Devil's Capital

Chapter 50 Holy War 9: Unveiling the Veil of God

I expected the ending, but I didn't expect the ending to be so unbearable. The army of 200,000 people was defeated like this, and there was no sound like this. Even 200,000 pigs, thrown to the devil, will kill the devil softly. I didn't expect such a result. After appeasing Donald's mood, he dismissed the attendants around him and said that he needed to be alone.

The sky began to darken. Looking from the window, the sunset was so beautiful. There were sparse floating clouds in the sky. Under the afterglow of the sunset, it was like a falling curtain, dilapidated, like Nordland, who entered his old age, without any vitality.

"What, are you here?"

After these days of contact, Capnochi is more and more able to feel Stiding's mood. Nowadays, Noland, their royal power cannot have an absolute advantage. There are demon raids outside and the theocracy is constantly eroding inside. Under the panic of the whole country, how can Stiding, the lord of a country, continue to be calm and calm?

He gently moved his steps, came to Stiding and turned his eyes to Yunxia outside the window. When the sunset fell, he seemed to see that when the war ended, their kingship became a stepping stone to the peak of theocracy. It seemed to be remembering and regretting. Cappucci was angry at this time. Seeing Stiding looking at the sunset outside, he looked almost obsessed. He couldn't help pointing to the sunset outside and asked, "Sturtin, is this the ending you want?"

Seeing this moment to comfort himself is actually the child who was defeated by him ten years ago. Oh, no, now, ten years later, the child who watched him cry in fear has grown up, and now he is an emperor who can be alone. Stiding restrained his sadness and turned his head. His deep eyes reflected the helplessness of fate. This war is not so much a race war, a sacred battle, but a farce directed and performed by the temple, and they are just clowns in the play, and they have not found their place from beginning to end!

"This is not what I want! I think this day can no longer cover my eyes; I think the earth can no longer block my pace; I hope that my Steding's name can ring in this starry sky!" Stiding seemed to be awake and fell into a bigger dream. He pointed to Capunucci and scolded, "What do you know! You are just a child who cries in the face of fear. Do you know what courage is? Do you know what courage you should have to continue when you see the sad and desperate ending? You are just a lost person living in a fictional world, thinking that you have ideals, goals and happy life! In fact, you never know the truth of the matter. We are nothing. We are all a joke!"

"Enough, have you said enough! Since you said that we live in deception, please tell me what the real world is? Don't complain and curse here like a coward!" Cappucci was a little stunned by what Stiding said, and then realized that Stiding had entered the magic barrier at this time. If he didn't wake him up, he might not have waited for the end of the war, and he would not see Stiding alive tomorrow.

Stiding was pointed and scolded by Cappucci. His mind was a little unresponsable. He reached out to hold the frame of the window, stabilized his swaying body, calmed his mind, and did not answer Cappucci's words immediately. He turned his head and looked out of the window. At this time, the sunset had already fallen. At the curtain, the edge of the sky fell into darkness, and the light left, taking away the last trace of luck in Stiding's heart. Just now, he was too concerned about the result of the battle at noon today, which triggered a magic barrier in his heart. At this time, he was broken by Cappucci. I don't know if this is his luck, or is it the continuation of life torture?

"The truth of the world can't be seen by those of us who are confused by the world." After regaining his senses, Stiding regained his plain tone and looked at the excited Capnochi and said slowly, "Actually, I found out about this ten years ago."

Ten years ago, Capunucci's mother ran to the south for a walk because of the long-term neglect of the former king Carl Genon. Because of the long journey, Cargenon was worried, Queen Weier took Levinson when she left, while Capunucci was left in the royal city of New Delhi.

South is a beautiful country. Queen Weier went all the way to the south and passed through many beautiful places. During this period, Levinson followed the Queen to swim in the mountains and rivers, and her gloomy personality became much more cheerful, until they met a wandering poet in a small town in the south.

Queen Weier looked at the mountains and rivers every day, set up a tent at night, pulled the ten-year-old Levinson closer, asked him to accompany him to watch the deep night sky in front of the bonfire, count the stars, and ask him to listen to his story. Everything is so beautiful. Queen Weier seems to have returned to her youth and met the elderly and children. When she saw that they needed help, she would enthusiastically help them. She even gave up a gorgeous carriage and let an injured grandfather sit all the way from the foot of the mountain to the temple in the town for medical treatment.

Levinson obviously felt that Queen Weier's mood was becoming more and more active, but although the two were intimate, his identity was always a subordinate. It was not easy to directly dissuade the Queen's behavior, but sent all his knowledge back to Wangcheng by letter along the way and handed it to Carl Genon. At this time, Queen Weier stayed for a while in the town named Slo, where she spent the last time of her life, a good time of being deceived.

At that time, Queen Weier, who returned to the pub from the temple, was happily sorting out the clothes she made for Prince Cappucci along the way. She felt that Carljenon was a big fool. Obviously, the two were really in love, but they did not take time to accompany her, ignored her feelings, and knew how to take care of this trouble all day long. Empire, doesn't he know that even if he only takes a small part of time to accompany himself, she will not leave the royal city and go out to play and be happy? After tidying up for a while, Queen Weier felt irritable, so she left the room and went down to the pub for a drink alone.

When Queen Weier appeared in front of Levinson again, there was a man beside her, a wandering poet. She asked Levinson to keep the man's identity secret for her, saying that she just wanted to relax. This town was the last stop, and she was ready to return to the royal city in a few days.

Levinson felt something was wrong when he saw the poet named Les. Before he came, he had to tell Queen Weier to be careful. Queen Weier, who was full of joy, left a message, "I'll take him out for a while. Come back later and keep a secret for me!" He left the pub and walked to the street outside. When he turned around and left the pub, Les smiled evilly at Levinson, making Levinson feel like falling into an ice cave. Smelling a strong conspiracy, Levinson did not dare to tell the palace guards accompanying him to protect Queen Weier's name. He just ran to the post station and sent a 800-li urgent letter for help to Carljenon, and then chased him alone according to the route in his memory.

Levinson played with Cappucci during the day. At night, he had to receive Carl Genon's special training, often covered with scars. When he went out during the day, Levinson often fell asleep halfway, which made Capunucci not understand this playmate once, and then Levinson also developed wood. A nay personality. As the guardian of the royal family, Levinson knows the behavior habits of Queen Weier and Cappucci very well, and meets the person she likes. At this time, Queen Weier has no opinion and will definitely listen to the wandering poet. And a pair of lovers who fall in love usually choose a good position to cut the sunset at dusk. Levinson remembered the maple forest that Queen Weier had never forgotten when she entered the town. At this time, it should be very romantic to sit under the maple tree and watch the sunset.

His heart was full of worries about the safety of Queen Weier. Levison ran fast and muttered anxiously in his heart, "Queen Weier, don't have anything to happen. I'm here to save you!"

"Honey, you are a gift from God. Where are we going now?" Les walked out of the pub, held Violet's waist in one hand, gently stroked the beautiful hair of the woman around her with the other, and asked with an expression.

"Let's go to see the sunset. The scenery of the maple forest outside the town is so beautiful. Today, I didn't have time to see it in order to send the elderly into the town. Unfortunately, I can't stay in the small town of Sloh, otherwise I can see such a beautiful scenery every day!" In front of the charming poet, Queen Weier completely fell. Thinking that she would soon return to the cold palace, Queen Weier's mood suddenly fell down.

Les heard the melancholy words of the beauty in front of him, and his heart was full of contempt for the neglected Carl Genon, but now the beauty will stay in this town forever and sleep from then on, and no one will disturb her. Les said gently, "Weier, believe me, you will always stay here, and you can look at these beautiful scenery every day from now on!"

"Maybe, let's go to see the dusk quickly. I have to come back early after reading it, and our relationship can't let my bodyguard know that the person I am closest to just now will not reveal our relationship. Queen Weier didn't want to continue to talk about this topic. She just wanted to come back after watching the dusk. She only stayed in her memory of this beautiful encounter, knowing that Cappucci was still waiting for her to go back in the royal city.

"It won't come back." Les said silently in his heart, and then took Weier out of the town.


Shagama arrived in this small town on time. He just received a message that the meeting place was outside the maple forest outside the town. Without thinking much, Shagama rushed to the maple forest with his subordinates. This action was the plan of the elder of the temple, and Shagama was also moved by the elder of the temple. With his opposition, he began to lobby the local nobles to fight for enough resistance. As long as Slow's trip successfully captured Queen Weier, he could take this opportunity to blackmail the Cargenon, so that they would be independent in the south. The matter of standing out can be discussed on the table. Others don't know the feelings of Emperor Carljenon for Queen Weier. He Shagama knows very well that Queen Weier is the second life of Karljenon. In order to get Queen Weier, this affectionate emperor did not hesitate to cut off contact with the southern hope family, which shows that.

When Sagarma led his horse to the maple forest, Levinson also rushed outside the maple forest. He did not find the trace of Queen Weir, but saw Shagarma's troops. In his heart, Levinson knew that Queen Weier was involved in a conspiracy, and his heart was even more anxious. He bypassed Shagama's large army, quietly walked around the maple forest, and finally saw Queen Weier's disheveled clothes and covered with blood on a hillside before Shagama. Too late to mourn the tragedy, Levinson endured the grief in his heart and went to hold the queen's body and escape from the maple forest before Shagama came over. Shagama looked at the figure who left the scene with a female corpse in his arms and suddenly knew it: this was a conspiracy, and the temple was a conspiracy against Kargenon and the south.

"The bloody sunset is so beautiful, so beautiful!" Queen Weier held Levinson tightly and muttered that she knew everything at this moment and had no regrets in her heart. Some of them were just deeply sorry. That was an infinite nostalgia for Carljenon. "Why must the fate of two people who love each other so much must separate them?"

"Queen, queen, you must hold on! I will take you to the best doctor and I will definitely cure you! You left like this. What about His Royal Highness Cappucci? Levinson ran on the road with Queen Weier in his arms, feeling that the people in his arms were gradually losing warmth and crying loudly, hoping that Queen Weier could cheer up and insist until he returned to the pub to find the medical staff accompanying him.

"Levinson, my dear child, I didn't expect you to accompany me at the last moment of my life. But that's good. You go back to the royal city and tell Cappucci and Carljenon that I love them very much!" Queen Weier heard Levinson's call and gradually regained consciousness.

"No! I want you to go back and tell them in person!" Levinson has cried like a tearful man and sprinted on the road. In order to prevent the people in his arms from feeling the bumps, Levinson tiptoed up every time he ran, and his feet were blurred. But he dares not give up. Even if there is still a glimmer of hope, he will hold it. He wants Queen Weier to stand alive in front of the emperor and reunite as a family!

"I am an unfaithful woman, faceless to face your majesty and my son. Levinson, can you put me down and listen to my last few words in life? Queen Weier stretched out her right hand, used her last bit of strength, grabbed Levinson's hand and begged.

Hearing the queen's plea, Levinson's heart softened and didn't want the gentle and kind queen to find a hillside with regret when she left, leaned the queen against a big stone and gently put it down. When he was in the pub before, he somehow lost the ability to think after being looked at by the wandering poet. He watched the queen go far away from the man before he realized it. At this time, Levinson's heart was full of regret. If he had reacted earlier, maybe he could have been violently in this beast. Save the queen before!

Leaning against the stone, Queen Weier felt that her whole body's blood began to be cold. She grabbed Levinson's hand hard and looked deeply at the child who had been working hard. Weier said in a weak tone, "Don't cry, Levinson, you are like Capunucci's personal brother, and I also regard you as me. The biological son. I really don't blame you this time. It's also good to feel the feeling of first love again in the last time of life!"

"Queen, don't say that. I will definitely avenge you. I will kill that fool with my own hands!" Levinson stopped his tears and gritted his teeth and said.

"Lay, Levinson, can you call me mother?" Queen Weier's voice began to be intermittent, as if it was time to come to death.

When Levinson heard this, he hugged the queen's body and choked, "Mother, mother!"

Queen Weier's breath gradually became weak and deaf, and Levinson's hand became weak and slowly loosened.

"Mother!!!" Levinson's shout resounded throughout the night sky, "Bastard, I must kill you!!"


The news came back to the royal city, and Kargenon walked into the royal cemetery with the body of Queen Weier and never came out again. After that, Capunucci, wearing a white headscarf, led the imperial army with the support of Grand Marshal Franklin to wage war against the southern lord Sagama. Although Sagama was supported by most of the local nobles, although he did not rise in the battle, he was not forced too badly by the imperial army.

Because of the martyrdom of the Great, the young lord of the Cass Empire, the domestic situation was unstable, and the war with the south for a long time, Stiding obeyed the proposal of the university scholar Aristotle and sent troops to stop the fight. History called the first war the October bloodshed, a war triggered by a great woman. As the situation stabilized, Stiding, who was strongly involved, took Aristo to the town of Slo and listened to the locals complete description of the events in October.

Through the investigation of Les's identity, Stiding found many traces hidden in the dark: clergy, Protestants, wandering poets, battlefield sacrifices... War! Chaotic clues cannot be connected into a complete line. As an ambitious man, it is obviously unreasonable to say that Sagama himself murdered the queen of the empire. With deep doubts, Stiding did not leave the Cass Empire soon after the war, thus revealing a shocking conspiracy in the temple!