Devil's Capital

Chapter 54 Holy War 13: In the Name of God

Christine sat in the tent of the Chinese army, and Marshal Timoth and the generals of the Chinese army sat in the tent. They began to discuss what role they played in the war.

When Donald began the first battlefield battle with 200,000 vanguard troops and demons, Christine faintly found that the direction of the war tended to be strange, and they had to seriously think about their position in the war. Especially when the Otter Empire is getting closer and closer to the Cass Empire, and the relationship has also moved from the initial hostility to an ambiguous relationship. At this time, their Yiwo Dynasty is particularly embarrassed. First of all, it is impossible for them to unite with the Holy Alliance, the organization of the scattered alliance of the duchy, and it is impossible to fall directly to the temple, but at this time, if they suddenly want to show their goodwill between the Otter Empire and the Cass Empire, it seems that their Yiwo Dynasty is too weak.

"Dimos, first talk about the latest information you have received from your military in the past few days." Christine sat directly above the tent and asked Timus on his left hand. The key to their discussion this time is to clearly know what is the core key to the alliance between the Cass Empire and the Otter Empire, and then make the most suitable decision according to the interests of their own empire. This war is really not the right time for their Yiwo dynasty. The temple and demons are not their allies by nature, because no matter which side they fall, they will abandon the kingship in the future, and this is their foundation. After losing the natural identity card of the empire, the Yiwo Emperor There will be basically no alliance in the kingship.

When Timoth heard His Majesty Christine's words, he sorted out the documents on the table, stood up and looked at the general present, and said the results of the investigation in a low voice: "This war against demons was launched by His Majesty Stiding. I don't think I, Timoth, will continue to explain this to you here."

After saying that, he looked at Christine. After being instructed, Dimus continued to say, "Regard about this war, although our Yiwo Dynasty is one of the three major imperial forces, it has very little knowledge of war intelligence. At present, this war called the Holy War can't be fought now. Of course, it has a lot to do with the second oracle of the temple, and what we urgently need to know is why His Majesty Stiding himself is the main war faction, but why they changed their original intention to actively cater to the temple during this ** period. The combat strategy. At present, there is no substantial progress in intelligence collection, so we will gather you at this moment, that is, to discuss this topic. How should we stand in the Yiwo Dynasty?

General Morton stood up from below and answered: "As the marshal said, this war is a sacred battle against demons, a racial war. At this time, considering the gains and losses of theocracy and the monarchy should not be done by us soldiers. The vocation of soldiers is to fight and defend our home for survival - Noland. So I suggest that we should take the initiative to make a request for combat. Only when we repel the demon army can we have the energy to deal with the internal struggle.

When General Rod heard that his old enemy had once again turned away from war and politics, he thought about it, thought about His Majesty Christine's mind, and had a calculation in his heart. He stood up and retorted, "We should not only consider external threats in this war, but also should not underestimate God. The pressure of the temple. You should know that the Alliance of the Gods has not paid attention to our scarlet plane for thousands of years. At this time, suddenly because the little demon Su Fei specially sent an oracle to the headquarters of the temple, in this period of war **, if we don't choose a good position seriously, no one can save us at that time! In other words, it is no longer a problem on the battlefield. In this chess game, we have no magic weapon to defeat the enemy. Once we go wrong, we will be greeted with destruction!"

The general below listened to the argument between General Morton and General Rod, and it was difficult to make a judgment, so it was difficult for him to stand up directly and express his opinion. To put it bluntly, General Morton represents the main war faction. Their definition of the devil from past history is that the devil is an extremely cruel and vicious race. Once the Norland continent is captured by it, the people of the continent will never have peace; and General Rod represents the wavering moderation in the army. The faction, they neither want the war to start so quickly, nor do they want the imperial dynasty to withdraw its troops like this.

Christine saw the dispute between the two sides and didn't say anything. In his opinion, although the two sides insisted on their own words, the starting point was good, and Rod was more thoughtful later. The battle must be fought, but it depends on how to fight and which side of the enemy. Especially from the intelligence obtained from the front-line reconnaissance, although the demon army is strong, it is difficult to launch any large-scale battles due to insufficient strength, and it is also difficult to effectively make any damaging actions against their Norland mainland.

According to the recent actions of the demon army and the temple, in fact, the greatest threat is the temple. Although the temple did not play any important role in this imperial alliance, it is not difficult to see the ambition of the temple just by the first oracle issued by the temple. The supervisor of the imperial coalition was appointed to the envoy, and there was a union of messengers of the alliance of gods. In this way, if they lose the battle against demons, the temple can completely oppress their senior management to force them to hand over the command of the battle. Once they reach this situation, there is only one way to die for their kingship. Without the army and the support of the people, the theocracy doesn't play with them as much as you want!

"Rod, you son of a bitch! What else did you say besides playing with your mouth on the battlefield? Let's have a battle between men, and the winner will have the right to speak at this meeting!"

"Bah! Morton, in addition to swinging your biceps all day long and showing your personal brute force on the battlefield, that's it! With a gorilla's head, can you use your brain? You know how to fight and kill all day long. Which war depends on your brute force to win, and which time it doesn't depend on our wise generals' grasp of the whole battlefield situation to win the final victory? One-on-one with you, you have the guts to find a devil to fight one-on-one!"

"Grandma, I'm so pissed off! Rod, who do you think is the gorilla? If you don't make it clear to me today, I'll let you lie down and get out of here!" Although Morton is a little dull, he is not really stupid. If so, Christine would not let him be the position of lieutenant general.

The generals in the tent raised their sleeves one after another, stood up and slapped the table and scolded Rod, who were wise generals, and the whole military tent splashed everywhere. Christine couldn't stand it anymore. He felt that it was not the right choice to call these brainless generals for a meeting. Christine shouted at these excited generals: "I want to fight for me to get out and fight outside! I was disabled and dragged to the military doctor's office for two days of freezing for treatment. When I was killed, I paid for the family payment! That's all for this meeting. Get out of here! Dimus, get ready. I'll take you to find His Majesty Stiding later.

With the result in his heart, Christine is not really angry. He just has to treat these generals hard, otherwise he will think that you are not strong enough and will continue to make trouble. Seeing that His Majesty was angry, Rod and Morton stopped scolding rationally, and their hands pointing to the tip of each other's nose quickly put away. They smiled at Christine with a stiff smile, and then consciously rolled out of the central army's account. The rest of the generals also stopped their next move knowingly, stopped their mouths that were spitting, simply sued Christine and quickly slipped out of the big account. At this moment, there were only Christine and Timoth, and the tent suddenly calmed down.

Sun City, Temple.

Uline has been busy arranging new tasks for the hunting team these days. After the front battle with the human army a few days ago, because there has been no large-scale army travel, she usually throws the temple to find Sinjid to study the next situation together after finishing the hunting team.

Today, Yulin found two more auxiliary materials for Sufei to make an alchemy furnace from the hunters. After giving them to the demon soldiers below, Yulin, who completed the task, continued to return to the temple and prepared to continue to discuss the next battle plan with Lord Sinjid. The human army did not take the initiative to attack, so it was consumed. Although the two had been laughing and celebrating in the previous combat simulations, it did not mean that they had no sense of crisis. 1.8 million troops don't mean that 1.8 million grasses, or 1.8 million pigs, even 1.8 million pigs, can't face the demon army that charges tens of thousands of them head-on after forming a scale.

"Ulin, come here quickly. I'll show you two documents and tell you a good news, a bad news." Sinjid was sitting at his desk and thinking about the two documents on the table. Seeing Yulin appear at the gate of the temple, he immediately got up and shouted to Yulin.

"Oh, what important documents make you so excited! Also, what do good news and bad news mean? Is there any new progress in the situation after only one day? Hearing Sinjid's words, Eulin couldn't help but feel a little curious. She quickly walked to Hinjid's desk and took over the two documents handed over by Hinjid with wide eyes.

"Listen to the good news first or the bad news first?" Sinjid, who had just sent Silvet and Capnochi away, was in a good mood at this moment and rarely joked with Yulin.

"Oh! It turned out to be an agreement signed with the two major human empires, which should be the so-called good news! So what's the bad news? Yulin directly interrupted Sinjid's thought of selling news, and all that was left was bad news.

"Wh, it's really boring. Don't you know how to cater to your uncle's words?" Sinjid was a little upset, but thinking about the importance of this matter, he returned to his previous seriousness and said to Yulin in a solemn tone, "The news of Su Fei has been confirmed to have been leaked. Now you don't have to worry about the threat of the empire's army, but now what has become difficult is against Su. We don't need to make a new plan.

"Why, there are still subsidiary conditions for the signing of these two documents." After saying that, Yulin regretted that these indigenous people are not fools. It will certainly not be in vain to give such a big gift to them by demons. It must be with additional conditions.

Sinjid took over Yulin's words and said, "The League of the Gods has sent an envoy to clean up Su Fei, and now the envoy is on the way to Noland. The Otter Empire and the Cass Empire told us the news, and the condition put forward was to let Su Fei serve as bait to attract the divine envoys from the alliance of the gods, and then the two sides dispatched the strong to destroy them and then aimed at the temple together. After cleaning up the theocracy, the empire of Noland was willing to form an alliance with our demon army. Advance and retreat together."

"The conditions are still quite ** powerful, but did they ask to add anything about Su Fei?" She has been busy collecting raw materials for Su Fei these days, and the relationship between the two has become very good. This news is really bad news for her.

"No, I asked to add it!" Sinjid did not hide his purpose, and then said, "In the future, there will be more assassinations by the gods against Su Fei. If we don't take the initiative before Su Fei has the strength to protect ourselves, then we will fall into a very passive situation, so that Su Fei's personal safety will not be guaranteed, so I will increase it in the agreement. This amount. God will definitely listen to Stiding's advice as soon as he arrives at Noland, and we can completely cooperate with Stiding to create a perfect trap to catch them all!"

"Yes, this plan is a perfect plan. If we cooperate with the empire, we can successfully deceive the envoys and the high officials of the temple. At that time, we can not only kill the envoys, but also severely damage the living forces of the temple. Yulin then analyzed carefully, but this is not the point she wants to express: "However, have you thought about it? Su Fei's soul has been locked. Only when he participates in this plan as a real trap can this plan be implemented. However, who will ensure the safety of Su Fei? What should we do to Uncle Carlss if something really goes wrong?

Originally, listening to Yulin's previous analysis, Sinjid thought that the niece was on his side, but the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Yes, he did not intend to count Su Fei's safety when he made this plan. After all, it is too risky to serve as bait, and no one will have time to protect Su Fei in order to kill the gods. However, he really doesn't want to give up this great opportunity. Once the plan is perfectly implemented, the harvest will be far greater than expected. Even if it will cause a crazy counterattack of the alliance of the gods afterwards, as long as the next group of gods break through the temple and destroy the transmission array before they come to the Norland continent, they can solve the urgent needs, and as a war Fighting*, Su Fei can also complete the experience in advance and return to the demon world to continue to practice and grow slowly.

"Well, there is no result if we discuss this kind of thing like this. Then ask Su Fei if he is willing to do it. Although this plan is perfect, and we have allies that God can't imagine, it's a pity to give up like this. As Su Fei's guardian, Yulin can't do anything if she doesn't agree to Sinjid. But thinking about the comparison between effort and efficiency, in fact, Yulin was also moved, but it was not easy for her to make up for Su Fei, so she had to ask Su Fei's own will at this time. If Su Fei doesn't agree, then they have to change their strategy.

"Then let's put this plan on hold here first. Let's ask Su Fei's opinion tomorrow." Sinjid is not a powerist, especially against the special existence of Sufei, which is definitely not feasible, and this also violates Karsas's order.

God's grace city, the city master's mansion.

Christine took Timoth through the street and went straight to the city owner's mansion and found Stiding, who was drinking tea with Cappucci in the backyard. Seeing someone visiting, Stiding stopped pouring tea, put the teapot beside the table, and waved to Christine, signaling him to sit together.

It was rare for the three majesty to get together in private. Seeing this, Christine whispered that Timoth should go back first, but he walked generously towards the pavilion and greeted Stiding and Cappucci with a smile, "You two are really leisurely. At this time, you still have the heart to sit in the pavilion in the middle of the lake. Tea."

I ignored Christine's half-wind and half-tested words, Stiding took out a delicate teacup from the plate and poured a cup of tea for Christine with a teapot. When he came to the pavilion, Christine sat down next to Stiding, took a break, picked up the teacup and put it close to the edge of his nose and smelled it deeply, "Light and elegant, without losing the fragrance, it is really good tea!" After taking a sip, Christine praised it. At this time, since the man has come, he is not in a hurry to make it clear. Anyway, he is a person with the supremacy of interests, and there is no possibility of union in the temple. Christine can't do anything that destroys his own foundation.

"Oh, I didn't expect my brother to like tea. This Maojian is a specialty of Shenen City. It is picked from the mountains. It is not easy for ordinary people to enter. At that time, I will ask the city owner to bring you a few bags back to taste slowly. Stiding didn't expect that Christine was actually a tea friend. He cooked tea with Capunocchi all afternoon, and the best Mao Jian directly drank more than half of the Capunocchi cattle. At this time, when he heard that Christine knew tea, he immediately put Capunucci, a simple guy, aside, and the two discussed tea.

Cabnochi saw the two talking about tea culture while playing a machine front. For a while, he would not have time to talk to himself, so he was happy and secretly drank all the tea left in the teapot.