Devil's Capital

Chapter 46 Holy War 5

"Your Excellency, are you free now?" The banquet ended early. Su Fei stood in front of the door and sent the guests away one by one. At this time, he saw Sinjid coming out alone, thinking about his previous thoughts in his heart and couldn't help walking up.

"I'm free, what?" When Sinjid saw that the person calling him was Su Fei, he stopped and looked at Su Fei and asked.

"Your Excellency, it's nothing special. I just want to ask if the materials on the list given last time have been ready. Recently, the business of the weapons store has been booming. Your order to the army is expected to be delayed for a period of time, so I want to ask if there is enough time now." At this time, the war was about to start. Su Fei was a little worried that the sunset city would not last long. He didn't want his painstaking efforts to be ruined these days.

You Lin, who followed, rushed to the front and asked, "In addition to the army, who else has placed the order?"

Su Fei thought about it, sorted out the large and small orders in the store in his mind, and answered truthfully, "Most of them are small orders made by some foreign merchants, one or two reservations. But several large chambers have placed about 100 orders, the most prominent of which is the Dodge Chamber of Commerce.

It seems that our partners can't wait. Sinjid is now somewhat glad that he signed an agreement with the Giant Deer Chamber of Commerce and the Tilian Chamber of Commerce. If they rely entirely on the Dodge Chamber of Commerce, they will really be really helpless fighting in Noland. In addition, the supplies in the demon world will not arrive so soon. Before the war begins, the demon has no advantage at all.

The snow began to fall, and the winter in the north was relatively cold. Su Fei followed Hinjid and Yulin and walked in the direction of the temple. The cold wind blew along the way, and Su Fei was almost frozen into a brush. Fighting in winter is still a certain problem for demons. Not only is the vision weakened, but the winter's physical strength is consumed quickly, and the food stored is only enough to eat this winter. If human beings attack crazily at this time, it will be more dangerous to stay in the sunset city. If one accidentally loses the city, the devil will It will fall into a doomed situation.

Sinjid is also worried about this. Fortunately, he took control of the magic array in the city from Green before. With this defense shield, at least they don't have to worry about the attack of the human army in a short time. During this period, they were all actively preparing for the war, waiting for the arrival of the human coalition, so they didn't have time to go to the Chamber of Commerce. At this time, when he heard Su Fei talk about the weapons store, Sinjid remembered that there was still this matter. After thinking about it, I felt that I should first stabilize the Dodge Chamber of Commerce, and then send an envoy to the Julu Chamber of Commerce to seek funding, so I said to Su Fei, "The Dodge Chamber of Commerce should try to meet their requirements during this period, but be sure to remember that they must exchange them for food for transactions during this period, and nothing else can be accepted! In addition, I'm going to send two trustworthy demons to go to God'en City for me to trade with Men Jeff in exchange for supplies. Do you have any talents in this field?

Sufi was also aware of the recent unusual move of the Dodge Chamber of Commerce, but it was difficult for him to judge this kind of thing. He took Sinjid's words and replied, "I know what to do about the Dodgers Chamber of Commerce. After I go back, I will give the bill to Lord Ferrands and believe he will give a perfect solution. . As for the messenger's words, A San and Hank are very good. They are both businessmen and trustworthy. We can rest assured that this kind of thing is given to them.

Ulin listened to the conversation between the two on the side without saying a sound. The snow began to snow heavily. Under the bright moonlight, the three stepped on the snow on the ground and walked forward. At the beginning, that man was also so smart and had the strength to match his status. Originally, he was the most promising person to ascend the divine throne after Carlsas. As a result, he was in distress in an alien exploration and disappeared from then on. Looking at Su Fei today is like seeing his shadow. I hope the tragedy will not happen again.

"Su Fei, in fact, you can let go of the things about the weapons store and improve your strength first. Don't forget that Carlsus asked you to follow Crimson to experience it. I hope that after returning to the demon world from here, you have passed the bar mitzvah!" Sinjid is not like Su Fei who gave up his practice because of alchemy inheritance, which is completely outweighed for them.

"You know, the demon inheritance I got is different from ordinary demons. Refining inheritance needs to lay a good foundation in the early stage, and you can use resources to speed up the progress of cultivation in the medium term. I will pay attention to this. "I know that Sinjid learned the content of his inheritance from Carlsas, but they don't know the large amount of cultivation information left in the second inheritance they got. Alchemy only It is a small part of it, which is also an important factor in the growth of Su Fei's strength.

"Dad, that little devil named Su Fei is so special!" When Eveney came back from the banquet, she sat in the carriage and talked to her father about Su Fei, "He had such high wisdom in the early childhood of the devil. The demon inheritance he got must be very advanced!"

"Why, are you interested in him? Do you want to marry our lovely little princess to him? Selwart saw his daughter smiling so happily and said half jokingly and half seriously.

When it comes to marriage, Evelyn's face suddenly turned red, grasping the corners of her clothes with both hands, thinking about what Su Fei would look like if she hadn't taken shape and got married. He didn't dare to think about it and said, "Father, that little devil hasn't taken shape yet. How can you marry me to a demon child!"

It's just that there is no transformation. Selwater's heart moved and said, "As long as the demon transformation reaches, it's okay, that is to say, you don't hate Su Fei, the demon?"

"I don't like him, but I'm a little curious about him." Speaking of Su Fei, Eveny held her little head and remembered the scene of seeing Su Fei for the first time in the weapons store: "That day, I met Su Fei in the weapons store. Speaking of steel, in the face of wealth **, he actually looked very calm and was not enthusiastic about the blueprint I drew. I even doubt whether the demon inheritance he got is a demon sage with profound knowledge!"

"Then let's get married when we go back!" It is no accident that Selwater made this decision. Intermarriage has a precedent as early as the era of plane development, but the weak party marries the strong party, and there is usually no good ending.

"Father! How can this kind of thing be decided hastily, and people haven't thought about getting married so early!" When Eveney heard her father's words, she suddenly woke up. No matter how curious she was about Su Fei, it was impossible for her to give her rest of her life after only a few days!

had a decision in his heart. Looking at his daughter's aggrieved expression, Selvert rarely explained gently: "This is for the benefit of the Chamber of Commerce and the benefit of the family. Just by mastering the ownership of steel materials, Su Fei is worthy of our key investment, and you don't hate him. Such a result is better than marrying a person you hate!"

As a member of the Catherine family, although they are in charge of the Dodge Chamber of Commerce, they are actually members of the Queen Catherine's House. As a woman, Eveline has been conscious of sacrificing for her family. Political marriage is the only way she can choose to marry. In fact, think about it carefully, although Su Fei is not his ideal husband, at least he does not hate it. He can not be dominated by desire in demons and keep rational at all times. Following such demons may be his best choice at present.

"I will start this matter as soon as I go back," and saw that Ephne was silent, Selvert knew that his daughter had compromised, so he continued to talk about the next arrangement. "The allied forces of the Otter Empire are about to march this way. At this time, we proposed a marriage that Lord Sinjid will not refuse. And we have almost figured out the number of demons on this expedition. Even if they are all elites, it is impossible for less than 100,000 demons to beat more than 1.5 million human coalitions.

God's City.

"Jeff, do you think we should secretly transport this batch of supplies back?"

Hardnona is not calm at this moment. The reason why she has been optimistic about demons at the beginning is that on the one hand, it is recorded in history that the demons are not a friendly race, and on the other hand, the fall of the sunset city was occupied by the demons in less than a day. But what's the situation now? Will the devil actually choose to shrink and sunset city, not take the initiative to attack, and just wait for the attack of the human coalition? What's going on? If I had known this was the situation, I shouldn't have signed an agreement with the devil at the beginning. Now, there is no need to look forward to it. As soon as the human coalition arrives, their Chamber of Commerce may be affected.

"Wait patiently. Maybe our demon friends have other plans. If it really doesn't work, when the human coalition arrives, we will give them these materials and ask for peace for the Chamber of Commerce!" In fact, Menjie fu is not sure at this moment, but the nature of businessmen is gambling. He believes that Sinjid will never be captured like this, and the war will not end so hastily. In fact, even if they lose the bet, it is still okay to take the money to eliminate the disaster. As long as they don't take the initiative to cause trouble, no matter how bad they are, the Chamber of Commerce will not be destroyed.

Hearing that Men Jeff was ready, Hadnona slowly calmed down. In the past few days, the unusual movement of Shenen City made her nervous. At the beginning, it was a union promoted by herself. At this time, the situation gradually became clear. These people who were optimistic about demons at the beginning have now changed their views.

"Then if Sinjid still sends demons to cooperate, do I still want to do it?" Calm down, Hadnona began to think about it.

"Of course, we should do it, and we also need to increase the share of the transaction. You can consider discounting them. This is like investing in the same materials, which will achieve two completely different effects under different circumstances. The rise of demons has become the general trend, and we have been closed for too long. It is said that the demon army will be more destructive than before. Menjie fu himself can't say why he is so confident in the devil. I guess he had great confidence in Sinjid when he cooperated with Sinjid!

"Two adults, there are two strangely dressed people looking for you, saying that they are coming to get their things back! Do you want me to invite him in? Kerry came in from the outside. He looked at the two people talking strangely, but he hurried to the inner hall for fear of delaying the supervisor's business.

"Oh, I see. Take the two to the living room to have a rest first, and say that we will be there soon. Hadnona waved to Kerry to bring the two people in, and she and Men Jeff stopped discussing and were ready to go and see who was looking for them.


Otter Empire, Closdidu. Aristo is a kind old man who has followed three majesty and has always been very prestigious in the court. Although Cappucci is frivolous, he still feels a little reserved in front of the old man. You know, his father can only obediently call the elder in front of him. At this time, he can only pray that he can let him go. The old man speaks slowly and easily forgets things. Are you looking for suffering?

"Your Highness Cappucci, for the face of His Royal Highness Stiding, you have bypassed Harvey!" Aristo is still* at this time. I don't know if Cappucci is ready to let Harvey go.

"Hello, Bachelor of Ariss! Harvey, I won't bother him anymore, but don't stay out for a long night. It's cold in winter. Go home early and rest!" At this time, Cappucci only thought about how to send the university scholar quickly and said it well.

"Oh, that's right!" Alvis then shouted at Harvey in the carriage, "Why don't you thank them quickly? Isn't the idle empire not messy enough to cause trouble at this time?"

Even if Harvey was aggrieved, there was no place to vent now, so he had to continue to swallow his stomach of bitter water and said gratefully to Aless, "Thank you, the Aristotleman. I will pay attention to it in the future!"

"It's good to know," Aliath can't directly accuse the royal family, thinking about his original intention of looking for Cappucci at the beginning. "Your Highness, in fact, I still have some personal things to talk to you. I don't know if you can take some time to accompany me, an old man!"

"I'm happy to!"

Aristol almost watched the rise of the empire step by step. Stiding had the same ambition as his father, and even his military and political talent was higher than his father. Now that the devil has come, it is the general trend for human beings to form a coalition. Cappucci doesn't care about command. Christine wants command, but he also knows how much he is, so the only favorable competitor is Stiding. Aless also happened to meet Cappucci today, and he is a good friend of Cappucci's father, and the matter in the south is now clear, and it's time to tell him the truth of the matter.

Cabucci patted Donald on the shoulder and asked him to go back to the hotel first and stay with Levinson. Cappucci looked up and greeted the old man politely, "University of Aris, how have you been in good health recently?"

"It's okay, I can't die. I didn't come to you to talk about my physical condition. It was actually my suggestion for Stiding to send troops to attack your Cass Empire. In fact, I also do it for your own good. I hope you don't mind. Aristolston paused and continued to say, "At the beginning, it was found out that the wandering poet of the Otter Empire in the past was from the crimson capital, that is to say, there was a shadow of a temple in the south. Now the temple directly wants to put its hands into the army. You must also be alert.

"Why, why tell me this?" Originally, I thought I should be very calm. More than 10 years have passed, but I didn't expect that Cabnochi still couldn't let go after being mentioned by the old story of Aliath.

I knew that although I looked at the unruly and frivolous look of the majesty in front of me, my heart was still warm. Revealing people's scars is not a pleasant thing, and Aless's luck is a little heavy: "At the beginning, Clark, the lord of the southern province, was already rebellious, and the people who passed by the temple soon met and began to plan to subvert the regime of your Kas empire. At that time, your mother happened to go to the south to relax, so the conspiracy against Ivy began. First, the temple sent people to pretend to be wandering poets to win the trust of Ivy..."

"Don't say any more!" Cabnochi rudely interrupted Alis, and now he just wants to confirm a fact: "Is that wandering poet sure he is from the temple?"

"Confirm." Aristor sighed. Originally, this matter had been sealed in history, but he didn't want the two majeties to be estranged because of this. At this time, he met the Capno genius who chose to tell him the truth of the matter.

"His Royal Highness Stiding was also young and vigorous at the beginning, and he did not explain after being provoked by the people of the temple. At that time, as a bystander, I followed the identity of the wandering poet and found out the conspiracy of the temple - the destruction of the throne!"

"Odis, you are so cruel! Since you ruined my family, I won't make you feel better even if I die. I want to ascend the divine throne and dream of spring and autumn!" Capunucci said ferociously and called Levinson. The two walked to Stiding's bedroom. Some things should be broken.

Watching Capnochi's figure gradually disappear into the darkness, Aristo shook his head, turned around and got into the carriage, and muttered, "Ivy, it was my fault that I failed to avenge you. Now that I see your child coming out of decadence, he will continue with the common beliefs of us old people, and I will feel a little less guilty when I see you below in the future.

"Yes, in order to make Cappucci's hatred for the temple stronger, you can rest in peace now!"

"Ah! Who are you and why did you kill me?"

"Hidden Kill."

"It turns out that you have always existed on the dark side of the world!"

"Ha, the world is more interesting when it's chaotic!"
