Devil's Capital

Chapter 47 Holy War 6

"Let's go!"

Stiding stood on Carlos's central square, looked at the neatly gathered squares below, and suddenly returned to his youth and fought around with his cavalry.

This time, the countless forces in the whole Norland continent have come. There are 500,000 soldiers of the Otter Empire in the coalition. The Cass Empire and the Ivo Imperial Dynasty each brought 400,000 soldiers to reinforce, and the principality of the Holy Alliance gathered a total of 500,000 soldiers. This is a racial war. Once they lose, there is no way out, so no one will choose to retreat now. There are so many coalition troops in the central square, so this time only thesebi xia's guards are gathered in the central square, but the total number is not small. Standing on the square, the black and consistent pace makes people fascinated. This is the human army!

On December 20, Stiding set out with the allied forces. Last night, Cappucci found him, and the two talked very late. He didn't expect that the secret he deliberately kept would be broken by Aliath. He didn't want to involve the young majesty in his own right and wrong. The battle between royal power and theocracy has never stopped for a thousand years. Even now when fighting against demons, there is no theocracy After letting go of any opportunity to attack the royal power, the two sides almost broke their faces and declared war openly.

Silvet came over and reported to Stiding, "Your Majesty, the coalition has completed the assembly. Are you going to join the right-wing army now?"

"Well done, Sylvet!" Stiding patted Sylvet on the shoulder and praised the marshal's command ability: "It's really worthy of my best general to gather the recruits together so quickly and handle them so well!"

"Your Majesty's reputation is over, and my subordinates will live up to your majesty's trust and vow to defend the empire and fight against demons until the last moment!" Sylvet is a typical soldier who can sacrifice to defend his motherland and fight until the last moment of his life. In his opinion, this is the best destination for soldiers!

"It is the responsibility of every person on the Norland continent to fight against demons, which is the proper meaning. You take my flag and go to the left-wing army and ask Capunucci to take his army to set out first. Go to the City of Divine Grace and stay outside the city and wait for us. Then we will meet and discuss how to deal with the demon army. Stiding was satisfied with his closest subordinate's determination and thought of something. He continued to say, "We are waiting here to meet the Holy Alliance. Christine has sent someone to send a letter to let them go first. Let's talk about the next thing until the city of God."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

You can't imagine the size of the 1.8 million team. The Otter Empire is the most prosperous empire on the Norland continent. After the construction of several emperors in order to facilitate road traffic, Stiding issued a decree to widen the road when he succeeded to the throne. The width of the road was expanded from 4 meters to the current 8 meters, and most of Stiding's 500,000 troops were also gathered outside the city. They set out from Carlos's inner city with tens of thousands of guards, one by 10 people, directly covering the whole Cross.

What a spectacular scene: On December 20, Capnochi's 400,000 troops also arrived at Carlos and stationed outside the city waiting for orders. The whole Carlos, looking down from above, the whole city was surrounded by 1.8 million troops, and the whole city of Cross was filled with tension. The prelude to the war is about to begin!

Since returning to the hotel in the evening, he ended his speech early the next morning and came to his army. He began to say nothing and fell into meditation. As soon as he returned to the hotel, the news of the death of the Aristocrat's bachelor came to his ears. Cross was the imperial capital of Stiding. No emperor who made a little action would allow the core of his regime to have unstable factors, but Aristotle was still dead. The moment he learned the news, Cappucci suspected that it was done by Stiding, but as far as he knew about His Majesty, he knew that Stiding was a proud man. During the previous conversation between the two, he did not explain much about what happened in those years, but simply stated his position at that time.

How can such a person kill someone and tell you the news? Stiding is proud, not conceited and arrogant. People like them have absolute confidence in their own strength and know the situation well. At this time, the death of Alix was an accident, beyond their original mastery of things, so Stiding sent the news as soon as possible. On the one hand, Stiding wants to remind Cappucci of the complexity of this matter, and on the other hand, he wants to take the opportunity to tell Cappucci that even where the king's power is concentrated, they have been operating for so many years and still have many loopholes and drawbacks.

"Levinson, after this war, it's time to change the blood clothes." After saying that, Cappucci stood up, walked out of the tent, and asked Franklin, who was standing outside waiting for the news, "Marshal, is there any news?"

"There is news. It has just come from there that His Majesty Stiding has led the Chinese army to gather at the gate. Should we set out first as agreed?" Franklin did not know that His Royal Highness had changed his views on Stiding after the accident last night, and now he also thought that if Cappucci objected, he should advise His Highness to put the overall situation first.

"Let's go first. Now that we have handed over the command in wartime, let's not be in the limelight. Let's cooperate with Stiding's work!" Cappucci was still immersed in his reverie about last night. After saying that, when he saw Franklin standing still, he was immediately upset and repeated loudly: "I said let's go first, and I'm leaving now!" Do you hear me?"

Franklin was shocked. Why did his Highness become so grumpy? He quickly replied, "I hear you, I'm going to gather troops!"

The former king was not a good father. As the adopted son of the former king Carl Janon, Levinson's mission was to accompany the cappucci, which was loved by the king at that time, and play together. By the way, the most important thing was to protect the safety of capunucci. However, although the first king valued his descendants very much, he ignored his emotional input. Kargenon, who was busy dealing with state affairs all day, had little time to accompany his son and his son. At that time, Queen Weier was bored in the harem all day and had to take her son around to spend boring time. Levinson was as sensible and obedient as Cappucci at that time, which was different from Cappucci's stubbornness. At that time, Queen Weier was even better at Levinson than Cappucci. Days passed day by day, and that memory was their happiest and best time until...

"Queen Weier, I am always looking for your enemy, the original murderer. Those people will definitely pay for their stupid behavior!" Levinson muttered in his heart.

God's City. Hank and A San stood in front of a mansion, feeling a little worried. Hank had an exchange list in his arms, which was also the main purpose of their trip. The two were still at a loss when they were called over. They never imagined that it would be because of Su Fei's recommendation. Sinjid is going to let them be responsible for the cooperation project with the Julu Chamber of Commerce and the He Bing Tilian Chamber of Commerce from now on. Of course, the premise is that they successfully complete this task.

"Two guests, my lord, please come to the living room to talk about it." The returning doorman brought good news to the two people. Before they had time to celebrate, Hank and A San quickly stepped into the door and walked to the living room under the leadership of the doorman.

The layout of the hall is elegant, and the door is full of exquisite carvings. When you enter, a huge mural hangs on the wall of the hall, and several chairs are neatly placed around a square table. Looking at this exquisite layout, the two of them were infatuated for a moment. What is the businessman's dream? What is the businessman's dream? In addition to owning the world's wealth, isn't it just to get more respect? If you have succeeded, but not many people agree with you, then you are also a failure!

"Two of you, are you the messenger sent by Lord Sinjid?"

Menjie fu first came in and saw Hank and A San. It was not until he saw the frightening purple from their pupils that he was relieved. During the war**, if their Chamber of Commerce was found to be co-emerging with demons and did not receive an amnesty issued by the temple like the lucky man of the Dodge Chamber of Commerce, their giant deer Chamber of Commerce is estimated to be instantly divided as a cake by the surging human forces.

Hank saw Menjie fu's portrait from Sinjid, and now he felt accurate and relaxed. After all, it is related to their future and future dreams, so they can't help but be careless.

"Your Excellency, I don't know if Miss Hadnona is here? Let's discuss the content of this transaction when everyone arrives.

"Miss Hadnona will come over in a moment. Lord Sinjid and both of us must know the danger of this transaction. I hope that if there is nothing particularly important after this transaction, don't fill in the war reserve materials on the transaction list. If our Chamber of Commerce is caught by the human coalition, then we will really lose our reputation. Menjie fu looked carefully at the two demons and said his bottom line. After all, if he did too many such things, the human army would not be a fool and would definitely find something wrong.

When it comes to business, Hank and A San's confidence immediately came. Encouraged by A San's eyes, Hank expressed his thoughts according to the prepared belly draft in his heart: "Your Excellency, this is the first time we have cooperated with your Chamber of Commerce and can get so much sponsorship from you. On behalf of the devil, we thank your Chamber of Commerce. In fact, your Chamber of Commerce will not have to make such a big deal in the future. At that time, as long as you transport the remaining grain in your mainland to the front line and set the route, our demon cavalry will deal with the next things for you.

After listening to Hank's idea, Menjie fu couldn't help but take a high look at the devil in his heart and come up with such a plan. Not only will the relationship between the devil and the Chamber of Commerce be cleared, but the food of the Chamber of Commerce will be robbed, and these human coalitions will also think that it was done by nearby thieves without thinking about it. To the devil.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively!" Hadnona came in at this time and asked several people curiously. She had just gone to solve a personal problem, and as soon as she walked in, she saw Menjie fu listening carefully to Hank's story, thinking that Menjie fu had been confused one day.

"Beautiful lady, we are discussing the next cooperation. Do you want to participate in it? Hank politely greeted Hadnona, and he was suddenly full of energy in front of the beautiful woman and was always ready to show it.

For the next cooperation, didn't we discuss with Men Jeff to suspend the large-scale cooperation with the devil during the war in order not to attract the attention of the coalition forces! Hadnona cast her doubtful eyes to Menjie fu and whispered, "Didn't you agree not to cooperate for the time being after this transaction?"

"It's not cooperative, but this one has come up with an alternative good way, and I think I can try it." Menjie fu leaned over and whispered back to Hadnona's words. In order not to attract Hank's attention, he took Hadnona to sit down a little farther away and began to explore the feasibility of Hank's plan.

After listening to Jeff's retelling, Hadnona has a general understanding of Hank's plan. The plan is understandable and feasible, but how to ensure the close relationship between the two sides?

As if he could see Hadnona's worries, Hank continued: "The time to deliver letters between the Chamber of Commerce is too slow, and oral transmission is too dangerous, but as long as we exchange the signals of the transaction, you raise a red flag at the door of the Chamber of Commerce when you ship the goods and tell us the itinerary of the fleet, as long as The Chamber of Commerce has walked out of the human city, so I can take the opportunity to intercept the convoy and get the supplies we need!"

Although the plan was not perfect, it was still feasible. Hadrona and Men Jeff looked at each other, formed a tacit understanding and agreed to Hank's request. Anyway, even if the plan is leaked in the future, they can completely shift the blame to those thieves. As the injured parties, although these people are suspicious, they will not directly turn against the two chambers of commerce.

"Well, let's trade the materials this time. I'll ask someone to bring the supplies later, and you can take the list and check it. Menjie fu asked Hadnona to stay and continue to discuss the detailed steps of the plan with Hank and Asan, but he went back to Captain Mark and asked them to take out the supplies.

"When you go in, look at it accurately. Don't talk too much. Let's talk about it when you come out." Danny said seriously and began to distribute tasks for several people: "Amy, you have two echo beasts, and you will go in and bring one to an inconspicuous place in the living room; George, as a thief, show me the two strangers when you go in, and you must confirm their identity; Randolph and Evan, don't go, you stay Wait for our news here."

" boss, what should we do if Lord Men Jeff really cooperates with the devil?" George was entangled and still asked about this topic.

In fact, after such a long time, they helped the Chamber of Commerce prepare these materials, but the object of the transaction has not appeared for a long time. At the beginning, they had some doubts when Men Jeff returned to the sunset city with Hadrona, but at that time, it was difficult for Danny to ask directly. Now they have also made a lot of contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, and he felt that he did not owe the kindness of the Chamber of Commerce. Unlike him, he did not conspire with it. He hated demons and hated them very much. Men Jeff's kindness to him made him unable to revenge, so he only waited for the conjecture in his heart to make a decision on whether to leave or stay.

"Captain Danny, please. Just give me the storage ring. You don't have to follow me. Menjie fu knew that the partner was a little straightforward and subconsciously wanted to hide the news of his cooperation with the devil from him. But he didn't know that this kind of thing had long been known by the Dodge Chamber of Commerce and spread it through different channels. Danny and others were not sure, and they had to doubt their customers when they heard the rumor.

"Well, there are two valuable items that are not suitable for storage rings. I'll ask Amy and George to take them with you. I'll go outside and have a look." Danny didn't insist, but gave Amy what he had in his hand, and he walked out of the house to get through the air.

Seeing that Danny's mood was stable, Men Jeff was relieved and then took the two around the corridor to the living room. George followed Door Jeff into the hall and began to pay attention to the two people standing there. Seeing strangers coming in, Hank and A San covered their veils and completely covered their faces for safety. Looking at the two people whose heads were completely covered, George had no choice but to stare at Amy Nu, indicating that the next step was up to her.

"Your Excellency, this is the airspace star iron, which is an important item indicated on the list, and this bag of star sand cannot be put into the storage ring. These things are all here. Please count them. Amy put the things on the square table, took out the ring in her arms, and said straight to Hank and Asan.

When Men Jeff saw this, he quickly took over the conversation: "Next, I will accompany the guests to clean up something. You have worked hard. Go down and have a rest first!"

Amy inadvertently put little Alice on the sole of the foot of the square table, bowed slightly, and said politely to Door Jeff, "Yes, my lord!"

"Next, let's check the list. This batch of materials took us a week. We not only transferred a lot of resources from the headquarters, but also took out the storage of our Chamber of Commerce. I hope you won't let us down." Taking the opportunity of the transaction, Menjie fu wanted to find out the source of the devil's confidence from the two messengers, so that they were still so calm in the face of more than 1.5 million troops.

"You can quote the price directly. Although it is the first time to cooperate, I trust you two. This time, can we devil trade gold? Now that the other party has lowered the price, Hank also looked generous at the instruction of A San. A good cooperative relationship is based on tacit understanding and trust, and the latter is more important than the former.

"Ov, we have prepared a super-large space ring for you. There are 1,000 tons of grain in it, which should be enough for you to hold on for a month. Because in times of war, it is difficult to buy food with money, which is already the limit we can achieve. Menjie fu said with a sincere face.

"It's beyond our expectations to be able to do this. You have done a good job! I hope we will continue to cooperate!" Although the food is far less than expected, it is better not to complain about partners. This transaction is proceeding in a good atmosphere.