Devil's Capital

Chapter 43 Holy War 2

"Let's go!"

Christine led his army on a journey. On December 14, at the same time, the army of the Holy League was also launched and headed for the Otter Empire.

No matter whether they win or lose this war, they must go all out. The demon's invasion is a signal: from now on, the Norman continent will no longer be calm. The war will be the main theme of the mainland for a long time in the future, and the history of the mainland will also turn a new page. As for the ending, let history evaluate it.

Dimos rode to Christine with the report in his hand and put forward his own opinion: "Your Majesty, Emperor Capnoch went to the Otter Empire alone. At this time, he has almost entered our border. The detectives in front of him have found out their whereabouts. Do you think we should go and intercept him? Come down?"

When Christine heard the advice of her closest marshal, she began to doubt whether she had always done something wrong by handing over the command of the army to him! When is this? Isn't it purely uncomfortable to find trouble for allies now? Although Capunucci is not as majestic as Stiding, he can't be treated the same way. Any opponent who underestimates him is ruthlessly played with by him. The most urgent thing now is to go to Stiding to discuss how to fight the war. You should know that what has always been most popular is not their group of rulers, but the high temple. If the kingship continues to decline, then they will completely become vassals of the temple, and there is no possibility of subverting the theocracy.

"Let's go. At this time, we should consider how to deal with the demons we are about to face, instead of turning the gun at the same clan!"

He scolded Dimus fiercely without looking at the marshal's embarrassed expression. Christine took his army out of Otzhill and headed north.

The carriage moved forward slowly until it crossed the Boyi River Bridge and walked out of the border. Levinson was relieved and asked the driver in front of him to speed up the horse and move towards Cross.

"Why can't that bastard Dimos really resist coming to surround me this time?" Cappucci did it on purpose. He wanted to see if the fool of Marshal Dimos dared to surround himself and kill him. As a result, this guy was not fooled, and no one paid for him along the way. This is all money! It's really outrageous that his treasury is empty. It's no longer easy for Capnucci to ask the Finance Minister for money. Even if he goes to participate in the battle this time, he is not so serious.

"Okay, Your Majesty! Even if Timus is just a ** naked ambitious man who never hides his covet of our territory, Christine is not a fool, and it doesn't make sense for you to do so. If Christine allows this operation, we will really be in a desperate situation. Even if the marshal can get justice for us, will the Cass Empire without Capunucci the Great be the original empire?

Levinson rarely said so much at once. This playmate and owner of the empire is still very good in addition to his abnormal personality.

On the afternoon of December 16, all the armies of various countries drove into Cross. Stiding was too lazy to serve the priest now. He ran down and was busy receiving the majesty of these arriving countries.

"Capnochi, you can't walk around in my capital!" At this time, he caught Capunoch, who was about to run away. Stiding asked the waiters to receive the armies of other countries, and he walked towards Capunoch's carriage:

"You think I can't recognize you without the army, right? I don't want to see how conspicuous your carriage is. When the war is over, I don't mind if you play in Cross for a few days. At that time, you can play whatever you want. I won't mind!"

Your uncle, you have been caught! Capunucci was embarrassed to continue to hide now. He reluctantly came out of the carriage, but Levinson followed Capunucci with a very comfortable look and said hello like Stiding.

Damn it, I said why did this man dare to come alone? It turned out to be with a big killer! Stiding's expedition to the Cass Empire and saw the victory on the front line. When he personally went to the battlefield to boost morale, he was led by the Levinson to lead a cavalry into the middle tent and captured himself to force himself to withdraw. That was not a good memory. He shook off the distracting thoughts, and Stiding resumed his smile and walked towards Capnochi:

"Dear Capunucci the Great, since you are here, let's go to the temple to discuss this battle plan!"

"Okay, go together!" Knowing that his arm can't hold his thigh, no matter how contemptuous he is for His Majesty Stiding, Capnochi's political ability can't be underestimated, and it's normal that he can't beat him.

Levinson followed Capunucci and said, "Have all the troops from other countries come?"

"Except for your country, which is far away, you should be able to arrive tomorrow morning. Everything else has come." After saying that, Stiding looked meaningfully at Capnucci. This majesty has grown up and knows how to play politics. Hey, time is really unforgiving. Now that the devil is coming. I really hope I can go back to my young age and think that I am almost 50 years old. I don't know if I can drive the devil out of the continent of Noland and the crimson plane in my lifetime?

"Since you are all here, we won't be bald. Let's start discussing this battle plan directly!"

After sitting down with everyone, Stiding began his speech: "The passage connecting the devil is in the Spartacus Mountains, next to my Otter Empire. I believe that everyone has heard about the tragic situation of the Otter Empire in recent days. It's not that I, Stiding, am weak and not ready to give in to the devil, but that I have deeply understood a truth after years of war: knowing that it is bound to be defeated, it doesn't mean that you have courage. That's stupid! If my Otter Empire is the first to fall, I believe you will not be happy. The devil's purpose will not be an empire, nor just the whole Noland, the whole crimson, and even other planes, will be the target of their plunder.

Of course, we are puzzled that the devil did not choose to take the initiative. But this is indeed the best opportunity for us to attack. As long as we have established enough advantages this winter, the devil will no longer be able to gain a stable foothold in Crimson. They have experienced a thousand years of decline, and now they are bound to recover their strength. We must take this opportunity to fear the devil to win peace for Noland!"

began to applaud. Capunucci applaud and whispered to Levinson, "Although Stiding is old, he is still a tiger squatting in the cave to choose the opportunity to eat! Treat the devil, either we surrender directly or stand up and fight with the devil happily!"

"Next, let our priest Marcus announce the order of the temple!" Stiding then gave up his position to Marcus.

Marcus held two oracles in his hand. The first one was given to him by the great god when he left the crimson capital, and the second one was specially sent by the great god last night. Now he will publish the contents of the two oracles:

"Your Majesty, you are all the pillars of the human race. In Noland, it is because of you that you can maintain the peace of the continent. I would like to express my sincere respect and contributions to you in this temple!"

After a pause, Dunmakas continued: "The Lord of the temple gave me two orders, and this second one let me know the reason why the devil chose to lurk: the order said that the purpose of our war is to slow down the devil and not fight head-on, and wait for the cleanup of the alliance of the gods to come. , kill Su Fei, the demon designated in the order. He is the son of fate chosen by the demon plane, and the demon of this invasion is to let Su Fei grow up in our Norland continent. He will be the source of fear for all different planes. Our purpose is to eradicate him and restore peace!

Next, I began to announce the oracle: I hereby take your country's Otter as the home court, and the coalition of all countries will sign a wartime alliance to fight against the demon army! Marcus was specially appointed as the governor of the coalition army to maintain the wartime relations of the countries on behalf of the temple. -- Ordis, the lord of the temple.

Yesterday, I received the pursuit order of the Alliance of the Gods, which revealed the whereabouts of the demon Su Fei on the crimson plane. In the future, a divine envoy will come to cleanse this demon. Your majesty must sincerely cooperate with the divine envoy to kill this demon to restore peace on the plane! -- Odis, Lord of the Temple.

It's really supported by God! Stiding felt that the tone of Marcus who came today was much tougher. The reason why they have been allowing the existence of the Temple of the Crimson Capital is that they are connected with the gods above the temple! Although the plane has fallen alone for thousands of years, his temple has remained and become a new belief in Norland. This demon invasion is a disaster for them, but for the temple, this is the best time to make gods, and for the kingship, it will be their disaster anyway!

At this time, Marcus took the topic to publish the battle plan of the temple:

"As the governor of the coalition, let me first talk about my combat plan. Of course, your majesty can make supplementary suggestions! The Otter Empire has three provinces: Lunds Province, where the sunset city is located, Kerman Province in the middle, and Lungitan Province in the south. Then the Cass Empire and the Holy Alliance are responsible for the defense of Lunds Province. The main forces are distributed in Lunds. The other majesty also concentrated half of their troops in Lundes, and then stationed the rest of the troops in the provinces of Kerman and Renguitan respectively. I don't know what you think of my plan?"

The Alliance of the Gods has not paid attention to the temple for thousands of years. Since the fall of the gods, the crimson has been forgotten by the Alliance of the gods. Now they have once again entered the eyes of the gods and have been suppressed by the kingship for thousands of years. Now there is finally a place to turn over, Marca At this moment, I don't believe anyone else dares to question the decision of their temple!

"I have an opinion!" Before Stiding was ready to turn his face, Cappucci stood up and pointed to Marcus and said loudly.