Devil's Capital

Chapter 27 The Devil Attack

Stepping into the temple, a familiar scene appeared in front of him, but looking at the middle-aged officer sitting above the hall, Men Jeff knew that another master had been changed. Looking at this territory that once belonged to human beings and became a demon, Menjie fu couldn't help sighing that things were wrong.

Thinking that there was something important to do this time, Menjie fu walked up enthusiastically and said hello to Sinjid, "Hello, you are the commander of the devil, aren't you?" Jeff is a member of the Julu Chamber of Commerce. We are businessmen on this continent. The purpose of this time is to see if we can establish a business road that communicates the planes of both sides. I wonder if you are interested?

Singid just realized that those businessmen had arrived. Hearing the inquiry of the businessman in front of him, Sinjid couldn't help but look at the past with a few scrutiny. For the development of heterogeneous commerce, this demon army that has ever fought in an alien plane will give some preferential treatment to the plane merchants in the demon world in this regard. Although their demons are only responsible for destruction, and their production capacity is far less than that of these human beings or other races, they still attach great importance to the upper level of the demon world of commerce.

In fact, even if these businessmen do not take the initiative to find themselves, they will take the initiative to find some local chambers of commerce that can cooperate with after the situation is further stabilized. Since they brought it to the door by themselves, they won't bother to bother themselves. Thinking of this, Sinjid's eyes softened a lot and gently replied to Sinjid, "Doen Jeff, right? Is your Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce intending to cooperate with our demons? In terms of commerce, we demons do have the will in this regard, but if you do so, aren't you afraid to be hostile to the local resistance forces?

Menjie fu had been prepared for Sinjid's question. They had expected that there would be some opposition within human forces, but when they came, they had already figured out countermeasures. At this time, they calmly replied, "Commander, our Chamber of Commerce has considered this, so this time The intention is to talk about the direction of our cooperation in detail, but please forgive us that our Chamber of Commerce cannot provide you directly.

Hearing that war materials could not be provided, Sinjid's heart suddenly calmed down. Originally, he had a little expectation for this chamber of commerce before, but now it seems that there is no material preference, and it is not of much practical significance to communicate commerce with these chambers in this war period. Fortunately, the worst plan has been made before, and Menjie fu's answer is still within Hinjid's acceptance, so Sinjid continued: "I don't know what aspects your Chamber of Commerce wants to establish cooperation with us?"

Seeing that there was not much emotional fluctuation on Sinjid's face, Men Jeff was also relieved. If the other party put forward some difficult conditions, it is estimated that this cooperation could only be abandoned halfway. At this time, Men Jeff took out a document from his arms and handed it to Sinjid. This is their preliminary trade plan. Due to time constraints, it only shows which items are normal trade and which should be treated specially.

After receiving the file, Sinjid slowly sat back and looked carefully:

Trade Interchange

Except that war materials cannot be provided, all other items are in the trade rules. The two sides trade with each other and take what they need. -Notes

The following is the general sub-item of the transaction items and the plane general currency exchange rate table, ...

After a cursory look at this Interoperability Trade Provisions, Sinjid felt more satisfied with the business plan and closed the document and gave it back to Men Jeff. He said with satisfaction to Menjie fu, "You are really a courageous businessman. I hope this cooperation will be pleasant!"

"Happy cooperation!"

By the saying, when the devil captured the sunset city, the news began to fly to the mainland of Noland with wings. King Stiding knew the news the next day. Although he scolded the owners of the sunset city and the priests of the temple in his heart, the sunset city was nominally the territory of their Otter Empire anyway. There was no evacuation of the city lords and priests until the last moment. Of course, God knows whether it was really coming. Whether it was time to evacuate was another matter, Stiding had to hold a memorial service for the deceased.

The sky was blue and raining, with a black umbrella. Stiding stood on the cemetery behind the city and published a thousand-word memorial message, remembering the unfortunate city owner and those unfortunate priests from beginning to end, remembering some of their achievements in their lives, and praising them. Shang's character. The rain sprinkled on his face and dripped down the corners of his mouth on the black leather coat. At this time, Stiding was very engaged, talking in the depths of love with a choking sound. Of course, Stiding did not say anything about how to deal with the invasion of demons, and the nobles and ministers present were also very knowledgeable and none of them took the initiative to raise this topic.

God knows how resented Stiding was about the dead city owner. After listening to the report of his detectives, they inquired about the news that the sunset city was directly broken by a "metrite skyfall" magic before the magic rain cover was opened! This is a joke. God knows what Sonny did with that wealth! Stiding pays an additional batch of Warcraft crystals to the sunset city almost every year to supplement the consumption of the sunset magic array, but these estimates have been stuffed into Sonny's stomach.

Upon learning the news, Stiding did not immediately disseminate the announcement of the devil's attack to the whole continent, but immediately ran to the Finance Minister to find the record book of the sunset city. Looking at the white silver exchanged for a long series of numbers every year, Stiding sincerely prayed that Sonny, the bastard city owner, could escape from the sky, and he would 'entertain' him well! Green's priest belongs to the temple system in the crimson city in the central mainland, and it's a pity that he can't forgive him. However, it's too late to say anything. The devil has hit the doorstep, and now the Norland continent has been completely messed up by the dispute over the rights and territory. At this time, who will take the initiative to stand up for other forces?

Once you have wisdom beyond strength, there will always be many problems with this race. When it is stable, everyone's eyes are higher than the top, and everyone is scrambling to grab the greatest benefits. Once the crisis comes, they begin to flinch and rely on this and that. I have to say that this is the sadness of the low-level plane. They have no ambition to get out of the plane, but they are not willing to spend their lives in the plane.

Alexander, the most famous human emperor in the history of the scarlet plane. Louis II once said a very influential word:

This era is my era! In Crimson, I have no enemies, and then there is only loneliness to accompany me. But I'm still humble. Do you know why? Whenever I look up at the starry sky, I will think of what the Lord God said: every star represents a new world! And as great as I can't get out of this plane, then think about it, what kind of pride should those strong people who can freely shuttle between the stars have?!

Now, the second attack of the demon world awakens the sleeping Norland. The new story began to be staged on different planes at the same time. It tells the world with actions: The devil is coming, please be careful!