Devil's Capital

Chapter 42 Holy War 1

"Next, let's discuss the dispatch of troops from various countries."

The Holy Alliance is a federation of states, which is composed of large and small duchy. In the face of the invasion of demons, they must discuss the dispatch of troops from their respective countries. When they go outside, they not only have to face demons, but also have to be careful of the encroachment of other empires. The reason why the Holy Alliance can survive in the cracks of several major empires depends on unity. Although there is continuous internal friction in peacetime, it will immediately rebel together as soon as the foreign enemy invades. Therefore, Donald was only angry for a moment before he chose a way to deviate from the alliance. When it really came to reinforce the Otter Empire, they would hold each other tightly. This is the way for the Holy Alliance to survive!

Marcus stayed in Cross, but moved out of the barracks the next day and moved into a nearby luxury hotel. When Stiding was free, he occasionally went to the hotel to discuss Macas's plan to deal with the devil. Instead of discussing with two people, it's better to say that Stiding put forward his own opinion. Marcus listened symbolically and then commented on it. Fortunately, the news of reinforcements from various countries has been confirmed at this time, and the next step is to determine a time for various forces to sign alliance contracts.

"Lord Marcus, it's only December, and the heavy snow in the north will last for more than a month. The troops are uncomfortable, but we believe that the devil will be even worse. We have enough logistical support and a lot of human and material support, and the devil's preparation for away combat is definitely not as good as ours, and the ability of demon soldiers to fight alone will be greatly reduced, so I think launching an attack in the middle of the year is the best choice."

Stiding automatically ignored the military idiot in front of him. Now they are racing against the same time. As long as the alliance signs a good alliance contract, it will not take this opportunity to attack the enemy. Do they have to wait until the devil reacts and fights head-on with the devil after taking root in the Norland?

Marcus lowered his noble head, and the temple sent him to witness the birth of the alliance. In addition, he had to slow down the human army's war with demons. For their temple, whoever wins their temple will not get practical benefits. Only when the war situation between the two sides is stalemate can their temple take the opportunity to rise, vigorously develop their beliefs, and artificially create a god, and this god is the current god, Odis!

But for now, the pace of the alliance cannot be stopped, and as the representative of the temple, Marcus really can't find a better reason to suspend the war with demons. At this time, he can only agree to Stiding's decision: "After the alliance contract is concluded, discuss how to send troops to fight against demons!"

New Delhi. Cappucci decided to go to Cross first, and the army was handed over to his Grand Marshal Franklin. During the war, Cappucci still trusts his allies, and the living emperor is more valuable than death. Of course, Cappucci wants to go to New Delhi to have a good time. He was originally a dand. I believe that there is no ditch more prominent than his identity. He is busy with how to take care of government affairs all day long in his country. He can't have a good time playing because of his status as an emperor.

Speaking of which, he still has to thank the demon invasion, which gives him a legitimate reason to go out and have a good time. It's a play. For him, war is a matter for his subordinates. He is purely a soy saucer. When it's windy, he doesn't hesitate to go out to greet the soldiers and boost morale. When the situation is down, he will be the first to escape, and thanks to his father laying down such a huge empire for him, the defeat is not too obvious.

"I said, can this cushion be replaced with a softer one? Do you want me to bump to death all the way!"

No, as soon as he got into the carriage, Cappucci began to complain. He didn't expect that one-third of the profits in his treasury would be spent on himself every year. This is the result of the exhorting of Chancellor of Finance Kent. The carriage uses the best wood canglan tree in the Southern Forest, and the texture is the most comfortable, and the cushion is also woven with the best silk. Unexpectedly, this one has always been Complain.

The people who saw him off were all close ministers of Cappucci. At this time, Grand Marshal Franklin couldn't stand it anymore. He came forward and said to Cappucci, "Your Majesty, are you leaving or not? Why don't you stay and go with the army, which can also ensure your safety!"

Cut, the reason why I don't want to follow the army is to get rid of you annoying guys. In addition to national events and national events all day long, can we play happily together? Cappucci quickly withdrew his head into the carriage. After saying a simple farewell to his loyal little brother, he quickly greeted the driver, "Let's go!" It left speechless ministers and a burst of dust.

"Ah, Xiao Douding, do you think I will be the first to arrive at Klos?"

"I said, Douding, can't you keep a straight face? If I had known, I would have brought a few concubines. Capunucci looked boredly at the scenery outside the car window and chatted to the big man sitting next to him. However, this is a wooden pimple and basically rarely talks to him, so most of the time Cappucci alone talks to himself.

"Your Excellency, the concubine is only for pleasure. You need to ensure safety during the war." Levinson spit out a few words, and then fell silent, not even changing his posture.

Cabnochi saw that this person had a reaction, which was really a rare thing, so he immediately came with interest: "Little Douding, you are not good." After saying that, he deliberately did not look at Levinson's distorted face and continued, "In the future, you should use respect to answer the emperor's questions, and also say 'Xiao Douding knows', 'What does Xiao Douding think', do you know?"

"Distinguished emperor, the speed of our carriage is 45 kilometers per hour, because it is far to the north, so we chose the Shaga horse with the best endurance in the southern horse farm when we chose the horse. It is more than 1,000 kilometers from here to Cross. According to our speed, it will take a day and a night at the fastest, considering the need to rest in the middle. Breath, feed the horses and change to the first horse. It is estimated that we will not arrive at Cross in a day and a half. Levinson roughly estimated and gave this answer. Of course, the premise is that the emperor should not stay too much on the way.

"Wow! Xiaodouding, how can you know so much? Didn't you say that Wufu only relies on his muscles? How can you know so many things? I admire you so much." If there is a camera now, standing at an angle, you can just take a close-up of Capunucci, and his eyes are about to flash out of stars. Of course, Levinson, who has been numbed by the emperor, still maintains a correct sitting posture. After answering, he becomes a piece of wood and allows Capunucci to bomb fatigue.

After talking for a while, Capunucci was defeated first. He really couldn't say anything. He leaned against the soft backrest of the carriage and looked at Levinson, who was still sitting upright, and a trace of warmth flashed in his heart. Thinking of this war, Cappucci asked, "Xiao Douding, do you think the lords in the south will listen to me honestly after the war broke out?"

Finally speaking, when it came to the point, Levinson put down his hands and said word by word in the eyes of Cappucci, "They are dishonest. I will knock them down one by one and let them fulfill the obligations of a lord."

"Really, Xiaodouding. If they dare to violate my order this time, kill them all and shout there all day long. Do you really dare not touch them?!" At this moment, Cappucci said harshly, contrary to his unruly personality.

"Your Excellency, do you have a good response to the south's *?" As the first bodyguard of Capunocchi, many of the hidden dangers that Capunocchi can't do on the surface are solved by him, because Capunocchi was still young when he succeeded to the throne, and the control of the south was occupied by those lords. When the young emperor grew up, the loss of control over the south had reached a kind of To an irreplaceable extent, this is another time of war, and the problems in the south can only be put on hold.

*, just let them* go! Cabnochi said fiercely: "This is a special period to defend the whole human race. If they still have different intentions, then even if they continue to compromise, it will only encourage their arrogance. Kill them all!" Even if the south becomes a piece of scorched earth, it will take me 10 years to rebuild after this war!"

"I know, Your Majesty!"

"Little Douding, this race war is not only our crisis, but also an opportunity for us to get out of the crimson. We can't defeat the Tianqing Continent on the other side of the endless sea. If we repel demons, the Orc Continent will be our first target for invasion. And the secret in the painting my father gave me has been cracked. We have mastered Evelyn's plane coordinates. The painting was captured by our family's ancestors from a demon count in the divine station thousands of years ago. Judging from the hidden message in this painting, the plane is still an undeveloped. The plane. This is our opportunity, the opportunity for the Cass Empire to come out of the crimson!" Capnochi said and became excited. He grabbed the cushion hard in his hand, and his nails sank deeply.

"Your Majesty, it's still early to say this. Let's talk about the current crisis first!" Levinson is not as revenge as Capunucci. He is the adopted son of Capunucci's father, Horde. His loyal personality makes him absolutely loyal to the royal family, so he will always think about the interests of the royal family.

Let's play for two days at Cross. After being pulled into reality by Levinson, Cappucci returned to his usual unruly personality and began to look forward to the next travel life:

"I don't know if there will be an affair? It's better for me to flirt with beautiful women, and a righteous teenager comes out next to her, and then their tears fall down when they know the truth!..."