Devil's Capital

Chapter 55 Holy War 14: In the Name of the Holy

Christine picked up the tea in his hand and slowly drank two sips. After coming to the city lord's mansion to find Stiding, he was not in a hurry. He chatted with Stiding here about tea art and said nothing about the topic of war.

"Cabnochi! Put down the teapot in your hand. If you can't taste the tea, don't spoil my good tea!" Stiding was chatting happily with Christine. Suddenly, he turned his head and saw Capunucci, who was playing with the teapot. He immediately pulled the teapot and felt that the teapot was empty. He opened the lid of the teapot and looked closer. It was empty, and the tea at the bottom of the pot was clearly visible. Stiding suddenly became angry and scolded Capunucci, "Bad boy, you are a starving ghost reincarnated! So many teas have been drunk by one person. I only have a few catties of this kind of imperial tribute Maojian in a year. It's a waste for you to drink!"

"I said, Stiding, we are all people with status. Can we speak more civilly? Besides, isn't it just drinking two taels of your tea? As for being angry like this? At worst, I'll send you a car of tea to make up for it when I go back this time!" Capunucci said unhurriedly. In his eyes, as long as the tea can be drunk, no matter what kind of tea it is. The hair tip I just drank is not bitter or astringent, and there is a refreshing feeling in my throat. Drinking this kind of hot drink in winter is really a great enjoyment. As for Stiding's feelings, he doesn't need to pay attention to his capunuccino.

"Your uncle, how do you talk? Can you compare my hair tip with a cart of tea? If you don't know how to drink tea, don't grind here. Do whatever you have to do. Stiding was on the rise, so he sent Cappucci in a few words. He continued to discuss tea tasting with Christine and directly put the cappuccino away.

At this time, Christine will not come to Stiding for a chat, drink tea, and confront the front line. The situation has been unclear. If Cappucci hadn't hit Marshal Sylvette, who was rushing to the temple in the sunset city, knew the choice of the Otter Empire, and signed a cooperation agreement with the demon leader Sinjid, the three would have opened the skylight to speak out. However, there was not much friction and quarrel with the temple. It was difficult for the Otter Empire and the Cass Empire to speculate about the choice of the Ivo Dynasty, so it was difficult for both of them to put forward the news of the alliance with the devil in person for a while.

"Your Majesty Stiding, we have almost drunk tea. Do you think we should talk about business?"

After drinking the second pot of tea, Christine saw that Stiding still had a tendency to continue, and couldn't help but say something.

"It's rare to meet someone who knows tea, and the people below don't know how to drink tea. I'll make it first, and let's talk and drink slowly. The war can't be fought now. This winter is too painful for soldiers. In fact, what Stiding wants to know most is Christine's view of the temple. If he can win Christine over at that time, he will be more sure to deal with the divine power. However, this kind of thing is not urgent. If you spread the matter early, there is no room for him and Cappucci. Now you have to hang Christine's appetite first, find out his intention, and then follow the good advice to finally achieve your goal.

Sure enough, Jiang was still old and spicy. He was led by Sting's nose like this, but he didn't give the point of the conversation. Christine finally calmed down after a few perfunctory words. He took a look at the capunucci sitting aside and enjoyed the scenery of the lake alone, and saw that this person still remained transparent. The character suddenly knew in his heart that the two people in front of him were colluded, and if he wanted to join the system, he would definitely not be able to show his sincerity. Looking back on the previous discussion with the generals, there is really no hope in the temple now. Now I can only choose to unite closely with the kings to better protect the empire and protect myself in future wars.

"Your Majesty Stiding, in fact, I'm here to explore the style of the two. Only when the royal power is closely united can it be able to compete with the divine power." Finally speaking his thoughts, Christine did not hide the purpose of his trip and continued: "I don't know what new ideas the second oracle of the temple has given you, but since the two majeties have reached an alliance, I, Christine, will say frankly, no matter how you two stand in this war. Yes, I, the Yiwo Dynasty, chose to stand with you.

"Oh, I don't know why His Majesty Christine had such an idea?" Stiding asked with interest, and his hand continued to adjust the temperature of the stove on the table. The water had boiled, but the tea was gone. The two on the lake pavilion did not notice this detail. Cappucci would not care about the tea problem, while Christine ignored Stiding's previous small movements because she thought too much.

"Let's put it this way, this time I'm here to find two alliances. As for what kind of agreement you two have reached before and what kind of layout there is, Christine doesn't care about, and I won't pay much attention to it. I just hope that after the union of the three of us, we can be honest in the next cooperation. The theocratic dictatorship system of the temple has no benefit to our kingship. Previously, everyone has not stated that they are just afraid of the strong strength of the temple itself. Now as long as the three of us unite, we believe that although there is still a long way to go to overthrow the theocracy, it is still possible to fight against self- protection!" After saying that, Christine grabbed the cup on the table and took a sip of tea. When she took it to her mouth, she realized that there was no tea at this time. Looking at Stiding's cup, it was plain boiled water.

Cabnochi stood up when he heard Christine's words, clapped his hands and applause. He looked at the silent Stiding and said to Christine, "Theocracy is pressing us step by step. If it goes on like this, our king has no second way out except to become a vassal of theocracy. This time, His Majesty Stiding and I have a perfect plan. Once it can be implemented, no matter how powerful the temple is, this time we will make the temple unable to eat it!"

Hearing what Cappucci revealed, Christine was also moved and listened to him continue: "As long as you two can agree to the alliance, whether it is fighting with demons or resisting the temple in the future, I, Christine, will definitely be your firm backing!

"Then let's decide! Christine, you should know that this is your choice. Once you make this choice, there is no room for regret. Are you sure you want to stand with us? Stiding said slowly that their empire itself had an irreconcilable contradiction with the temple. If the attitude of joining the Ivo Dynasty is not resolute, he really dares not agree. In case someone repents and falls to the temple, then the situation of him and Cabnochi can be imagined. Once that happens, their empire will fall into an eternal situation, forced by Stiding to be careless!

"Believe me, Your Majesty Stiding. Although I, Christine, am not a hero, as the king of a country, I still keep my word. Of course, the theocracy can't shake our empire, but we can still support you!" Seeing that Stiding had doubts, Christine immediately assured.

"Ok, don't hinder." When Cappucci saw that things began to move in the expected direction, he immediately got up and said impatiently. Cappucci left his seat and went to the lake. The winter cold formed a thin layer of ice on the lake. When he went to find the devil yesterday, he had figured out how to deal with the next situation. With full of hatred, Cappucci said in a low voice, "You can let go of the temple first. When the messengers of the gods arrive, we need to price the living power of the temple. We must take the initiative this time. Only in this way can we defeat the living forces of the temple as quickly as possible and hide the theocracy.

"Okay, let's decide first!" Christine agreed when she saw the result of the discussion. As for the agreement signed by the two before, Christine himself does not care. As long as the alliance is formed, even if the temple wants to move them, they have to weigh their own strength, so that their royal power federation will have more living space.

God said that if there is light, darkness is no longer eternal!

God said that the world is guilty. Only by firmly believing can we be freed after death!

God said that those who believe in me will have eternal life and can ascend to heaven after death!

In my words, Odis is the only true god in the Crimson Continent!

If I hear this, the soul of those who believe in Odis will never fall into hell!


Otis was very dissatisfied with the efficiency of his men. At this time, he was standing in the square of the Crimson Capital and urging them to reshape and place the statue of Kazate. As a result, the expected seven-day project was handed over to this group of believers to take ten days to complete it. The envoy is coming. During this period, Odis also took out his handbook of faith in the Lord Gaddat and studied it carefully in order to win a good impression in front of the envoy, and then find a random reason to send them to the City of Grace. In this way, these gods will not find the secret that they want to seek the throne, and Ordis will have no fear of being exposed.

God's words

There should be light, so when chaos first opens,

Before life was born, there was light.

God's words

Knowledge is the key to wisdom,

is the best way to perceive the world.

God's words

The confused need to be redeemed,

Belied in knowledge!

Knowledge can make you recognize the essence of your soul,

Wrave away the dirt in your soul and go to heaven after death

Get my glorious shine!


hurriedly changed the object of the prayer to Kazat, and Odys didn't even change a word in it. The envoy sent a message two days ago that they should be able to reach Noland in two days. Only then did Odis remember that the most important purpose this time was not to rectify the faith, but to show the gods, in order to dispel the doubts in the hearts of the gods.

The action of the temple this time is really a choice made after compromise with the alliance of the gods. Originally, Oddis was so happy when he learned the news of the demon invasion. He endured for 300 years in order to secretly absorb faith, gather strength to build his own half-face, and immediately hit the divine throne after lighting the divine fire. With the blessing of millions of souls, Odes basically doesn't have to worry about whether he can cross the barrier of the divine throne. All he needs to do is to develop his followers and then ignite the divine fire. As for the danger of impacting the divine throne, he doesn't have to think about it at all. With the protection of so many souls, he basically There will be no danger.

After the oracle of the Alliance of the Gods was issued, Odys sat in the temple. He had already prepared a second oracle and was ready to give it to the high priest when the Imperial Army Alliance was established to convey his will. Even if those emperors will not agree to the unreasonable demands of their territory, they have forgotten that everything in the territory is secondary. The important thing is the number of deaths. After collecting so much information, Odis is ready to adopt a strategy of attacking the east and the west. First, use territorial demands to attract the attention of the emperors in order to quickly launch new actions, harvest souls and replenish themselves in the war, which requires a very powerful ability!

After thinking about it, when he learned that the envoy this time was a follower of Mozart's good friend Singh Lord God, Odys was still a little doubtful, but thinking about Singh's care of the scarlet in recent years, Odys had to pinch his nose and admit it. So now he hastily broken some of his current sculptures and erected the statues of Kazate according to the previous specifications to fool these gods.

The whole Crimson City has become busy, and almost all the people living here are believers, including nobles and civilians, and some specializing in sacrifices and some slaves. That morning, when the sun climbed out of the horizon and looked at the earth for the first time, the whole crimson capital seemed to wake up from a deep sleep. The civilians and nobles walking on the street passed by, but there was no dispute. In this city, in addition to the superior status of the clergy, the residents will give way when they see it, and these people will also take the initiative to help when they are in trouble. Except for the clergy, everyone in the city is equal: merchants and poor people are equal, nobles and civilians are equal. If it hadn't been for the flash of these rickety figures in the garbage dump outside the city from time to time, I believe that no one would not envy the life in the scarlet capital.

God's words

There should be light, so when chaos first opens,

Before life was born, there was light.

God's words

Knowledge is the key to wisdom,

is the best way to perceive the world.

God's words

The confused need to be redeemed,

Belied in knowledge!

Knowledge can make you recognize the essence of your soul,

Wrave away the dirt in your soul and go to heaven after death

Get my glorious shine!

God's words

My people should help each other

A nameplate without identity between each other,

You are all lost lambs.

And I was sent from heaven

pull you from the illusory world into the real world

I am your Father God - the God of Knowledge!

I will let you see the truth of the world,

Only by believing in me can you gain a foothold in this illusory world,

You can find the truth of that world,

Only then can the soul never decay after death,

Only then can the soul ascend to heaven after death!

——————The Apocalypse. Kazate

Odith personally brought 100,000 believers to the central square and prayed together. As soon as the sun rose, Odys felt an unusual breath of rules. He knew that the people of the Alliance of the Gods were coming. In order to better integrate into the role of Kazate, Odis worked hard. This Apocalypse is at the bottom of the temple collection. When Ordis found it, the gray covered with it had exceeded the thickness of the book.

While Odis was praying devoutly in the central square, several pairs of creatures with white wings sneaked to the top of the square in the sun. At this time, Ordis below felt the air above him. When the sun came down, there was a strong divine power. There was a guess in his heart, and the prayer in his mouth closed his eyes became more pious:

God's words

My people should help each other

A nameplate without identity between each other,

You are all lost lambs.

And I was sent from heaven

pull you from the illusory world into the real world

I am your Father God - the God of Knowledge!

I will let you see the truth of the world,

Only by believing in me can you gain a foothold in this illusory world,

You can find the truth of that world,

Only then can the soul never decay after death,

Only then can the soul ascend to heaven after death!

Ruth pointed to Ordis, who was standing in front of him praying and said to her companion, "Look, the student standing in front of him is Mr. Luffy. He has been in crimson for 300 years. Originally, with his talent and sense of divine power, when he took over as the head of the temple here 300 years ago, he could go to the main plane for further study. Only with his extremely devout faith in the gods of Kazate made him stay and help the god of Kazate take care of this with no matter how many years. A plane."

Revis now understood that he had been rejected for his confession to Ruth before. Originally, he thought he was not good enough, and the beauty in front of him had a higher goal. Now, the feelings are a pope who falls in love with this small place, and he is also a pope who has died. Suddenly, he became jealous and said meanly: "Yo, our beautiful Ruth, your lover doesn't seem to know that you like him! You have been reading the other party alone for hundreds of years. If the other party doesn't like you, you will have waited for hundreds of years!"

The fact that Reeves said that these people who came to carry out the mission usually had good personal relations. Although they disdained to be with Reeves at this time, it was difficult to directly refute his words. After all, they are divine messengers from the main plane, and their identities naturally have a sense of superiority over Odys, so they have wisely kept silent about Ruth's emotional issues.