, the figure of Zharu and others began to appear. Leah walked to George and twisted George's body with one hand. Fragile humans could not pose a threat in the eyes of their demons. Several people had arrived at the hole of the magic bear before. When they were about to enter, Leah suddenly began to have an early warning. In the unusual airflow from the air, she began to feel a little unusual when she felt the mutation, so there was just beginning of the scene:

George had fallen into Leah's "dark breath" when he stepped on the dead branches. This is a common fantasy trap in the demon world. It was deceived by the perception of the induced magician. George was so confused and walked the road paved by Leah until the trap was fully launched and fell down.

"It seems that we are not ordinary human beings this time!"

Lia groped up and down on George and made some messy things, but from these messy items, the faint magical atmosphere still made Zalu and others solemn. In any world, only with enough strength can they keep their belongings from this unlucky child. The side of the things turned out confirms the strength of their team.

This encounter was unexpected for people on both sides. No one on both sides expected that this kind of encounter would become an alternative way of fighting between the demon world and the scarlet plane in the future, independent of the battlefield, but had a huge impact on the future of the two worlds.

Danny moved outside and stood outside the bushes in a circle. George has been in for a long time and should have come out long ago. Although the Earth Bear is not a particularly ferocious monster, George is not a reckless person. At this time, it is impossible to hunt alone, and the only situation that causes him not to come back on time is that he is in danger! Thinking of this possibility, Danny couldn't help worrying about the thief's safety. In case something happened, Danny, as the organizer of this action, would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"George, you must be fine!" Half an hour has passed since he prayed silently. Danny knew that George could not come out by himself, and what he needs to do now is to approach carefully and bring him back safely!

Evan, Randolph's expression also began to be solemn. Amy had been looking at Evan until she didn't feel how fast time passed. At this time, she saw that George had not come out and thought that he had focused on his visiting talent again.

"I think our thief partner should be in some trouble!"

Danny took the lead in breaking the silence and said to several people behind him. Looking at Evan, this elf is the only one who can create more vitality for them. There must be a special means for the other party to subdue George silently. Danny, who doesn't know how to attack the enemy, is a melee swordsman, and Randolph is also a melee. Now he can only rely on this elf partner! As for Amy, let's protect the therapist first,

Evan looked at Captain Danny. Only he and George were responsible for controlling the trend of the battlefield. At this time, he lost George, so as the only remote controller, he had to stand ready without any negligence. At this time, a carelessness will lead to the destruction of their whole team.

The battle is about to begin!