Devil's Capital

Chapter 41 Race Battle

"Your Majesty, Lord Marcus has arrived. Are you going out to meet him?"

Stiding didn't know how many days it was. He stayed in the military headquarters and watched the loss of imperial civilians day by day, and his eyes were already covered with blood. The devil was stationed in the sunset city but did not enter the inland for a long time, but the people of the whole continent heard the wind, and the blood in their bones had almost been worn out. When the crisis came, all they could do was to escape. Finally, there was news in the temple. Stiding was rarely relieved and waved his hand to let the waiter bring the priest in. Then he thought about it and felt that it was better to go out to greet him in person, so he stood up, cheered himself, walked out of the tent and prepared to go out to meet the priest.

"Why is your king so afraid of death? Hearing that the devil was coming, I hid in the army, so that I couldn't have a good place to rest when I came. Macas pulled an intermediate officer and kept complaining that the task assigned to him was to coordinate the relations between countries, integrate the coalition forces, and fight against demons.

Ailman can't stand this nagging. If he hadn't looked at the temple standing behind Marcus, other people would have had an attack. At this time, he has to continue to serve this man carefully. For Marcus's nagging, Alman has to agree with one or two words from time to time. If the king angered the priest before he came, then he would have no good end.

Stiding hurriedly sorted out the instrument and found Marcus in the living room under the guidance of the bodyguard. For this kind of theorist, Stiding has no good impression in his heart. He fought all his life and took over the empire from his father. First, he fought several games with the Cass Empire, returned to the previous ceded land, and then fought a few battles with the Holy Alliance, so that the duchy of large and small inside owed huge war compensation, okay? It's easy to stabilize the situation of the empire and prepare for the old age. Now the devil is coming again. What an eventful time.

Stiding walked into the living room and let Alman go down to do his own business first. He said hello to Marcus, "Dear priest, I don't know if you have any specific instructions on behalf of the temple this time?"

My purpose this time is to use these empires as cannon fodder. Compared with thousands of years ago, the devil's offensive was too mild, and the temple believed that this was a manifestation of the devil's unpreparedness. However, he was reluctant to pay too much, so he sent an envoy to coordinate the relations between various countries and form a coalition to consume the strength of demons. After all, they are local battles. On the one hand, they can not only achieve the purpose of fighting demons, but also strengthen the influence of the temple.

"The purpose of my envoy this time is to integrate the forces of various empires, form a coalition against demons, and jointly stop demons. This requires His Majesty to work together with several other countries.

Well said, if it's really so good to unite, what else do you want the temple to do? Stiding can't deny Marcus' vague answer. The messenger of the temple is just an identity nameplate, so that these empires will be afraid to cooperate and dare not stumbling each other in private. The conversation began to get to the point, and Stiding knew that the play was coming: "Lord Marcus, just as you arrived in the Otter Empire, I had sent letters with the other three countries. Let's wait for the news now! I don't know what adults think about the issue of leadership?

The position of commander of the coalition is too important. Even if several other people believe in Stiding, they are in charge of the whole coalition army. This kind of thing is not safe to give it to anyone except for themselves. Marcus also knew that Stiding was a stubborn emperor, and this kind of thing had to be discussed together after the other kings came. Anyway, it was not him who was anxious now. The one in front of him was the most anxious.

"Your Majesty, let's wait for the news first. When your Majesty comes, we will discuss this issue. Arrange a good accommodation for me first. I've been riding all the way. I haven't had a good rest yet.

The people in the temple are indeed wolf ambitions. They always think about plundering human beings on the whole continent. When they are in danger, they will only hide behind and watch their believers fight on the front line, but they collect their wealth behind the battlefield. This behavior makes Stiding not have a good impression on the temple.

New Delhi, Kas Empire. Cappucci was enjoying wine and fresh fruits in the garden of the bedroom. Stiding's letter was casually thrown on the melon peel on the ground, spitting a stone, raising his hand on the table and holding a glass of red wine to taste it slowly.

Demon invasion?! Does it have anything to do with him? At least there is the old man Stiding in front of him. If it hadn't been specifically stated in the letter that this joint operation was initiated by the temple, he would not have ignored Stiding. As soon as he became king when he was young, he was attacked by Stiding, who was in his prime. When Cappnochi heard the news of Stiding's siege, every time he left the capital New Delhi and ran to a farther southern province. It was called a vacation, but in fact, he hid Stiding's army. At this time, it's too late for Cappucci to be happy. Let's see it then. However, since it is the meaning of the temple, the Cass Empire must also participate. In this era when the theocracy is greater than the throne, the days of their majesty are not as comfortable as they think.

Otzhill received a letter from Stiding at about the same time. Compared with the territory, they were in the south of the Norland continent, and the sunset of the demon invasion was in the Spartacus Mountains in the north. In this way, the least urgent thing should be him, but as the head of a country, many times you can't only consider the interests of your own country. If the two empires in front of you can't stand it, the remaining Yiwo Dynasty will not last long.

And the devil has always been a group of cruel races. Although according to the current report of the detective, the devil's invasion is a little restrained, it can't hide the cruel nature of the devil. Otzhill is well aware of the reason why his lips are dead and his teeth are cold, but his performance on this issue is consistent with Stiding.

"This is not only a plane war of anti-aggression, but also a racial war! Thousands of years ago, demons retreated and all races stood. At that time, we human beings were not powerful. The reason why we were able to defeat dragons, destroy orcs, drive out elves and dwarfs, and even force the remaining demons to shrink them to Swat. All of this is based on the unity of human beings.

And today, the devil came again! Perhaps some of you will say that we are in the west, the devil is in the north, there is the Otter Empire, the Cass Empire in the middle, and even the Ivo Dynasty in the south. We don't have to worry at all. However, have you ever thought that the combat effectiveness of a demon soldier is equivalent to three to five elite human soldiers? If you add restorative ability and continuous combat ability, then human beings are scum in front of demons!

This is a racial war. We were able to defeat and survive successfully because we were united enough. What's wrong with you now? Are you old and starting to be afraid of death? Are you ready to survive and submit to the devil, right? Very good. Do you guys who sit in parliament and enjoy the worship of the people now don't even have the courage to protect their own people?

Donald got up from the parliamentary table and left this smoky land.

"Think slowly. I, Donald, decided to take the soldiers of the Principality of Bakra to the appointment and join the coalition."

"Duke Rodri, this is righteousness! At this time, we must not abandon our people, especially the call launched by the temple. It's hard to refuse!"

Osvid carefully moved his position and whispered to the Grand Duke of Gato. If you stand on the opposite side of the people at this time, it is estimated that the first thing the coalition forces will deal with will not be demons, but their "internal problems".

This is the truth, but Rodri has never been enthusiastic about the demon invasion. And along with this document, there is also a special message from the temple to their sacred alliance: the Duchy of Catherine may not participate in this coalition, but cannot trade war materials with demons. This is completely unfair. Why do you give special treatment to the Duchy of Catherine? Then why does their Holy Alliance have to join the coalition and fight for other countries for free? Rodri has never done this kind of thing. But he just complained that he did not have the courage to openly resist the order of the temple and muttered:

"Participate, just think of it as a paid trip. Go back and ask the army to bring only five days of military food. When we go to the Otter Empire, we will eat them, use theirs, and return their women! It's such a pleasant decision!"

"Ha ha, you are really good at it!" Osvid is the weakest duchy in the Holy Alliance, and he dares not offend anyone in the alliance. He only dares to listen to those with big fists and can only agree with such things. He secretly despised Rodri's shamelessness in his heart and scolded fiercely: Scum! Seeing Rodri look over, the smile on Osvid's face became more enthusiastic and ready to continue to discuss further plans for the march with Rodriy.