Devil's Capital

Chapter 20 "Equivalent" Exchange

PS: Recently, I have been busy with CET-4. I will take the exam at the end of the month and keep it updated every day. I don't know if you have seen the image propaganda film made in your hometown. If not, you might as well search it on the Internet. People who have had this experience in the days of studying abroad know what it is like. Today, I happened to watch the promotional video of my hometown and suddenly felt very kind. I don't know if you will feel the same as me after watching it. Finally, please collect and recommend it. Thank you for your support for Xiaomu! Continue today's update,

"A little, only a little..."

Evan slowly opened the bowstring and faintly sensed the position of the target. Suffering from not locking the air machine, the arrow in Evan's hand did not dare to shoot out. In order to ensure that it can cause the greatest deterrent to the enemy, Evan must strive to make a hit, at least let them pay attention to their own threat, so that it is possible to sit down and negotiate conditions and let the other party let the captains go. While thinking, Evan tightened his right hand and held the arrow in his hand tighter.


At this time, Kant came out of the dark curtain with the unconscious Danny, came to Zharu, and put the swordsman on the ground. Zaru was quite satisfied with the performance of his teammates. At this time, the only enemy who appeared in sight was the shield and axe warrior who was still fighting with Liefield. As long as he solved his encounter, they could declare victory.

There is at least one person lurking outside, but the situation has been completely controlled by them. With the loss of three main players in a row, Zaru does not believe that the team can still turn over. Thinking of this, Zaru said to Leah, who had recovered her magic, "Remove the dark curtain and vines, and help Leffield end it quickly. I didn't expect that we could meet a human team when we came out to explore the situation this time. Our luck is not ordinary!"

"I know, boss." Hearing this, Lia came forward to lift the spell, and the dark boundary suddenly disappeared. Inside, the sound of the fight between Liefield and Randolph gradually came. At this time, it can be seen that although Liefield, who was added with an increase, was much stronger than usual, he was gradually at a disadvantage in the battle between the two.

Randolph is a dedicated warrior. Of course, he has been eager for opponents with considerable strength for a long time. At this time, he naturally fought quite fiercely when he met Liefield. After getting familiar with the attack strength of the bull-headed creature with a big stick, the counterattack began. Randolph resisted Liefield's big stick with a big shield in his hand, and chopped down Liefield's face with a big axe in his empty right hand!

The strength was weaker than that of the shield axe warrior. Liefield saw that his attack was ineffective. At this time, the sharp blade of the axe had arrived, and the cold light reflected the deep chill in Liefield's heart. Before there was any extra movement, Liefield withdrew his stick and blocked Randolph's heavy blow before the axe reached his face. Fortunately, the speed of warriors who are generally strong is their shortcoming. Relying on his flexibility than the other party, Liefield continued to hold the stick with both hands and launched the next round of attack on Randolph.

The dark curtain gradually shrank until the sun came in and the whole bushes returned to the previous scene. Looking at the vines under his feet shrinking back to the ground and getting in, there was no sound. Randolph, who had regained his strength, suddenly felt a bright light in front of his eyes. With confidence in his heart, he waved the big axe in his hand and tried harder to cut into Liefield. Finally, the growth effect on his body slowly began to weaken, and he was in a weak position, which was stunned by Randolph's stormy swing. Several times, he almost dodged by the advantage of speed, otherwise Liefield would have to lie here today.

Randolph, who is fighting, abused the enemy in front of him and regained his eyesight. The opponent in front of him is not worth mentioning. Randolph has never had an invincible enemy! With this confidence, Randolph also used the shield and smashed the enemy in front of him. At this time, Kant had quietly lurked behind Randolph, and neither of them found the third party's insertion.

"Knocking the stuffy stick, this is really a hard and flattering job!" As Kant muttered, he twisted the sickle and gave it to Randolph fiercely with his back, hitting him on the back of the head. Then, there is no more.

The shady evacuation made him completely unresponsive. Before he could think about whether his teammates were in danger, he was completely stunned by Randolph's next attack. His hands stood in front of him with a big stick and retreated by Randolph's attack. Suddenly, he found that the big stick in his hand was not under gravity. He suddenly felt a little strange. He put down the stick in his hand and stood on the ground for a while. After the dizziness disappeared, he happened to see Randolph's fallen body and Kant standing behind him smiling at himself.

"Ah! Kant, I'm going to kill you! Why can't you let me fight happily every time you destroy my fight? Liefield rushed to Kant with a big stick regardless.

Looking at Kant, he didn't choose to dodge, but the smile on his face seemed a little helpless. Well, this is the boss's arrangement again. Of course, Lepid will not foolishly question the boss's decision. Such venting is just to find some psychological balance for himself.

"Okay, clean it up and wake them up later to ask about the specific situation on this continent." Zarru walked forward and said to the two, and Yuris, who followed him, dragged the two prisoners with vines. Almost in the demise, and the enemy still has zero casualties. Even if Danny and others can escape, they will have a psychological shadow on this demon team.


The dark curtain disappeared, and Evan, who had been paying attention to the movement in the bush, cheered up and carefully sensed the situation inside. Without the dark infection, Evan quickly established communication with the plants inside. Under the shared vision, the situation inside was clear at a glance.

Looking at the boss Danny and Randolph falling one after another, Evan's pupils tightened and looked at Amy hiding under the tree not far behind him. He knew that if he had fallen at this moment, then their team would never have tomorrow. And he can also choose to take Amy back and report the news to the temple at this time, and those people have caught George and did not kill them at the first time. At that time, it is not impossible to bring rescuers to save them, and there is a greater chance of success.

Evan gave up and continued to think about it. He was afraid! He was afraid that he was not brave enough, so he lost confidence the next moment, ran away with Amy, left the captain and others, and dared not face the danger! What is the rule of elves? Evan seemed to hear his father's question to him a hundred years ago. That was the last time he saw his father. It is loyalty, faith and protection! This is my answer, and it is also the words of the elf Feathers.

Evan remembered that his father was not satisfied with his answer at that time. He added: And courage! Father, now I understand the courage you mentioned. Even if the elves are no longer suitable to survive in this continent, even if there is only me left, I will definitely take the elves's code in the future and leave traces of exclusive to the elves in the crimson.

"Listen to the enemies inside! Your gas machine has been locked by me, and now you have two choices: first, continue to carry out your original plan, take away my three companions, or come and kill me, but in this case, I'm not sure if you can continue to maintain a record of zero casualties; second, let go of my companions, and we will give you corresponding compensation! In this way, everyone is at peace. What do you think?

Evan tried to make his voice louder and shouted into the bush. Through the unique talent of elves, Evan, who has good vision, can faintly see the distribution of enemies inside. In addition, after establishing communication with plants, Evan has a certain understanding of the enemies inside.

The bald man with horrible scars on his face is the captain of the team, and the handsome young man and the woman as beautiful as Amy should be relatively weak in the team. As for Kant and Liefield, who had fought before, Evan was not sure that he could hit it in one shot, just like to the captain, so while talking, it was Lia who Evan chose to lock the air machine.

As expected, Zaru knew that the lurking enemies outside would be hooked when he asked Leah to remove the dark boundary. At this time, when he heard Evan's words, he thought it was a matter of course. However, no matter what, I never thought that there was an elf archer hidden in the dark. If he had known in advance, killing Zaru would not have let Leah remove the dark boundary. If I had known, wouldn't I have secretly taken the three away? Zaru couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the previous decision. He missed a good opportunity, and it was difficult to regain the initiative.

Maybe you can let Liefield break through from the front, and Kant can sneak over from the dark to find the elf shooter, which can still save the situation. However, as the elf shooter said the first choice, Zaru looked at Yuris and Leah standing beside them. They were confident to avoid the attack of the elf shooter, but it was hard to say. Demons are always cruel. Assuming that he does not pity the lives of his teammates, this battle can certainly come to a satisfactory end, but Zaru can't do it.

As a woman, Lia is naturally the most** of several people. After listening to the elf shooter's words, she contacted herself and felt an inexplicable crisis, and suddenly realized that she was the first target of the shooter. His face darkened, and no one could continue to remain calm for any opponent who did not regard himself as a threat. Originally, he admired the brave shooter for not withdrawing and protecting his teammates at this time. At the moment of being locked, the good impression of Evan suddenly disappeared.

" boss, why don't you let Kant go up and find him out and be threatened by such a little bug? This is not our demon's style of doing things!" After saying that, Leah moved her step without missing and moved to the big tree beside her, but the danger was still like a bone maggot, clinging to her back and did not disappear. She frowned. Lia was cruel. She didn't believe that this elf shooter could really shoot herself at once! He simply did not hide, stood still, staring coldly at the front.

When Leah said this, Zaru's previous hesitation suddenly put down. He also figured it out. No matter how much he gains, he can't exchange the lives of his teammates for danger. This time, he will teach them some lessons. There is no loss for himself, and this result is not unacceptable.

" boss, I think this method is feasible! Otherwise, you let me..."

interrupted Liefield's following words, and Zaru, who had a decision in his heart, suddenly relaxed. He told Uris to untie the thief and the epee lying on the ground first, and he went forward and shouted outside the bush:

"Wise opponent, elf. You have won our respect, and I will put them in place for your teammates. Just come and receive them after we evacuate safely! So, are you satisfied with the second option?

Hearing the shout inside, Evan couldn't believe that the other party agreed so easily? The surprise came so fast that without thinking about it, Evan quickly replied:

"Of course, of course I'm satisfied! I hope we won't meet again in the future. At that time, although I still can't pose a threat to a strong existence like you, it's hard for me to say your teammates.

"We will meet again, elves, demons will reappear on this continent, and you can't stop it! This time, I can only say that you are lucky, and you won't have such good luck next time!" Thinking of his position in the demon world, Zaru rarely added a sentence.

In the end, there was no bloodshed, and the devil's first short confrontation after thousands of years ended quietly under the tacit understanding between the two sides. And the real competition has just begun!