Devil's Capital

Chapter 49 Holy War 8

The next morning, Donald set out from Shenen City with the 200,000 troops after integration, and the goal was the sunset city! This is the first battle launched by human beings against demons thousands of years later. As a result, Norland, who fell into the millennium peace period, fell into the smoke.

The 200,000 army, led by 50,000 cavalry, quickly marched towards the sunset city, and arrived in less than 50 miles in less than half an hour. Donald rode his horse and stopped in front of the gate of the sunset city. Today's sunset city no longer has traces of the past sunset city: the black wall can be seen at a glance that it is watered with iron juice, and the mottled black spots on the outside of the wall are the traces left by the cooling of iron juice. The whole sunset city had a little vitality under the early morning light. Donald saw the city more clearly through the sun pass, and his heart became more and more awe-inspiring. It is difficult for such a strong city to attack in a short time even with large siege weapons.

Thinking that they are here to write a war letter this time, Donald's mood has eased a lot as long as they don't immediately attack this war fortress built into a bronze wall by demons. Now the sunset city, even if the 200,000 soldiers behind him are filled up, it can cut a hole in the wall of the sunset city at most, and it can't launch an in-depth attack. There are few formal battles like them. Generally speaking, one side begins to invade the plane, and the invaded party summons the army to start to resist. With the escalation of the battle, a more fierce war will break out because of the ownership of the plane. The cruelty is far from describing the plane war. Killing is it. Eternal language.

The demon's raid on the sunset city made human beings on the continent of Noland very much condemn, but these civilians also understood that the human coalition did not immediately take fierce revenge. In this era, the weak have no say. If you want you, you can still work a little longer. The only thing you need to do is to live! In order to express his response to the devil's calm behavior in the past half month, Donald believes that he should have a fair battle with the devil in the wild. No matter whether he wins or loses, he will have no regrets after playing. It is best to win, so that in the following battles, they can not only fight demons and encourage the morale of human soldiers, but also enhance the prestige of their royal power without being oppressed by theocracy all the time.

"Lord Sinjid, this is an invitation letter sent by a human emperor with the location signed on it." The messenger carefully took the letter handed over by the gate guard and pointed to Donald, who was standing under the city, riding a war horse and his hair moving with the wind.

Singid stood above the gate, covering the strong light emitted by the dazzling morning sun with his hand, and looked in the direction of the commander. Suddenly, he saw a handsome young officer walking back and forth in front of the gate on a war horse. It seemed that he felt Sinjid's eyes. Donald looked at the wall, and the two met each other.

"This must be the leader of the demon army. If I can kill him, all the troubles will be solved." Donald's eyes gradually showed a trace of murder. At this time, he even had the impulse of China to cross the city directly and kill Sinjid. By force alone, Donald himself is also a not weak legend, which is also because although their national strength is weak, it still wins the army of neighboring countries.

seemed to understand Donald's mind. Sinjid stood on the city and smiled provocatively. If he couldn't help rushing up, Sinjid believed that he would leave a profound lesson for him. Then he opened the letter in his hand, which wrote the invitation to the war with charcoal water: 12 noon, join Po, I, Donald, am waiting for you there! He drew two words "promise" with his finger on the letter, and then Sinjid folded the envelope and threw it under the gate.

Donald has been paying attention to the movement on the city gate. At this time, he saw the letter drifting down, took a few steps forward on his horse, bent down and picked up the letter and returned to the horse. I saw a few clear traces on it. If you look carefully, Hao Ran is the word "promise". Looking at the letter returned in his hand, he knew that the purpose had been achieved this time. It was time to go to the middle plain between Shenen City and the sunset city to prepare for the queue and fight against the demons!


The whole cavalry, with a long knife held high, and the sound of flags and horns drifted in the wind. Each division formed a column and acted together, like a person, accurate as the invincible bronze sheep's head, rushed straight down from the slope of Jiameng, went deep into the dangerous place of the corpse pillow, disappeared into the smoke, and then crossed the smoke and appeared on the other side of the valley. , always dense, close to each other, back and forth, through the flowering bombs rushing at them like dark clouds, and rushing to the steep and muddy slopes along the edge of the highlands of Mount St. John. They galloped up and down, strict, brave and calm. At the occasional intermittent moment of the collision of the boulder, we could hear the sound of the army stepping on the ground. Calm and steady, he passed through the human army and directly hit the army tent. Before Donald could even react, he was pulled on a fast horse by his cronies and was ready to escape to the City of Grace for help.

Before the battle, both sides were full of expectations for the battle, whether it were demons or humans. Stiding wanted to explore the bottom of the demon army through this half of the elite and half miscellaneous team, and Sinjid also took this opportunity to train the recruits. At that time, near noon, the snow had not melted and was covered with white on the slope of Jiameng. The two sides stand at a distance and line up, and the two sides have their own pre-war dialogue:

(Demon side)

"Why do these human formations look like cabbage sellers? They are not strong at all. If I reveal the prototype of the cow demon, they won't let me go in and out?"

"I really don't understand why I came out on such a cold day, and I said that I wanted to compete with the team in front of me. The above also strictly demanded not to kill indiscriminately, and the surrender of the enemy will end here. Such a battle is really boring!"

"If the superiors didn't say that we recruits would be allowed to join the numbered troops after they qualified to participate in this battle, and I wouldn't come to kill me. Is this a show?!"

(Human side)

"Nima, why are we under Grand Duke Donald? As a vanguard army, the snow hasn't melted yet, and we all come out to fight. Does this make people live?"

"10,000 demons want to beat us down? Tell a joke! We 200,000 people can also beat down these demons one by one. Let's see if your demons are still so arrogant!"

"Duke, believe us, we will stick to the last moment!"

"Your sister! How to talk? 200,000 of us are still afraid of 10,000 demons. When we blow the horn of war, we will charge at my pace. Let's go up and kill him together!"

"However, the devil is a horrible creature in the legend..."


War has always been a very serious thing. After this war, neither side is in the mood to express their feelings for this war.

Just as the two sides blew the battle horns, demons and humans began to charge at the same time. Compared with Donald's 50,000 cavalry, the devil has only 5,000 cavalry this time, and it is rare that these unicorns quickly adapt to the crimson, otherwise this highly mobile team will not be used in heterogeneous warfare. The battle began, and the two sides fell into a fight. Because it was a scuffle, Stiding and Donald rarely had a tacit understanding to stay behind their team and pay coldly attention to the situation on the battlefield.

You guessed the beginning of the story, but you couldn't guess the ending. Sometimes you guess the beginning and the end, but the process is beyond your cognitive boundaries. In fact, this battle has become a key negative textbook in future military classes. Why can the devil take 10,000 troops, and defeat 200,000 human coalitions with half of the cavalry and infantry? The most important thing is that human soldiers do not have the courage and firm belief in war in the face of the unknown. They don't know what moment they can hold on, and they don't know their limits and how to persist in the war to the end!

When Donald fled back to the City of God, Stiding received the warrior for the first time. The first sentence he said was: "This battle is not a crime of war. I hope the Grand Duke will take good rest and continue to shine in future battles."

Let's continue to return to the scene of the battle. Calondo personally led 5,000 elite divisions to form a cone shape on a unicorn and rushed towards the 50,000 cavalry in front of him. It's like a stream converging into a big river. As usual, these 5,000 demon cavalry should be tightly surrounded by a large number of human cavalry, separated and destroyed one by one. But the next action of the demon cavalry tells us that their strength can really compete with a large number of legions to a certain extent.

Carondo rushed to the front, relying on the unobstructive force under his feet to overturn the cavalry in front of him, and rushed directly to the middle of the cavalry. The demon cavalry behind followed Karondo's pace and knocked down one human cavalry after another, and even hit the horses to the ground. In the face of the devil's ferocious attack method, these human cavalry were dumbfounded for a moment and could not come up with an effective defensive formation. Fortunately, the guy who commanded the cavalry was not an idiot. Now when he saw that his cavalry could not stop the pace of the demon cavalry, he rationally issued instructions for the human cavalry in the rear to avoid, handing these cavalry to the infantry formation behind to besiege, and he would take these cavalry to the remaining 5,000 infantry behind the devil. Launch a charge!

I thought to myself, I can't bully your cavalry. It's okay for 50,000 cavalry to bully your 5,000 infantry. So there was a dramatic scene on the battlefield. 5,000 demon cavalry passed through the blockade of 50,000 human cavalry without injury, and the 50,000 human cavalry did not turn their guns to continue to besiege the cavalry, but pointed the spearhead at the demon infantry pulled down. Both sides were cavalry vs. infantry. Under the great disparity in strength, the devil suppressed the human coalition to death, which was expected by Sinjid, but he did not expect that these human soldiers were so inactive that his soldiers carried out a round of attacks and these human soldiers fell down.

The most tragic thing is the commander-in-chief of the human cavalry. In fact, there is not much specific information about arms such as demons, which has left a permanent shadow in his career. When Su Fei learned the news, he immediately came to the weapons store and asked the clerks inside to work overtime. In this way, it seemed that the devil's situation in Noland was relatively stable for the time being. Of course, he had to rely on this refinery shop to make a fortune. Moreover, war means wealth, many abandoned weapons on the battlefield, which are free raw materials, and war means a large consumption of food, which contains unlimited business opportunities for businessmen!

Sinjid was not so happy to stay in the temple. With such a relaxed and pleasant victory, the rest is to prepare for how to deal with the blame and new attacks. Yulin, you're here. Seeing that Yulin came over, Sinjid seemed a little happy. He was not fighting alone. Although he doesn't know what kind of conspiracy these human beings are brewing, it doesn't matter. They are still more than enough to deal with these things. They just hope that the gods will not find the trace of Su Fei so soon, which is his biggest concern at present.

"Lord Sinjid, this is today's casualty report." Yulin saw that Sinjid continued to be lost in thought, thinking that the business had not been done yet, so she had to say loudly, "In the midday battle, the demon died, 43 people were seriously injured, 103 people were slightly injured, and 24 unicorn demons were seriously injured, and countless minor injuries were injured. And 800 people died, 5,000 people were seriously injured, and there were countless minor injuries. The property seized was about a ton of gold. In general, this is a great victory!"

After listening to Yulin's report patiently, Sinjid quite disapproved of Yulin's final evaluation. Seeing that she was moved by the joy of war property, it was not easy to directly hit the way down at this time. Like telling a fact, Sinjid began to talk about his worries: "If it's just a human coalition, I'm a little bit. Not afraid. The reason why we want to delay the progress of the war on the scarlet plane is, on the one hand, to buy time for Carlsas to attack the throne, and on the other hand, to leave a deep demonic mark on this plane! However, these premise is that there is no interference from the messengers of the gods. Today's crimson gives me an ominous feeling that the news sent by Carlsas seems to be coming true. It's time to consider protecting Sufi's safety!"

"If it really doesn't work, just send him to the other two planes." Yulin has been relatively satisfied with Su Fei's performance recently. The opening of the Weapon Home has received many orders from the military headquarters, and the pressure on herself has also eased a lot. At this time, when I heard Sinjid talk about Su Fei's personal safety, he thought that if the scarlet plane doesn't work, just change the plane and continue to hide Su Fei in the snow. Why wait for the divine envoy to come to him?

"Actually, we thought so at the beginning, but now it doesn't seem to work." Sinjid remembered the contents of Carls's last letter and continued, "The Alliance of the Gods has locked the whole crimson plane. Any demon passing through the portal, as long as it is found out that it is the soul of Su Fei, then they can immediately curse and make it perish, and there is no possibility of survival!"

So that's it! No wonder Uncle Carls hasn't said much in front of Su Fei, but silently arranged everything behind him. It turned out that he had long known that Su Fei's soul had been leaked, which was to compensate him! Even if Sufi can't become a powerful demon in the future, with the legacy of Uncle Carlsas, I believe that he can live his life safely. Of course, the premise is to survive the pursuit of the gods.

"Uncle Sinjid, why don't you cover up Su Fei's soul again?" Regarding the disclosure of Su Fei's identity, Yulin also vaguely guessed that this was the handwriting of Hades, the god Hades. After all, he had close contact with the gods, and only the god of death, the lord of the soul, connected the demon world.

Hearing this, Sinjid smiled bitterly and said, "If only it were really that simple! Don't say that Carlsas is not qualified to seal the throne. Even if he ascends to the throne, he has to ask Stantain, the lord of the abyss, for help to cover up Su Fei's breath again!"

I didn't expect that this matter would lead to so many secrets. Yulin didn't quite understand it, and now she is even more confused. Even she began to doubt whether their invasion of the scarlet plane had a bigger purpose!