Devil's Capital

Chapter 21 Which side is the wind blowing?

"New recruits! What is the purpose of your coming to the heterogeneous plane?


"Very good, it seems that you have had a good awareness before you came!" Sinjid came to the training ground and ordered Calondo to gather the recruits to teach. Sinjid is relatively satisfied with the answers of these recruits, but this is far from enough. A force that can fight not only has a good sense of combat, but also has close cooperation.

"Remember! This war has just begun, and what we, as invaders, are most taboo is not cruel enough and cruel enough! And you, as new recruits, the only thing you need to do in this war is to learn from veterans! I don't expect you to play an important role on the battlefield. You won't be sent to the front line of the battlefield. You just need to remember to protect yourself and help your teammates, okay?

"I don't know!"

Almost at the same time, Cassie and the soldiers around him answered in unison. As warriors, why can't they fight on the front line of the battlefield like veterans, just because they are new recruits and not as good as veterans? Although Cassie felt very tired and hard these days of training, he also gained a lot and had a deep sense of belonging to the team. Even Lord Sinjid, the commander-in-chief, has not deprived the soldiers of their right to participate in the battle!

Listening to the neat protests of the recruits below, Sinjid standing on the high platform looked at the slightly immature demon faces below, not only recalling the time when he went to the battlefield with Carlsas after graduating from West Point. At that time, they were also unruly and wanted to go to the front line of the battlefield to fight. At that time, they also questioned the officer's orders! And he was more bold until he forgot the regulations of the army. After angering his superiors, he was punished to run around the training ground for a day and a night. After that, no matter how much he thought about retorting, he had no strength to speak.

However, new recruits should look like new recruits. Since your performance is still obedient, I will not punish you extra, but the order still needs to be carried out. Thinking like this, Sinjid said seriously:

"I know you are very unhappy with my orders, but this is the army, and you are fighting in different places! You only need one answer to the order of your superiors, that is: Yes! I won't explain why. When the war starts, you will understand why when you have experienced it! Now, I want to hear your answers, soldiers, tell me loudly!"

Yes! Sir!"

Even if they are unwilling, they dare not violate the decision of the commander in front of them at this moment.

Sinjid finally heard his satisfactory answer. As for what these recruits do in battle, they need to think about it with their brains. If he encounters danger and is stupid, this kind of soldier will die quickly on the battlefield even if he is lucky enough to survive for the first time. Looking at the soldiers with some emotions below, Sinjid knew that it was time to throw important news to divert their attention. He continued, "My soldiers! Tonight, the battle will begin. We are well prepared. This time, we will catch our opponents off guard. When these plane indigenous people react, we will stop and slowly encroach on this land!"

"In this regard, I especially want to declare to your recruits that the existing combat plan has been completed by our army's combat headquarters before your arrival. And as a new force, you are an unexpected factor in this war and will not be discovered by the enemy. So, please tell me, can you save the situation and save the devil when the army is in crisis?

"Of course!"

Cassie is not ashamed of Sinjid's typical behavior of shifting the topic, but this also can't stop the enthusiasm of the recruits. For these recruits who have never been to the battlefield, the encouragement of their superiors is the source of their motivation, even if they throw their heads and sprinkle their blood on it!

But no one expected that Sinjid's words would become a provever. In the later war, it was this recruit who successfully saved the situation, saved Sinjid's army, stabilized the devil's situation on the crimson plane, and did not retreat to the demon world. Of course, this is the after story.


" boss, why did you tell Lord Sinjid truthfully?"

Refield was a little unhappy about Zaru's complete report of his previous actions to Lord Sinjid. They are here to fight for the future, rangers and rangers. To put it nicely, they are a group of new professionals with good income. However, these are not what they want. For various reasons, after the upper class in the same territory turned against each other, they resolutely joined the ranks of rangers, in order to continue their ideals in another way!

Ranger, in the demon world, is a group of migrant workers with no status and no status. You have the strength to make your life better! Without identity and status, without the recognition of other demons, all ideals and revenge are nonsense!

The reason why Liefield and others are willing to participate in heterogeneous battles is that they like the fiefdom. The title, even if there is no fief in the demon world, is still full of ** for them rangers. Of course, Zalu understands what his teammates think, but he can't say that he temporarily abandons his personal interests for the sake of the overall situation! This is still useful for others. For Liefield, reasoning with him will be counterproductive. For the sake of harmony between the teams, Zaru has to face it with silence at this time and ignore Liefield's complaints.

"Okay, boss. I know we should be a team with good credit, and we have always done the same before. But in this way, will Lord Sinjid have a bad impression of our team, so that we won't receive any important tasks!" Liefield complained for a while, but when no one paid attention to it, Leah and Yuris sat directly aside and circled the ground with branches. In contrast, Leffield is actually more concerned about whether he can continue to win the trust of Lord Sinjid in the future.

Lia came up for no reason: "If you really care so much about the fiefdom and title, I will give you a letter of recommendation. If you take it to my father, he will give you a bigger fiefdom, or in the devil's world!"

Hearing this, Liefield was anxious and replied, "Do you think I look like such a person?" If I really cared about this, I wouldn't have left the Tauren territory at the beginning. I just hope that I can get a lot of money when I am willing! I was born in a wild way, and I envy those who are at the top!"

Listening to this insinuated words, Leah was suddenly unhappy. Originally, this mission led to the release of the prisoner in her hand because of her and Yuris. Now she was reproached herself. Hearing Ledfield's full of gunpowdery words, she immediately quit. She threw away the branches in her hand and stood up and was ready to return the color.


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zaru. Anyway, things have become a fact. Lord Sinjid's expression on his face did not change much when he heard the news. As for whether the result is good or bad, it doesn't matter. However, if there are discordant factors in the team and are not solved in time, there is no need for them to continue to cooperate.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these. Lord Sinjid just seemed to say that action needs to be done in advance. Now that he has a way to deal with it, it makes no sense for us to argue here. I'll go out to inquire first and see what new tasks we can take on. Letfield go with me!"

Zalu took Liefield out and was ready to go to the military office in front of him to inquire about the news. The rest of the people present were silent for a moment. In fact, what Liefield is worried about is exactly what they are worried about, but it has become a fore. Let's wait for the result with peace.

"Don't talk about this to Leah in the future, okay?" Rarely, Zharu solemnly warned Liefeid, "Lia is an orphan after birth and is a little lonely. She has been deliberately avoiding talking about her background after breaking with her father Lu Xihua. If you still want to go on a mission together in the future, don't say such words!"

Walking on the path, the dark light makes the whole mountain belly look gloomy. Listening to the captain Zalu's explanation, Liefield couldn't help but feel a little Hao Ran. He was a white man living at the bottom of the demon world. At first, with some talent and strength, he dared to kill a baron. Later, after finding that the lord could not protect him, he escaped from the tauren and joined the ranks of the rangers.

After knowing Leah's unfortunate life, Lefield was not too jealous of her upper class. There is a person's suffering, and so is the devil. If he has no idea about the future, I would like to ask: Who is willing to work hard all day? However, if a demon has no ideal, what's the difference between living and dying?

Where does the wind blow? Just after Sinjid went to the operational command and ordered the night attack, the whole Swat began to operate. Logistics began to make a large amount of cooked meat and dry as military food for the army, and the rangers scattered outside began to collect after receiving orders, waiting for the next order.

Where does the wind blow? After Danny and others arrived safely in the sunset city, it was approaching dusk and hurried to the temple to report the news of the encounter with the demon team. However, in the eyes of the priests who no longer paid attention to Swat after the demon army withdrew from Crimson, it was nothing more than that the team had an unexpected situation in the wild and did not pay attention to it.

The cold wind outside is blowing, and the winter night is terrible. Which way is the wind blowing?