Devil's Capital

Chapter 28 Unexpected Decision

Sundown City has become a thing of the past, and Stiding has to face this cruel reality. If they win the devil in this war, maybe they can take back their own territory. If they lose, the whole Noland will completely fall!

At present, the most urgent thing is to report this news to the Red City. Only the temple there has the power to call on the whole Nordland! The messenger sent to deliver the letter has rushed to the road. Next, the only thing Stiding is worried about is that the demons will continue to invade. How long the Otter Empire without foreign aid can last to tell the truth. It's okay for your own army to domight in the local forces. If you really fight with the demon army on the battlefield, it won't help.

Clos, the capital of the Otter Empire, fell into tranquility, and the streets were no longer prosperous as before. The sparse passers-by ran quickly, all of whom looked panicked. The once prosperous capital became so withered overnight, and people were at odds with each other. Stiding had no better way but to let his own people toss around. At this time, it is unwise to go out and fight with the devil, but if the behavior of suppressing the people will be completely lost the hearts of the people, then he doesn't have to be the emperor!

In this way, under the spread of fear, the Otter Empire fell into turmoil. In some cities near the sunset city, people began to flee their hometowns and run to inland cities. What's more, the whole family moved directly to prepare to stay away from this place of right and wrong.

On the one hand, there are external troubles, and on the other hand, there are internal worries. Stiding has been very busy these two days. At this time, the military headquarters was formulating a detailed battle plan with the generals. When they heard the report that there were chaos in the city again, they didn't sleep well for several days. When Stiding is idle, he often thinks that even if the devil invades tomorrow, after killing some soldiers, he will help him clean up some of the opposition voices in the empire.

He was busy preparing for several days, and his meals were simply dealt with in the barracks. Stiding seemed to be back to the age when he was young and fought around with the army. After yawning, standing up from his position, waving his hands and stretching his body, Stiding suddenly felt much better. Now he has never been so busy than when he was young. He casually looked through the report on the table. At this time, the tent was lifted, and the sun shone through the narrow gap and reached out to cover his eyes. After the tent was closed again, Stiding noticed that he was an intelligence officer.

"What valuable information?" Stiding cheered up and asked the intelligence officer. They sent several reconnaissance teams to find out the movements of the demon army in the sunset city to make it easier for them to prepare for defense. Before the news from the Crimson Capital came, the whole army of the Otter Empire was crazy.

"Report to Your Majesty, the information obtained from the front line, there has been no movement from the demons in the sunset city for three days, but a new sentry tower has been built outside the sunset city, which looks like a defensive posture." The intelligence officer looked a little strange, hesitated, and truthfully reported the information obtained from the front line to Stiding.

It's a valuable good news that the demon did not take the initiative. Of course, there are some doubts about the devil's behavior of shrinking and defense, but Stiding is not stupid enough to foolishly pull out the army to the sunset city when the devil shows weakness. This behavior is no different from finding death without knowing the deployment of the enemy forces. Since the devil gave them a chance to breathe, why not wait for the human coalition to attack again?


Sinjid is also a very traditional demon commander. This alternative combat method is really because their demon world can no longer withstand the endless consumption of war. Any living demon may become a new force. In order to stand on the alien plane, they have to adopt this steady method. .

Maybe they can guess that after thousands of years of recovery, the devil has not yet reached its peak, but unfortunately they dare not take the risk to try and confirm it. Even if you have this speculation in your heart, you dare not rush to launch a large-scale battle with the devil. The temptation needs to be paid with your life. Of course, the price is a little higher. Sinjid also ventured to make a decision contrary to the beginning based on this speculation. He only needs to make a time difference with these indigenous humans. When it is too late for human beings to fully react, they will take root in Crimson, and the plan will be half successful!

After vigorous repair, the sunset city began to restore its original appearance, and there was no trace of battle on the streets. Calondo walked on the street with a patrol team. After several days of rectification, the sunset city began to regain a few vitality, and the first group of subjugated human beings have begun to resume production in various workshops. Of course, this is what the devil wants to see. Calondo and others patrol the city every day to maintain peace. Some human slaves often get restless after they are out of the devil's sight. Of course, this is not what their rulers want to see.

"Amu, are you really willing to work for the devil?"

A human employee dragged the wood and asked while looking up. He and A San used to be part-time workers in the sunset city. They usually rely on physical strength to get work. In the days when they didn't go to work, they had to be hungry. Because they lived so hard together, their relationship has always been very good.

Listening to his companion's question, Amu stopped, leaned the wood aside, wiped his sweat with his hand, and said carelessly, "Why don't you want to? What's the difference between working for human beings in the past and now? It's not the same. As long as I pay, I don't care whether the boss is a devil or an angel. These days, I can't support myself. Even if I have an ideal, I have to fill my stomach first!"

Yes, for these lower-level people, as long as they can survive, what's the difference between the upper-level rulers? Anyway, the devil will pay for letting them work. Thinking of this, Luffy was not in the mood to continue to think about it. He continued to move the wood and followed Amu's footsteps.

Standing on the top floor of the temple, you can see the scene in the sunset city ahead from the window. Green used to sit on the balcony drinking afternoon tea in the afternoon and inspect this park of his own by the way, but now it has become the paradise in front of him.

Sinjid stood on the balcony at this time, bathed in the sun. It was not so cold in the winter afternoon, but the wind outside began to feel a few piercing coldness, and the sun could not make people feel that comfortable warmth. Green, standing aside, is carefully brewing Mao Jian, the most famous tea in the sunset city, for Sinjid. Usually, this authentic product has always been hidden and enjoyed by himself slowly, and Sonny will not take out more. However, since he defected, Green has consciously contributed all his family, in order to earn enough impression points in front of Sinjid, so that his life and future can be guaranteed.

"Why do you always hold a grudge against our demons? We demons are as powerful as angels. Why do you humans only fear angels and gods, but fear and hate our demons?

Sinjid looked at the empty city outside, and even if someone appeared from time to time, it soon disappeared. While asking Green, he also asked himself in his heart that the order of the plane is often the plane itself, so why are their demons so resistant?

Er, I didn't expect that the person in front of me suddenly asked such a question. For a moment, Green didn't know how to answer, and the action of pouring tea suddenly froze. Looking at Sinjid, he looked like he wanted to say but didn't dare to say it.

"Don't mind. This conversation is just an ordinary communication between friends at that time."

At the instruction, Green put down the teapot in his hand, considered the words, and replied to Sinjid:

I think the first factor is faith. Because I am a temple member, he also dabbled in Genesis, which praises the gods. The gods mentioned in it basically have their own believers, and the records of your demon world are only those from thousands of years ago, but it is not difficult to tell from those records that you demons have no believers. So the war you launched can only be called a war of aggression, and other gods have a reasonable excuse: fight for faith! The difference in the system will lead you not to be popular with the gods!"

"And you demons advocate the supremacy of strength, but the strong often lack management, and destruction is far easier than construction, which is why your demons are not very popular in the plane..."

Noting that Sinjid's face began to turn blue, Green closed his mouth knowingly, and the last and most critical reason why he didn't dare to say that the original form of the devil was not as beautiful as the gods. It was too scary, and the devil's character was cruel and unkind, often slaughtering prisoners. This is the sound of resistance. The root cause of the intensification!

There is no need to say about these reasons. Sinjid also knows that the devil is a stubborn ethnic group, and it is almost impossible to completely change fundamentally. He smiled self-deprecatingly and realized that his shortcomings were still not improved, and the demon community deserved to encounter a thousand years of misfortune! I hope this rise can deal with the heterogeneous plane in another way, so that maybe their demons can have a new chance to rise!

"Since you have a certain understanding of us, come to me in the evening. I will first draw up a demon notice. You point out some areas that need to be improved. After repairing, make a notice and hang them on the city gates. This is our new rule in the future. Remember, if this is done, you can get the devil's approval!"

Hearing Sinjid's special instruction, Green was so happy that he was incoherent by the following sentence "get the devil's approval" and thanked Sinjid: "Thank you, thank you, my lord! Give me a chance to prove myself! I will do my best to complete this job!"