Devil's Capital

Chapter 17 Encounter in the forest! 1

There was a deep silence in the woods. The morning sun fell and greedily breathed the fresh air. Amy felt much better.

I have been in the sunset city for a long time. I can only stay in the house reading books, watering flowers and so on every day. The most important thing is that I can't run to see Evan, which is too cruel for Amy! Since Evan began to take care of himself, Amy's interest has obviously increased a lot, often urging the boss to go on tasks in order to spend more time with her lover. People in love are often unreasonable, which is indisputable.

At dawn, Amy got up early to tidy up her makeup, stepped on a delicate bag containing some of her common potions, and went out to find Evan at a cheerful pace. Last night, I just received a notice from the boss that she was going out to hunt today. Amy, who was watering flowers, suddenly became calm when she heard the news. She has been idle at home these days and is about to get sick. Finally, she can go on a mission. Of course, she has to prepare well.

Walking on the forest path, taking light steps and passing through layers of fog, Amy and several people quickly found a place where flowers were in full bloom. George lowered his head, swung his body, followed the crowd without a trace, and did not dare to make a sound for fear of annoy the little ancestor in front of him. At this time, Amy was in a good mood and did not mention the last time. Although she had been taught a hard lesson in the bar that night, due to Evan's presence and the public place, Amy could not use some small measures to make politics George. Fortunately, George was lucky to escape the disaster. George was lucky to have time. Of course, he did not dare to anger this person at this time. A strange-tempered lady.

"Go, this is where I sow the seeds, and little Abile is hiding in it. Wait a minute, I'll let it communicate with little Alice, and then we can follow the breath to find the prey.

Standing on the edge of the flowers, Amy motioned several people to stop. Amy couldn't help but feel a little proud of the clusters of flowers blooming in winter in front of her. She quietly looked at Evan standing behind and was looked at with admiration. Suddenly, her heart was happy. As long as the lover was satisfied, it was naturally good.

"Wang, chirp," listening to the excited cry of the little bug in his arms, his face couldn't help but turn red when Amy remembered that she hadn't done her business yet. Carefully took out the little Alice who was in a state of excitement from her arms. Amy gently put the echo beast on a blooming flower and smelled the familiar smell. The echo beast excitedly lifted its small tail and sniffed on the flower for a while, as if it had found a target, flashed in and disappeared in Ai. Within the sight of rice.

Danny simply put on a coat and stood by the flowers, waiting patiently for Amy's news. This winter, there are no demons, and the days are still a little monotonous. Since he took root in this majestic sunset city, Danny will deal with demons almost every winter. It will be the end of November, and in a few days, it will start snow here in early December, and then the devil will be even less likely. After coming out to hunt, once the habits of many years have changed, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

After waiting for a long time, the thick fog in the forest gradually began to disperse, but the echo beast had not appeared yet. Danny was a little impatient. He reached out and patted the dew on his clothes and asked Amy, "Little Amy, why hasn't your little bug moved after waiting for so long?"

Well, Amy should be very calm and calm at this time. Since Alice went in, the flowers began to emit a faint fragrance, and she knew that things were broken! Na, this father and mother haven't seen each other for a long time, and it's not good to meet that. It's like a fire of dried vegetables. Well, the two little beasts are doing a great man-making career! The business was completely left behind and heard the boss begin to ask questions. In a hurry, Amy didn't care whether it would disturb the couple's previous warmth and began to recite spells and summon Alice.

"Wang, chirp!"

Little Abile came out of the flowers and shouted at Amy. His eyes the size of rice were round, which made Amy feel guilty. From the eyes of little Abili, Amy was clearly expressing her anger, thinking that she had separated the little beasts for a long time, and Amy also felt a little sorry. Thinking that there was still something to do, Amy had to suppress her self-reproach, continue to recite spells, and urge her contract creatures to move faster.

Little Alice stretched out her head from behind the little Abile. Just before she came to talk to him, she was rushed up by Abile, and then there was no more. Thinking of herself and little Abilei using her working hours to do that kind of shameful thing, little Alice's little head just came out lowered with shame.

"Okay, Amy. Let them find those breaths quickly. Take little Abile with us when we leave. This is our last hunt. More harvest. Let's take it as a long vacation this winter. Let's have a good rest!"

Danny, standing behind Amy, was also amused by the two little beasts. He thought that hunting monsters was just to earn some supplies. It would be good to survive this winter, so he sent a message to Amy to take back the two beasts.

"Wang, chirp!"

Little Abile listened to the owner Amy's repeated words and understood what Danny meant. Suddenly, he was so excited that he circled around the flower bones under him. Who can feel the pain of missing? Staying here all day, staying with other bachelors and enjoying the loneliness belonging to bachelors, Abilee was going crazy. At this time, when he heard the news of liberation, his mood, which had been suppressed for too long, suddenly vented.

"Wang, chirp," is finally getting rid of this group of bachelors, thinking that he can stay with his girlfriend in the future and no longer have to endure the howling of this group of bachelors. This is the happiest thing in the world. Abile only hates that he is not an adult and can't speak, otherwise he would have said thank you countless times. Little Alice understood Master Amy's words and came out. She stood beside the flower bones, raised her two forelimbs to Amy, and kept bowing to show her gratitude.

Amy laughed at the two cute little beasts, thinking that she still had something to do. She quickly stretched out Bai Jie's little hand and twisted the two little beasts to prepare for the next hunt.


" boss, when will Lord Sinjid assign us a decent task?"

Refield boredly fiddled with the ring in his hand and wandered in the mountain range all day long. Without instructions and did not dare to easily go out of the mountains to the gathering place of human beings to investigate the situation, these days were about to fade out of the birds.

Zharu and others have been around this mountain for a few days, and they are almost familiar with the terrain. Suffering from no order, they have to continue to carry out the task of exploring. However, when you are in the army, you must have this awareness that you can't act according to your own will and don't disobey the orders of your superiors. This is the iron rule of the army.

As soon as the sun rose, the sun began to fall, and some animals began to crawl out of the hole to find food reserves to cope with the upcoming hibernation. With the first sunshine, a new day has come!

"Don't question Lord Sinjid's order!" Zalu stopped, turned around and scolded the reckless bull-headed demon fiercely, and then said,

"We just need to follow orders, and the rest is free for adults!"

"I know, my lord!"

Seeing that the boss lost his temper, Liefield suddenly lost his temper, shrugged his head, followed silently, and continued to patrol the forest.