Devil's Capital

Chapter 3 The Past Buried by History

When sadness has become a thing of the past.

"Su Fei! Be careful!"

"It's dangerous! Get out of the way!"

"Ah! What do you want to do? Don't hold me. I'm going to see Su Fei!"

"Help him! Help him!..."

Su Fei woke up from his dream again. This time, he carefully made no noise and slowly moved the mattress without making a sound. He was afraid of disturbing Evelyn sleeping on the ground. After waking up for so many days, when he woke up from a nightmare every night, he could continue to fall asleep with the comfort of Evelyn's gentle words.

Looking at Ivana's increasingly haggard face and dark circles on her face, Su Fei couldn't bear to let the maid around her worry again. She got up and picked up her clothes and crept out of the room. At night, there are a few stars hanging in the starry sky, which looks so boring.

"Is I a human or a demon?" Su Fei couldn't help asking himself again. He hasn't slept well for more than a week. Although he doesn't know what happened when he was in a coma, the pictures that have been active in his memory recently are basically about things on earth. Many times he couldn't help asking himself seriously whether he was a demon or a human, which made Su Fei struggle for a long time.

Su Fei actually knew that he had lost his memory and had no impression of his previous life, but he couldn't help trying to recall the things he cared about. As a result, he didn't remember anything now, but his memory became more chaotic. And the memory on earth is becoming clearer. Su Fei doesn't know what kind of experience he had in his previous life and what kind of unforgettable memories he has in his short life, which will make him unforgettable now!

In the deep night, it looks extremely quiet at this time. In early spring, everything happens, but you can only listen to it with your heart. Su Fei is now missing his heart. Now he is no longer who he used to be. Everything has become different, and everything has become so strange.

Carth hasn't slept yet. In the past two days, he has been busy sorting out the account books in the territory, as well as the income and cashier situation of three subsidiary planes. He spends busy every day. Just thinking about the rise of the devil now, he will become happier and be particularly motivated to do things. In addition to the crimson plane, the Famacus plane and Dursai's multiple planes have begun to produce normally. Although all the big and small matters have been handed over to their subordinates, the approval of correspondence and documents still needs to be handled by Carlsas himself.

The quiet moonlight fell from the thick clouds, and Carlsas slowly walked out of the study and came down from the third floor, ready to take advantage of the quiet night to go out for a walk. When he came to the open space in front of the castle, Carlsas listened to the sound in the depths of darkness. Nature is fair and there is no unnecessary preference for demons. Now it is early spring, which is the season for all things to sound.

There was a tall statue erected in the open space in front of the castle. Carlsas walked to the statue and listened carefully to the whispers of everything in the night. Suddenly, he saw a white light appeared next to the statue. In his hesitation, Carlsas walked towards the white.

"Is this dress given to you by Yulin?" Carlsas said to Su Fei's thin figure in front of him.

"Yes." Su Fei did not look back and said slowly.

"After Yulin came back to see you, she returned to the battlefield of gods and demons. She didn't even have time to see me!" Carlsas spoke slowly, without any emotion and a little stiff.

"Is that right? I don't remember anything now, and I don't even know whether I am a demon or a human.

"Yes, you have lost your memory and forgotten everything before. And you haven't been in the demon world for a long time after you came out of the demon sea. Of course, you will be confused about your identity, so what are you going to do next?

"Let's go to school first. I haven't figured out what I should do yet."

"With a mission that you don't even know, this kind of life is very tiring!" Karsas changed his tone and asked Su Fei.

Su Fei's body stiffened slightly when he heard the words. I don't know why he didn't like this kind of life manipulated by others, but he didn't have the strength to refute it. He didn't know where to go in the face of unknown fate.

"I'm very tired, so I want to take a break first. Let's go to the West Point Military Academy for a while and let me think about it during this period!" Su Fei replied with no interest.

"Some things don't mean that it doesn't exist if you don't admit it. When you can't resist, you'd better take some time to think about how to deal with it." Carlsas saw that the little devil's temperament had changed greatly since he lost his memory. He couldn't bear it. Taking advantage of this opportunity to be alone, he wanted to enlighten Su Fei: "In ancient times, there were many races. At that time, there were no names of gods and demons, and there was no clear division of each race. Do you know why only we demons and self-proclaimed gods can dominate this galaxy now?

Su Fei didn't say anything and slowly turned his back to Carlsas. He now wants to know how their demon ancestors have formed their current foundation.

It was an uncivilized and desolate era:

With their strong bodies, demons and protoisms took the lead in walking out of the ignorant savage civilization and began to enter the era of slash-and-burn cultivation. At that time, men began to weave simple clothes with grassroots bark, and women began to have a sense of shame. They collected delicate leaf branches and woven various exquisite clothes with their delicate hands. There began to be clear boundaries in the race.

At the beginning, the man was divided into two factions. One side believed that he should plunder all the resources that could be seen infinitely to strengthen himself, step out of this world and move towards a wider world; the other party believed that Xu Tuzhi should use his strong power to enlighten those wild people with simple civilization. Collect people's hearts with small favors, and then seek greater profits. The woman was also divided into two factions, one side and the tough men stood on the same front with them, and the other side stood opposite. So there began to argue, and the two sides began to quarrel. Later, the hardliners looked down on the conspiracy theories of another faction in the clan and believed that they had violated the vows made during the period of ignorant civilization, and the war began!

At that time, the hardliners who believed in personal strength beat the other faction with their strong personal strength, and the clan gradually began to divide. The elders who supported the two sides stood on different fronts and offered suggestions for the factions they supported. The defeated party was lucky to be supported by some wise elders. Although it was defeated by hard-line attacks, there were no large number of casualties when retreating due to the order.

At this time, the two sides began to have a clear division. At that time, the hardliners called those conspiracies "Shu Ali", which means " cowards". The other faction calls the hardliners "Aligu", which means barbarians. The hardliners called themselves demons. At that time, they believed in their own strength, while the conspiracy factions claimed to be gods. At that time, they were the general term for the kind of people who advocated personal worship.

The war situation was stalemate. Although the demon clan was strong, after finding a new habitat, the pross began to camp step by step to attract those uncivilized people and gather forces to resist the demon clan. So although it still can't resist the attack of the demon clan, the defeat has stabilized. There was no clear geographical division of the ancient land. At that time, the war between the gods and demons was uncertain in a swamp. The demons advanced to the opposite side of the swamp. The next day, they would be counterattacked by the protoss with the vassals of their own tribes, so the two sides called the swamp a dusk swamp.

Later, the demon clan offended all the tribes of the whole ancient land because of its tough attitude, and most of the races began to slowly gather towards the Protoss. The elders of the Protos saw the dawn of hope, so they began to spare no effort to cultivate these dependent tribes, gather elite men, train soldiers together, and recite some simple beliefs to them, gather the power of faith, and the war began to develop in a good direction.

A war that really affected the pattern of the two sides came to an end in a battle called the dusk battle. At that time, the leader of the demon clan was a happy demon master Harb Gates. His personal strength was superior to the whole ancient land, but based on the wrong judgment of the war situation, the demon clan did not win over any allies and became an isolated party in that war. The leader of the Protoss is named Lord Slotanddin. He is not only wise but also has a good judgment of the situation of the war. While making the army retreat step by step, he retreats to the outside of the dusk swamp, he sticks to the demon army. On the one hand, he recruits a large number of soldiers from all ethnic groups, collects a large number of strong men, and also makes skilled craftsmen in the clan. Rush to make sharp wooden spears and wooden shields.

After successfully containing the demon army behind the dusk swamp, the demon clan had no logistical supplies. There was a controversy within the demon clan that Hab Gates could not suppress it. When he was preparing to withdraw his troops, Slotandin timely withdrew his troops to lure those exhausted demon army, and later succeeded in the rear. The canyon ambushed the demon army, annihilated the living force of the demon clan, and immediately turned the balance of the war to the Protoss. At this time, Hab Gates, who reacted, looked at the large number of casualties of his subordinates and was powerless when he wanted to save the defeat, so a generation of heroes, Hab Gates, with deep regret Hate and regret that a man came out of the siege, returned to the demon base camp alone, and took off his crown. Since then, there has been no news...

"What happened to Hab Gates later?" Hearing this, when he saw that Carlsas stopped talking, Su Fei couldn't help asking curiously.

"No later, perhaps Hab Gates knew that the decline of the whole ethnic group was caused by his arrogance. He was no longer ashamed to face his people, and he broke into the Star River alone, and there was no news." Carlsas said in a deep tone.